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Hatate's beauty stands unmatched among all youkai!
some 2hou are just cursed to have the worst fanbase
zeeznum couneledje
the average 3D 'women' butthurt at anything 2D resembling a schoolgirl outfit*
There's nothing harder than being a Hatate enjoyer on /jp/.
[citation needed]
sanny got it worse. but hatate is a close second.
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yeah this thread is looking grim
There were some nice new art of her due to her day recently. Maybe the shitposters will leave later.
I hadn't entered her threads recently, but the last I posted in wasn't like this. There was just the normal yandere menhera shit.
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I do not care if she is reclusive or stinks to high heavens she will always be a queen
There's no such thing as unironic Hatate or Sanny enjoyers, just shitposters.
I like both unironicaly
Good job mods/jannies
There are gods on this mountain after all
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it's pretty cathartic when the mods nuke all the blacked posters though
Mods = Gods
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Extremely rare janny W
Try liking Remi or Ran. Tater threads are tame by comparison
Ran threads are pretty mild lately.
If that MMD fag is still spamming his garbage poser "art" and shitting up the thread, then no, Hatate threads are still preferable tbdesu
He stopped posting for a while.
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Going back to a much simpler time. I remember how much rage this bot created on /b/ and it was a single thread with a single video link and repeating still shots. I have the efg set for this somewhere which was kinda funny at the time.

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then maybe I'll remove Ran from my filters for now...
He left this one and the previous thread alone because he went on a trip. He'll be back to spamming after this one archives, I'm wiling to bet.
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With any luck his plane crashed, he should've been back home a few weeks ago.
Sanae really is a slut though.
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She does NOT stink! If she dresses like this just to stay at home you bet she washes too
...but does she shave?
Hatate is very sex!
crows are completely obsessed with preening themselves, so you can bet that she either does, or keeps it very tidy down there
Hatate was planning to confess to Anon, but it appears Aya is waiting for the same bus...
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imagine: mommy hatate/wifey hatate
of course she does anon, though she's very sleep deprived while doing it
Taters has such an honest beauty to her that's really cute
Hata-chan's thighs..
Very squishy and kneadable
It's crazy to think that this cheeky brat beat Aya at her own game, despite Aya having centuries of experience over her.
Hatate needs some peace and quiet.
tate is a slute
>beat Aya at her own game
What do you mean, Anon? I am currently playing through Shoot the Bullet and I plan to pick up Double Spoiler next, but I don't mind, well, spoilers.
Lies! My Hatate gf is loyal and pure. She just has to run a lot of errands in the evenings.
She becomes playable in Double Spoiler, and she's just way better than Aya, who is stuck in the stone age with her oldschool camera.
>Aya, who is stuck in the stone age with her oldschool camera
Ah, so that's all? Don't worry, retro is an acquired taste.
NTA but I've only played EoSD and PCB, how does StB compare?
>EoSD and PCB
I can't exactly help you with that, since the earliest mainline title I've played is MoF. But in more broad comparison: instead of stages you have individual scenes, which are grouped into levels; earlier scenes inside level are akin to nonspells, later scenes are explicit spellcards. You don't need to pass all scenes in succession, once you are hit and die you can restart a scene or pick another one you have unlocked. You complete a scene after getting required number of photos. Since you can play a single scene over and over it is faster to learn patterns and less punishing to try a different strategy, but it has a completely different pacing then mainline title, which might be off-putting at first.
You have three speeds, unfocused/focused/charging, with unfocused being FAST, focused being similiar to focused Marisa (maybe even faster) and charging being around focused Reimu. You will need all three of them and you will need to learn which to pick for a given moment. There are gimmicks for some bosses, like Reisen, Sakuya or Youmu for instance. You also have standard spellcards' things: lasers, micrododging, unfocused dodging, some spellcards are puzzle-like; later levels tend to challange you in multiple ways. The way taking photos work means that you will be pushed to approach boss, even more so if you want a decent score, so no bottom-hugging. While I said that learning patterns is easier, executing them feels harder then in mainline title. Especially later levels will demand almost-perfect playing, if only for a short while.
To summarise somewhat: it is less about consistent 'good enough' across multiple stages and bosses, and more about perfecting a single spellcard and then moving to another. The gameplay loop is changed to make it easier, while the difficulty is increased to compensate. I personally like it, but it might be tengu-bias at work here.
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Seeing how Hatate's newspaper likes to criticize Tengu society, she'd probably be interested in sociology from the outside world. If I made some shallow critic of the outside world while using as much pseudo intelectual babble as possible, she'd probably be so impressed that she'd ask for a guest column in her paper.
Tengu are more clever than sociology majors, I'm sure the 'tate could see right through it.
Tengu fashion goes hard. No wonder they see themselves as so much better than us!
She used to be the yanderehu early on. I wonder why.
I love Hatate!! I love Hatate!!
What do you like about her?
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Boil her, mash her, stick her in a stew
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No anon, you're a little confused. She's just making food for you. Not putting herself in your food...
Do her eggs count?
True, I suppose megumu is the armpit onigirigu. What special foods would an unhinged tater make her lover?
Sounds interesting, I'll be sure to check it out when I get the chance.
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Her color scheme probably
people always associate hatate with mental illnesses but she's actually very serious and nice. If anything, her only similarity to the different forms of menhera is her love of cellphones and of social critics of her society.
Kourindou is pure sex.
Girls with mental issues are the best.
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The future is now, old crow.
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Which way do you like your Taters, /jp/?
because he is a faggot
i'm weak to pantyhose, but they're all nice and cute.
god i wanna stab her
Middle is best
Pantyhose, zr, garter straps, seamed stockings, bearlegs everything!
I'm going to savour her virgin armpits even if she cuts me down!
Why is he a faggot?
Why are you a faggot?
I'm asking a simple question, faggot.
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Thanks for wasting my time, retard.
You are welcome you pus brain bag of shit.
Reflect on your actions before your next reply.
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Not aerodynamic enough.
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What a cute reporter!
I'm sure she always gets many gifts of appreciation from the readers of her newspaper.
I like this artist's Hatate. My only critique is that the irises don't contrast that much with the pupils but that's a small detail.
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Cute picture
Cute reporter

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