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Anon... you've been obsessed with Touhou for like 10 years now, honestly what the fuck
Almost 16 in my case.
I refuse to stop. Leave me alone.
I came here from a post on /r/touhou 3 weeks ago though
Closer to 15, actually.
And 15 years from now, I'll still love Remimi.
I gave up on 2hu 10 years ago actually
And yet you're here...
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Who wouldn't love such a delicate needy little vampire? Don't forget to hug her to warm her up in her long slumber
No, I'm a lockdown fag. Came across /f/, came across iosys flash movies and the like. But listening to all this toho music has made me want to learn an instrument recently. My father has a big 61 key Yamaha which i kind of played bad apple on last time I was home. For now I'm just using my phone and an app, i don't buy a keyboard because I am afraid i won't get the time to play it enough, or waste too much time playing it, being detrimental to my career. I actually really want to learn the guitar and play the guitar solo from this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34ffwOeCC9M on electric guitar but that's a distant dream as things go...
>that's a distant dream as things go...
Why? Did something happen?
Joke's on you, it hasn't even been ten months for me!
I remember a time long ago when I wanted to learn how to play an instrument. Unfortunately my fingers are too clumsy for such a coordinated effort on account of my mind and body being incredibly out of sync. The mind is always several steps ahead of the body and the body just can't keep up.
Actually it's been about 14 years for me. Maybe 15.
i am a newfag, my mental illness intensified just recently.
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Youmu your family has been obsessed with a dead tree corpse for over 1000 years
i want to bust on them ghosts
Ten years seems right. My sophomore English teacher sometimes used to play touhou songs during independent writing sessions in class and thats how it all spiraled from there.
Based teacher, if you still see him someday tell him he is based and coolpilled
I first heard of Touhou when Christina Vee released her English cover of Bad Apple, and I learned if some of the characters while exploring the music. There was a Youmu figure I saw pictures of that really enamored me to her design. But the bug never bit me until about four years ago now? I watched some Touhou MMD sketches and eventually binged Memories of Phantasm, and that really engrossed me in the world of Gensokyo, with all the background cameos making the setting just come to life. I still haven’t played the games, and I don’t really think the official games will be my cup of tea. But I love the lore and I ain’t gonna stop anytime soon.
>I still haven’t played the games, and I don’t really think the official games will be my cup of tea.
So you're not a fan. It doesn't matter if you don't think they're your cup of tea or not, I fucking hate SHMUPs and have only made maybe maybe 5 succesful 1CC attempts in the past 15-odd years, so if I can do it you can too. Stop running from it.
Datamining thread.
Really? That's cool, now go back there.
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theres more to your thought, right?
>mfw i love bullet dodging games but my skill and mind have degraded too much to 1cc
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forgot pic
2hu is just a bunch of shitty bullet games with shitty art. Anyone who got into it in the first place is a gigantic tool.
You can always try picking up the fightan games, those are canon and generally are easier to get into.
>said the autistic idolfag
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Why are you people replying to the braindead tripfag?
Because unlike (You), I dont take this place seriously.
hi vert

can you fuck off back to /a/ and at the very least keep your derailment there? thanks
If anons being obsessed with 2hu stopped even one of them from turning into an insufferable cunt to be around on a daily basis, it is worth it.
Me on the bottom left, desperately trying to harapan her into submission before she ruins the ojou's image with her mammeries but unable to do any damage due to my soft felt form.
No, i just don't have the time or resources, and guitar is hard + im retarded...
Have you tried? With time your fingers magically land on the right notes
I want to land on Alice's right notes with my fingers!
Same. But i also can't be arsed to learn how to read sheet music. (Literally, and figuratively, too)
Play it on easy
>Have you tried?
Yes, but it's a problem with more than just music. I'm just an uncoordinated mess in genera and I always trip up if I have to think about what I am about to do before I do itl. I'd like to blame untreated ADHD but the reality of it is probably just that I'm stupid and don't have what it takes to do anything delicate that requires the mind and body to cooperate.
Hey I've made my own OC universe too but it's dark ,full sex and violence.
ADHD is a bitch, really. It's the type of disorder that will make you feel constantly restless and in need of stimulation. Things that are too difficult to grasp at first will likely leave you with massive anxiety and stress.
Start with writing down your progress/making notes and being consistent
I don't have diagnosis but I do have the same problem you describe and writing down shit gives you more clarity
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friend showed me touhou in 2022
I only became interested in touhou because I was obsessed with /jp/ in that 2010-2012 /jp/ dream era.
got into 2hu in 2021 due to fumo memes
Kind of wanted to learn more about it, but all online communities were either dead, walled gardens or Reddit. Then I discovered /jp/.
Stayed as a secondary for some months. I thought I would never be able to play the games, but tried EoSD and... while I couldn't even make it past Rumia at first, I liked it enough to continue trying. Cirno's second non spell almost gave me a seizure, but after like a year I managed to clear it. Touhou is much fun, I'm glad I am here, but fumos kind of lost their magic. I did have a dream with a Parsee fumo a few months before she was even released.
I don't understand people who got into 2hu through fumo since fumo is already a 2hu inside joke
See cute doll -> google the character -> find out about 2hu
I've been into Touhou for 16 years and I have no clue what the fuck fumos have to do with it, other than the obvious borrowing of character designs.
I got into Touhou as a secondary, played the games and 1cc'd IN and EoSD in Lunatic out of mere internet social pressure, ended up hating them and I went back to being a secondary in soul again.

Imagine feeling compelled to do something just because reddit-tier dweebs call you names if you don't. Fuck the Touhou games, they are boring grindy kusogames like all the shit Japan pushes out of their ass.
But god bless the universe and the characters.
What did you hate about them?
I love Touhou so much...
Whenever I feel bad about anything at all, the Touhou cast was always there for me. They're my best friends and are always here even when nobody else is. I owe them so much but I'm not really useful for anything. I figure I'll repay them one day by letting Youkai eat me. It would be painful being torn apart but I'd die happy seeing their smiles, knowing I did something good.
They are not games, they are a chore. If I am going to waste my time learning patterns, I'd rather study music.
Hmm, I guess shmups aren't your thing
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>internet social pressure
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>Imagine feeling compelled to do something just because reddit-tier dweebs call you names if you don't.
Anon that's literally what you did
and you, silver hair whore, you've been obsessed with the fat pink haired whore for millennia. Keep quiet.
That's exactly what I mean, I can't believe I was retarded enough to get pressured by fucking /jp/, the board of coomers and social failures, to play a kusoge, because I actually wanted to fit in.
Such is the mind of the young man, but I have learned my lesson.

Yeah, not my thing. Thankfully there are 2hu fangames of other genres that I like.
Hey at least you tried the game unlike 90% of the fandom even if they aren't your thing at the end. I don't know how you could stomach playing it to 1CC them though.
>Thankfully there are 2hu fangames of other genres that I like.
Like Lost Word? LOL
Anon he said fangames not garbage
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Luckily I never had to be "pressured" by /JayPee/ since I was already a fan of touhou before I came to 4chan.
So you're a tourist, makes sense i suppose
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Yes anon I'm a "tourist" that has been here for 14 years. Yup. Totally.
That's good. Writing is coincidentally the latest endeavor I am trying to get into. In theory it should be much easier since I don't really have to actively coordinate anything. The hardest part would probably just be turning the ideas and images in my head into an organized block of words.
Youmu's younger than 60.

... Or was.
newfag, you've probably never witnessed a touhou hijack
I've enjoyed it for more than half my life now, and I'll hopefully keep enjoying it for even more.
Couldn't you just play them in normal?
Harder difficulties are meant for tryhards that want to squeeze more playtime out of a game. That kinda applies to most games with more than 1 difficulty above the normal one.
But I guess your young harcore gamer self wanted to just go to the hardest shit from the start.
Because he's a bitch who capitulates to pressure easily
You are a newfag, yes. You are trash, and should kill yourself by hanging
You're trying too hard summerfag
Anon, if you're getting "social pressure" from the Internet, it's time you turn off your computer and smash it with a hammer
No, it is you
Maybe if Youmu was less sexy I wouldn't keep coming back.
Believe it or not some people don't care about DJing, faggot.
I wish I had the time to play touhou, fucking downloaded EoSD 4 months ago and only played 5 hours
I'm the the same boat as you. I've put a lot of time into these games and really, honestly tried to get into them, but I just couldn't. It sucks that I'll always be a secondary, but that's how it is.
Bumping cus a thread like this ain't going to waste on my watch.
Play other shmups first
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How do you not have more than 5 free hours in four fucking months? Do you simultaneously have the work/life balance of a japanese workaholic while moaning about not having the time as you post to /jp/, one of the most notorious time wasters on the whole internet?

go beat EoSD, remi and her RNG bullshit is calling your name
Not him but ever since I got a job (actually, since I was in college) i don't play games because they feel like huge wastes of time that could instead be utilised doing other things.
I downloaded that Tohou RPG in rpg maker xp and I think I last played it in 2022 or early 2023 when I was a 3rd year. I used to put in several hours every day, before.
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Yuugi has been my Touhou waifu since 2012 and that isn't about to change now.
Anon that first point is just existential dread, get over it. Taking time to fulfill or entertain yourself is fine. Taking time to be with friends, watch a stupid movie, or play some video games is entirely normal and is the same thing as guys that collect stamps or enjoy reading books. Fulfilling yourself and spending time for (you) is never a waste.
T. Small business owner who has to make free time
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I got into 2hu sometime in 2011 as a retarded 17 year old because I was on youtube and a video of Overdrive by IOSYS was on the related side of the vocaloid videos I was watching, I clicked it obviously and from there it led me to the wiki and funnily enough I also found /jp/ from there and rest is history. I also played the games, I even bought a physical copy of MoF. I enjoy the official games but I'm no good at them, I prefer the PC-98 games, I have those to thank for my general interest in PC-98s.

Nowadays though, 2hu to me is a nostalgic comfort more than anything else. Marisa is still my waifu, but I mostly just listen to my large collection of doujin music and watch old videos. I don't know the names and faces of anyone beyond LoLK.
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True, but I never said entertaining yourself is a bad thing. Hanging out with friends, family, or doing other shit for fun, is just more fulfilling than video games, is all im saying. Besides I feel stuck in a rut when playing these. I've been doing the same shit since school - that means a decade+. (Or maybe I've kind of outgrown video games like the teddy bear I swore I would never sleep without him by my side). I left the comfy small city I grew up in, because of the same feeling, now I live in a huge overgrown shitheap of a city, in a pod, not because it's better (it's not), but because it's different and i wanted to at least feel like i have moved forward in life.
Don't use a Vacuum Cleaner when you try to clean up.
Find some friends, anon. Games are just not as fun if you're playing them solo. This is speaking from experience. I know the feeling. Playing with friends creates great memories that will live with you forever.

I'm not just talking about video games here, either. Being lonely just eats away at me and makes time pass by quickly with nothing to show for it. If you can, try searching for some friends with similar interests.
I cannot feel any connection to people around me, and my social skills while they were never good have just grown more rusty with all this time I have spent without all-round interactions...
Yes i know games are super fun with friends, even just playing snakes and ladders.
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I've heard that before from someone I used to be friends with. If you value friendships you should take some steps to make/keep friends otherwise you'll just grow even more distant and your social skill will just get worse and worse.
I also had trouble feeling a connection with others until I found the right people. and then lost those people due to things I couldn't do anything about...
Nta but how did you find the right people?
Whenever I hear such stories I always count my blessings that I am the kind type of person who enjoys his own company. Maybe even a little too much and to my detriment, but I still count it as a blessing when I consider what the alternative is.
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Basically I procrastinate too much and I wanted to get back into anime. So to make it so that I couldn't procrastinate I decided to join a watchalong on /a/. It just so happened that a watchalong for an anime I had been meaning to watch for years was starting soon and the people I met on there were pretty chill and I became pretty good friends with a couple of them. fast forward a couple years and I'm alone and depressed again...
>Find some friends
Not that dude, but I tried this. I went to an anime convention and talked to a guy who spoke in internet memes.
I couldn't understand half of what he said, it felt very alienating.
Yeah, that was one guy.
Yeah I call my old friends once in a while
I can't really make new friends easily
That's the issue
Loneliness is addictive and you lose your social skills over time
I don't mind being alone too, but it's nice to have some company once in a while. Man is a social animal, and having some connections in society at least, is necessary.
Imagine her singing a lullaby to you...
And, anime niggers are insufferable. I don't think I could ever be friends with those annoying faggots who keep making American dub Dragonball references
I keep my anime/jp fanboyism in my pocket and never show it off
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They weren't shonenspics. They were moefags which means like half of them turned out to be actual pedophiles which is why I started distancing myself from them.
as opposed to loving niggerball or western media that is trying to ruin it's fanbase to put out propaganda?
I discovered touhou on tiktok
better than nothing

now play Imperishable Night
>Loneliness is addictive and you lose your social skills over time
I found a happy middle ground in having online friends. Those you can interact with at your own pace without giving up your physical space, which is what I value most. I don't know how it is for you but I don't mind making virtual space for people as long as my real life remains empty and free.
You'll need to practice a lot then, get to it anon
If your real life is empty, what will you talk with your friends about?
Maybe "peaceful" would have been a better choice of word. Fewer distractions to take me away from me, if that makes sense.
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IPs which aren't politics-infested and aren't soulless cashgrabs are few and far between. Touhou is very special.
Who is Vert?
You calling me a 2014 newfag?
annoying tripfag in his forties that looks like a hobo
>aren't politics-infested and aren't soulless cashgrabs
Be careful saying stuff like that, some certain someones would disagree with you

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