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on-the-go gaming edition
Previous: >>46775358
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Why is Maimai seemingly more popular than Chunithm? The majority of posts in the region channels of GCM are about Maimai and the subreddit has 8 times the number of subscribers as Chunithm's. Is it simply because it's been around longer and doesn't have an easily accessible clone or is it really just that much more fun?
A3 Omnimix when
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Sunkiss Drop is the quintessential crossover practice song.
Whoops, meant to reply to >>47091916
Play Gitadora
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Days since xopher hasn't been a complete retard: 0
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What's harder, all SP 12s Hard Cleared in IIDX, or all 49s cleared and all 50s easy cleared in pop'n.
improving at iidx is like crack
i just want to keep playing
Anyone got any info on where I can get Chunithm dumps?
iidx 12 folder hc is significantly harder than popn 50 all **normal** clear, so easy clear is not even a comparison
Kind of want to get into IIDX but I'm honestly not willing to drop money on a controller without EU VAT included in the price tag and shipping is $130.
o†o, Popperz Chronicle UPPER, and Chaos:Q NC are absolutely harder than BICARUS SPL HC. Heck, perditus†paradisus UPPER probably is too. pop'n gauge doesn't fuck around.
I spent less than 40 USD on a jp koc and a ps2 to usb converter to play IIDX on pc, and it works great. And by works great, I mean I'm able to get near perfects on the difficulties I'm competent enough to play on so far (7 and below). I went in thinking my set up would never be even remotely playable due to everything I'd heard from the community, but for me it does just work. Latency is not meaningfully noticeable, and after totally taking apart the jp koc and cleaning it, buttons never stick and it feels great to use. I certainly fell ass backwards into however this ended up working so well, and this has served as a pretty great gateway to the series for me. I'll absolutely get a high end IIDX controller eventually.
Same exactly, aside from the fact that I can't actually perfect 7s yet. I also modded loosened up the TT and, modded the keys with cardboard circles, and spaced them out the keys to be AC-accurate. Surprised a cheap chinkshit adapter worked so well. Only thing that sucks is that you can't scratch in the same direction rapidly, ever.
Probably won't get a proper 2dx con myself, though. Got an SDVX one and want to build an ongeki con at some point because I'm a madman.
Chunithm has more of those so the correct answer would be
>because it's been around longer
murder is a big no no in that country but not sexual charges hey ho!!
look at how Hidekazu Tanaka's songs are still safe
>I also loosened up the TT, modded the keys with cardboard circles, and spaced them out to be AC-accurate.
Imagine proofreading. Time to get some sleep.
I thought pop'n pussy would be playable without a dedicated controller for it, turns out that's not the case. Playing it on both gamepad and IIDX controller wasn't intuitive to me at all. Thought it might work since it's purely a button game with no real world instrument to mimic.
Both IIDX and pop'n are just n-key games that you can play on keyboard
Typical twitter reply guy, pathetic really at his age
so he's asking for money "just because"? wish he would commit sudoku already
At least he's not asking for money to pay for his rent talking about how up shits creek he is and the posting arcade scores a day later like nothings wrong
DLC4 for TDK releases tomorrow.
do you have a favourite installment?
cannon ballers
dj troopers
I didn't start playing IIDX until Cast Hour so I don't feel like I have the ability to call any installment my favorite

Just like the bemani trannies like sue okapi etc
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le mad wagey is mad

i actually have a job
I will always love GOLD since it was my first.
damn, that sucks
and you just know it's some shitty job he has to cope about and secretly hated
Stop giving him attention and stop replying to his offtopic bait.

its very on-topic
qrd? i dont keep up with this stuff
ぷす stabbed his girlfriend. As a result, ツユ content was abruptly removed from a bunch of games.
ぷす, one half of the band ツユ, doing pretty much everything except vocals, decided to stab his girlfriend on an impulse, before directly regretting his action and calling an ambulance and police to turn himself in on the spot.
As a result, Konami and SEGA, not wanting to associate with criminals, decided to either pull all ツユ songs or remove all mentions of him.
why is sows so faggy now, give me the negro hater back
Recommend me a good monitor to play rhythm games, I've been using a 60hz one for years but I guess it's not the ideal
Unaware of those, was actually referring to a washed up e-girl, iykyk
Play O2Jam

Indeed I do friend. He is muy loco ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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