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Last >>47118772

Summer Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
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You are given the task of writing dialogue for a girl of your choosing but it has to be controversial without breaking established EraTW-Rule commonalities, what will you write?
Since it worked so well the last thread.
make nitori jewish
make nazrin jewish
Give Wakasagihime legs.
I said my piece in the previous thread.
How about you go fuck yourself with your bait?
More pranks.
You sick fuck
Sometimes good things come from it:
How hard is it to write dialogue for a character in eraMegaten? Right now my wife uses a generic set that doesn't really suit her.
Very simple.
You can use the template found in EVENT_KX1_ALL ENGLISH VER.3.3.ERB (Located in 各種テンプレート\口上VER3.3).
It's mostly just a matter of filling in the blanks.
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my beloved fairy daughterus
Why has nobody ever written Yukari like the psychotic schemer she actually is?
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Sakuya barely being at Yearning and then getting lewd mark 3 where she pledges herself as an eternal meat toilet whom will gladly suck every drop of semen or piss from my dick was a hard shift from her usually dignified self.
But fun nonetheless, such is the power of headpats.
because even when she does that in canon (basically only in SSiB) she never really reacts like that
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Here's another Error report: The same Orgasm-Denial hypno doesn't work on Suwako.
You gotta do fishing, bug catching and music disc collection to unlock more dialogue.
None of the girls have any kind of sexual relationship with anyone and yet we have this whole game.
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Because touhou is a cute and wholesome franchise.
Of course.
anon, this is a fan doujin
I didn't want to obviously point out with you posting Yuuka in an ironic sense but you forced my hand.
Are you trying to tell me that me meeting, marrying and impregnating Yukari, was all apart of her plan?
Any more doujins with reimu and her faceless boyfriend?
What a shame, they were cute together
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Based Akyuu enjoyer. How will you go about kicking the rest out of the human village though?
Addressing a canon thing, if I may.
A very weird, borderline fanon thing.

Another weird, fanon-like thing.
"Sometime we lose" my anus. Hello the twin Mary sues.
Does it count as cucking?
>official manga
Silent Sinner of Blue isn't canon? My bad then.
It is canon. I was arguing that your argument that it wasn't is sus.
I said it was, and I quote mine, glorious self, "weird, fanon-like thing".
I never said it wasn't canon.
How is it fanon-like when it is canon?
Anon I...

>Another weird, fanon-like thing.
>"Sometime we lose" my anus. Hello the twin Mary sues.
I was addressing the fact that canon or not, there are, bullshit things in it.
Does your native language not have the concept of simile?
Canon and fanon are two separate concepts which do not touch eachother. How can something be less canon or more canon?
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Rogue-likes are games that are not Rogue, but play similarly enough to it that theres zero question where its roots are. This is often abused by recent indies for games that play nothing "Like Rogue", a new term Rogue-lite was created for those that think the only factors that make Rogue are a couple of specific gameplay elements.

SSiB could be considered a fanon-lite. It's not fanon, but it does have a couple of specific characters that definitely feel like fanfic insertion.
Thank you, I actually gave up trying to explain it, but you did it better than I ever could have.
Which isn't saying much about me, but take my gratitude anyways.
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Blue Archive is a 2hu-lite
Every 2hu should be pregnant.
Am I so wrong in saying this?
2hu would be a better series if it had a very self insertable male main character.
Are you not chad enough to self insert as rinnosuke?
I can't imagine being him. He is too manly and cool.
>first world brainrot
Sure, sure.
Back into the locker now, four-eyes.
Friendly reminder that Yuri leads to tentacles, futa and eventually ntr.
2hu needs canon male mc
Nta but damn bro, that's a lot of projecting.
Why do you choose to be like this?
No. It only needs.

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no damnit i'm not
stop making fun of me
>decided to play eraMegaten again to see what was updated
>remember Dilettante being cool
>look at the wiki
>"Forbidden Liver-Gouging Blade" - 420 Power; 95 Accuracy; 40 MP; Physical; targets one row of enemies; pierces sword resistance.
>"A starry knife embedded in the soul through a deal with a mocking evil god."
That is definitely a reference to something.
Dilettante is a one of subclasses for the Adept.
The actual meaning of this word is a very rich young person (usually through getting inheritance) who do not work, have a lot of free time, and use that money to dabble in art/science/sport but they are not really good in it. They have passion and money for it, but no skills/knowledge.
>Dilettante is a one of subclasses for the Adept
I'm not seei-
>it is there
Okay never mind!
I hate the Sun.
I really, really, really hate the Sun.

Good thing I just have to unlock it for Demon's Roots, and even then that's a tall order.
What a shitshow. Only the bosses are sorta fun, the dungeon is BEEG NUMBERS and goes more and more ridiculous.
I even thrown away my pride and decided to release my self imposed level limit of 99.
found an exploit; if you offer to help momiji with work but can't actually help her with work, you get +3 favor without spending any time or energy.
>+3 favor
do anons actually play at x1 Favor/trust gains?
I cranked it at x5
it's just too grindy
Based human women enjoyer.
>do anons actually play at x1 Favor/trust gains?
I do.
If you start cheating shit like this you cheat yourself out of the time spent, which is a big part of the enjoyment.
First girl I went for in TW was Sakuya and while she was just average, I still remember her a lot because of all the time I spent romancing her up.
Custom requirements for falling states, all progress stops until certain events are cleared. TS shenanigans are countered if overdone. Access to sex is disabled if you're romancing her rival. Chance to forever botch the storyline if you've abused her followers. New challenges at every relationship stage. No fuck buddy route. Guess the character :^)
Just fill it with bad double entendres about tools.

This is exactly what I'm doing with Rika.

Yes; I'm still working on Rika. It's a bit hard with motivation to re-write all the counters again after fried PC made me lose all the progress, especially with irl happening. I'm making progress.

Yes this was a stealth Rika update.

When I'm in the mood to write and not in the mood to Rika; I've been drafting some stuff for my next project as well.

Especially since most of the counters have love; yearning; sex friend and lust variations.
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You know what, fuck it. Braman. Debug Killed. I hate this. Fuck it. Fuck the DDS2 plotline. Fuck the gimmicks. Fuck everything in it. Fuck it all to hell.
I really got tired of the Sun two floors before Braman, and I had enough.

Fuck this mess. It would have been better if both plotlines were separated, but nooooooooo. The guy HAD to make multiple storylines into one with a buttload of characters that has nothing to do there, and boring texts, and visily not one told him that it was bad.
Could have had an IVA plotline. Could have had a P5 storyline. Could even have had a decent DDS2 storyline, but nooooo.

Funnily, it seems that even the japanese wiki disliked it.

Fuck, fuck fuck fuck and FUCK. And I have to redo this shit in later playthroughs to have access to Demon's Roots? Fuck this shit.
Bravo anon! Bravo anon! This is the kind of content we need!
Interesting, PC98 characters are always quite nichê.
everybody gets up
it's time to slam now
Favorite 2hu?
You could at LEAST share my pain and hatred a bit!

Pretty much the entire Scarlet Devil Mansion, but my personal top five are, in no order, Sakuya, Yukari, Kanako, Eirin and Yuugi.
hag enjoyer detected
Damn right.
Holy shit you're literally me
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Only if they're like this
>fried PC
Dammit, old man! When will you learn to back up everything when you work on something that takes months of effort! Just create a Mega folder on your PC and work from there so it automatically synchronizes with the cloud at least.
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are these actually orgasms, or just lines printed without a check for a nut?

none of us could hope to be half the man (male or female) Sensei is
Get out blue shitters, you're not welcome. Don't you fucking dare tarnish 2hus with your dogshit nimbuses.
I think 2hou would be a better series if every character was a 21 to 51 year old woman behind a live2d avatar. Maybe they should play games and sing sometimes.
Jannies, ban this user
back to bed grandma
Nah, despite leaning into the hag joke Yukari's roomate is like in her late 20s.
Kosuzu's roommate is the one that's in her late 40s and you can kind of tell by the things the references on stream but no one really talks about it.
Fake image, you can't get any more than 15/10 suit power at that point in the game.
No need to even bother with all that. It's already under source control, he could just regularly push changes to the repo and the code would be secure.
So what's at the end?
I'm not finishing that dungeon chain no sir
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The more I read these posts, the more I dislike Lokapala. Only enjoyment I find out of playing it now is the bosses, and even my enjoyment for them got ruined because of my Nightmare playthrough. Mitra-Buddha made me grind like 40 levels just to beat him and Bat filtered me from getting to Brahman altogether due to that damn bat status.
I'd say something about the story but there really isn't much else to say given the discussions in previous threads.
Despite the amalgamation of three games into one being... Interesting. Lokapala really should have just stayed as a DDS2 retelling like any other route.
At most keep the Divine Powers but get rid of anything from Persona 5.
What the fuck are you talking about
>are these actually orgasms, or just lines printed without a check for a nut?
Probably just "lines" but I think they actually have "reduce lust" code attached to them.
I'm freestyling.
I have no idea either.
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Do all the era games have templates and guides for adding content? I feel like I've played enough now that I should start contributing on some level.
Look in the OP for Flan Dialogue and template
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I feel like Braman may not translate well into a non press turn battle system. It's more like about either getting demons with good res to null things, or a cheap number check, which is just stupid. Some bosses are fun though, like the Earth and Absorption one.

>I'd say something about the story but there really isn't much else to say given the discussions in previous threads.
P5 should have been it's own story, similar to P3 and P4 except with AN ENDING YOU ASSHOLES WRITERS.
Put the Divine Power in the IV scenario, or a possible IVA scenario.
DDS2 can still be as it is with a few tweaks in numbers.

Sun is cursed. Kill the sun.
sanae likes retro games and talked about liking old cartoons from the 90s growing up, she's gotta be at least 35 (which is hot)
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Don't do this to me.
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Yukari is an old granny who's bad at video games, so she cheats and hopes that people won't notice.
We're already within the range of people who are now here, enjoying Touhou games, never having played the game that introduced her (Mountain of Faith was 2007)
I love how this image is never irrelevant. In twenty years from now you can still post it and it's still gonna make full sense to whoever reads it, no matter how many more console generations are made.
>no matter how many more console generations are made
zoomers nowadays don't know what a DS is. Only thing that makes this image understandable nowadays is the fact that Playstation is still around.
The oldest Zoomer is 27 as of this year, buddy. I had DS, now a 3DS. I also had a family Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64, and at one point, and Atari.
you're old lol
>The oldest Zoomer is 27
this is some real cope
lmao even
I'm 24, I'm not even the oldest Zoomer of my cohort.
More like you don't even know what a Zoomer is.
>Generation Z is the demographic cohort that begins after the end of millennials. It refers to the generation born between 1997 to 2012.
you're 7 years older than yukari lol
the fuck, I though it was after 2000s
It doesn't help that I keep bunching gen alpha along gen Z
Generations are dumb anyway. Older zoomers have basically nothing to do with younger ones, i'm sure it's the same for the previous ones as well
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That new DLC got me busy...
to be fair, zoomer has just become a derogatory term for anyone culturally younger than you, and boomer has become a derogatory term for anyone culturally older than you, regardless of their actual age
shut the fuck up millenial, teen titans is never coming back
This zoomer liked teen titans... Raven, Starfire, and Jinx were hot.
There is such a wide cultural rift between older and younger "millennials". Really the divide between generations is super fuzzy, so maybe the boundaries needs moving in one direction or the other.
Zoomers are everyone younger than 30. Everyone.
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I bet Parsee smells like Adas Polo
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this man gets raped by yukari constantly, do you really want to self insert as him?
Yes. Imagine being raped by yukari and her making your guess whose hole she gaped your dick into as she rides you cow girl.
It's always a man's
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>anon thinks he's the one who would be mating pressing
I'm not a fairyphile by any means, but there is something about Luna that draws my attention every time. Hakurei Shrine is a dangerous place.
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I don't look like this
>spoiler tags didn't embbed
fuck this gay earth
You like this this(male)
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Eragames anons look like this
Pranking /egg/ by asking for more futa content
i still don't know how to get give blowjob/titjob to appear consistently...
Is possible to have a 4P with the fairy childs in Anon TW yet?
>he doesn't know about the event.
Multiplayer EraTW
You can have a 4p with any set of characters
Can't be worse than Flexible Survival in terms of functioning surely
What the fuck I'm a fairy?
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Favorite Skill to grind?
Unironically EraK would be ebin to play against other anons with.
foraging is very satisfying. number go up, number fill up, find new number to go up
mixing is 2nd, for the same reason, but you also have to deal with a lot of number go down.
Hourai immortality quest, dialogue acknowledging you've become a hourai immortal, and working with the other immortals to find a way to escape the inevitable heat death of the universe.
You always have been.
is mixing actually useful for something?
I mostly just power grind music to make the toehoes love me.
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Tell me it isn't true...
Me on the left
most useful thing is probably the magic potion, which restores TSP. there's also great pills & utility recipe, danmaku buffs, alcohol stuff, & energy restoratives (it sucks how they reduce sleepiness though)
What are the Must Have skills all your demons/party members should have other than Invigorate (Large) and Fallen Demon?
Is there a reason to play the new Megaten fork or does it only really exist for future work right now?
The guy who made said it was more of a proof of concept or whatever, and that it'll take years to make fully working.
What's the purpose of the new fork again? why didn't he just make a nahobino class for the base game?
>What's the purpose of the new fork again?
It's simply put, better and faster.

>why didn't he just make a nahobino class for the base game?
We dunno. Maybe he's working on it.
In what file is the Dependency stat?
Sumireko irl is just a loser nerd, the only 2hu more bottom is her wack descendant
prime fertile ground ready for plowing
>Sumireko irl is just a loser nerd
Huh? Isn't she like, a genius, and it's why she get away with sleeping in class?
sounds like a nerd that would not have the strength to resist as I'm proneboning her so hard her mattress becomes the new Shroud of Turin
Yukari's face when having a threesome with Sumi and her descendant.
Wait, it's absolutely playable now. Maybe they meant it as 'feature complete' in a few years.
Wait what.
Depends on your party and play style.
Power Charge/Concentrate for your DPS, easy enough.
Endure/Enduring Soul are good for your front row and a healer.
Big buffs/debuffs like Power Breath/Dark Breath/Demon Teeth Grind are very expensive and usually not worth it except for Fog Breath and Red Capote (Dodge Counter and Red Capote is incredibly funny to pull off). Stick with simple -Kajas/-Kundas and don't forget that four different Kajas can link into not-Luster Candy and four different Kundas become not-Debilitate. Don't forget about Link Spells in general even if you don't have a dedicated Gunslinger.
Have a dedicated Megido user for random encounters. Megidola is very bad power/cost wise. Megidolaon is for late game only when every encounter becomes a rocket tag.
Loyalty "X" skills are actually kind of good and cheap for contracted demons with matching affinities but all of them have physical scaling if I remember it right.
>Depends on your party and play style.
What do you think I mean by everyone.

>Endure/Enduring Soul are good for your front row and a healer.
Good call, everyone should have it.

Fog Breath is indeed, the best debuff.
I'd argue that Power Breath is good though.

>Have a dedicated Megido user for random encounters. Megidola is very bad power/cost wise. Megidolaon is for late game only when every encounter becomes a rocket tag.
Always was the case. And still true.

>Loyalty "X" skills
The problem is that they target ALL and you don't want them to be reflected.
>Big buffs/debuffs like Power Breath/Dark Breath/Demon Teeth Grind are very expensive and usually not worth it except for Fog Breath and Red Capote (Dodge Counter and Red Capote is incredibly funny to pull off). Stick with simple -Kajas/-Kundas and don't forget that four different Kajas can link into not-Luster Candy and four different Kundas become not-Debilitate.
I strongly disagree, especially for the higher end ones like songs. A Haru or especially idol MC are absolutely stellar supports for that reason. The more normal ones are only needed for fights like satan.
It is basically a launcher/extender made in dotNet to make it run in some unholy coding wizardry called EmuEraDotNet.
So far, it loads the game incredibly fast even on bad rigs, streamlines dialogue making (everything from training to battle quotes is in the same file now), and has a lot of internal optimization and tweaks. It also has a lot of bugs but they are patched very fast.
Need to fuck Haru super hard.

Everyone always talks about Yuzu's Yuzus but I always liked Haru's Harus better.
Isn't the first part pretty much implemented? Either way, what would be your solution?
Yuzu is like your happy go lucky childhood friend next door with BEEG boobs and fashion sense. Haru is what you would expect from a depressed adult with a job as a singer, meaning more class and adult looking.
Which make sense, since she is an adult, albeit very depressed.

...I never realized it, but she has a tattoo?
>and working with the other immortals to find a way to escape the inevitable heat death of the universe.

>Isn't the first part pretty much implemented?
Tell me more.
>Tell me more.
I don't know the details or if its TW or K specific but i's been a thing for pretty much years now.
So, if you romance Kaguya and get her mad jealous (dating 20 or more girl in front of her) she'll force-feed you the hourai elixir one night.
>I don't know the details

>So, if you romance Kaguya and get her mad jealous (dating 20 or more girl in front of her) she'll force-feed you the hourai elixir one night.
What if you already got the elixir?
>What if you already got the elixir?
What do you mean? You can already get it? Pretty sure that's the only way to become a hourai immortal at them moment unless you got news for me.
The link for the updater is down?
Really? I could have sworn there was some sort of quest to make it.
But that could be bullshit, I only played the game years and years ago.
Best build for Haru/Singer/Diva?
Just use git
Nta but don't you need an account?
Yea, just use a throwaway email or something
Being made to take the Hourai Elixir should've also make it impossible to Bite The Dust. After all, if you can't die, how are you able to Bite The Dust? Unless in terms of power levels, Jojo powers are superior to anything Gensokyo can ever put up against (You).
You're not the one dying when the third bomb activates you super retard
Enough agility to go first and whatever support shit you can get on them. Also I meant the expert class diva, not the adept class idol. Always get them mixed up. I like armchair detective or psychic for the subclass. The most important thing is having lv10 singing though as that both buffs your song's effects and reduces their MP cost. You get a bunch of buffs, some debuffs, some attacks, and even healing off the base class. For Haru you can just slap whatever good shit you want on her as long as you make sure to keep her Reset and Soul Survive songs.
I was imagining a method to ask each hourai immortal to help you become one after reaching lovers. Maybe it would involve a whole quest gathering ingredients, maybe they'd just rip out their liver and hand it to you.
The end must be cheated, why not work together this time?
Nah, it's built up as the culmination of Kaguya's arc, and explicitly framed as kind of a bad thing. It wouldn't make much sense if it was turned into something casually done for any other character.
>casually done
That's why it'd be after you reach lover. Loving your immortal wife so much you don't want to leave her, even if it means escaping mortality. Maybe if you've turned her into a cumdump you could have the same quest but it's framed as you being a short sighted retard.
Your immortal wife wouldn't want that for you. Eternity is a long time, y'know?
Even with Kaguya, her deciding on it is framed as her growing increasingly deranged, and Eirin's reaction makes it clear that she thinks it's ultimately a bad thing, too.
You know what /egg/? I will say it: Immortality is a really good thing and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.
Every type of media or whatever nowadays always tries to portray it as a curse rather than a blessing but that's just a load of bullshit. Infinite time to do literally everything you could ever want forever with no pressure of anything ever because you literally have enough time for everything now.
>"But your loved ones-"
Just don't attach yourself to anyone jackass. Hell what Kaguya does to solve this issue for her is to make (You) immortal too, and now she literally has time for everything forever, even her beloved. No drawbacks or issues anywhere.
enjoy seeing as the planet below you gets burned by the Sun in its dying phase
>b-but muh interstell--
humans won't invent it
Don't care, I will gladly float around empty space forever
Apparently, you aren't dying, it's someone else to blow away time.
Yes blow away time.

I mean I agree with you, medias are shit for making immortality look like shit, but there's also the fact that, logically, as >>47153836 point out, you will be there when the sun explode, you will be there after, you will be floating in SPAAAAAACE though being a Touhou character would allow you to at least move,

Houra Elixir isn't your normal immortality, it's ADVANCED immortality unnironically.
Based and truth. Eternity is the best because civilization destroyed themselves every 1000 years.
Heat dead is a scam made by hack scientists trying to divert everyone attention from their money laundering scheme.
Immortality is the best.
Your psyche wouldn't be able to take it. You think you'll handle it but you will just go insane out of boredom/grief/inability to change your situation.
Think about it nigga, you're 20-40 years old and you're already deathly bored of your real life. What do you think is gonna happen after 2000 years of being stuck with Kaguya? Even sex will eventually get boring, no matter how many fetishes you get into.
And as others pointed out, even if you last, the things around you won't hold forever. I'm not just talking about the sun exploding, even if it's a gigantic factor too. It might ironically be 10 years too early for you to really understand that though.
For the record, I'd say the type of immortality where you don't age or age extremely slowly and can choose to just die is actually great, but that's not what Hourai elixir provides.
Imagine getting a life sentence lmao, just sit in a fucking prison for centuries
And you would, because after a few hundred years who wouldn't decide to enjoy some tomfoolery
Based and immortalpilled.
Shinki's massive bush and flappy lips being censored by the text box...
I'll make you into an immortal birthing machine, how about that?
>you will just go insane
By that logic I will also get bored of being insane eventually. Who knows?
More than enough time in your hands to eventually escape.
yeah until the glowies figure you out and turn you into an organ farm
how do you get started with seija in TW? seems impossible to raise her favor at all.
>Your psyche wouldn't be able to take it
Doesn't the Hourai Elixir make your brain capable of taking it?
First, become nocturnal by setting your waking time to afternoon. Pray for her to visit, or check her whereabouts frequently to see where she's currently "working" and follow her.
Use the typical strats like tricking her into going on a date during a request, cleaning next to her, music, food, training, etc.
Other than that, keep grinding. Even if you're losing favor at first you're bumping her intimacy and lust up, eventually it'll even out and go positive. Just try to avoid hate marks and keep an eye on her anger.
Anon, what happened to Mokou?
A breakdown from boredom, a pseudo hatred on Kaguya, now she's chill?
>Have you given up on dreaming big?
>The Dream World you is always so quiet.
What do you think, anon?
Hot. Smoking.
>now she's chill?
For now, who knows when she'll act up again
Imagine marrying Mokou, becoming immortal to support her, and then, after 300 years or so, she decides she's bored of you now and spends the next 300 years pretending to be a fish.
I'd ejaculate on her just to piss her off.

If this doesn't work, I'd ejaculate on Kaguya.
/egg/, where is mima's room
>Maximizes attack power for all allies.
>Soul Survive
>Maximizes magic power for all allies.
MOTHER OF FLATTIES. What the HELL is that price?!
Sounds like something K and TW could really benefit from, too.
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How many years until her fashion sense improves?
better question, how many years until she figures out how to mpreg bratty anon
How many years until she figures out how to get a better figure?
Bite the Dust is in TW?
>he thinks he's going to float around space and explore
You're going to get sucked into a gravity well and unable to escape, eternally consumed in its fusions and combustions until it starts to cool and seal you inside. A literal physical hell.

Its an option that shows up after the first year to let you reset and basically NG+
It's how you NG+.
The World. King Crimson. Bite The Dust...
What next?
mokou is being mocked by male anons with wider babymaking hips...
Eventually, Kaguya stopped thinking.
But more seriously, it's Touhou, everyone can fly, and some can use magic. It wouldn't surprise me if they could just null space and gravity.
Go back to the transsexual thread
What if Kaguya just used her ridiculously overpowered eternity bullshit to lock the sun in a static state so that it never exhausts itself and becomes a white dwarf?

Also, Sol is way too small to explode. It's just going to slowly die.
I'll invent it.
Sol will expand enough to consume the earth and scorch mars, but afterwards it will shrink again and turn into a dwarf as it cools. But yaknow, few billion years for that.
Theres definitely a 2hu that can fix the sun i'm sure.
Is there a list anywhere of all of the weapon mastery effects for megaten?
>muh immortality
>muh eternity
>muh boredom
>muh instanity

A problem for later me.
Style 1: Stat boosts scaling off weapon level. Only applies if equipped with the matching weapon type.
Style 2: Unique effect. (presumably also need the weapon type equipped.)
The tooltips for the Mastery traits say that the stats of their matching weapons are raised by 10%, and it says that regardless of the type set.

1: Strength Agility, Luck +
2: 1 in 3 chance to start battle with Cut Off

1: Intelligence, Agility, Luck +
2: Critical hits deal higher damage (x1.11)

1: Strength, Magic, Agility +
2: Hitting a weak point deals higher damage (x1.11)

1: Strength, Endurance, Agility +
2: Critical hits and weak point hits deal higher damage (x1.08)

1: Strength, Endurance, Luck +
2: Physical attack to back row deal full damage. x1.03 phys damage from back row.

1: Strength & Endurance +
2: 1 in 3 chance to start battle with Power Charge

1: Intelligence, Magic, Endurance +
2: Receive less magical damage (x0.85)

1: Intelligence, Magic, Agility +
2: Magical attacks to back row deal full damage. x1.03 magic damage from back row.

1: Intelligence & Magic +
2: 1 in 3 chance to start a battle with Concentrate

1: Intelligence, Endurance, Agility +
2: Receive less damage (x0.91)

1: Strength, Endurance, Agility
2: Receive less physical damage (x0.85)
>immortality obtained
>living inside Guantanamo bay for eternity
enjoy your immortality, bozo
10,000 years in gitmo wouldn't even be a blip in the perspective of true immortality
In no western country does a life sentence mean "until you die"
the average anon can't imagine himself living past the age of 30 now imagine telling him he'll live for eternity and still be unable to ever get rid of his virginity.
true, the issue is, no one here has the mental strength to survive one day in gitmo without losing their shit and wanting to kill himself.
10k years would make them go cathartic and technically become an "immortal" vegetable
Off the top of your head do you know what other characters keep odd time?
Thank you, anon.
Isn't it the shed next to the garden in Hakurei Shrine?
Mokou and Kaguya sleep until like noon and are up at stupid hours as well. Eiki is up stupid fucking early and makes dating her after a work day impossible even though she asks for it EVERY TIME when its 10 minutes until she's forced to go home.
need more kikuri content
>>47155481 this needs to be on the wiki desu
Yukari is a slob who wakes up at noon
Remilia & Flandre are also obviously a pain in the ass to visit
Doremy is also nocturnal, but has an option to change it
Remilia and Flan wake up at 18hs,
>Eiki is up stupid fucking early and makes dating her after a work day impossible even though she asks for it EVERY TIME when its 10 minutes until she's forced to go home.
Good point. I should make the after-work invitations match the regular date invitations where they only ask if they have at least three hours to spare.
They should wake up earlier if the player befriends them. 1500 or 1600 would do.
The girl you're after should have her waking/sleep time listed on her character sheet.
do you wake up early every day for your friends?

Shitposting aside how do you become friends with someone in TW?
I played with Cirno and suposedly became friends with her but no idea how to see that status or what it does at all.
Yes, actually. The more time I'm awake, the more time I can spend with them. I purposely wakeup whenever we have stuff planned ahead of time, that way that I don't sleep through whatever we have planned. I even wake up early just to see if their free. If not, I go back to bed. If they are, good, I can afford to deprive myself of sleep.
>do you wake up early every day for your friends?
NTA but yes. I work nights but I end up sleeping twice a day so I can spend time gaming with the boys
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it's a dating sim, platonic friendships aren't a thing, and it's very clear to see progression towards lovers/sex friend status. most 2hus if anything unlock something or start doing something differently at 5 intimacy.
They technically shouldn't even need that much sleep because vampires, but I guess it's done so that Remilia doesn't walk around in full sunlight alone.
Though she is known to use an umbrella, I guess it would still create a couple of weird situations like what happens during danmaku or I dunno, if she enters the open-air bath area or something.
It's not a real status, it's just flavor text on playing with childish characters. Everything is still dependant on the usual favor/trust and intimacy/lust.
Imo platonic friendships should be a thing. I don't want my daughter to have sex with me.
Imo platonic friendships should be a thing. I do however want my daughter to have sex with me.
>Apparently, you aren't dying, it's someone else to blow away time.
>Yes blow away time.
Please elaborate
actually wait wtf is "agreeability level"
Characters can accept your confession before love and sex before lust.
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Not this lewd loli-hating guy again.
The fairy is going to love you and masturbate while thinking about you, and you better live with that. Just like you should live with her raping you.
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i do not understand
Every action calculates percentage values.
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Just turn her age and tit size up in the edit menu, then you can plow your bimbo retard with a clean mind.
you can't sex your daughter unless that got changed
iirc sex fox did have some incest though
Oh I thought he was still talking about Cirno
I do not get how having an option to friendzone people is too difficult, but whatever.
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i still have no idea what the agreeability level is from the screenshot nor how it is calculated nor how to influence it
it's not a thing for lewd route
I don't think incest is okay.
Just disable the character and pretend she's around but refuses to interact in any lewd way with you(which is all interactions, girls nearly flood their panties from headpats).
Within a few generations all Gensokyo will become Sex Fox,
can't you just build their favor without building their trust? isn't that the whole idea? +trust actions are way flirtier anyway (except for serve tea I guess)
I'm just saying man, helping a friend move doesn't randomly make my friend shove me to the ground and mount my dick. There should be a way to remain faithful to a single 2hu or a few, and friendzone the rest, without having to micromanage and avoid Pink WInd.
Stop being a homosexual, anon.
I don't think futa, piss, ntr, or rape is okay.
But they all exist with toggles, you shouldn't be experiencing them unless you're looking for this stuff. So incest should be allowed in-game as well.
Incest already is allowed and toggleable...
is there incest aside from sex fox daughter?
Meanwhile Eraten players be like "my bloodline is pure"
But Kanako is running around freely without a toggle...
>you can't sex your daughter
that needs to be fixed
Until it happens you should edit characters you want to interact with but don't want to sex and add
>Self Control
>Sexual Interest - Conservative
>Openness - Repressed
>Denies Pleasure
Will all reduce their sexual frustration by a large amount

will make sure you don't get raped in a random shack when nobody else is around if something like pink wind happens, but they'll probably still tug on your shirt begging you to do so
>pink wind
Never had that weather happen to me
But only been in game for like 50 in-game days.
That is strange
platonic friendships should be a thing so the devs can finally add rinnosuke to the game as my bro
It's not a full mechanic, just a one-off event. It's not comparable to things like piss or futa.
I want my pregnant futa daughterwife to piss on me
>he thinks it's only one event
Oh no, nobody tell him it's repeatable, and that there are lots of events that sequence from it.
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doesn't count if it's not translated
>he doesn't know it's actively being translated
Oh no, nobody tell him.
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it isn't real until it's released
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Newhu you wanna see dialogue made for first?
I want Hisami.
does 18 still count as new?
I'd really like if the youkai mountain group gets more than just Suwako and Momiji. Don't even have Megumu (or Aya)
Megumu and Aya have dialogues.
Weekly update:

- I've opened a MR that cleans up Parsee's dialogue to remove the shoehorned Persian/Zoroastrian elements and tone down the swearing and pop culture references. She's still a Persian-speaking Zoroastrian, it's just in the background where it belongs instead of being shoved in your face all the time.

- A couple small bugfixes.
- An EN-original Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter crossover was added. It includes 13 new characters (11 obtainable, 1 link only, 1 boss only), 42 new skills that can be found in skillcard form (and a whole bunch of CSTR skills), mostly custom enemies, a new dungeon, and a new ending.

- eraAkumaMaid was updated to 0.208.
- eraRL got a few more lines translated and a statgain bugfix.

- Rikaguy is still working on Rika.
- Now that Alice and the Parsee cleanup are done, I'm going to be focusing on the yandere route, finishing YuugenMagan, and finishing the Nemuno expansion, in that order.
Yeah and they're not in english.
How about Shizuha then, it feels criminal she has literally nothing and her sister is all about scat.
You know I mean it's on only one character. It's comparable to I dunno, Sakuya's time stop rape. Or Kaguya's event.
I disagree with it being removed. But it's not like like you care about your fans. Naysayers who samefag criticism and insult your writing are more important than the silent majority.
It should be behind a toggle. I felt it added character to her.
Lining up cumshots in time stop like how Dio lines up knives when?
>- I've opened a MR that cleans up Parsee's dialogue to remove the shoehorned Persian/Zoroastrian elements and tone down the swearing and pop culture references. She's still a Persian-speaking Zoroastrian, it's just in the background where it belongs instead of being shoved in your face all the time.
you better make this an optional dialogue option
I've been checking the repo for the new dialogue and you really took the soul out of Parsee
honestly I feel like reworking Parsee was wasted time.
Still, thanks for keeping the game alive.
I like the new parsee dialogue it saves me the trouble of going through and doing it myself
No options for you, just arbitrary removal in the name of 'good writing' or whatever. It's a fan game. Nobody expects 'good writing', just soul. It's not like it's a Shakespearean college disertation.
Thank you for your hard work
It's not actually that bad when you consider that your standard kaja spell is like 12mp and you are casting a ton of them in one action. It's only around 20-30 MP more which is more than worth it for how many actions it saves.
People like you bullied and doxxed him because you couldn't just do it yourself.
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not a big issue, just swap the dialogue files from the older repo into the latest version
it's that easy to ignore that new "update"
I shouldn't have to learn git wizardry to retain something I enjoy.
>bullied and doxxed
I'll never understand how people can just make shit up so confidently
Drag and dropping a folder in windows explorer isn't wizardry Anon
She'll do that right after making you watch as she's fucking and getting fucked by two hapless men from the village
He wouldn't feel the need to capitulate to trolls like you unless he were bullied and doxxed.
Instead of removing it, why not just rework it so that it actually reflects how bilingual characters tend to use their multiple languages? It never really felt shoehorned, just more like it needed an edit pass to hit that mark.
This would be better than removing it.
>People like you bullied and doxxed him because you couldn't just do it yourself.
peak retardation right there if you are ableto doxx someone but can't change a few lines of dialogue yourself in the dialogue.
Or should I just say straight up evil in nature to resort to bulling as the first option kek
lmao even
anon, you're just tech illiterate
I'll never understand how people can just gaslight themselves into believing scenarios they themselves made up.
>Dragon Quarter
Now that's something I didn't expect. Pretty cool though.
That's the obsessed shitposter. He'll tell you anything that corroborates his point of view, just like the other shitter.
I'll never understand why people feel the need to shit on a developer's life work and force them to remove good content because they can't let people have options. I liked the soulful dialog. I don't care if people disliked it, it was never 'in my face'.
>general about a game where you selfinsert into a fanon 2hu universe
what did you expect?
still, what a way to ruin Parsee with the new "update"
Shitposter or not, I kind of agree with his point. Why is the change necessary?
Oh yeah, I translated all of Yukaris dialogue via DeepL a year ago and just put it all in one file.
Yukari is translated...
The change is necessary because two or three people spammed him with criticism a few threads ago and demanded he remove it, for no other reason than to dictate to anyone who liked it that their opinion didn't matter to them.
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Finally, good to know.
>Why is the change necessary?
this is what baffles me, out of all the girls currently in game, Parsee is one of the few with actual memorable lines and personality.
>wasting time reworking a translated girl instead of working on the girls that are missing their lines
what a waste of effort.

On a side note, I have gpt4 and Claude Opus access, I should use them to translate the girls that are missing. There's a 2hu Library I can attach too to make it more accurate too.
by gpt4 I don't mean chatgpt, chat gpt is like gpt2 tier and it's incredibly retarded.
Just like you're spamming your demands now? Fucking hell anon, shut up already. It's his choice.
Just make it a toggle. It's not that difficult. Or do what the other guy said and make the bilingualism natural.
Multiple people here disagree with you, troll.
I'd kinda like that. She could have a whole bit of dialogue where she can't for the life of her remember the Farsi word for bridge but she does remember it in English (I guess Japanese in the context of the game), so she starts getting jealous of you for not struggling with multiple languages, and then she remembers the word right at the end of the dialogue.
>shit on a developer's LIFE WORK

Calm the fuck down retard, you sound like a fucking 16 year old zoomer who cannot handle even the most mild criticism.
No, it's proven he can be bullied into doing what I want. So we'll bully him into making a new Parsee that's from Texas.
I mean, I personally didn't particularly care, I would have been fine with a toggle. I think it's a good change in the end, but I would have been fine with it if it wasn't changed.
But there is a lot of truth to the "bilingual people don't talk like this" complaint. You'd at worst get one word or even a short sentence in a moment of extreme anger or surprise, maybe in her personal thoughts, not this kinda requirement that every other sentence has to have a foreign word in it.
This thread sure suddenly picked up the pace, goodnight good lads.
>So we'll bully him into making a new Parsee that's from Texas.
This but Saki. Please i'm begging you
surely it would make more sense to make texan saki
I'm 90% sure you're posting from two devices.
>developer's LIFE WORK
>half it is probably just copy pasted from a chatbot
Classic thread. The moment people express disagreement with a change, everyone goes apeshit and tries to justify how it's not natural.
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>>47156108 (me)
oh what's this? another based anon? thought i was the only one.
Removing the bilingualism from Parsee is equivalent to removing the Hourai Elixir quest from Kaguya or the anal development plotline from Eiki. Some people may think it's cringe, but without it, the game would feel emptier.
yeah, it'd be like if sanae wasn't a vtuber, i get what you mean anon
I've been ignoring all the untranslated hus, tell me this isn't what they're doing to Sanae
How do I unlock Sanae's vtuber quest?
I have no issue with people using AI as an assistant.
The issue I have is these mfs are using some of the worst and most retarded AI assistants out there to aid them.
They're using chatgpt (4/10) and cai (2/10) for their work when gpt4 (8/10) and Opus (9/10) are available.
don't worry she only plays DOS and sega saturn games
Needless to say, most 2 effect suck ass.

No shiiiiiit.
The wiki in general needs a comprehensive update.
I mean, it's still useful, but it's also still empty.
Put it to a vote.
Two anons said they thought the way Parsee used farsi words in her dialogue felt a little unnatural but both agreed that the end result was "good enough". Neither of them suggested it be removed. One of them later said no removal was needed explicitly when the MR was made and also expressed that if a chance was needed then it should be a toggle.
Anyone arguing about spam or hate or demands is just a troll and not acting in good faith. Don't engage with them.
The reason I made the change was because the way I wrote her originally actively contradicted what we saw in canon. Parsee doesn't mix random Persian words in when she's talking, bring up Zoroastrianism every other sentence, or swear like a sailor in canon, so she shouldn't do it in my dialogue either.

But I didn't realize you guys would feel this strongly about the change. I'll go back over her again and find a happy medium that's more accurate to how bilingual people actually talk.
I really just think Parsee should have sex with me.
You're a shitposter. Nobody cares.
A lot of characters don't speak the way they would if we went by strict canon rules.
This is something we all can agree with.
>I'll go back over her again and find a happy medium that's more accurate to how bilingual people actually talk.
anon, please don't waste your time like this. You're gonna burn yourself hard.
simply add the reworked Parsee as an additional option like Flandre and other girls have. Let the player choose whichever Parsee they want.
Trust me on this one, give options and let the player choose instead of trying to make ONE single option that's gonna dissatisfy everyone.

You're sinking too much time on Parsee.
How, how much does it cost with 10 in Singing?
Because even with 6 character with Invigorate (Large), you won't be able to do much if it's in the hundred MP.

So the plan is maximize her Singing skill, put most points into her AGI so she can act first, an then INT for mp, give her a Rapier or Thrown weapon Mastery skill, Enduring Soul, Invigorate (Large), her song skill. And I forgot the rest.
I would have put a "make it an option" but okay.

>Should anon get transgender surgery?
Closer to canon is ideal, honestly. TW is honestly the first fanon work i've ever seen have parsee go full hog into the language origins at all.
texan hag kikuri???
Please don't let these obsessed morons dictate what you write, it was a change for the better. At the very least, I want a toggle that gives me Parsee that talks like at least somewhat realistic character.
He only changed it because obsessed morons who falsely believe that 'its a change for the better!' demanded it. More people liked it as is, even the guys who criticized it felt it was good enough.
quickly changing your tune after >>47156210 huh
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if you girls are gonna be mean and fight over him like this then yuugi's gonna steal him away from underneath both your noses!!!
TW needs NTR.
You didn't even see that dialogue in-game and you already decided it's worse without her stuffing random words where they don't belong.
But despite your idiocy and samefagging today I still think you should be accommodated.
I want a toggle. Fuck your opinions, it's the best of both worlds.
Fuck off, shitposter. My criticisms of this removal are grounded in genuine enjoyment of the dialog
Muh random words where they don't belong meme. Fuck you, it's soulful.
You certainly don't have a soul.
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oh great she got away with him and now they're cosplaying
now you idiots will just have to marry each other!! how embarassing!!!
I will kiss every Anon here
Given how you think everybody who disagrees with it being removed is nothing more than a shitpister who doesn't play the games, you're not looking for a discussion, you just want to assert that you speak on behalf of the entire community. Go ahead, ping people on the server, ping people on /hgg/. You'd be surprised to know your opinion isn't the majority.
Stop making insane assumptions and lying, you desperate fuck.
And stop trying to keep the shitpost train going, it's tiresome.
Toggle good. That's all that needs to be said.
I'm content with a toggle.
Good, I only had to say it, let's count, like 4 times including in the loaded question poll before your shitposting ass finally backed down.
You really are worse than 114kun, you know. I wish you'd quit era games.
Yuugi is an amazonian oni girl that should be able to amazon press you, and you being able to turn her into your amazonian oni bitch.
I can't believe he's going to be doxxed and harassed into adding a toggle by one anon now.
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Now both of you kiss. Right now.
Deal with it, asshole. You aren't the arbiter of the community.
>- An EN-original Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter crossover was added. It includes 13 new characters (11 obtainable, 1 link only, 1 boss only), 42 new skills that can be found in skillcard form (and a whole bunch of CSTR skills), mostly custom enemies, a new dungeon, and a new ending.
I wanted to ask Why Dragon Quarter, but it's so obvious and easy to put into the world EraMegaten.
What does 1 link only mean?

>1 boss onl
>a new ending
I'm surprised there aren't two. One Good and one Evil.

But I like Breath of Fire, so I hope I'll like it.
Don't her and Momoyo have an Amazon press option, or is it only Momoyo?
It ends up costing 96mp, with her passives and level 10 singing. It's absolutely worth the cost though. Toss on static rook anaguma for an two in one rakukaja/sukukaja, her naturally learned roar and taunt, carded over fog breath if you aren't running it on someone else, and maybe smile charge and she is pretty well set up for buffing/debuffing. Toss your standard invigorate and enduring soul in, maybe mana surge as well and that leaves you 3-4 slots to fill in with flex options. She isn't as good as Diva MC, but is still probably the best option if you aren't running Diva. MP isn't really that much of a concern past early game since you can just pop items if you really need to top off in a long boss fight anyway, especially if you have an specialized item user like Kyouko who gets tool knowledge 3, chemistry, and triple item mastery.
I think we should slowly skin you alive instead
I think we should add gap shenanigans to her dialog.
Kanako two should be able to do it.
Same with Byakuren.
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edgelord shotanons cute
built for hag sexual slavery
TW needs more loveydovey scenes.
TW needs more hina breast expansion.
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did you actually play the game? this is peak kino
Look, don't you know who I am? Your job is to create content that I enjoy in this free stockholm syndrome simulator. I shouldn't have to tell you what I want, and how I want it, just produce it. I mean, you should already know what I want. You dare being a little disobedient with me? It sounds like someone needs a bit more training to set them in line. Don't you know who I am? I am a master of era games and know what's best for you.
it's spelled gensokyo retard not "stockholm"
I agree with that.
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>It ends up costing 96mp
I mean in two turn you should be able to get the cost back, but that cost is like a kick in the nuggets.

>Toss on static rook anaguma for an two in one rakukaja/sukukaja
A what.

>her naturally learned roar and taunt
I never saw the use of taunt personally. If you can end a fight in one turn, end it in one turn. I know it's you use Roar than Taunt so the Roar negative effects are canceled and only the good things of Taunt are left but still. Unless I'm missing something.

>fog breath
Demi Fiend's gotta get it, but I guess having two characters with it wouldn't hurt.
>smile charge
Oh shit.

>Toss your standard invigorate and enduring soul in, maybe mana surge
Oh yeah, Mana Surge, good call.

>Kyouko who gets tool knowledge 3, chemistry, and triple item mastery.
who and what skills

So that's like,
Reset, Soul Survive, Roar, Taunt
Fog Breath, Smile Charge, Invigorate (Large), Enduring Soul
wait she has 12 skill slots
Mana Surge oh shit, there's really 3 to skill slots left.
Maybe Life Surge so she doesn't die how are enemies on Nightmare? I intend to one day do that so I can have the items locked in there. (and Maniax first but better think long term)
Maybe a Dekaja and Dekunda. Or more singing skill?
>look at translation
I want to fuck and love this creature.
I feel like I've been playing eraMegaten wrong, because I don't really treat the RPG part of it like an actual Megaten game. I run full human parties and rather than having a character or two specialised for support, I just brute force it through sheer overleveling. Level 100 boss? Well, my party has an average level of 149.
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>might as well work on it why not?
>4 files
>10k lines of unstranladed code
never mind, I can't into moonrunes and even if I used a good AI assistant my 2hu knowledge is too bare bones to proofread the result and correct terminology and common mistakes.
I hate the hag trend uglifying the 2hus.
Almost all of them are older than you including fairies. But these ladies that most secondaries would call old are always given disgusting 3DPD features like crow feet. Do people hate beauty?
Eh, it's just a meme, and it's just a fews traits under the eyes anyways.
It feel like you playing the game very right to me.
It seems like there isn't a "wrong" or "good" way to play it anyways, unless you want to see all the contents, get all the equips, and all that, because you will need to step up your game.

>I run full human parties
>Level 100 boss? Well, my party has an average level of 149.
That human boosting software must be the knot on the dick.
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Kyouko Shibusawa, the pink haired goth loli from Tokyo Revelation. Gets a bunch of skills and passives that drastically increase the power of items(both healing and attack) and her unique medb/mabel fairy skills(which aren't really that amazing but are fun and flavorful bonuses that give you something to do with the MP you otherwise wouldn't be using due to spamming items).
Nothing really wrong with human parties. Overleveling is gonna let you curb stomp most shit though yeah.
Other than her Item Mastery and FMA, she doesnt look that strong, even if FMA look like something that is begging to be bounced off on her.
Or like a loli, but it's the face that make her more mature.
....Why does she have Traesto when an item could do the job? Why are her stats that high? Mag?
I am one of those people who play on a pretty strict Light/Neutral kind of run where I don't Train anyone at all, unless required such as Idolmaster and a few initially uncooperative characters that need to be in a Fall state to do their quest lines at all.

But yeah, that human boosting software is pretty much mandatory. I often even have a Summoner Level 5 + a Summoner Level 3 character in the same party to get max bonus out of it, even if it's significantly less efficient than replacing the Summoner Level 3 character with a more attack-focused character.
Oh yeah, you can't Analyze demons

>pretty strict Light/Neutral
>started going Neutral/CHAOS
>then Light/CHAOS

>where I don't Train anyone at all, unless required such as Idolmaster and a few initially uncooperative characters that need to be in a Fall state to do their quest lines at all.
Ah, a fellow brother I see.
Goth loli, not loli loli. And that's more the art style of the portrait's fault, she is flat though. Your other option for best item user is SCP-191, who has similar item passives, summoner level 5, a renamed enduring soul, and third eye but a learn set that can't fill her slots out and nothing to use MP on.
>Why does she have Traesto when an item could do the job?
Because she is an expert and thus can't be carded so I'm limited to what she can actually learn naturally.
>Why are her stats that high?
Training bonuses.
Ah, I remember her now. The magician girl that got fired from her magical school right?
She's more petite than loli.
I reckon it's not the meta issit?


>Because she is an expert
Fucking Experts.

>Training bonuses.
Damn. That's the Love Fall bonuses? Not too bad and not too OP, it feel like something rewarding for NG+.
Having to be forced to say gothic lolita every time is the real victim of the wide spread acceptance of paedophilia amongst western otaku
You can still Analyze demons by just simply HI-DAS or equivalent spamming them, or just fighting with them in your party. But that said, most of my compendium is 10% Analyzed demons because of that. The only ones I really have fully Analyzed that you can't fight/HI-DAS them to 100% are the Madoka 'demons', because I Loyalty grinded them to Blood Oath. Even the Touhou 'demons' are relatively untouched.
You can get some analyzing by just killing them too, but fighting with them in your team help.

>You can still Analyze demons by just simply HI-DAS or equivalent spamming them
This take multiple turns, and some demons DDS2 and Amala are just too mean of a bunch of fuckers ro risk.

Yeah, completing the Compendium will be hard as you are now. I do not envy you, because it's a FUCKING PAIN IN THE ASS.
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what are you even on?
Lolita, the word itself, was popularized by the book of the same name, and actual pedo book that's legal to buy and read at any age to this date. Thank Vladimir Nabokov for that.
Gothic Lolita =/= Lolita style (pastel and childish colors vs gothic undertones)
Lolita =/= Loli
Lolita refers to the Lolita style, Loli refers to lolicon stuff.

Long story short, people has always stated "gothic lolita" to differentiate it from the base "lolita" fashion style.
don't push your pedophophia agenda where it doesn't belong you gagergate/maga newfag
>She's more petite than loli.
Yeah, pretty much. A petite girl wearing gothic lolita. Although you could probably call the derpy looking manga version a proper loli too.
If we at talking strictly meta, you probably aren't bringing anything other than a diva MC and a bunch of physical electric-almighty characters that can abuse shock for free crits.
She shows up in the toyko tower dungeon where you deal with the witch from megami tensei II.
Great work on interpreting what I said in the exact opposite manner of it's intention.
>you probably aren't bringing anything other than a diva MC and a bunch of physical electric-almighty characters that can abuse shock for free crits.
Yeah probabl-
>physical electric-almighty characters that can abuse shock for free crits
>physical electric-almighty

>She shows up in the toyko tower dungeon where you deal with the witch from megami tensei II.
Huh. After saving the witch, she never gave me anything else, no quests, no anything.
>Huh. After saving the witch, she never gave me anything else, no quests, no anything.
NTA but to get that SCP girl you have to side with the Messians and defeat the witch, afterward a wall opens up that leads to a room with some items and the girl.
I forgot which floor but I think it's the floor before the last.
You remember that barrier in the tower? The SCP is behind that. You have to snag her after dealing with the witch but before leaving the dungeon.
Yeah, shit like the gunvolt characters, genshit Raiden, Dengekiko, or Lilitales Luna. Ringo also works well here. Basic idea is buff/debuff up with the MC, guard break electric with Lunarie's Fayadan then shock the enemies and shit out big damage. Only really falls short against shit that nulls water(since that's what luna's Fayadan is based on), but that's pretty rare and it still has ways around it.
You need to have the extra event on
And here I though being the good guy would give me more content.

>gunvolt characters
I really liked those. Except that GV and Blade didn't have access to Almighty/Elec and just got skills that nulified Elec Res. Meanwhile the Superbosses got them. No fun.
But I liked the quest, I liked the gameplay, can't wait to do the rest in NG+.

>genshit Raiden

Glitchy untranslated quest.

>Lilitales Luna
Wait what.

>Ringo also works well here
Need to impale that bitch. It is killing me she has access to +25% Phys and Elec Damage skills on top of Pierce.

>Basic idea is buff/debuff up with the MC, guard break electric with Lunarie's Fayadan then shock the enemies and shit out big damage. Only really falls short against shit that nulls water(since that's what luna's Fayadan is based on), but that's pretty rare and it still has ways around it.
Sounds like a killer combo.
It doesn't actually matter who you choose to side with but I do think you need to kill her.
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>And here I though being the good guy would give me more content.
You can do a lot staying that way but it won't get you access to everything.

Oh neat. I hate Lawfags too much to bother killing the witch though... Except for the time I sided with the Messians just to see what would happen.
>- I've opened a MR that cleans up Parsee's dialogue to remove the shoehorned Persian/Zoroastrian elements and tone down the swearing and pop culture references. She's still a Persian-speaking Zoroastrian, it's just in the background where it belongs instead of being shoved in your face all the time.
While I understand where this is coming from and appreciate the time being spent to improve the game this still feels like the wrong take on the matter.
From the gacha once you can set it to level 80+. 1% chance with a 200 roll pity system or up to 32000 macca per genshit. Also there is a constellation system for dupes, so she needs 6 copies for maximum power. And that 1% is split between her and the other two archons in the pool. Don't you love gacha?
>Wait what.
Grab Jill(LT) from Rags, hit level 50 on your MC and get her into a fall state to trigger her individual event where Luna, Cless, and Airi show up to rescue her. If you are in love they will just join outright, otherwise you need to beat them in battle first.
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Being a Lawfag is fine... it's being a piece of shit Messian fanatic that isn't bad.
>t. Tao New Zelenin simp
I prefer Chaos anyways. But fuck Yoko's ending holy shit.

>You can do a lot staying that way but it won't get you access to everything.
I actually expected a questline about MT2, but I was wrong.
The game didn't even told me. One of the many reasons why we need a better wiki.
>From the gacha once you can set it to level 80+. 1% chance with a 200 roll pity system or up to 32000 macca per genshit. Also there is a constellation system for dupes, so she needs 6 copies for maximum power. And that 1% is split between her and the other two archons in the pool. Don't you love gacha?
This sound like cancers growing on cancers.
I hope those characters are ballbustingly broken to justify that.

>Grab Jill(LT) from Rags, hit level 50 on your MC
I never even played Lillytales, it's not even on my play list since I don't like FemMC games much.
>t. Played Taimanin but Taimanin is a VN and a classic so you can't judge me
>I hope those characters are ballbustingly broken to justify that.
Raiden is really good as mentioned, she has a skill that adds an electric almighty follow up attack to everything that deals damage for the party and some strong electric-almighty attacks plus a way to shock with high hit rate. Venti and Zhong exist and haven't really impressed me. No comment on the other two who I forgot where in the game because they were added after I grabbed Raiden and thus don't have them. They would dilute the pool further too, so it's actually 1/5 instead of 1/3. But hey you can always save scum I guess.
>I never even played Lillytales
Missing out. Lilitales is a fun first person dungeon crawler. Not as good as Evening Starter but it's still worth playing.
Oh you made a good case about her being good, but you also made a good case about obtaining her being like the cancerest of cancer.

>But hey you can always save scum I guess.
I can always kill myself too I guess.

>Missing out. Lilitales is a fun first person dungeon crawler. Not as good as Evening Starter but it's still worth playing.
Like I said, I'm not much into FemMC games.
They are terrible in general.
>Being a Lawfag is fine... it's being a piece of shit Messian fanatic that isn't bad.
I actually agree with that. I just exaggerate my mild disliking of opposing alignments a lot at times. (picrel)
Oh no. Well at least watching her being a schizo is funny. That car comment was especially funny. I haven't played past Shinegawa yet but am close. Past the Fairy Village segment.
It's not as terrible as it might seem to just get her, as the game will prioritize giving you a new character over a dupe but that's still upwards of 160000 macca in the worst case. In realistic terms it's gonna be less than that, but you are gonna piss away a lot of macca either way.
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It's always the extremes that are the problem, and wouldn't you believe it, that's a criticism SMT got multiple times and was absent in the first games. Hm.
Yet they fallen into the trap, again with Yoko. Fucking. Yoko. She start being based as fuck saying stuff like
>If you want to help your friend, fucking do it you retard-pussy bitch
Which is a really strong message, especially in Japan when every medias in there are now super-sloppy pussies about it.
And then it just crash from there, like
>cars bad
Her ending and philosophy is so fucking retarded
I do think it's a little silly that the game seems to go hard on monogamy(can only have one lover) and yet it encourages harem building because just saying hi to your neighbor semi regularly will make them want your dick. Is this one of the things AnonTW is fixing? I haven't played in like a year and I'm waiting for the next update that's apparently just around the corner.
Looking at that shock team again, Kafka is another a really good addition. Although that's another gacha character so have fun with that.
I’d appreciate it more if you added content instead of removing it. Other than that thank you for your hard work, cheers
>160000 macca in the worst case. In realistic terms it's gonna be less than that
It's like saying that something is gonna take my balls, but that realistically it should just be one. It's still a pain a big pain.
Do you love that metaphor?

My favorite FF villain. Yes, I know it's not him, sadly.
How weird to get gacha only contents.
AnonTW added a toggle for multiple lovers and an additional toggle to ensure the harem members actually let you have mutliple lovers if their writers added stuff to make the first toggle not work.
Once you have a bunch of slaves working it's not really that hard to accumulate macca to feed a burgeoning gacha addiction.
Mate, your changes added character and made her interactions feel more alive than most of the other girls. She’s currently one of the best 2hus implemented in the game, and her dialogues are a part of the reason why
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I actually laughed at the bullying thing too since it basically came out of nowhere and the fact that she was just conveniently hanging out on the dorm roof listening to Tao and the MC talk, but at least with that I saw reason with why she said it.
She was pretty reasonable but up until mid-way through Shinegawa, and as you said, the cars bad comment destroyed everything. Plus I wanted to slap the shit out of her for saying that she'd kill King Frost in that one quest.
I mean, obviously she would spy on you, why wouldn't she?

>the cars bad comment destroyed everything
>Plus I wanted to slap the shit out of her for saying that she'd kill King Frost in that one quest.
Well you haven't seen the worst. Ooooooh no.
I'm just gonna say, once you see it, there will be literally just one path and ending for CoV in your heart and brain.
That, fucking retard.
The best branch
Is that so? Well, shit
>me who still doesn't like training though I grew to more or less take it in stride and understand it better
Plus I get a boner sometime reading the text of some characters, it's super awkward, but also super hot and unique so I don't wanna miss it. I'm not supposed to fap during the day!
My condolences in advance. Feel free to rant at it in there so I can say "I told you." And pat you in the back.
Goddamn it. Even in spite of the King Frost comment I still liked her since she was still funny being such a schizo.
Time to toss the "I can fix her" thoughts into the trash. Hopefully she gets added to EraMT soon so I can do so...
unironically Thank the Persona franchise for that
I don't really think so, even before persona got big most megatens handled alignment in a kinda retarded way. Ones that handle it well like SMTII or Devil Survivor or the original SJ, where the entire point was showcasing the extremes and flaws are the minority.
Her look and design already put me at odds with her, only for her to be based, and then cringe, and then Ultracringe.

I'm not even sure if Persona 5 is better than SMT5 or not.
But Fuck Persona. The first games were epic, the next games are bullshits. 3 was kinda interesting and got some balls. 5 is just pussy.

The start of the falling and "Everything bab but not Nootral".
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The neutral end is only slightly less shits fucked than the law or chaos ends. It highlights the tendency of neutral to not fix shit, not make a choice, and just kick the can down the road. In neutral the only thing that happens is you delay things, basically going "not my problem, let someone else deal with". It's base DS's Yuzu route, only without the extra day to fix shit with that you got in rerelease. It's why I hated the SJ remake's new endings, you aren't supposed to have a happy ending in SJ no matter the route.
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>Her look and design already put me at odds with her
I liked her design honestly, though it's the hair style that kinda puts me off. Everything else about it is fine.

>I'm not even sure if Persona 5 is better than SMT5 or not.
Better than vanilla SMT5? Absolutely. Vengeance? Haven't gone far enough to judge (obviously) but if it's vanilla P5 vs Vengeance, I'm sure VV beats it.
P5R probably mogs both only because of Third Semester. How come Nusonafags get the best Law rep...
>The first games were epic, the next games are bullshits. 3 was kinda interesting and got some balls. 5 is just pussy.
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In SJ though, it make Gore look like a retard, the game clearly make him as the nootralman, asking you stupid questions, and if he judge you he grants you the holy privilege of his knowledge so you can complete the mission. With the ending itself being a clear ray of hope, that you may be able to fix things.
Except that you can't, the Earth is dead and polluted as shit, there a massive shortage or ressources, food is gone. That's actually why going for Law and Chaos endings could be good despite the obvious extreme, because they would fix that problem. It's like they forgot it existed..
Meanwhile in SJR they just try to ignore it, as if they were embarassed, and decided to make Doomguy into Doomguy, which is badass and somber as humanity will never learn from it's mistake, but still stink of retardation.
Funniest shit about SJR is how Alex, the supposed waifu from da future, is implied to be your daughter because Lucifer took your fucking sperm.

What's nice with DS/DSO is that you got your usual Law and Chaos, but you also got multiple flavor of Neutral ending, you got the "Let's send the demon's back" flavor, you got the "let's USE the demons instead" and finally the "let's be retarded but still teenager and just run away even if it's a really really dumb move and a glorified bad ending until DSO".
You can even find it in DS2, except you only got two, which is, "rewind time like a bitch ass pussy for the the clear better ending", and "make your own ending". Which RB destroyed so fuck them.
Then again, Law in DS2 was so fucked with Ronaldo.

>Better than vanilla SMT5? Absolutely.
>but if it's vanilla P5 vs Vengeance, I'm sure VV beats it.
Well, you'll see. I'll just tell you that STR is still the best build for Nahobino.
And uh, enjoy unlocking the superbosses.

It's not even funny how P2 mog the fuck out of the current Persona games both in term of plot and gameplay. Okay gameplay, I might br pulling it a bit, but making the gameplay simplier and having the MC the only one able to use multiple Persona by way of spechial wone is cringe.
Also fuck Japanese politic's talks. If they can't clearly talk about it other than "The Prime Minister", without actually committing, they shouldn't fucking bother. It's better than american's talking about Obama good and Trump bad, but that's like saying piss is better than shit.
Anime was a mistake.
>I'll just tell you that STR is still the best build for Nahobino.
>enjoy unlocking the superbosses.
I know about them, I had the misfortune of playing vanilla SMT5.
is eramegaten worth if i've never touched smt/persona? or rather, is smt/persona worth getting into so i can properly get into eramegaten?
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Aw, making me feel bad for spending all day fishi-
what other 2hus do this kind of thing?
I might start walking around without underwear too
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>is eramegaten worth if i've never touched smt/persona?
>is smt/persona worth getting into so i can properly get into eramegaten?
It'd help in understanding the vanilla content more, but getting into SMT anyway is worth it.
I initially started doing it just to see if there was ANY change in dialogue and eiki is the first one out of like 30 so far. I haven't checked to see if Parsee's dialogue changes if I wear pants but she does comment if you have an erection at the time of skinship.
I can tell you from experience that both Komeiji sisters can do that. It's actually become a bit of a problem for me because sometimes I need that semen.
So did I! But I'm talking about VV's superbosses. Insert Tidus laugh there.


>is smt/persona worth getting into so i can properly get into eramegaten?
Yes, especially the older ones.
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Is it just me or this is a new feature? I haven't played eraMegaten in a while and just update it today. I remembered the races's names are translated in past version.
More like the Yama of Milking and Escalation.

>because sometimes I need that semen.
I've had that problem too sometime. It's weird. There's also the fact that some demons have their races name just, flat differently.

Must be a era coding problem.
kek, how do I take my underwear off?
I can't find the option anymore
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It's over. The pipe fox guild has come for your sperm.
>I'm talking about VV's superbosses.
Oh. I see.
Especially with that shitty level-scaling being cut back, I'll be in for some insane shit... (Especially since I started out on Hard mode)
>>47158564 (Me)
Speaking of superbosses, there should be more implemented into EraMT!
Would be pretty cool to fight a version of Shiva that plays like his DDS2 fight but with Tandava and the backup demons tossed in the mix.
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Unlocking them is far more insane. Hell one of them, you can make him far more insane by choice.

>(Especially since I started out on Hard mode)
>he doesn't know
>he doesn't know
Look at the spoiler at your own risk. If you look at at it, and react, I will say I warned you.

Personally, I'd really like it if storylines were finished.
But that would be funny... but Braman also killed my interest in them.

Maybe make a special zone for them or I dunno, where each Superbosses will be placed and carefuly looked at, so that no one will say "Yeah fuck you. *Press H*". Maybe even special rewards.
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i'm going to molest whoever's responsible for this
Women moment.
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Change your clothes to "Naked Shirt" so you have a top and underwear, then there should be an underwear option on the bottom so you're basically just walking around with your shit dangling everywhere for those that care.
i immediately went to bed and she started masturbating.
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snitches get cheek pinches...

I just don't remember where the option to change my clothes appears to begin with
She meant headpats, you pervert.
In your room
thanks! I'll go there then

Then to hunt for Tsukasa to beat her at Danmaku, I need money.
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There is no womb inside her head.
Anon, the womb is not located in the ass...
There is, you dummy. You almost got her pregnant. Of course she'd be mad at you.
Exactly. Now it's the other way around for greeks. So don't heat pat hecatia without protection.
Holy FUCK my sides. I'd ask if this is actually real but given the fact that the one abscess in Taito with the high level early game demons exists, I'd believe it.
Though the real mystery is how you'd even encounter this fucking chad.

>Personally, I'd really like it if storylines were finished.
That too. Especially that. The state SMT4's events are in is so depressing I'd be put on suicide watch thinking about it.
And the MegaTen 1 dungeon with how close it is to being completed...

>Maybe make a special zone for them or I dunno, where each Superbosses will be placed and carefuly looked at, so that no one will say "Yeah fuck you. *Press H*". Maybe even special rewards.
Actually a pretty good idea. Would be nice to fight actually challenging Fiends there.
>Maybe make a special zone for them or I dunno
But that is already a thing. It is called Zoushigaya Cemetery. It was just not updated in a decade.
Nevermind Eiki still does it no matter what you wear, just tried.
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>completely max out on foraging stock after burning through 50 magic potions
>still pretty far from Ex Foraging skill
Not him but the cemetery is supposed to function like Nocturne's grave sites in the Labyrinth of Amala where you can refight bosses you've defeated before. Not encounter new ones.
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I warned you.
>Though the real mystery is how you'd even encounter this fucking chad.
I don't think you get it.
As for the mystery, spoiler alert duh, it's by beating one of the two new superbosses Satan, you unlock him as a fusion, but also have your level cap raised to 150, and the Godborn difficulty, said difficulty put make every enemy at this new maxed levels, and with those kind of stats. Once again, good luck for unlocking that superboss.
This slime isn't a Chad.This is a Basic Bitch Foe

>That too. Especially that. The state SMT4's events are in is so depressing I'd be put on suicide watch thinking about it.
>And the MegaTen 1 dungeon with how close it is to being completed...
I was really sad for IV and Soul Hacker Erasing most of DDS2 would be good, while you are at it.
I mean Jesus Fucking Christ.

>Would be nice to fight actually challenging Fiends there.
*VV Matador pounces on u UwU*
They ARE challenging. It's just that while you're here, you know what you are getting into, so obviously you know how to fuck them up or are overleveled. Matador is normally a brutal tutorial for buffs and debuffs, so when you are overleveled and know that you are in a franchise/fangame where his buffs and debuffs are important and actually put them on your demons...

I though it was just a place to refight bosses, not superbosses.
I want to get Koishi pregnant but her older sister keeps stealing my cum
Eiki got the Pierce skill.
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ok yes it was very heehee haahaa now pls tell me how to fix so i don't have to use the slop portrait if i want her portrait to be a normal size
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Can someone tell me how to raise superiority?
I guess the main problem comes from the devs' mindset of "Someone started making it but important stuff interrupted their work. They will come back and finish it later. It would be rude to steal from them".
I can't blame them for this but it is still frustrating. There is so much unfinished stuff that it is not funny. The fact that we even have completed and self-contained cool stuff like Night Tale makes me even more frustrated. Some devs allegedly come back to finish their work, like Fate mod which only had the first two-three events in pre-portrait era and later it got pretty cool with all those routes (Rani VII, my beloved) and still gets updated with FGO characters. Or SMT 1's Basilica.
The only proper method to fix this mess is to make your own storylines but it would require you to make your own dungeons, requests and characters and then giving player a choice of which version of SMT4 story, or whatever, they want to play. Just grabbing existing stuff and updating it on your own is a very bad slippery slope because Japanese can get extremely petty and unhinged (ROBF dev is a prime example).
bring all 2hus into submission by pinching their cheeks
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Does this do nothing for you?
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that was it; i had it to [Full Size]. bless you and your horny green wife
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YHVH, Lucifer, and every other god out there including all the Nahobino... Have mercy on me.

>*VV Matador pounces on u UwU*
Horrible. Don't do that.
Also I meant in EraMT. Fiends are neat in a fresh file but just get eviscerated going into NG+. Yeah sure happens to every other boss too but there's something about it happening to the one specific set of demons that should be giving you a run for your money every time you fight them really doesn't sit right with me.

Had a good time fighting Matador in Vengeance though, took me a good 5-6 tries to beat him (most of the attempts failing from really dumb mistakes or doing some experimentation)

I understand but when a line of events or set of dungeons haven't been worked on in years (in SMT4's case, 6 FUCKING YEARS) I think it'd be better if those notions were just tossed aside so that the events could actually be complete.
what's the best additive for alcohol assuming supply's not an issue? potato, honey, mead, etc
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Basically all of this.
...I'm actually shocked we don't have more Taimanins.
>Rani VII, my beloved

Doesn't help that I'm a filthy ESL, never touched coding, and my ambition is just "make a class because tentacles are cool but stuck in a shitty class and hey, I like Venus Blood, I like tentacles, let's see if I can do both."

>(ROBF dev is a prime example).
Just before you thought it was KC that was was a petty shit, there's him. So stepping on any toes on our community is giving me the jeebies, but having stepping on a jap's? That's just begging for a heart attack. And I don't have a life insurance.

You think that's bad? Wait until you learn how to unlock those superbosses.
I only put spoilers into my post because of the sheer bullshit it was. The salt on the smt thread was impressive.

But yeah VV Matador was really fun right? It's crazy how a tiny change made a fight really harder and enjoyable. And a demon that much better.

kill me
What can I say? I love girls who casually bisect demon lords because they were rude to them. Her ability to tard wrangle Neko-Arc and being a cute nopan emotionless girl are nice bonuses too
>bisect demon lords
Everyone can do that lol.
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WHERE DID YOU EVEN LEARN TH-oh probably from eiki

I thought this was a unique dialogue what the fuck
Indeed. ???????

Seeing it everywhere make it lose it's uniqueness.
How does that relate? That's not what got removed.
This is happening because you're a subby anal gaping faggot. Everyone will do this to you, even fairies.
you know what to do next
This is what I get for letting Eiki have her way, butt obsessed freak.
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>how to raise superiority?
seconded to this question
I also see girls can get rape marks, any idea on how to get those?
Timestop rape. Weirdly enough, with multiple simultaneous orgasms in the same turn, which kinda defeats the point of a TIMESTOP rape imo and doesn't even remotely allow you to create the expected tier of intensity, but whatever. Imagine cumming 10 times in a single second and reacting as if you had a light orgasm.
Nta but
What, the, fuck?
I swear half of these just have different names in tooltips, I think those are Dominance?
I think the rape marks are about TSP fondling?
timesotp rape (wholesome)*
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kek, it's the second time in a row the fatty runs into the kitchen and finds us going at it. She must be starving if she keeps coming back.

>TSP rape
easy enough. Thanks
>I think those are Dominance?
uuh, dominance? how do I raise that?
all I do is pinch their cheeks to raise Sado stat, but it asks for Superiority/Dominace(?) to get to the next level and I have no idea how to raise those.
What? That's how the mechanic works. Rape marks are from rape, and in the game called THE WORLD you rape in time stop.
The more orgasms in one move, the more marks you get. It's the same with pleasure marks.
I wish there was a way to get all 2hus to give you consent for timestop shenanigans. Only a couple have it and it's kinda underutilized.
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>Only a couple have it and it's kinda underutilized.
Sakuya just stuck a rotor up my ass
I did not appreciate it
That's not for timestop shenanigans, that's just blackmail.
Did you even check the options out? Turn your asshole training and blackmail punishments off if you don't want this to happen.
Not that, the whole "you get a dozens of orgasm but only feel it a bit".

Pic or didn't happen.
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wait, this game has audio?
it's over
Its capable of audio, but as far as i'm aware nothing actually uses it.
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Retarded question but, this is what a normal update look like, right?
No this isn't a repost, why do you ask?

>Turn your asshole training and blackmail punishments off if you don't want this to happen.
good tip, thanks
Sakuya doesn't have blackmail on me tho and the event didn't increase my butt stats. Seems to be flavor text from lover status I guess.
if it happens again I'll screenshot it.
I ran into her, and there was some random text implying she stuck that rotor up my but using time stop. Or at least that's how I understood it.
>nothing actually uses it.
no wonder, I didn't find any audio files on the game installation. missed opportunity, really
TTW a cute
seems like everything downloaded alright
just run the game and see if it plays well
>you girls
I had some doubts, so I wanted to ask and wanted to be sure it was "the good way" or whatever.
She's killing you if you side with your friend instead of her tho.
That's cringe bro.
>...I'm actually shocked we don't have more Taimanins.
The three Taimanin characters were all created by different EN authors and they all pretty much disappeared.
If you're lucky, someone on the JP side might add more.
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It’s cringe but to be fair your friend is hopped up on that pazuzu messiah juice. That’s suspect as fuck to begin with
>altportrait parsee
My only problem is with how she doesn't fit in with the rest of the art style and her being actually pretty or not fits into her character in a cruel, ironic way.
Yeah but
I hate being railroaded

That's my best argument in all good faith.
>her being actually pretty or not fits into her character in a cruel, ironic way.
this anon knows what's up
alt Parsee should be the default
>The three Taimanin characters were all created by different EN authors and they all pretty much disappeared
I like Taimanins.
It would be great to have a Taimanin storyline.

...THREE? Damn we suck.
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Oh right speaking of parsee and dragging up yesterday's whinefest again:
Hey vinum are you keeping the cat gimmick? Because if so please keep this line at least, this is oldfag territory. I don't care about the rest of weird persian shit.

>CALL CHARA_TEXT([[正邪]], "「Second, quit throwing random foreign words around when you speak. It makes you sound like a pretentious prick.」", "w")
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I find this actually funny.
Anon, minding his business and just greeting Eiki gets absolutely ass-blasted by her because of course he did something to her in the past so she won't put up with his BS any more, leaving him a quivering mess of a 'man'.
eiko sex
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Fair. Wish there was more MT2 content in eraten and being able to side with your friend. There’s a lot of neat ideas you could do, especially being able to go down that ‘bad’ path. As a bonus, allowing you to subjugate TTW
Indeed, why didn't they?!
I see it isn't just me that's having this. At least this doesn't crash.
I only ship Parsee with Yuugi and vinum.
As >>47159753 said, this is because your Masochism level is too high (above 4 or 5 was the trigger).
You can stop it for a long while by buying Masochism Down on the Mail Order shop.
The "sound effects" there is just for showing sfx bubbles, like on some h manga.
You also need your asshole developed
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the wiki sucks
zero mention of Superiority or Dominance stat
no idea how to raise it
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Every gem is obtained from one of these parameters on a girl, depending on the Lv reached by the end of the day.
The names are unfortunately a bit of a mess, for example you've got Care which gives you Favor gems, used for leveling up Intimacy.
In this case you need the Dominance parameter iirc, which gives you Superiority gems needed to level up Sado.
If the question was "how to increase Dominance", there's a clot of actions which increase it, even just Embrace (although by a very small amount). You need to play around with forceful stuff like S&M commands (eg Spanking and Cleavage Fuck) and check which ones give the most Dominance.
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>Pic or didn't happen.
the fuck? she wasn't even angry or had a hate mark to begin with
I'll try cleavage fuck with Mei
so far no amount of spanking on other girls is raising dominance at all
Hot maido pleasuring her real master.

Why isn't she using her hands instead.

Don't you already get to kidnap the TTW as a prisoner if you side with the Messiah in that quest in eraMegaten? Or are you talking more about the other route they could've added on?
Oh wow, I remember when thread shitter made it look like everyone was pissed at prostate milking, but now it's xd hilarious and everyone loves it.
Because at first it triggered for everyone that ever got pushed down.
It was not supposed to work during sex, and the requirements were pretty strict even back then. Whoever kvetched about it has clearly made shit up and never provided screenshots when requested.
No, it triggered on like level 3 sadism, there was no opt out at all and it triggered like every 2 hours, and even people that like it complained it wasn't implemented correctly.
Yes, there were pics.
Why are gay sissies like you always disingenuous
You're gonna fuckin tell me how it worked and project your own faggotry? Fuck off kike
That's because I remember that pedy had to change the requirements.
What do you gain by trying to change the past? You can just look in the archive. Why are you like this? I swear you fags wouldn't even be half as bad if it wasn't for the attitude.
You're speaking to him.
No, he isn't
Who else immediately starts using "kvetch" and "kike"?
It's kind of crazy that I frequent like 20 threads on this website and the only time I ever see both those words is in this thread. I haven't encountered kvetch anywhere else in my entire life.

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