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Cool 2hu art thread
idk what you'd call these but I think they are neat
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go away
>original image isn't 1920x1280
It's so over.
You guys know of any good image upscalers?
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I miss scenery threads
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lets bring them back right now anon, together
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It's a shame not a whole lot of artists do sceneries nowadays
waifu2x + imagemagick
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This art cool enough for you?
You got it
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I miss wallpapers anon.
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Living in the village seems comfy even if we would be a faith cattle for the higher power
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this surely counts
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It surely does
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I will leave here my long time wallpaper that I must have been using for years now.
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it's nice but what if normal people see your desktop
this one >>47152119 is perfect though nobody would know
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I'm very picky on wallpapers because lots of images look cool and pretty to have as one, but their resolution isn't quite exact.
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fuck em
I look them dead in the eyes and tell them it is a video game character.
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Oh hey it worked, thanks.
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i like this
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I'm trying
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Is it new Hifuu club thread ?
Which hu is just winging it without looking at the notes?
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It can be if you want it to be
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it is my opinion that kajatony is one of the greatest touhou artists of all time
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He's up there that's for sure
I also loved Lfacras works too Before he turned into a gachafag and deleted all his works
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you probably already have this but I'm reasonably sure I've got all of Hidaru (Lfacras) work up until he flipped the switch and became a gachafag who's never heard of 2hu in his life
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>you probably already have this
I don't so thank you very much
>until he flipped the switch and became a gachafag who's never heard of 2hu in his life
Why are they always like this?
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1.43 MB PNG

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