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It's yours
Abe is that you?
Who the fuck are you
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There's a used condom black market in gensokyo.
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there's not very many of her kind left
you should slam her pregnant
Happy life with youkai wife
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Anybody willing to make her a mom again?
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wtf when did Marisa become a mother?
Does this mean your wifehu will sell your sperm off to her friends behind your back?
she is a raging lesbian, those are adopted, or worse... poor kids...
Impregnating mom!
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I want to MARRY my momwife
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The facial expressions should be reversed. Smug Yuuka baby factory.
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Imagine the misfortune
It's kicking in hard already, he got photobombed by a tree
i wonder how large a clutch of momoyos is
"if you go out at night, make sure to bring food with you to bribe local Youkai", is what they told me. What they failed to specify is that if you give a Youkai a piece of jerky, they'll probably come to like you, and if they come to like you, they'll seek you out even when it's not dark, and if they start following you around during the day, then other people will start keeping their distance from you, and other people start keeping their distance from you, you'll have a tough time finding a wife, and since the only woman who stays around you will be that Youkai you bribed with meat...
I guess it isn't so bad, other Youkai don't want to eat me now afterall, but now I have to fuss over her so she doesn't accidentally slam into a tree and make our child stupid.
>but now I have to fuss over her so she doesn't accidentally slam into a tree and make our child stupid.
Anon I think it's going to be stupid no matter what
>Anon I think it's going to be stupid no matter what
Really? I know low-level youkai are dumb, but if it's born half-human they should be a little smarter right?
Although I'm not sure Rumia is really low-level, she's always wearing that seal after all. I hope it doesn't mess with the kid...
your kid will be a cannibal
>your kid will be a cannibal
Oh God I hope not, I don't want to lose my kid to Prion disease that stuff is no joke.
Maybe I can get the Shrine Maiden to make another seal? It'll probably be expensive, but it's better then brain-eating parasites. Her belly has gotten pretty big too, I hope it isn't twins, don't think I can afford two seals...
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Some hus are not exactly enjoying motherhood
I think centipedes give birth to around 30 or 35
God imagine the planning you would have to do for a family that big
It would be rewarding but damn would it make you tired
You'd best get in touch with Yamame's husband for tips since he's dealing with hundreds of babies
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Momoyo's got it dont worry
The ingestion of human remains and brains as a Kuru vector ended in the 1960s. Kuru completely iburnt itself out in the 2000s.It was at its height extremely localized. Your kid is more likely to die from Progeria (highly unlikely in itself).
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>both a momhu and a preghu thread going
We really just want to have a happy family with a youkai wife, don't we?
I must be in the minority for wanting to live a relatively quiet and peaceful life with my wife without children around.
Your youkai wife will live forever, you won't. Give her something to remember you
What kind of husband would I be if I wasn't actively working towards way to transcend my humanity and be around for ages to come?
No problem, I'll follow Seiga and become a wicked hermit.
I'm partial to that one where the guy tricks Rumia into being his wife, but your If You Give a Youkai a Cookie story sounds good, too.
Jeno really knows what's up sometimes.
I personally like the idea of Rumia becoming a good mother consciously and unconsciously.
She should have thought about that before she spread her legs!
Translate it weebs
You can't say you love your 2hu if you don't want the world to have more of your 2hu
Depends on the size of the momoyo!
tell me about the 2hus
why do they produce small clones of themselves
Most of the 2hus are hermaphrodite, which means they don't need a male human/youkai to reproduce. Yuuka has been known to reproduce through the dispersal of spores.
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because (You) are the father, but (You) could be of any phenotype imaginable
so by making them mini 2hus, it sidesteps the issue of (You)r kids not looking like (You) by just making duplicates
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The youkai/goddess/human with exceptional abilities genes are too strong
I don't think youkai/goddesses have strong genes. They lack physicality so human genes should be dominant here. Either that or the child would become a great hero demigod because that's what happens in mythologies.
You're supposed to project your own features onto them, our kids look like both parents, I don't get what's this cloning youre talking about.
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Cutest daughter up to no good.
Considering Rinnosuke and arguably Keine, the nonhuman genes seem to be largely recessive for the reasons you mentioned.
How easy is it to impregnate a youkai?
varies. animal-type youkai tend to be on the easier side
Their parents were just weak.
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So do animal youkai birth litters or just one kid at a time?
Rule of titty applies, no more babies than their are titties to feed them
Size has no bearing on production
they'll always adapt to match demand
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Consider this tier list I sloppily slapped together.
Its over Mimilions...
Cows can only have one calf per pregnacy and Junko is old.
The Volcanic Soil tier cannot have these intruders.
But cows can have up to 20 calves in their life
Human women can also do that, you know? Compare that to the litters the others produce per pregnancy.
Kagerou is too sexy to not be in Volcanic Soil
Bunnies get pregnant with one shot so Seiran, Ringo, and the other Reisen should be in volcanic soil too
Junko's age has nothing to do with it; her womb is in peak condition due to her purity.
You're right about the bunnies, not sure what my thought process there was...
I've made a live list to vote on if anyone is interested.
Be that as it may, I don't see how she compares to bunnies.
Anon did a kuso list, no offense.
Yukari might become a different person if she is big happy family corrected
Shinki should definitely be in the highest tier. Her powers of breeding are well documented and undeniable. Her womb is still explosively fertile even at her age.
This is an acceptable way of life only if you are her sonhusband.
Sir, Hourai individuals can't reproduce... Even my dad jokes can't make them ovulate or something like that.
Hence rule of titty my man, all animals on this earth give birth in litters equal to the tits
She's still a virgin, anon. All her children were created with magic and alchemy
However you are correct, she is objectively the most fertile non-beast in the setting
Imagine having sex with a virgin Goddess who's already given birth to countless daughters. Must be a surreal experience.
You gotta give your momwife an outlet for her maternal instincts so she won't go crazy and do something unexpected.
What do cakes, baseball and wombs have in common?
They all need a batter.
>Sir, Hourai individuals can't reproduce... Even my dad jokes can't make them ovulate or something like that
It's the soul that's unchanging, not the body.
so that's why kaguya is a shriveled husk
Nah, even the body aren't changing...
Mokou is objective proof otherwise. She looked different when she initially consumed the elixir. Read Cage please.
if you turn evil hus into momhus, they are effectively incapable of being evil
Therefore it is your duty to keep them occupied to prevent incidents
But supposed being impregnated was apart of their evil plan
relevant for the current discussion
What if I wanted another generation to impart of evil ways onto?
repeat until they forget/are too busy
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Imagine turning the mountain milf into an actual mom, then the kid turns out like this...
Note: this does not work on Seiga.
Post her reaction when you accidentally called her mommy
Dude, wtf are you talking about?
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Reject youkai moms
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mamizou has a chubby belly made for grabbing
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Even the young ones can be mommied.
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Commiting a murder with Aya!
Some eggs are fertilized after they are laid but not bird eggs
Don't worry, the coating is only for photo's composition. Most of the stuff went in before during honest, marital work.
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Imagine her reaction when you kick her in the belly. The aborted fetus comes out like melted jelly.
Seiga please.

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