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Stop making these threads
Elden ring at 6pm jst is that the dlc release or is she going to play a little to get back into the swing of things
The DLC came out in japan 4 hours ago, for steam
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I’m tired of loving this menhera, I don’t know how anyone else can do it. The constant need for her to take her BPD medicine, the endless accusations, the emotional outburst, it’s all so tiresome.
When this boss started doing the elemental stuff I just gave up and pull out mimic, she's doing pretty well though.
I wonder if she'll play tomorrow again or until Monday, EN debuts might ruin her timeslot.
I want to say she’ll play tomorrow but who can say. I don’t think the jp girls have to follow that rule since it’s EN so she could probably still do the streams
She's going to go menhera over not being able to play well like two years ago...
Guess she is delaying the start time for justice then
If she does stream today and is planning to start later then usual I can see her going until 4-5 am
She wants to do the full 12 hours, only reason she'd stop is getting nauseous.
Oh damn would that be her first ever 12 hour stream
Well I’m gonna be drowning in this archive
I yearn to be a NEET again
Just work from home bro I've been watched her all day
i hope she's okay for Sunday Muscle. She really almost hurt her voice again.
Wonder which boss will she be dreaming about the lightning chimera or flame ice knight
She should be will probably have a full days rest.
Happy she got a full day of rest at least.
Yeah and the Sunday muscle frame is up so if she plans to stop before the second half of debuts she’ll have 2 hours. Not a bad amount and if her throat is bothering her she can save the super chats for another day.
She could stream past the debuts but she seemed interested in them all.
I wonder if she’s met them which is why she’s interested in the debuts since I think they are in Japan
She is in a endless cycle of ntr? thats what happens when you like ntr
>ntr noel fans when doing fc
>fc ends
>ntr canan viewers with bf
>streams as noel the next day as if nothing happened
>streams as noel the next day as if nothing happened
She 100% gets off to that
She’s awake
Probably slept for a good while. She needed it badly.
she's always eager to see new kouhai's. I just hope that she can do something with the dogs one day, since they seemed keen on interacting with Noel during their debuts.
Probably ASMR, if I remember right they follow Canan as themselves don’t they
They're coomers that play a bunch of eroge and NND oldfags so yeah they would love Canan
Part of me really wants to see that mask slip off, but I dont want to see it out of spite. I think its just funny how they've basically locked themselves into being cute all the time.
I don’t know fuwawa definitely has that super degen moment. And I don’t think the she fucks her sister is a joke anymore. With all her incest stuff she sometimes casually blink and you’ll miss it stuff on stream.
They're degenerates but have enough "sorry guys its a misunderstandng!" goodwill to cover it up.

They'd be perfect for a Noel ASMR lesson btw
I wouldn’t be surprised if they want to get the ku first and get closer to Noel before asking for a ASMR class
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Yeah looks like she wants to be on the safe side
She also really likes these new EN girls and doesnt want to stream past 12
That too. It’d be nice if this leads to Noel trying English learning streams again, I really like her English it’s cute.
Judging by the way she's talking, both Elizabeth and Raora are her favorites. Then again she likes Elizabeth because Knight.
That’s 3 knights in hololive if you count kiara rpg outfit. Raora because pink panther and artist?
Most likely that yes.
Oh yeah, she recently mentioned the mocap stream she promised for that one self milestone competition. what did she say for it? I forgot to ask that day.
Mocopi? I wonder if she brings it back again.
Yeah I don’t remember which stream maybe it was the karaoke stream, I just remember it was near the end of the stream
It’s nice she’s prioritizing her health
But for how long? I hate that her thumb is hurting but if anything ER DLC wont go anywhere. She's got plenty of time.
Well she can't play tomorrow either and has to do FC this week, and something to replace Nico if she still intends to, won't actually be able to play much this week.
So how's everyone paying for her Fantia now that Visa/Mastercard are gone? I went the Play-Asia -> Bitcash prepaid card -> Toracoin route, but 5000 Toracoin cost me $38 USD. Which is better than Tokyo Otaku Mode's non-promo rates but still pretty bad, 5k yen should cost more like $32, maybe $34 with fees.
Anyone tried Alipay (apparently you can use US credit cards there, but the wording seemed a little vague, like it only applies to Chinese sites)?
Tom I got premium for something else so 10000 points was $70
Tokyo Mode first time promo 10k, so I have three month's to figure something out, if I don't find something else I was thinking of Play Asia too.
Last time icked the toracoin website it said coins purchased through alipay couldn't be used on 18+ stuff, now I checked again and alipay doesn't even show up anymore.
Food review? stream at 1900jst
fat whore
Looks like the FC is the 28th at 2330jst
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Its for this. Sponsored stream basically like that one meal thing she did a few years back.
why cover got the women that fingers herself on stream doing ads?
File deleted.
It’s that sauce for the gyudon from Subaru event participation
It's a FC should be in the usual place
Gundou Mirei posted nipples on her Fantia yesterday and apparently made 1.11 million yen in less than 24 hours according to her tweet. Which makes me wonder how much Canan would make. I think she could clear 10 million.
> ntr canan viewers with bf
But she’s gay
she did? what's her fantia?
BTW it's not particularly worth it. Though I never really followed her, maybe it hits different if you're a fan.
She always seemed like a cunt from the outside looking in so I don’t think people would enjoy it as much as people who closely follow her.
Did she say anything at the end I wasn’t able to hear
something about having an announcement/reveal for something on wednesday/thursday but hasn't figured out what to do for the stream yet
Cool wonder if it’s an outfit. She could always do a singing stream.
Why are comments disabled on YT?
Oh fuck is it good or bad?
weird, comments are back.
just saying she did kinda "foreshadow" about what day members like for costume reveals.
Wonder what outfit outside a swimsuit or lounge wear could it be
Looks like she reposted the takedown form out side of >>47165715 is there any others openly asking for her stuff
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Swimsuit no, but I would love pajama's the most. would round out her collection very nicely.
Space up
>just start bathing
So she was naked the whole time?
The space was nice. Short but full of fun. Wish all of them were like this.
Pajama would be nice
She is mentally ill
Man times like this I wish she did face pictures even if it’s full mask it’d be nice to see her wearing glasses
Looks like flare has also gotten a drawing tablet wonder what’s gotten both her and Noel to get one recently
Outside an outfit what else could the announcement be.
solo live
More ajipon
That’d be cool, but it would suck for me since I would definitely not be able to go watch it
Morning chatting stream.
>before work
Really wonder what the announcement is after that clubhouse stream
>bunnysuit again
Well she did want to do Bunny Garden roleplay with the VIP room stuff
Is this the first time the title has extreme earlick in the title. Also that’s definitely from blue archive
She used 過激 for last months too but yeah never before.
You think it’s because of how defined the camel toe looks from the thumbnail picture. That’s the only thing I can think is different last months to the previous fc
I don't know about last month but in yesterydays space she said she was worried about nico-only fans getting into FC while nico is dead lland getting surprised at how hard she goes, so it could be to make it clear the content is "extreme" compared to her usual earlick.
Hmm I guess that makes sense too. Last month was pretty extreme compared to previous ones and if that is your first exposure to her fc it would be surprising to see.
I wouldn't call it more extreme, but moreso shocking, solely for the part where she's giving a footjob to a shota dildo. You take that out and her FC is the same as the FCs for the past 8 months or so.

Thank God she looks fantastic in these bunny suits. Also, we have a high chance now that she'll be popping out her tits next FC. I hate that she keeps using great outfits every time I want to drop her FC
So she's getting a new outfit. Looks more fantasy inspired. I remember Gen 3 (post Rushia) doing a sponsored collab where they all had artwork of them in more fantasy inspired outfits (I can't find the clip of it ATM). The silhouette of her new outfit looks like the outfit from that collab.
No horns but yeah
She mentioned loungewear? in the tweet. It’ll be interesting to see the predictions
Well as a joke because obviously silhouette doesnt look anything like loungewear
Fc2 debut when
Oh right no nico streams means no new VODs pictures and short videos for fantia, wonder what she has planned
I know but I’m hoping someone takes it at face value and does a loungewear prediction
Maybe some stuff she normally wouldn’t wear for NND since it’d be too risky. Or some old NND videos that got purged if she still has them

these are the guys that hacked kadokawa and likely niconico as well
>this is how Canan gets doxed
Hasn't she already reuploaded all the NND vids that were purged to her Fantia?
Yeah I called it here>>47172119
So what nationality are they? The ESL sounds Russian to me.
Do she care about her non Japanese fans?
What exactly did they get
Space now.
I’m really hoping to god she doesn’t have anything leaked. NND getting killed by ransomware is cataclysmic if it leaks that btw
Did she mention it, what did she say about it? From what I was reading it looks like they got everything.
She mentioned it and something about fantia for next month
>what did she say about it
She was eating during it
she mentioned in the Space that a lot of people were DMing her so she retweeted the form to remind them that that's a thing
So if we take into account that comment she replied to in the space. The address she has registered with NND was the shed so not where she is living, that’s somewhat good at least.
Still probably going to leak her legal name though. Unless she was doing things through whatever Japan's equivalent of an LLC is. I'm more interested in the internal communications, emails, etc. If they actually leak the data we might see just what kind of favoritism is going on in DWANGO behind the scenes.
Yeah that’ll suck you think she might call it quits with dwango if she does get doxxed as a result. Also would some of the other holos who did stuff with NND be at risk?
My assumption is anyone who's ever received payments from NND could have their identity exposed through the invoices, which does cover a lot of Holos. There is a fuckton of data though and there's no guarantee the hackers will leak everything relevant.
Well just have to wait and see then
I definitely think they are gonna leak stuff about Canan though. A rich, very popular NND titty streamer that is also apart of one of the top Gens of the most recognizable Vtubing company in the world? She's too easy of a target.

My question is if the hackers would try to negotiate with Cover for cash. All of the JP members got their start in NND, so their personal info (at bare minimum their legal names) might be there for ransom.
I think you need to get out of your bubble and realize that Kadokawa as a mega corporation is bigger than NicoNico which is bigger than some streamer
canan posted this
She didn't make a short video preview for this FC, just the thumbnail, so that's even less content available for Fanta next month.
Oh wow a full YouTube ban? When did that happen?
How exactly would anyone benefit frm knowing her real name anyway? Years ago when I was an idolfag, my oshi used a stage name. Because of some passport fuckery her real name got leaked and...nothing happened. I certainly had no idea what I could do with that information and she's still doing her thing to this day.
Someone probably reported her fc thumbnails her channel is still up just all the fc ones are gone now. Probably got community guideline striked
Apparently 1.5TB of Kadokawa internal docs are already up on the dark web. Not great.
so pirating this whole time ended up being a good thing?
I guess getting blocked by Visa and Mastercard was a blessing in disguise. I'll laugh myself to death if Russian hackers manage to charge my card despite that.
Thinking about it I should probably change my passwords just to be sure since I honestly don’t even remember what I used for NND
the editor is a male btw
I don't think this outfit is good for her body, reminds me of the infamous exercise bike picture
It’s the shine from the cheap plastic
I was thinking more of the maid apron hiding her curves making her look fatter
Of course it wouldn't be an FC stream without sex toy malfunctions
she's never going to do penetration again is she
Did she ever
That too
Boob veins are the sexiest thing on earth
Don’t forget the way they hang when in all 4s with no bra
The day she slaps the fuck out them ill die a peaceful death, boob spanking is underrated
Her next FC outfit would be an elf who doesnt like using bow
>still wants to move and is actively looking for a new place
So much for telling Lamy she wouldn't move out for another couple years, I guess she just wanted to calm her down.
Flare is going to make a surprise cameo
Maybe all 3 are planning to move as a just in case because of the NND breach
Pretty mediocre stream again, the silver lining is you can watch this shit for free thanks to japanese incompetence.
how do you watch the fc for free?
No that's retarded, she said she has been looking for a new place for a while and can't find anything good, and mentioning she wants to move has been a thing for months.
She did a passing mention as Noel, it reached Lamy and she was a bit sad about it, then that reached Noel and she said it would happen for a while.
But clearly she does still want to move soon.
But why does she want to move?
She really should just build her own place. Isn’t that what flare just did or was hers just a move to a new place type of deal.
that's not what she said. She told Lamy she was considering moving her old apartment in Kanto, which Lamy thought she was talking about her Tokyo place now
The main justification is being scared of doxing with the constant siren noises that happen near her place.
And she wants to show rooms of the place, kitchen mostly on cooking streams, but for some reason can't in the current place, either scared of doxing Marine and Lamy or something else.
And maybe there's something she doesn't like about the current place she won't tell us about.
Nervermind flare just moved probably to be able to have her cat
Ok yes I got that part wrong
But still the point is she told Lamy she wouldn't move for at least 2 years and Canan is looking for a new place right now.
she said that she'll stay at her current place for a total of 2 years, not for another 2 years from now
>She really should just build her own place.
Like always she keeps saying no scared of doxing somehow.
No? She just said 2年後 that can only be interpreted as two years from now.
And again, she said "she has no plans to move soon", but that clip only happened a month ago, and today she said she has been looking for a new place for a while not finding anything.
She changed her mind or just lied to protect herself from dox, nothing wrong with that.
Honest opinions: How was the stream? What positions did she do? Is it worth the effort of torrenting it?
It was eh in my opinion the best part was her for a good while really rubbing the tip into her camel toe
Slut position squatting over the dildo was nice.
I'm at work so I wasn't paying much attention but I think at the end she said the next years, 24 month continuous subscription, reward won't be a video but just physical stuff? I guess anyone subscribed still hoping for a lewd video better quit.
>no morning stream
That Elden Ring motivation didn't last very long
What did she say she was gonna do a morning stream today?
Huh, did the 12 month get leaked? Or does she just not care anymore?
I don’t think so. If she does something it might be in the afternoon. Then Sunday muscle and the outfit reveal, and if they do anything to send of A-chan that day it might explain why no stream today
Haven't seen it leaked but she said all the delay was be cause of Dwango obsessing about how to deliver the video safely so it's not worth it.
I didn’t see too many streams but a lot of somber sendoffs to A-chan. I can understand why she might not stream also because of costume

Then again my new job is basically making it impossible to watch JP vtubers
>Is it worth the effort of torrenting it
So based on these posts, I'm guessing the answer is no.
5pm jst game stream followed up with a members drawing stream at 10pm jst.
Does YouTube have the same rule of a person streaming on a different channel counting as a ban evasion? Is she in any danger if the Canan channel gets fully banned?
Watching the pillow talk again
>wants to stop taking meds because they're making her too fat
oh boy
I believe so but people make second accounts as a back up against copyright strikes. She probably got hit by community guideline strikes though so they may be stricter on enforcing those.
Please no she appears to have gotten it under control at the moment
>they're making her too fat
Japan fat is ridiculous
I wanna fuck the big tittied girl raw and nasty
shes at the hospital, go meet her
gotta be doing it on purpose??? "Hey everyone, I'm at the hospital, please don't stalk me"
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really nice costume predictions so far, even if they're all too general.
Aki had some shit with her RM a while back on twitch, and she's been fine.
It not enforceable because of collabs with other channels, business channel, and personal channel
I’ll hold off on my hope of seeing a mace merch
I feel like she'll see Kanata playing ER and might decide she doesn't want to overlap and play Mario instead
then again her place is so messy that maybe she can't find her Switch and decide to play ER anyway because she can't be bothered to set up her Switch capture card again
speak of the devil
て連絡を取り合いSkypeを交換する程 昔から仲が良く、事前に白銀ノエルとしてのVtuber活動を知らされていた可能性もある人物、ノエル活動開始から表立った連絡は一切無くなり それ以降 某絵師の匂わせ発言が頻繁に行われる様になった。
最近では両者 同じ食器を使用していた事が判明し物議を醸している

・某絵師が 2021/1/26 地雷系女子として投稿されたイラストと 2019/11/30 Twitterにて投稿された


YouTube配信での服が酷似 色違いではあるが

フルール・ド・リ スの絵文字と日南側にも
使われていた ぴえん の 絵文字が記載

[おでの彼女] 俺の彼女 と
ツイートを行い その際 地雷系イラストを添付

スタンプ そしてその隣には・・

日南を 別の男・ファン・関係者に取られるのを
恐れた 彼の自己顕示欲の現れか、 貴方は どう解釈する?
I believe it. I bet he's her editor too
Funny you post this since you can't even point to "某絵師's" account, no it's not watao
I don't really care if she's getting dicked down. I'm not here for the GF kayfabe. I'm here to jerk off to a big titted Asian bitch at night and the watch her cosplay as a knight in the afternoon. She keeps doing that, then we're good.
do you think we live under rocks? this rrat is like over a few years old now
How did Mario go?
Pretty good she made it halfway through on her best run
Glad she’s making members stamps after all this time. Some of them look cute. That truck was funny
Guessing no sunday muscle?
>48 and 60 month badges
really wishing she stays that long to see them all in action
I mean you have them already if you joined membership day one so she has already stayed long enough...
I have a year and a half to go just to get to the 60 month one, which is really nice.

that sunday muscle emote is gonna get a ton of mileage
Where’s the mochi pounding going to be used
Oh actually it's still a few months until anyone can get 60 month badge
Probably whenever shes beating something up with a hammer/mace. Weird emote choice.
Sunday Muscle tomorrow (as usual)
ochitsuke mochitsuke
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some people just used it right now
If it’s a music video for one of her originals which has the best chance I’m hoping it’s either home or ours. It could be a cover too
I heard its a cover. And if its an MV then it should be Home.
Pure sex outfit
While it was pretty obvious, her new outfit is a nun outfit. A lewd nun outfit. Ironically, when she's not using the mace version of her new outfit, it looks like her nun FC outfit from Sept 2023.
Correction, when she's not using the armor version of this outfit.
It kinda reminds me of the sword maiden from Goblin Slayer. Hoping we'll get some lewd doujins of her in this outfit with some Orcs
She did mention goblin slayer I wonder when she started reading/watching it
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this and the 1M 3D are my favorites. the long hair just makes it even better
It’s definitely a top outfit
Bruh she has worn this outfit like 5 times
I checked my folder and noticed was the 24th FC stream but she didn't do anything special for the 2 year anniversary, or maybe it'll be next month
her 2 year anniversary reward will be a physical item this time aka a plushie.
Technically the one in July is the second anniversary one
I'm cancelling. It's dumb she does physical merch like this and then won't let me change my fucking address so all I'm getting is digital shit.
Blame Dwango's incompetence and her insistence on sticking with them. Fuck the rrat >>47204629 said, I'm sticking with she's fucking someone working high up at Dwango. It makes no fucking sense why she'd keep using them at this point.
You know you can at least I was able to. From what I remember doing is I changed all my Canan account info to my tenso address and number. I had tenso make sure all the info was correct. And I sent them a email through the support page. Pretty much asking is it possible. They sent an email back going just asking for confirmation that they will not be held responsible for you not getting the items and you will only get the stuff going forward. I got the birthday 6 months and 1 year after getting the 3 months and prerelease digital only.
should've did this reveal earlier then did a fc later that night
I doubt she's fucking anyone. She's not into trying new things or breaking norms. NND is still the leading video platform in Japan and she's used it all her life. I don't blame her for sticking with something she knows and probably has say in with how long she's been using it. Look at YouTubers and their sway on that platform when they've been there forever
Elden Ring today first use of the new outfit. Kind of makes me think she was holding off on playing it last time for this
Maybe I'll ask again but when I did before I was denied. Also paying for brick house is adding up for a video I maybe use once or twice.
the amount of watou dick riding during that new outfit reveal
Watao is old shit dude the current rrat on 5ch is the youtuber she followed on twitter at the same time as Matsuri
I still can't believe she did an outfit for Noel that's almost the same as her NND/FC nun outfits. She has zero nuance and it's so on the nose if you know both her lives. She probably gets off to it.
I've been jerking off to her Nun FC while pretending it's actually Noel.
reminder that her next fc outfit will be an elf who doesnt like to be associated with a bow
At the same time she did add some knight motifs to the armor, but it’s blatantly a nun costume she wore. I’m more amazed how this is okay yet a swimsuit isn’t
Scheduled for the 3rd now
Stream today also
>She's been advertising FC more often in NND streams
>New Noel outfit is damn near exactly the same as an FC Outfit she wore
She's now subtly advertising her FC channel a Noel. While based, she's taking it too far.
Choco’s new costume is a lot worse when it comes to who she is.
It doesn’t hurt.
How so?
Well looks like I still got auto charged by NND for her membership
Yep, they said not to cancel or else it'll make processing the refunds harder later.
Do the boobs bounce more when she's not wearing armor or am I imagining it? Pretty nice
I thought the "3rd form" would just be nun mode with horns and mace but apparently there's still something different to show next Sunday Muscle
Can't imagine how it else it can change.
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Who? Kattu?
Yes she talked about it this stream too.
It's so obvious she reads the 5ch thread, no one else was talking about it.
Man imagine you are just a random mid tier YouTuber but the algorithm gods recommend your video to a big creator and they liked your videos enough to follow you on Twitter.
Eh Noel is supposed to small one here, she equated him to following someone like hikakin.
Really follower and subscriber count make Noel bigger don’t they?
What's she vaguetweeting about...?
the kadokawa data leak
I’m guessing she was part of those affected. Wonder what other holos got affected
Yeah that must be it. I see that Kadokawa's president's driver's license was leaked. I wonder if they were storing that stuff for verified users like Canan too? Surely not, right?
i think everyone using niconico will be affected
the doomposting in twitter about the 1.5tb data being released online got viral
User data hasn't been uploaded yet but all sorts of contracts, payment amounts, real names, etc is out there now. Anyone with an "official" partnership with NN is fucked
So anyone who has ever made money off of NND
Can’t wait for her to be exposed as married I hope some of you losers kill yourself over it
Well of course she’s married we know about flare dumbass
you mean everyone connected to Kadokawa, which includes Dwango. It's much bigger than just NN
She likes that wolf cut. Nice
It's grown by now but I wonder if it looks like her IRL haircut when she first got it cut short.
>liked your videos enough to follow you on Twitter
thats next level liking
I hope she gets it back it was a great look for her. Would also be nice to get fantia photos like that one bunny picture she did before
then talks about it with a new whore outfit
Yeah but I don’t know anyone outside NND.
Marine is married, when are you going to kill yourself?
they own a majority stake in FromSoftware. You really sure you don't know any of their subsidiaries?
they do lots of publishing for anime and light novels too
Yeah but person wise that I care about would be all the holo girls. Probably couldn’t care less if Elden Ring dlc part 2 production gets leaked or manga I really like has its anime revealed. The people is what I would worry about.
So it's confirmed that Canan (and Rica's) real names are leaked. At least the spreadsheet that's circulating on 5ch is only up to date for 2020. I don't know if any other Holos had monetized channels around that time, but if they did, then they're probably in there too.
When did you think she got married? Last year in June we got a June bride FC then now we never got a follow up of that stream, would've been cool to get a 1 year anniversary roleplay.
Crying about taxes so she got married, classic rich people
link where
There were some mega links in the 5ch thread but the post got deleted. Apparently her last name is rare enough that it was trending on one of the surname etymology sites from all the people going to look it up.
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some people are planning to use their official names and use it to submit a marriage certificate
can't find the original file/spreadsheet but it looks like Korone and Pekora's got leaked too? just seeing headlines on twitter
miko, aqua, pekora, korone, luna, noel, marine were included in the csv file
found the mega link but it looks like it was already taken down
Welp, she better start moving ASAP because the stalkers are coming.
So the hologirls still have the same surnames after many years
meanwhile まこと's surname got changed which confirms she got married
I fucking hate NND
so is someone just going to say the names or do we really have to do digging for something as simple as fucking names
Anon this is a thread where screenshots of her locked tweets get deleted in minutes, obviously no one is going to post her real name.
Can't someone just encode the name in the usual way and be fine?
ill give you a clue but i wont give the surname
clue : heihachi's secret daughter
my ex's name (asian american)
its over
Same kanji or different?
i'm not going to sift through all the different ways to write that so i can find the full thing.
Either way, I guess it'll be slightly hotter to jack off to FCs now that I know part of her name.
Nudge me in the right direction at least. Where do I look?
This is the first time I've ever heard busting a fatter nut because they found out the other person's name.
Y'all think NND is gonna get sued over this?
it's on news with lawyers expecting a class action lawsuit to kadokawa
Wait I’m dumb that’s the one who has the plan that’s more expensive then Canan
Guessing the bare minimum they’ll be doing is helping move people that are affected
It's really sad that she is constantly being tormented by that horrid bitch Marine....
Anyone remember what she said the next brick house bonus video was going to be
So after recent events is there any chance she'll start streaming on a new site that's less restrictive?
Was supposed to be "at the start of this week" but now it's just "soon"
She believes no such site exists.
Hight resolution live streams
Allows ecchi stuff without being full adult only site
Continuous subscription rewards with physical delivery
Nothing fits her needs
Can't you do all that on onlyfans?
Do they offer physical rewards? Would they handle all the tracking of subscriptns and delivery? She doesn't want to deal with any of that, not a fully autonomous account where she only posts content but something with staff that can help her.
I don't think they have any official support for stuff like that. Could probably do it with a manager though.
It's not something a single manager can handle, she has thousands of subscribers.
It would have been imposible to do the talk event with just a manager and onlyfans
Does she mail stuff to every subscriber?
Not "she", that's the point, but yes for all the people that stay at least 3 months Dwango has to handle the deliveries, then there are special events where anyone can apply for a postcard or whatever.
Only a Japanese company can help her with that.
Jesus thats huge given a bunch of them shared little info about themselves, got huge followings and now they will have their IRL identity known.
Suisei is still the queen of opsec but damn I would be paranoid as hell when a bunch of my coworkers did nothing wrong opsec wise still got their asshole splayed on the internet.

I'm guessing Canan won't be around much longer, people may not give a shit about family being vtubers but I can't see them being ok with the cam stuff.
How would her family find out unless they specifically went looking for her in the leak?
Someone could contact them and tell them
I imagine the NND leaks being so big, someone will look through some names and be like "that name sounds familiar, didn't I know them from X". It's not so much them looking, but people talking, it reminds me of the Ashley Madison leaks where people were finding out their spouse was on the website from other people.

Hopefully people are just curious and stop looking further about whoever without actually interacting with them.
She has no family that doesn't already know.
Add Kson to that list, she wasn't part of the leaks yet but she is certain she will be in the near future given her prior work with Kadokawa. She is already considering the need to move despite the financial hit she will take from it.
Guessing chocó will as well
only Dwango info has been leaked so far, so the people directly impacted are those who had/still have NicoNico accounts.
kson used to be on niconico back in the day(not sure if she deleted her account though) but I don't know if guutara ever had one. She mainly streams on twitcast
What about cien isn’t that part of kadokawa
no, cien is owned by Eisys, the same parent company that runs dlsite

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