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Would you let her lead you through the overgrown grapevines of Hell, Anon? She'd never let go~
I think Hisami is cute and not at all a weird creepy stalker who gets randomly obsessed with people! Hisami is nice! Hisami is innocent! Hisami only wants your used underwear!
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I wish I had a grape girl that is crazy about me
anon... you're not zanmu...
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She got another one...
Cute squishy tummy
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It's insane how sexy she is.
What was ZUN's wife thinking when she made ZUN design her?
She wants to dress ZUN as Hisami and herself as Zanmu!!!
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>Artist draws Hisami with cute lipstick that's BUILT for forced sloppy kisses and other activities
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Only if she lets me do her
if any 2hu showed even a modicum of interest in me, I'd let them do whatever they want to me
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even Seiga?
why she eggplant?
grape juice
eggplant juice
So what is her deal anyway?
What is she?
What does she do?
she eggplant
I'd plant something in her eggs all right.
i want to the eggplant
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It's not worth an eternity in Hell. A lot of Touhou media will give you the wrong impression of Hell. For your ordinary sinner, it really is constant suffering.
What is Hisami's role in it, though? I thought people went to hell on their own without being dragged down?
I would be interested in seeing Heca-T's /fa/ Hell.
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>It's not worth an eternity in Hell. A lot of Touhou media will give you the wrong impression of Hell. For your ordinary sinner, it really is constant suffering.
I believe the reality is Hell is just like real life, nothing changes if you go to Hell, you just keep on living the same as you were. But hey! It's not like you can get any more dead! May as well try to make friends with Hectia!
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You really do not want to go to Hell. Hecatia is very serious about this whole suffering business.
Of course, hell is vast, so there might be parts of Hell that are more normal. Like the Animal realm. Keiki is not bad at all, in big picture.
Haha... I doubt they exist
Thankfully nobody has those to post
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sex grape
>You really do not want to go to Hell
See, logically, I know that, but Hecatia's descriptions are just pushing all the right buttons that I'd at least like to see what the postcards are like.
you don't get an eternity in hell in touhou, you get a finite time for rehabilitation before you go back to the reincarnation cycle
I mean, finite time might be 'ten billion years for daring to be a women' but that's still a drop in the bucket compared to eternity
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Yeah, you're right. I dunno what the typical length would be, but it makes a big difference.
Really makes you wonder what she is thinking when she wants to introduce beauty to hell. Like, I'd get it if it was to give hope to people who have nothing to hope for (because they are there forever), but if I'll just be back living life again in 100 years, I'll take the flowers in the meantime.
Maybe it's good for rehabilitation? To make my soul into a nature lover? But that's not what she says.
I might give it a crack tomorrow, but you people don't like Hisami how I like her (svelte).
Thats because how you like her makes no goddamn sense
As long as she is tall and beautiful, I don't mind.
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You expect me to deliver after having my dick's opinion dissed like that?
I like that Hecas reason for beautifying hell is to make it worse, adding psychological torture and teasing mesukagi fairies(you have no body to correct them)
Oh well, whatever shall I do?
tall is the opposite of how he likes her (hence why it makes no fucking sense)
I will take any /jp/ Hisami OC.
Fairies are not for correction.
>You really do not want to go to Hell. Hecatia is very serious about this whole suffering business.
"Ahhh, how beautiful! A burning pit of bodies, crawling on top of each other to try and reach the promised succor of a luxurious swimming pool! Like crabs in a bucket!" Hecatia laughed as plucked another grape from the vine.
But before she could pop the treat into her mouth an aberration caught her eye. A small pocket where she couldn't spy any of the flames that licked the other tortured souls. She could have ignored the sight, allowed the irregularity to go on, but like a splinter, the small thing worked it's way into her mind until she couldn't do anything BUT investigate it.
So the Goddess flew out into the fiery pits and those suffering within averted their gazes, as they had been conditioned to do, until she arrived at the spot where the fire was not so powerful, to find a sort of tent, a tent made of skin.
As she moved the flap open she saw a few men, lounging and relaxing, some of them with a bit of exposed flesh here and there.
"We got a guest!" One yelled. "Oh! Lady Hecatia! We were wondering when you'd show up!" Another answered
The naked men drew the Goddess into the tent and guided her through various other tortured souls, all up to some task like sharpening bones, stripping skin, and other strange devices, until she was face-to-face with someone who stood at the center, dictating the work.
"Miss Hecatia! What a surprise!" The man excitedly said, as he waved away another worker.
"What's going on here?!" Hecatia asked. "Why aren't you all suffering like the rest?"
The man raised an eyebrow. "But we are suffering? I'm still missing a huge patch of skin from my back see?" He twisted his body, pointing to an exposed piece of flesh that had all scabbed over. "I believe it's become part of the rafters, but can't be sure, so much has moved around since we started construction."
"Oh, I see what's going on here." Hecatia crossed her arms. "You've set up a pyramid scheme haven't you?"
"Miss Hecatia! You wound me in my own house!" He cried out jovially, to which the rest of the party cheered "No, that would be far too easy! See, we, that being myself and my cohorts who died in a building collapse, decided that we really wanted to test ourselves, see if we all got to the top of society by our own grit or if it all was just handed to us. Got the idea from my mentor, he's got a farm out in Virginia somewhere raising pigs, always thought he was a loon..."
"I, I don't understand. You LIKE suffering? You're enjoying burning alive in Hell?" Hecatia asked.
"You know, at first it really sucked, but then Paul, that's him over there, hey Paul! He pointed out that it was weird our skin kept coming back, so Saul said, that guy sharpening up bones, Saul said that we probably needed our faculties to suffer properly, and that made me think, if this is Hell, doesn't that mean we're supposed to learn something? And I figured, 'to HELL with it, let's make lemons in to lemonade!'"
"I've heard enough." Hecatia said, snapping her fingers, causing the skin tent to flap away. "It's time I crushed you and yours fleeting ambition so you can all know true despair!"
The man looked on as the skin tent flew into the distance, forever outside their reach, then to Paul. "Okay fellas, human skin tent ain't an option anymore, we're moving on to Saul's 'Human Ladder' project!" The squad all cheered at this and got to work building a new construction.
Over the coming weeks, Hecatia would periodically come to squash whatever hair brained scheme the men would come up with or send the Hell Faries to do it, but it seemed like every time, they had a new idea up their sleeve, smoke signaling other pits for help, using intestines as ropes to grapple out, or making adhesives out of SOMETHING to get a better climbing grip.
It was all becoming rather ludicrous.
But one day, after they'd failed to construct a sort of climbing vehicle, Hecatia found all the men rather solemn.
"Oh, have I finally broken your spirit?" Hecatia asked.
The man sighed. "Miss Hecatia, is there, perhaps, another Goddess we could be assigned? Please don't take this personally, but were all kind of bored here you know?"
"I'm... I'm THE Goddess of Hell you ingrates!" She yelled.
"Oh, oh well that's... ohh." He clicked his tongue. "That's a real shame cause we're all bored to tears. Some of us have even turned to meditation to cope. Wait... Is that what we were supposed to learn? To be at peace with doing nothing?!" He yelled.
A few affirmative yells sounded throughout the group and suddenly all the men began fading.
"Boss, I think were going to Heaven!" A portly man said.
"Probably a reincarnation deal my friend, I hope your skinner in the next life! Thank You Hecatia, for everything truly-"
And then he and all the rest of the men were gone, returned to mix of souls slated for reincarnation.
Hecatia's eye twitched. She had done her duty, but was not happier for it.
You're a good writer.
You're bad writer.
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You're a writer
You're a great writer.
you're a writer, man
> You're enjoying burning alive in Hell?
Should be
>Your enjoying burning alive in Hell?
Thank you for pointing this out. Grammar is my personal Hell.
You will retract those words, ser.
Hecatia won the battle but lost the war
Anon unless you're Zanmu she's not going to want to do kinky shit with you and you'll just be in hell
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give le grape lady a kissu~
She could probably set you up with some nice fairy or oni. She supposedly is good on her word and popular with the sinners she drags to hell, so I assume she'll arrange some cozy job for you in hell's hierarchy and see to your security. Although she may not care to make an offer (or even visit) some no-name anon who'll fall to hell on their own anyway.
It makes me wonder if that's how she met Zanmu. Was turning into an oni part of the deal, or was that something Zanmu achieved on her own?

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