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Decided to start this discussion based on something I read in a thread once.

Which 2hu has the worst fandom? Not only on /jp/ but on the entire united state of the interwebs.
Nowadays? Who the hell knows.
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At this rate I find anti-koishifags to be more insufferable than the koshifags. You nigger faggots sure love screaming in the void.
Same goes with any anti(characterbad)fag. Give it another few years, they'll end up seething on another popular one just because their character doesn't get enough appreciation. It's the only that makes them feel special, once it gets popular, they'll end up hating that character.
your favorite 2hu has the worst fandom
my favorite 2hu has the best fandom
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On /jp/ the worst are Ranfags, Hatatefags and Sanaefags. Honorable mentions to the scatfag Remifag, he's trying his worst.
Of course, not all of them are bad, but their threads are like poisoned wells.
Does it even really matter what's going on outside of /jp/? Every place just parrots the opinions from here just like we parrot most opinions from the japs. I guess the vocal yurifags are in general the most insufferable.
Patchouli threads are always pretty bad.
From bad to worst:

Yuugithreads I think are usually filled with crossboarders, secondaries, and people who really just know a little about Touhou and see musclegirl and latch onto her
Could you guys be anymore pedestrian? You can't point out anything without some reddit "centrist" type going "errm everyone is baaaad mmkay?". Or maybe you're both koishitards.
There's a couple of unusal picks here that I can sort of understand but the hell did Hinaheads do?
Hisamitrannies, without a doubt.
That feels like it's giving the Jay too much credit
Definitely Parseefags and Yamamefags.
Impossible to tell unless you're frequently active in every corner of the 2hu fanbase around the world.
I will say however Yukari and Flan is oft-associated with powerlevelfag which to me is the lowest form of fanbases.
there are like, 3 of them
The hifuu girls attract a lot of retarded yuri shippers who think that spamming "gay sex" is the funniest thing ever.
Miko has insufferable troons seeing her as some kind of trans representation.
>>47140627 this.
i can appreciate the original bunny girls but some of the more long-term fans i've seen latch onto them can be some of the most gatekeepingest tongue-in-cheek motherfuckers out there i stg
We get it, you hate gay and trans people.
Oh right, that's a thing outside of /jp/. You're completely right, that's a pretty bad look for Mikofags.
They spam the jay with it too sometimes.
How the hell has Cirno not been mentioned yet?
On every social or gaming platform people whi have remi or yukari or some basic bitch 2hu from like 6-8 as an avatar is some insufferable faggot and probably a troon
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The only bad thing related to Cirno nowadays are the fags that are trying to conflate her with reddit.
I'm sure you've seen that one faggot doing it on /jp/.
Flandre especially
Sakuya kinda
Pretty much every EoSD character for that matter
Koishi maybe, depends where you look, many don't like her for what she actually is
Yukarifags love bringing up her absurd abilities when it's probably just something cool that ZUN didn't give much thought to and in regards to power creep. Yes she's supposed to be up there but I'm not going to get into specifics. Similarly Yuukafags seem to like the sadist side of her when she's not really a sadist at all
Reisenfags are known to be degenerates a lot of the time, or simply crazy. I knew a guy, he became trans and now sees himself as Reisen. I had already left him behind years prior
As for the better fans, I don't know but I haven't seen Yuumabros do much wrong, and while many Sanaefags are annoying, some are total bros
Outside of the touhou containment board, any of the 2hus that were appropriated by secondaries or people who don't even know touhou. Off the top of my head, Momiji, Koishi, Cirno, and Flan would be the worst.

Inside /jp/ either Hatate or Reisen. I have never seen one of their threads not be extremely low quality. Every other character at least occasionally gets decent threads or keeps an acceptable quality in all their threads.
>I haven't seen Yuumabros do much wrong
Oh really now? Like the zoomer discord circjerek of a thread in the catalog right now?
remilia. memed silent sinner in KINO as a bad manga because their retarded bat gets beat up
that is NOT a yuuma thread
that is a weirdo hive of weirdos being weirdos and they WERE using pictures of meiling and junko before some dickhead decided to make one using yuuma
I just hate secondaries.
First of all, there are Yamamefags???
Second of all, what's wrong with them?
Alice, Maribel and Renko, but thankfully most of the bad ones are outside of /jp/.
Meiratrannies and anything related to /v/, /bant/shiters.
I dunno, the one time that Meira avatarfag brought his insane headcanon and tried to argue for it here, getting told left and right, was pretty funny. So funny that his Discord buddies deny it happening to this day.
They went silent after she kept jobbing. it's honestly amazing how I've never seen anything beyond hag posting from her fags
Yachie and saki.

They have the most yurifags.
You forgot Keiki x Chimata
Shit i forgot about maribel and renko too. Even their japanese fans are awful
What did the Tsukumos ever do to you?
Ok, they're the only exception. Because barely anyone knows them. Everyone else from that game have some of the shittiest fans. Especially the GYNhus. Its almost all fucking yurifags.
Benben pissed in my coffee
I like Yukari and hate powershittery, it's made me happy she's not associated with retarded powerlevel fights anymore.
/v/ has/used to have one really vehement Meirafag with an entire theory on how Meira is Reimu's long lost sister or something along these lines. He gained some notoriety in that "community" by spamming said theory for a fair while and somehow acquired a group of followers who'd shout you down if you tried to point out any misinterpretations or misconceptions. Standard tripfag nonsense.
Then one day he grew either bored or bold and tried to do the same on /jp/. Needless to say based canonfags were on him like Eiki on my dick on Saturday nights.
If you ask about it now, they'll either tell you no such thing happened or that it was in fact "MeiraGOD" who BTFO'd everyone on /jp/.

Honestly, it's not a bad theory in and of itself. Guy's just really obnoxious about it and extremely defensive when you point out some of the erroneous assumptions he built it on. Pity, PC98fags are a rare breed these days.
>Its almost all fucking yurifags
That's every character. Be more specific.
I like PC98 because I think the style is cool and everyone's just beating the shit out of each other in ways that aren't as organized. I also really appreciate the references to Megaten
Anon, if yurifags are your bar for shitty fans, you're really in the wrong franchise
Literally every character has plenty of yurifags
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Same honestly
Which 2hu fandom is this guy from
He's a fairy enjoyer
Fuck off
The games are cool, but the number of autistic schizos among the fans is a lot higher than it is with Windows games.
I have a theory (heh) that it stems from PC98 characters having much less to go off of and thereby inviting a higher degree of personal interpretation, thus emotional investment. Whether it effects schizoidal behaviour by itself or is simply a facilitator for such is another question altogether.

Me, I just enjoy /jp/'s silly, memetic take on the LLShus. Can't see why you'd spend so much time and mental throughput on literal nobodies like Meira or Sariel. At least someone like Mima had more than one throwaway appearance. It's a strange thing all in all.
Im not talking about regular yuri fans.
Im talking about the reddit/twitter alphabet people. The ones who draw the 2hus as fat, black and with limbs more hairy than a bear. Yuri coomers arent the same as them. Atleast they mostly stay in their own corner. Also fuck off with that "ur in le wrong fandom" shit. I always see them saying that when they talk to people who dont like yuri. Fuck that.
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I am a Yuugi fan and while I get it, I am still slightly annoyed by those "step on me mommy" types of people that seem to latch onto her. Like I said, I get why they pick her, but it doesn't make it any less annoying to see. I could swear femdom was not as popular as it is now some years ago and not as obnoxiously so.
Stop spamming cowtits and talk about something other than paizuri.
Don't go to twitter/reddit. Problem solved.
That's the best part
NTA but yes I support the total extermination of anyone who projects their faggotry on the 2hus.
All of them got some form of cancer, except for Okuufags, those are alright in my book
Okuufags literally have radiation cancer from loving their wife too much...
okuufags come in three flavors
-man that bird is dumb
-man that bird is hot
-man that bird is making my camera go fuzzy
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He is a SangetsuseiGOD
Reimufags are the worst. Probably because they are too stupid to learn a name of any character who is not the main character.
This guy gets it.

I would also add Youmufags and an honorable mention to Byakuren and Kasen threads.
Most of the Yuukafags I've seen here insist that she's their sweet and loving "flower wife" and schizo an entirely new personality for her out of nowhere, rather than build on any sadistic parts.
probably because she only really had sadistic parts in PC-98 and her teasing in Windows is either annoying Reimu by hanging around the hakurei shrine or danmaku duels
PMiSS makes it clear that she presents herself as non-threatening when she goes to the village
>PMiSS makes it clear that she presents herself as non-threatening when she goes to the village
Because those are the rules, the village is a no fire zone for youkai, nobody is allowed wreck havoc there, and you have to remember that Perfect Memento is written by Akyuu and sponsored by Yukari, so the the former doesnt have the whole picture of what shes talking about.
Fuck yurifags, it's a shame really coz I love Renko,
No, her encounters in PoFV involved verbal threats beyond danmaku, too, and Eiki even calls her out on her attitude.
Even when she's polite and acts friendly in the village, it's clear that she still comes across as threatening, and she likes it that way. Even when she's genuinely helpful like in Reimu's ending, she's still going to be a tease and ensure Reimu is annoyed by her. She just loves rubbing people the wrong way like that.
She's not actually going to be violent unless she's facing a worthy opponent and/or someone who actually manages under *her* skin like Eiki, but she absolutely loves bothering people and unnerve them through threats, aggressiveness, and just her natural demeanor that convinces people there's just something *off* about her and that they shouldn't mess with her.
She's a youkai, after all, and proud of it, and expressing a sense of antagonism and underlying dread is what youkai are supposed to be all about, after all.
I love all three. Luckily Alice, is becoming less and less relevant so yuricucks are moving on to other characters and Renko kicked a Jizou so now people have some non-gayshit to talk about with her.
I wouldn't call myself a Yuukafag but she's my second favorite. My own interpretation of her is closer to that of a clinical psychopath than an unhinged maniac. She doesn't care about you or anyone. All she cares about is herself and the peaceful life that she has managed to build. No one is a part of this life in any meaningful way and most people she is acquainted with are no more than faceless background characters to her. She can smile and make small talk with these acquaintances but she would not lose a wink of sleep over killing any of them and she would do so without hesitation if she thought the situation called for it. Bleak as it all may sound, this is how she prefers it. A quiet retirement after a violent past.

She is also said to enjoy fucking with people using her words, which I think is a fun hobby for someone like her. She knows no one can hurt her anyways so it's probably entertaining trying to see if she can push hard enough to get someone to take a swing at her.
Implying this website isn't already reddit to begin with, only you can say nigger and faggot here.

So fuck off hive-mind nigger faggot
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Hide the thread and replies nigger faggot.
I find that sweet and hot, and I wouldn't mind if she killed me either.
My foremost desire is to receive love from the flower master, nothing else matters to me if that is even remotely possible.
Faggots who bitch on whose the worst is the equivalent of a homeless nigger calling a homeless nigger homeless.
No we just like the MC because we actually have LNB/LNNs, nobody but us actually plays the games
Most newhus are pretty fucking bad.
And that's a good thing. Fire up the ovens and pack em high.
Do you feel personally called out or something
now shes just shy and insecure apparently in fanon
which pc98hus have the worst fans
Meira for obvious reasons, /v/tards
any /v/poster is pretty bad. Anything else?
Sariel and Meira are hardly a comparison. Sariel is a a final boss from the very first game, and Meira is a throwaway stage 2 boss. There is also really nothing else like Sariel from the rest of the series.
Meant for: >>47142583
shut up catfag
There was that time when Momiji got co-opted by /pol/tards Otherwise I agree, basically none of it matters except for the handful of 2hu threads here I just won't visit on principle.
They slander other peoples favorite hus in order to make their mediocre spider look better.
Yamame has a very dedicated cult following on /jp/, this makes other fanbases jealous.
This has literally no basis what
I thought we were gonna use her fanbase to complain about writefags what the hell do you mean
>Captcha: KYSGK
Ranfriends le bad.
Blah blah blah blah.Jealous assholes.
t. shitty ranfag mmd poster
On xitter people with Kosuzu as their profile picture are demented ghouls. Strangely enough, people with Akyuu tend to be fairly normal. I'm not sure why this is.
He could aso be the guy who spams about anal.
>Barely 1 day old and already 100+ replies
hot damn. This thread really activated something in people.
Are you quoting someone?
Nta but seems like a lot of PC98hus have /v/-tier fans, even on /jp/. Plus I'm aware the /v/ermin loves to talk about them for some reason anyway, so it's natural to draw parallels.
The -Getsu sisters, Mai, Yuki, Sariel, Elly, Shinki, Alice. It's a damn shame.
so we're just straight up making shit up now huh?
then again half this thread has just been 'I personally dislike this character so their fanbase is bad'
>'I personally dislike this character so their fanbase is bad'
Alright, bigger question here is which fanbase is the most "legitimate" by your own standards, and explain what those standards are.
I notice that most discussion of PC98hus turn into a waifufag and headcanon circle jerk. Its the same on /v/ too. There is a particular autist who spams the same image of Sariel's feet in every touhou thread.
I was referring to the Yamame discussion in this thread >>46988730
Sorry if we were supposed to complain about writefagging, I can start doing that instead.
For a couple hours yesterday the Hatate thread was actually kinda alright. Of course, it's only alright when the meidos are on top of making sure the blackedfag is banned. So until the he gets deadnamed on a bad day and decides to jump off a bridge, we will not have good 'tate threads in our time.
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i cant help but be MAD
Your post reminds me that Okinaposters are extremely fucking bad too. Guess I forgot about her since I never visit her threads.
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>headcanon circle jerk
Most girls only have a few lines of dialogue so some amount of headcanon/personal interpretation is inevitable. It only becomes a problem when some obsessed autist decides that his (completely subjective) opinion is the absolute truth and starts shitting up every discussion. In other words, >>47142488
>her threads
They exist ?
Head canons and personal interpretation are one of the main appeals to pc98 in my opinion. Naturally, that would attract creative autists.
That's why I think /jp/'s obsession with "auntie Elly" is a blessing in disguise. It confuses and keeps away the /v/ermin.
I wouldn't know, I've never been in one.
But Sariel feet is based.
I'm pretty sure they shitpost about her pretty often, anyway. Dunno if they're using "auntie" but it doesn't exactly seem like /ss/ or mommydom under a different name would scare them away.
They don't, for some reason. Well, no. The reason is she isn't the pet character of any of the indigenous drawfags, so she just doesn't enter the conversation. The few times I've seen the meme mentioned, it caused rather a lot of jelly butthurt (because "auntie Elly" gets a lot of OC on /jp/).
Logically would be Sanae, but for some reason this disgusting characters attracts tolerable people.
Tsukasa maybe?
It used to be Sakuya with the pads BS buy a mile, but nowadays it's a tie between Koishi thanks to KKHTA and Flandre because of the stupid little-sistery whatever.
PC-98fags get a pass because the characters often have ZERO lore, sometimes not even names. And unlike Windowshus, they will never ever get any more official content.
Is incest in vogue right now?
not incest incest but more the whole "haha small vampire kills humans lololololol" circlejerk.

That's retarded. Hinafags are pretty much extinct and Orinfags used to be annoying on boobhu threads but they toned it down.
There are a few contenders, and they all have one or two things in common, mainly being members of the alphabet soup brigade or being politically preachy. Renko and Maribel are constantly shoehorned as lovers rather than friends, and for whatever reason attract alphabet-soup brigade weirdos like flies to cow dung. It's a shame because their characters are pretty interesting and ZUN's albums associated with Hifuu are great. I think Sumireko's design and personality also just screams "renko but for even more autistic alphabet people", sorry Sumireko fans. Mokou and Kaguya fans are also insufferable fruitloops. Mokoubros are a coin toss of based and laid-back versus being a mirror image of Kaguya fans, which are likely some weird troonaloons. Don't why but Kaguya fans are just way more flamboyant and preachy than Mokou fans. Of course there's also Miko fans half of which insist that she's "trans representation" arguably the worst of the bunch. Ironically enough on the other cringe side of the culture war there are Mikocels here and elsewhere who try to autistically reconcile their love for a Taoist character who practices magic with their schizo cringe monotheist moralism. Christian idiots winging on about how they want to convert Miko and other 2hus to their religion miss what makes Touhou cool in the first place in an effort to infect everything they come into contact with with their cosmopolitan religious universalism. Finally there's Hecatia fans who love to point to the fact that ZUN once wrote that rag "Alternate Facts in Eastern Utopia" to virtue-signal his socially progressive credentials and one of the few official sources I do not like at all for its terrible status quo progressive boiler plate political grandstanding. Hecatia fans have taken her up as a vanguard of the worst of the degenerate side of the culture war, and use the fact that ZUN states she's the strongest power-level wise to try to validate their crazy takes in a series and hobby where they don't belong. Honestly though, the other posts here about Parsee (why?) or that one mmd Ran poster or Yamame being over-represented here are just silly by comparison. I guess it's also disappointing that people only know or care about the EoSD cast, Reimu, Marisa, Koishi, Satori, Youmu and Suika as well. At least their fans aren't annoying with the exception of Flandre and Koishi fans.
>Which 2hu has the worst fandom?
>Not only on /jp/ but on the entire united state of the interwebs.
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>Christian idiots winging on about how they want to convert Miko and other 2hus to their religion
I think this is mostly shitposting. It's kinda funny... But it wouldn't surprise me if there are genuinely people like that who are serious.
I have never seen a Yuukafag that isn't schizophrenic or isn't a sociopath
Fascinating interpretation.
I really like Sumireko because she's kind of a goofy character to me. She's this chuuni teen who causes a lot of shit at first and in a way she feels like a fanfic OC. She visits Gensokyo in a strange way, and she's from the Outside World where she sometimes discusses modern real-world topics like the quality of modern media, which doesn't really feel like Touhou. It's kind of funny. I completely get why people dislike her, and I understand even further how she'd attract the wrong people and all the alphabet soup freaks, but she's a character I think about way too much
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Grimsokyofags as a whole are pretty fucking annoying. So are people constantly posting how something isn't cannon
>I like this one
who are you quoting?
To be honest there's nothing really wrong with her as a character, other than "random outsider gets transported to gensokyo and somehow holds her own against powerful already established characters." Her design, is cool, especially the wild runic cape but it's wacky enough that she tends to attract the wrong crowd. She does have a kick-ass theme though. Haven't played Violet Detector due to lack of interest and hearing there are too many game-breaking glitches.
Yeah I don't have much of an issue with her, it's just that she attracts a certain crowd because she's the funny teenage zoomer that's kind of bizarre
You know what's even more annoying than grimsokyofags? Sissies complaining about grimsokyofags, like bitch get over it already lol.
You know what's even more annoying than sissies that complain about people not liking grimsokyofags?
The source of your quotes aside, I see nothing wrong with pointing out when someone's bullshitting you like that. First they say they like a certain character, then it turns out they don't actually like that character but rather some imagined version of them that has nothing to do with the actual character. Fuck that shit. It's misleading.
There's a koishi thread with that very thing as an OP up right now
>Wow didn't you realize koishi is a sociopath and would never be able to even convince of a relationship with you please pay attention to how smart I am
Like who cares? And I'm not a koishifag either before you start pointing fingers
Since trying to whitewash your favorite to not be a sociopathic monster seems to be such a big thing across all youkai characters, which fanbase tend to embrace the monstrous aspects of their favorites most?
Rumia's. Duh.
Rumiatards are kings. They embraced the grim nature of their people-eating loli on day one, no retarded "OMG SHE DOESN'T EATS PEOPLE, SHE'S JUST JOKING!!!1" garbage.
On the one character canonically too incompetent to actually eat anyone. I guess the intent here is what counts.
Junko gets half credit because they love the genocide part but ignore that her purified resolve for revenge means she wouldn't even perceive them let alone have sexual arousal.
Yuuka seems like an easy one. I imagine her appeal for many of her fans is her reputation as being a cold blooded killer, with how much nuance there is to that foundation varying from person to person.
Okina fans exist????
Clownpiece has the best threads in jaypee though
But those who frequent those threads say a lot of obscene things about the little clown.
>to not be a sociopathic monster
This is what I'm talking about, if they were sociopaths then they wouldn't give a shit about the rules of gensokyo and eat humans anyways, but they don't so they clearly capable to have coexistence and not just murderhobo their way through life.
I'd use the word psychopathic since it is more accurate to the sentiment I wanted to express but it evokes a different image in many minds since its definition got swapped with sociopath's in fiction.
Jerking off wasn't supposed to be on my schedule today anon....
Guess I'll grill my chicken and peppers later, marinating longer is probably a good thing anyway.
Why are Clownpie's pockets longer than the shorts though?
It's actually hinted at that she might purposefully avoid eating humans. In PMiSS she "attacks" a human by changing course and enveloping him in her darkness cloud but he escapes because she can not see in her own darkness. In BAiJR you find out she can adjust her own darkness to such a fine degree that she can read a newspaper in conditions in which Aya is completely blind.
This shows she has good visibility in her darkness cloud and incredible night vision in general. When asked why she doesn't blend into the darkness and ambush humans on the roadside instead of ineffectually floating around she calls it "too much effort"
Basically she is either purposely letting them escape or simply does not care to the point where she is not willing to put in any effort whatsoever. Either way, it's not looking good for the crowd that thinks Rumia is all about eating humans. To drive my point home, here is a picture of Rumia playing hide and seek with some villagers.
your personal favorite
>a doujin series has a million interpretations of the same character
pick the one you like and call it a day
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Ranfags are simply cursed. Mentally because no huffy fwuffy tail and our completely 100% normal and blessed desires we want to do with Ran, and physically because her threads are unusable most of the time because of a black sheep. This has been the best Ran threads have been in a while (it's not a high bar), and even then the reputation and fear of it going back to shit holds activity back, there's like 10 fags there tops.
And yeah, everything outside of /jp/ and to a lesser extent other otaku boards might as well not exist.
I just headcanon that she was always a she and pretended to be a man in her time to get by politically, simple and needs no mental gymnastics like you would for if she was genderbent. Tbdesu I wish /jp/ was more isolated from modern politics so shit like that can actually be discussed at face value without bringing in baggage and lingo that has no place here.
They ran out of chinese girls.
The what?
>Tbdesu I wish /jp/ was more isolated from modern politics so shit like that can actually be discussed at face value without bringing in baggage and lingo that has no place here.
You can, barring the silent waifufag and the actual trannyfaggot that lives there, the Miko thread was very civil about that topic, you should check the discussion they held.
4chan always make fun of troons and faggots
Im a huge Ranfag. I enjoy the threads but there has been a guy completely ruining ran threads.
>Since trying to whitewash your favorite to not be a sociopathic monster seems to be such a big thing
It's called waifufagging and /jp/ has done it for as long as it exist. There's nothing wrong with it unless they unironically convince themselves that it's canon.
Okay but who has the best fanbase? I think Aunn is up there
>This has been the best Ran threads have been in a while (it's not a high bar), and even then the reputation and fear of it going back to shit holds activity back, there's like 10 fags there tops.
I've been posting as much as I can and engaging with any topic that comes up to enjoy the peace while it lasts but yeah, there's not much activity.
I refuse to go into that thread because of the anal obsessed homosexuals. Ran gets maybe two moderately okay threads in a year and they're still spamming about how gay they are and how they want to be fisted by a fertile woman.
Sorry bro, but Ran has awful fans.
Eh, they're not that hard to ignore I've found. They don't flood the thread like the MMDfag and usually only make a few posts before quieting down. I think part of the problem is her threads aren't active enough to show how little those guys really post.
Anal stimulation isn't gay though.
I've only seen one ass obsessed closet faggot who wants to get drilled out by futa cock. The rest of the prostate shitposting is about getting the button pushed in service of getting squeezed dry by fox pussy. The means may be weird, repulsive, and makes you out to be a vixen's bottom bitch, but the end (fertilizing volcanic soil) remains the same; except for the aforementioned faggot who just wants to get his anal circumference rolled. And as >>47195464 said, they don't completely and totally dominate discussion and make the thread unusable, at best it's a few posts and people ignore/jack off and move on. At worst someone gets assmad enough to reply and kick up a fit.
Personally I'm trying to piece out how it got to this point, it's not like it's a big thing in fanart, this being one of the few pieces I could find.
This is why ranfags are the worst out of all of them.
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Agreed, fox on the brain is proven to cause irreparable brain damage
Ranfags lives matter
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No they don't. Free us and send us to Gensokyo.
Send me to live with Ran. I'll come back mpregnant.
aka Spacejin's non-evil twin.
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Because Cirnofags are one of the last to contain mass amounts of creative autism, allowing them to continue innovating where much of the 2hu fandom has stagnated
You can't hate this.
>Convert Miko to Christianity
They're horribly misguided. Byrakuren would make a better candidate for conversion by virtue of the fact she doesn't even agree with the tenants of her own religion and is searching for eternal life.
why not all 3?
"God I want to fuck this stupid dumb sexy bird until my dick falls off."
Honestly I don't even consider a heavy majority of Cirnofags a part of touhou fandom, they're pretty much their own thing.
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everyone from eosd except meiling
Cool now you can return to xitter
I believe you shouldn't underestimate Aikido. Now I know you may be thinking, "Why take a weakling martial art like Aikido seriously when I am learning Kendo?" I can see why you would think that, how can a peaceful martial arts like Aikido beat a powerful one like Kendo?

Well, I have a story to share with you.

Years ago, I was a Kendoka, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. He was a Japanese exchange student, I still remember his name, Noboru Takeda.

I picked on him because of his hilarious and thick Japanese accent. I told him I was going to beat him so hard, he would go back to China(Yeah, I was a little racist prick.), he never said anything back, made me wanted to kick his ass even harder.

Well, here comes the fight. I threw men and do strikes, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing tsuki, and he grabbed past it to my wrist and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.

When I woke up I was in the school infirmary, I asked the nurse who brought me here, and you guessed it, Noboru Takeda. The next day, he wasn't at school, he was back in Japan, and I never got to thank him, for saving my life and showing me the light. I soon learned that he was an Aikidoka and have been practicing Aikido ever since to show my thanks to him.
Meiling is cool.
Whichever 2hu has the fags that needlessly bump finished threads. Like this guy >>47221994
What is it with Orinfags and tiddies?
I'm not complaining but Orin never came across as a "boobhu" to me personally
Orin is the paizurihu who has giant fat titties and uses them to paizuri men to death. Source: am ZUN.

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