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This strange lady wants you to see her beautiful flowers.
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I want to see her beautiful smile.
Show "them" to me.
Hot sweaty pantyhosed sex.
I love flowers! She seems like a really nice lady!
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H-Hi there
bra paizuri
Would she be angry if you overheard her talking to her flowers?
Emotionless paizuri.
Anger like that comes from insecurity, and Yuuka doesn't have any
Yuuka wouldn't care if you heard her, in the same way a mountain doesn't care if ants make a nest on it
She would not care at all, as long as you don't fuck with the flowers themself
I want to see her bush if you catch my drift
Graceful and elegant
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Yuuka shaves.
Did you ever grow anything, anon? You're not supposed to let grass and weeds grow all over your garden. Half the job is actively preventing unwanted plantlife from appearing where it isn't welcome.
Why would she care what an insect thinks of her?
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I love her
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The crossover that the green hair club needs, but do we deserve it?
Speaking of crossovers, what is Yuuka thread's opinion on this?
Yuuka definitely ISNT the kind of woman to share her man, especially when it come to sex, i mean for god sake if you even try to do anything funny to her flower field she would fucking kill you, and combine with the fact that she is also very territorial, which mean she's extremely protective of her and her man's love life, this definitely aint possible at all.

Also why is this Yuuka look like that, can't the aifag do something better?
Yuuka looks especially nice when she wears her long pants and have short hair.
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Oops forgot pic
Stupid sexy mysterious youkai...
god i wanna eat cirno
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Is there a limit to how long can Yuuka's clone body stay active? how far can they stay away from each other?
I'd think that the "clone" is still Yuuka, but she's split her consciousness between two physical vessels, so they're connected to each other but otherwise fully autonomous because her soul or whatever is fully capable of handling two bodies at once.
She can't actually use magic (although I struggle to see how not), so I can only assume she brute forces problems with more power, kinda like if you had a sports car with no gearbox and just relied on having like 600 hp to do whatever it is you want to do.
I think it's more like how Kogasa is both the brella and the girl, except the two Yuukas are almost identical.
With Yuukas power I'd presume she doesn't really need to stay close together, but getting the feedback from both bodies would be disorienting if they were doing different things.
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Summer Yuuka!
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Yuuka is cool
And seductive!
The most sexy of all 2hus
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The 'hu for hugging and loving
your flowers look beautiful, may i... go now?
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No leaving anon, you better learn how to care for flowers, brew tea and raise green haired children
Sowing the seeds,
The birds and the bees,
My girlfriend and me
Cute pic, post more like this one, please.
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Pants Yuuka is love.
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Yuuka is the perfect combination of cute, elegant, and pure sex
And lethal. Don't forget lethal.
I find it extremely attractive that she would probably kill me if I annoyed her too much. It's probably one of my favourite things about her.
The gap moe is good too though.
I want to plant my seed in Yuuka-san and see the flower of out love bloom in her womb

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