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DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Previous thread: >>47148101
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Why you learn Japanese?
what level of schizo is she on?
I don't get the mining 9 gorillion words in an Anki deck strat. I'm not saying it doesn't work but wouldn't it make more sense to learn enough to be able to use a JA dictionary and sticking to that instead? I'm an ESL and 95% of my time learning English was spent looking up definitions in English -> English dictionaries
The anki setup where it shows you the closest english word sounds like a terrible idea long-term, obviously it's the only way when you're starting out aside from literally looking at pictures to infer the meanings instead, but sticking to that every step of the way sounds like sabotage.
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You come off like a normalfag bully (redundant), which are different from /jp/ bullies.
you should mine max 5 words for every hour your read.

any more and you're putting the cart before the horse
>watching ducktales might be fun
>get filtered by Donald
what was i thinking
i dont even understand donald in my native language sometimes
I’m not seeing how the English definitions would sabotage you.

>look at jp-jp dict
>need to look up every word in the definition for it to make sense
so you turn learning 1 word into learning 10-20
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she is filling it up for me btw
at some point you have to remove the training wheels

⊂(#・ω・)  < ご家庭に利尿剤などない!
 /   ノ∪
 し―-J lll l
       \  \
          ̄ ̄
if i feel like i get enough nuance from the context the basic English definition is enough i only look up a jp one if its vague. i dont want to spend more than 5 seconds looking at the dictionary when i could just get back to reading

超絶崩れてーら! (ゝω・)vキャピ
English definitions aren’t training wheels, they’re the closest known equivalents for any given concept in Japanese. You don’t outgrow them just because you can read a dictionary.

                      ''';;';';;'';;;,.,    ザッザッザ・・・
                       ''';;';'';';''';;'';;;,.,   ザッザッザ・・・
                      MVvvMvyvMVvvMvyvMVvv、  日本語スレからきますた
日本語スレかららきすた    ヘ__Λ ヘ__Λ ヘ__Λ ヘ__Λ
             __,.ヘ /ヽ_ /ヽ__,.ヘ /ヽ__,.ヘ _,.ヘ   日本語スレからきますた
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   /`ー‐--‐‐―´\ /`ー‐-  /`ー‐--‐‐―´\-‐‐ /`ー‐--‐‐―´\

完璧じゃん! Σ(゚∀゚ノ)ノキャー
once you reach the point of being able to read a dictionary why would you continue learning japanese through english when you could be learning through japanese
Because it’s more convenient to know what the concept would be in English, rather than having to infer it from the Japanese definition.
this is cope thoughever
How do you figure?
If you are serious about learning, then yes, make full use of your target language's dictionaries, once you can reasonably. This goes hand-in-hand with immersion anyway.
You're not going to be looking up the English translations until your dying breath, are you? Applies to learning any language, there's a point where you part ways with your mother tongue during learning.
You’re acting like Japanese definition somehow supersedes the value in referencing the English one.
Yes, have you ever learned another language before?
Well, I don’t see how a concise, direct translation to your native language is inferior to a Japanese description of a word. The benefits of each are different.
You don't want to be doing context switches between languages unless you absolutely have to, plus you'd literally be learning more.
this guy has not learned a language before lmao
Context switches? What does that mean, and why would it affect my understanding?
dekinai pisscorders confidently parroting nonsense "advice" thinking they are better than nuke while not knowing a lick of japanese will never stop being funny and tragic
Switching back and forth from English to the language you're trying to learn reinforces your brain into translating it into English mentally which is a bad mindset.
yeah thats why i keep coming here cause almost everyone is like that
I don’t think so. Translation as a skill actually comes less naturally than understanding the language without going through process of asking yourself what it would be in your native language. Phrases like よろしくお願いします or せっかく are easier left untranslated when reading, due to the versatility of their usage. I would say in general, it’s good if you had the ability to provide an interpretation quickly as a benefit of having learned the language, but I don’t think this is achieved solely by referencing English definitions, nor do I think this hinders your conceptual understanding of the language.
Yeah but what are you doing when you look up the English definition of each word?
brother what are you doing when you look up 林檎 on google images? you're learning the concept of what something is either way
Understanding what I read?
does Futaba have an archive that's not ephemeral? top results from google all have their thread deleted after 72 hrs
if english is so important to you guys why don't you just stick to tossing shit into deepl
there's a special place in hell for trash who drink highball or anything similar
life peaked in 6th grade just shortly before sports team tryouts which were all bullshit, when will we finally take whats ours and seize the かわいい女の子 promised to us by society
dont want whats "ours" only whats mine
ayo bro u gotta looksmaxx
are sports teams tryouts mandatory in the us or something
is it like penis inspection day
how do you say looksmaxx in japanese
not american hours yet
ayo remember standing in a circle with your buds and throwing heavy blunt objects in the air like rocks chains or bottles and not looking up. Glad I didn't lose
No, but not making the cut makes you feel like crap
nothing makes me cringe harder than whites saying nihongo while speaking english
was gonna say self own but its not really lmao
yh cuz unko's not white
it was pure BS. Imagine being a sporty kid, try out for every team and not make any of them 3 years in a row. Not even the one you spent tons of recesses and trick shots with your buds, fuck em
but i dont do that
and no doing it for an example doesnt count you would have to be extremely retarded to think it does at least
sasuga 80 iq
kill yourself painfully
why is unko such an angry person?
youd be angry too if you woke up 80 iq every day
uh oh hes gonna blow a gasket now
unko? more like unko xddd
lol you dont even know english
bunkrotch moment
nothing more braindead than lifting weights
i present to you unkoroid
crazy how unko's iq lowered by 5 points in a day
how do I get faustian spirit
nta but neither do you apparently
yall seething cause im better
prove me wrong
better at being shit
not better at english that's for sure
who's more annoying, unko or holotard?
i vote bonglard

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sounds like unko, without anything in his life, makes japanese his entire personality and anything directed towards him is now apparently because of it
almost like the "low iqs can be pera pera" trope is wish fulfillment fiction and the moment you scratch beneath the surface you see a complete lack of fluency

learn something new every day!
bro scratched his monitor so hard it turned off
im on my phone though another fail
unko's basically our agf https://youtu.be/polfCeagftU?t=126
he believes people only hate him because if his japanese ability when in reality people are just laughing at him
so sad!
another what mr fail?
idk what agf is... anime girl friend? :3
self own
u really need to take some english courses
i have a japanese wife irl and you dont
imagine getting caught watching this
shoulda married an english-speaking wife mightve avoided this embarrassment
focus on yourself brother i doubt you even have a gf
I'm going to keep ( ˘ω˘)スヤァ ing
fuck does you lot know about iq
this is so funny
hilarious whenever bunko tries to take the high ground because he's """married""" lol
today's just not his day
yh cuz his fail in hitting back not only proved the point but did so while self owning at another thing which also reinforces the point
that rly backfired lmao
greatest self own in djt histroy
oh the irony lol
not just the thing he self owned on but the act of self owning twice too >>47160021
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i am legally married tho
ur legally retarded
brutal, just brutal
unko's gonna be saying he's legally married until the day his wife dies in give or take 30 years lmao
holy kek
unkek lmao
i'm not questioning your marital status i'm questioning your ability to use the marriage with a fat blob who could literally be your mom as way to own someone lol
個人制作すごいなぁ :0
hopefully they legalise gay marriage by then so you dont have to die alone
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it could be worse
unko flew too close to the sun today. he got too cocky and got humbled fast by the thread regulars
sure bro you can go monolingual after 5000 hours of immersion
no, relating new things to other things you already know actually makes them easier to retain
all of us here are already monolingual
if you can even roughly estimate how many hours of immersion you have off the top of your head you are doing it wrong
stfu instigator
youd know lol
unkos ruining the 和 of the thread with his negative energy
unko needed a granny wife who needs diapies cuz you know...
sry bro go back to talking about fucking children
can't believe i can understand even a little japanese
I used an English to native language dictionary far longer than I was fluent and most people assume I'm american when I speak. JP-EN dictionaries are not an issue and it just makes immersion and lookups far more annoying.
woah massive projection alert
every unko needs a diaper
i heard unko gets his name from that time he pooped his pants in public after having just turned 21
gdi 8 pages behind
djt book club where we have to all finish a Japanese book by the end of each month and discuss it together
*flips through 200 pages* was an awkwardly natural read
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sorry, im not a reader
i just *page wooshing noise* understand it
dame i heard this as 上位下達 when i watched it
tokoi ? tokoi ?
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unko be like
absolutely, we will be dead
*in agf voice*

its like one year two months later im out here picking up blocks and marrying japanese grandmas and posting stupid shit in japanese and im like yo man (yoooo)

now that im getting somewhere its kind of gone from being hated cuz i post about licking the cobwebs and stalagmites out of grandmas 洞窟 every day to being hated cuz im proving that the 80iq system works
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literally me
just seen a dude in the supermarket wearing a psycho pass shirt
i cant believe it past 2010 anime is for the lowest common denominator
i remember watching kodomo no jikan and crying because of how good the story was
getting a job is easier than getting a gf
cant believe the glasses girl broke her hymen with a tampon
wasnt that in chuu bra
not true
need some more good anime on my drive with jp subs what should i get
seen all of them other than the bottom one which looks like coal
seek help
her tears look like cum lol
girl cum
Ayo Jamel
Got kik?
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why the vtuber poster always posting with my name smdh
idk what amdh means :(
cant pay me to put on unkos name
lol he got owned so bad hes now pretending it wasnt him you hate to see it
i hate this type of 4chan poster
the type who says things like plap and lewd
I typo a lot (´;ω;`)ウッ…
i just met an adult who unironically think kny is peak fiction

i dont meet adults
they're right
why do you think he doesn’t use a trip? it’s so he can deny any post being his
advanced learners in this thread told me they kept using a j-e dict for a long time because it's easier and works well.
I use kaomoji instead of trip ;3
i do both and its not really something i think about
Is that the new zoomer thing
I'm pretty sure the foreign girls are prettier than japs >:3
been a full week since i last masturbated
how do you do it
idk but it's tough
been a lot longer for me
todays and next weeks episode are 40 minutes long
ちびっ子が可愛いのは世界共通だね ;3
assisted masturbation still counts
you have an old hag to put sperm into every night whereas i have nothing but my hand
bro get an onaho

djt's intellectuals love kny so you're keeping good company with that adult.
cant respect anyone who likes kny
i don't get how the sonic franchise has any staying power and why there are sonic fans in 2024
can't respect anyone who talks shit about sonic
why do you think its me?

shaking my damn(?) head
mario was always better FUCK sonic
oh thanks for teaching me it! :D
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>40 minutes long
NOOOOOOOOOOOO i'm so fucking behind...
forgot what even happened at the end of dungeon meshi now it was so forgettable
same but for literally every single episode of seasonal slop
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yup, that's more like it
kono sloppa second half was so boring
i just like ogling megumin
but you still watched it
there's like this dark elf wizard and mc's sister turned into a chicken chimera and some other dark elves at the surface
i like mario and sonic but both have their fair share of trash games
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mad respect for that
literally me :)
i remembered all that just not what happened in the last episode specifically >>47161443
yea because the show in general was entertaining slop
i watched dungeon sloppa because /a/utist promised me peak fiction, but at the end we got a mid native isekai and the latest cope is that "it will get good in the second season :)"
surely it should be dungeon sloppi
in a seething mood today already screamed nigger a few times while working
all the sonic games are trash
well at least dainanaouji delivered
id be mad too if i had to work on the lord's day
true true. might have to read the linny now
yh if it werent for niggers nobody would work on sundays
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id be mad too if i had to work
consider 蒸発ing
how many fucking words called じき do you need, huh? jesus christ i love this language
i work for myself i dont have to work but i am cause im greedy and bored
when ur a noob I assume it's better to to do things that have both text and audio at the same time but is there a point where it's better to switch to exclusively text or exclusively audio material?
boldcast liked it
didnt watch dungeon meshi cause i got recommended a 35 minute video essay about its """"worldbuilding""""
what are you gonna do with all that money?
idk thats a good question. my reasoning before for working 7 days a week was that i would make as much money as possible and then buy real estate and gradually lower my workload as my supplemental rental income increases. but i bought an apartment last year that im renting and im still working more than ever.
would you be learning korean instead if korea and japans cultures were swapped but the languages were the same
anime worth watching from this season:

dungeon meshi pt2
kaiju 8gou
mushoku tensei

the rest has been worthless
anime worth watching from this season:
id be learning neither in that case cause korean sounds fucking awful
girls band cry though

and i enjoyed maou gakuin some cool ideas in there
nah cause they abandoned hanji
am i living in the twilight zone? all of these fucking suck
why give your opinion if you haven't watched
once you're jaded everything sucks
i watched at least 2 eps of all those shows. they all suck
having standards means youre jaded? lol
half of the fotm this season is
>girls play instrument

anime is so fucking dead
>watched at least 2 eps of all those shows. they all suck
you're lying. also name your top 6 anime
and none of them are lolis :(
blend s was the last good anime ever
well yea isn't the whole point of learning a language to better understand its culture
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according to djt its so that you can jerk off to a larger variety of porn
porn is part of culture
wow did they walk all the way to detroit? what a fucking dump
next season already started off great with code geass
isekai suicide squad in 3 days
and oshi no ko in two weeks

life is good
dont think im jaded im chugging yugioh rn and i very much enjoy it even the fillers
abandoned buildings in japan are cool though and they don't have homeless people living in them like the west allows in their dumps.
when will this get an anime adaptation?
seasonal slop is better than yugioh so you need to delete those posts criticizing recent seasonals
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>slop geass
>isekai suicide squad in 3 days
you should consider suicide yourself
see above
lmfao a 66% on anilist means that it's a genuine 2-3/10 at most for a non-retards standards
i just wanna live in the 九龍城
the current industry couldnt do it justice
it's actually the opposite
generally a 6/10 from normies means it's actually a 9/10 for people with taste
true true
it's actually not, cunt
no no, he's got a point
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they are unable to properly rate something because they value the wrong things. obviously you value the same things as them which just makes you a slightly harder to please pleb
peak 2-digits' cope
i look like that
>only oshi no reddit next season
good, i can finally catch up on some good animes
post 5 anime rated 66% or lower that are actually good
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>more men than women
this is the worst situation for any guy who wants to find a partner
literally it never even began level
that would require me to go look up every good anime to see it's rating which is a dumb request. ill give you one huge one though: 美味しんぼ
noo you must dicuss subjective matters with me because im right
dumb contrarian
i have high hopes for this
of course its queeran. concession accepted in any case.
>99/100 people think that anime x is literal dogshit
>"umh, ACTUALLY, they are unable to properly rate something because they value the wrong things. obviously you value the same things as them which just makes you a slightly harder to please pleb"
the average person has bad taste. simple as.
>There are 25.81 million males and 25.94 million females in South Korea.

Does this mean that, in some cases, two or more women share the same man?
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dame only 63% plebs really cant appreciate true art
good is not subjective
it means they probably didnt ask everyone for one thing
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Good for you.
id be rawdogging korean chicks if they had japanese culture cause they are way hotter
brutal rape
>what is representative sampling
arifure guy would be chiming in now as well since it's 64%
first thought: wow i want to have sex with her
second thought: wow i want to smash her in the face with a shovel
if she got leds in her room dont do it bro
i dont know but its an estimate innit
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that's got a 7/10 on MAL though
you go to university and dont know what representative sampling is?
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Right, only date her if she's got LEDs in on her pacemaker
its representative of people who are willing to take an interview which already heavily biases the outcome
because of my shilling which hasn't yet reached anilist. it's still heavily underrated at 6.98
p much everybody uses led bulbs in 2024 so you just gotta not go out with women
t. dropped out of high school
for all i know the number could literally be faked by jews to demoralise men so they are weaker in the next war
let's just accept that although there are differences in taste between dumb casuals and smart enthusiasts, the difference is not so big that smart enthusiasts gravitate toward media that on average is considered 6/10 or lower by dumb casuals.
midwit cope
5/10 and lower maybe. 6/10 is the sweet spot where you can't trust the rating
yea it reeks of some weird statistical bullshit. don't trust it.
behead ciaran and use his decapitated head as a pinata at a mexican childs birthday so i can laugh at their disappointment when they crack it open and nothing comes out
if something isn't considered at least 8/10 then i can't enjoy it. there may be exceptions but i can't remember any.
la creatura...
whats the account name
8/10 is literally mid, since 6/10 the bare minimum for being considered watchable
sometimes you gotta just watch something completely blind
id need to be completely blind to not throw up at the mere sight of your hog yea
personally my favourite type of media experience is having legit no idea wtf something is only knowing its (actually) obscure and then slowly finding out its something special and real
that's never happened to me because obscure media isn't good.
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never forget
that was a good 'ment
i get hard thinking about og so i don't care if she goofed
dame kyousougiga only has a 7.7
og won
7.7 is close to an 8. if it's good then the pattern holds.
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same energy
an attention whore like og probably got wet a few times knowing she turned us on
me except for when I have to enter the nigger's natural habitat concrete jungle.
the outdoors are great though so idk what you mean
where's stfu guy when you need him
my only regret is never having cum tributed any of her pics
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new (old) guide just dropped
wonder what nukemarine thinks about this
i watched this it was wholesome
cute 60代 bba on 家ついて行ってイイですか today
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new guide just dropped
people vocal about loli on both sides are just as annoying as people who talk about politics
vocaroo this now to win forever

also cute pic
people who talk about politics aren't annoying at all, so what does that mean
it means you should kill yourself asap
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for me its thicc thighs
don't want to meanie head
to be fair life was better when I was apolitical.
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>prime 4
they knew...
same but 3d
same same when i got redpilled i became more resentful
That's disgusting. And エロいにとして is such a stupid way to phrase it.
some will fall for the bait
instigator kun not again
4 isn't a prime number
for me its saggy thighs
Are you native Japanese? If not, then you can't judge that, just as 99% of ESLs can't properly judge English phrasing.
thaggy sighs
based samefag
saggy loli bba flat chest
based janny left it up >>47157009
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megumin but good
megumin is not a cuck queen
women can't be cucks, just like men don't have "virginity"
so many posts i want to respond to with kys that i just wont respond to any
right here
wish i had a sister
self own
people with siblings aren't capable of being lolicons or siscons.
until it happens
don't tell people to kys. that's too mean
not true i have 3 younger sisters
kys = kiss your sister
not true i have 4 sisters
not true i have 2 dads
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grim year
you wouldn't want to fuck adult women if you had a mother
kingdom is still fun idc
>Yuru Camp S3
>Dungeon Meshi
yeah im thinking 2024 was awesome
why dont you make this post a third time?
this season of kingdom had some extremely good eps. definitely the most memorable show of 2024
if kingdom was that good then ciaran would be watching it
ciaran too busy watching naruto
>mahoako and frieren not in the top 10
it was me who posted >>47162437
crazy how my only source of info about what's happening with anime is djt
same but that's all that's necessary
meant to type wtf here

you don't keep up with news about the best media in the world? then what do you do?
i catch up with the best media in the world
haven't watched anime in like 8 years.
dunno why it's a wtf it's a good show
anime with underage protagonists? not watching it, simple as
anime? not watching it, simple as
um actually the best shows have young protagonists trying to save the world
love anime, love vns, love vtubers & whores
simple as
>i have no taste and i must consoom
yugioh and digimon
oh no get these huge sexy titties off of me
does yugioh have a story or is it just monster of the week type shit
a story with card battler of the week type shit
anime is pretty fucking cringe at times holy shit
just like this thread right now
You're right. imma head out
she said at times
5D's has a really good story
no time like the present
you ever do something so big brain that even youre surprised
the protag is like 3k years old tho
yh it's peak soul even the filler's good except for the weird jewish cult
honestly the card battles felt way longer when i was a kid now they go by rather fast
playing master duel as we speak
we are not speaking
playing the one piece card game
didn't try that since no client and i'm too much of an autist to play irl
>he doesn't know
had an exodia deck as a kid then someone stole it
kinda have to thank them because it made me lose interest in all trading card stuffs
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why doesn't he fusion on his bike? :0
>exodia deck
i spose cuz he has a soul
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this random boomer came out of nowhere with an exodia combo deck he built and won a ycs feature match last year it was extremely based since exodia sucks ass.
i thought yugioh is a whoever gets first turn wins kinda game now
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im coming! :O
cant even imagine the amount of money you gotta spend to build a yugioh deck
i wonder if they check for fakes at tournaments
i played exodia against the smartest djt poster ever. i'll always cherish that moment.
you never won anything
going first probably has like a 70-80% win rate but idk if there's real stats on it ya it's kinda gay
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good thing matches arent decided by a single duel
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blue archive bros...WE KEEP WINNING
jamal plays yugioh?
moe plays yugioh?
that's a child
they got needs too
all the characters in BA are +18
damn imagine the thigh sex
posts related
true true

*camera cuts to shot of an 18+ fetus growing in her mother's belly*
when a djter isn't active i wonder "is he having sex right at this moment?"
think he broke his streak to her?

no im watching naruto
quiet ciaran i know you're a role model for us incels
might have to download all the episodes and skim through any fanservice parts couldnt stand the first couple episodes
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ill have sex in the isekai (maybe)
just realized that Lost is a group isekai
laughed out loud when i saw this scene yesterday
god this is such gross pandering i fucking hate this show
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how do we successfully punish the japs/gooks for using abortion to limit the stock of breedable QTs
terrible rencode
shut up nerd
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sure wa shinde?
What kanji would you use to translate ''kicked in'' in ''The realization suddenly kicked in''. First thing that came to mind was 始まる but I'm honestly not sure, I'm pretty new to nihongo.
is rabbit hole about casual sex or about prostitution?
i thought it was prostitution (like brothels or those bars where you can pay to take the girls to the hotel) but i saw some people saying is just casual sex.
i know about them using words to describe something happening suddenly but i don't know about something suddenly fitting in.
kny was 10 mins longer but nothing happened to warrant it
we got a second season nice
why is he crying
>The realization suddenly kicked in
or words like はっと and ふっと
get fat?
thinking of little girls
I've probably learned words that use most if not all of the joyo kanji at this point, should I just keep going like this with no real knowledge of radicals outside of what I've gleaned from actual words or go back and learn them on their own?
what season did tanjiro get so ripped?
jesus christ this anime looks like shit where are all the praises coming from lmao
do whatever the fuck you wanna do
do you just rate anime for how good it looks in random screenshots
not him but yeah
tanjiro is the perfect example that liftmaxxing won't help if you have an ugly face
nah i watched the first few episodes and it was terribly bad women cant make syonens and obviously cant draw em either
you can't tell if you have a good face when you're fat thoughbeit
bizarre post
yea i have a 10/10 face but it's just covered in lbs of fat.
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ur a fucking CLOWN i wish i could filter you but anyway good job for making me seethe KYS
yeah i hate nihonshiki too
all the high level djters use nihonsiki tho
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you have to use it like they do
luckily i don't get peer pressured
same being an autistic schizo is nice sometimes
Only thing 4chan is missing is the ability to block IPs, filtering every post they make in the process.
hate vtubers but those minecraft chats are great
sounds like reddit and discord is more ur speed, uppercaser
that's what I mean, I don't want to see retards like you replying to me.
another everyone i dont like is the same person episode
no baased
I- I'm just doing it cuz Michael is
Yeah I'm thinking it's time we Ubercasers put the lil casers in their place.
you cant even put lil c in his place (suckin dick)
what was the crazy long vinny
queef wont tell
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>TFW I see a lowercaser
Holy based.
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One uppercaser vs lowercasers.
Say there's this brain surgery procedure that once performed you will be native level of Japanese language mastery afterwords but the condition for the surgery is that you have to kill and eat your parents(no legal repercussions) would you do it?
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me vs everyone
yh uppercasers really are a different breed
Yeah, a superior breed, unlike the lower mongrels.
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she did it!
do i have to eat all of them
I switch between uppercase and lowercase
learning japanese is the only thing capable of giving me dopamine rn so no
i have morals and honor so i dont
We don't take kindly to transcasers.
How many parents you have? I guess if you have stepparents you can skip those biological only, and yes you can cook them however you want you don't have to eat them raw
based, thankfully you cant learn it so its an eternal dopamine nexus
nah I'd make it.
i mean do i have to eat their entire bodies
I don't understand what else would you do w/your parents bodies after you kill them? I mean you don't have to like eat the bones if that's what you are concerned about
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og being creepy again...
Lately I have been sleeping so extremely well despite chugging coffee like its water its actually insane.
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I just got a big promotion at work but it's very stressful as I now have to lead a team of 10 people. After work these days I don't have much motivation to learn Japanese. Has someone been in a similar spot and how did you overcome it?
this is so stressful
te.... teido?
i forgot the m
if you're that much of a workaholic then just move to japan and work there. you pretty much have to be neet to learn japanese in any other country
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i feel like i'm missing something here
Yeah I recommend quitting your job to tend to more important matters.
If you can find a 2 day work week low effort job to keep the bills covered.
Surely there are some other working professionals here trying to learn Japanese?
yeah matt
what? you never had a quick goon sesh while studying?
Latin as in concordia cum veritate
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that's not funny. words hurt
same as working out: stick to your routine
unless you're actually dying you're gonna sit and do your stuff. that's really it.
ah yes self enslavement
when you cant get enough of your state mandated enslavement
i've drastically reduced my caffeine intake and i'm still always short an hour or two of sleep.
spent 3 hours climbing trees and looking for mushrooms in the woods today
My mother has chronic illness that requires round the clock nursing care that I pay for, I can't just not work and have my parents pay for my everything

idk to me working out helps me release stress but learning Japanese is kinda the opposite w/extra stress from my job it's just hard to motivate myself
nigga im talking about the guy who recommends sticking to a "learning" routine or w/e just like working out (something nobody wants to do)
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best guide even though drugs are gay. any guide longer than this is just trying to feed you misinformation.
Unironically the best guide out there. I drink tea and watch anime all the time
Used to really hate people doing drugs until I realized they are as retarded without them.
even after discovering that e.g. marijuana doesn't negatively impact people i still hate marijuana users because that shit is just gross and dependency is also gross
Marijuana makes me cry because I just start thinking about how I've spent 8 years learning Japanese and I still don't really understand it
it negatively impacts me
But did you know them before they ever did any drugs.
Can't really compare someone on an off day to someone who never abused.
I only started 5 months ago and I'm nowhere near fluent. It's just that my previous attempts of conventional language studies got me nowhere. Abusing stimulants while watching anime got me somewhere. Maybe by EOY I'll be able to speak though I'll still likely be bad.
weed is absolutely harmful and everybody who uses it is walking human garbage
weed isn't harmful but people who use it are usually losers
weed is sometimes harmful and the people who use it are often losers
Everything that alters your perception destroys brain cells. Sometimes permanently.
never heard of temporary brain cell destruction
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XYZ is sometimes harmful and people who use it are often losers
shut the fuck up 88 iq mininigger yes it is
86, and look i don't make the rules but the high iq people i follow say that weed isn't harmful, so it's not.
you're a dumb nigger who doesn't know any better
anime is sometimes harmful and the people who watch it are often losers
very true
harmful for society? maybe
i learned long ago if you follow the right experts then you're rarely wrong about anything. my 86 iq is the equivalent to an unassisted 140.
you learned jack shit
150 id say since you've wrestled him into submission many times
mini nigger jumbo kruger
anime taught me this valuable lesson
zoro would shit on luffy in a 1v1
so many great animes to watch so little time
you could also frame it as his 150 temporarily dropping to 130 because he loses his mind while i stay calm and rational (i know the experts are on my side)
crazy how delusional minishart is
anime only benefits kids
yh sasuke is midwittery personified
bought an n64 and just beat ポケモンスナップ in an afternoon for old time's sake
comfy game
>he listened to the feel it out retards
(((the experts)))
think we're doing great for a thread without a jamal
the guy the mods intentionally let shit up the place because they want to convert 4chan culture to korean
the niggers

>want to have sex
>have to find someone on grindr or hope the one guy who gave me his number is available
>and also that he doesn't flake after I spend all my time getting ready
>spend ~3 hours shaving and doing an in depth skin routine
>have to clean out my butt profusely
>also have to stretch with my plug
>have to be in the mood and willing to do all this in the first place
>have to get my outfit together
>have to sneak out of the house without my parents noticing
>usually have to pay for an Uber
>get over there and don't even get cuddled or felt up after all that effort because my BJs are too good
>stay home
>use one of my several onaholes and look at my favorite material in the comfort of my own bed
>can cum or edge as much as I want

the choice is obvious
lol obese minishart having a shart moment >>47154870
was planning to jerk off but the guy dying on pitch at the euros has ruined the mood
every day I think god I'm not gay.
but that's not me...
thats what happens when you finger your ass too much
life is easier for fags
dame we are shit at footy
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true true
whats this about cant find any news about it
plapjak noooooooooooo
i was exaggerating it's probably just an ugly looking concussion >>>/sp/141970918
ciaran's higher t than i thought if he's watching sports.
watching footy is my only other hobby apart from japanese shit. love me soccer.
how do I unbecome shit in grammar?
please tell me you found that on reddit lil bro
been min maxing anki i see
if he did the dojg deck he'd be unstoppable
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people are not that self absorbed and evil irl. don't trust the clickbait on social media.
I live right next to one of the jlpt places and I'm still not gonna bother until I can breeze through N1. holy shit imagine taking n5 lol
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'trusting social media' posits that i use social media そりゃ大間違いだ
>'young men' these days are faggots
just fyi to non-quoters
I'm actually taking N4, but still grammar is my achilles heel
anyone who gives any thought at all to anything below n2 is destined to dekinai. and n2 is only for if you have something lined up that requires it and they just want the cert.
>anyone who gives any thought at all to anything below n2
let's see your n1 cert
yooooo its the panel
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remembering the great qm vs. matto wars of 20XX
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they want the N4 cert though
damn gyouza just jibakud too rip
>have to metaphorically double hoover since I don't know the english word
dame I feel retarded
that's what happens when you're native-cum-esl
I'm a high verbal iq burger though that's why it hurts so bad
what was the english word?
anon going in for the セカンドレイプ
languid. I gotta start reading in english again.
typical japanese media fanatic. doesn't even know his own language
I have fat anime tits to bust to.
even i know that one and i'm an esl. thought you were gonna hit my with something more exotic like i dunno, penury or ebullience
both of these are common words
are they n5 tho
damn the coloring removes the soul completely
what about ciborium or simulacrum? you use those daily right?
no... shooting yourself in the head with a 44 special removes the soul completely
simulacrum is a famous word thanks to baudrillard. probably every high school educated native knows it

Da Godfather
Well dads in the hospital, chimo was to strong for him
you are absolutely overestimating american education. maybe some of our schools were good but the majority aren't.
not cool laughing at a guy's dying father
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>chino was too strong for him
agf can make anything funny
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holy shit a lifetime of video games and depression have really done a number on me I shouldn't have stopped reading as a kid kek.
24290 more than me
i got 34812
18592 and i'm native english it's over for me
y'all need to learn english before branching out to new languages
branching out my foot up ur ass
foot in your ass anon is the unsung savior of djt.
yall need to focus on yourselves and learn to have fun
djt isn't fun it's a lifestyle
you are always calling stuff cringe and making judgements upon other people
i have fun dunking on djt noobs
i have fun being dunked on by djt veterans
im not foot in your ass anon but i do be putting my foot in someones ass when hes not here
its a boring forced meme ngl
rice is right about this one
moe is the anos voldigoad of djt
its organic djt heritage
moe is an anus alright
there is no one foot up your ass guy. it's a 襲名 thing - a title. like robin, from batman
rice is wrong as always
can't remember if i started it or merely forced it but regardless someone else is carrying the mantle
rare w for rice
common w(rong) for rice
we've moved past bullying rice
rice is trash anyway
mpv isn't reading my mpv.conf or input.conf and i tried pasting them to the etc/mpv and the .config/mpv folders
bunko is one of the best talents djt has ever produced and his haters are merely jealous
^instigator guy from scotland
you must have some other conf lying around that it's reading. check the value of $XDG_CACHE_HOME/mpv and $MPV_HOME
we use windows here
windows still has environment variables and mpv will still try to check those paths for config files
im got a usb wifi dongle because usb tethering from android is extremely slow on linux
but the dongle driver on the aur doesnt work
just calling it as i see it
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based trigger
i'm not necessarily disagreeing but sometimes i have to remind people who you are so they can properly defend themselves against your verbal jiujutsu.
only 2 ppl don't call him unko lol
don't worry i don't plan on arguing about it. the vocaroos or lack thereof speak for themselves in this matter
I have no idea who any of these people are I just shitpost then go back to reading.
possibly true

same but not always reading
found a solution to my problem. .config/mpv folder worked but i didn't have precise seek enabled.
gmi. don't let the crabs pull you down.
bunko made it. he converses with a hot japanese babe daily. the question is why he still posts here.
why does anyone post here
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if you can't vocaroo a random mareni screen then you haven't made it, simple as
whats mareni
stfu unknown country instigator
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kyoku of the week
you could at least pick a difficult one
and yet I don't see a vocaroo.
looks difficult for buncrotch
yeah i couldnt make a good vocaroo of that
it looks kinda gay tho
lol this is so fucking easy i'm not even gonna bother posting a vocaroo
nobody here has the balls to vocaroo them anyway, see
i really dont like the way mareni writes i read the intro and a little more of bengara but its so boring to me
hard =/= good
for me at least
anytime i do anything related to japanese on djt i get accused of cheating and asking natives to do it for me.
concession accepted
i can understand the appeal tho especially if you got a kanji grid and you are addicted to seeing the number to up
only way would be to stream and read as soon as something gets posted.
why do you care though there's nothing to gain by proving anything to the retards here.
or you could simply read it while recording a vocaroo, it should take 60 seconds at most (if you can read of course)
you could say something in english first so we know youre probably not native japanese
if it takes you longer to read a screen (while recording) than typing a 100-words cope post then you haven't made it, simple as
mareni has an idiosyncratic writing style that's reminiscent of classical bungaku but with a modern twist. that's why people like his work. of course there are many jsls who pretend they like it because it's not easy to read but there are many well read japanese natives who appreciate his work and aren't reading it just to add works to anki.
>its another guy loves talking about his ability but suddenly doesnt care about others opinions when the opportunity to easily prove said supposed ability arises episode
yeah i agree but if you post "lmao you cant even read mareni" youre firmly in the tryhard jsl camp
sure i agree with that
heres unkos vocaroo https://vocaroo.com/1cs2z9xl9Z3i
>t. tryhard jsl
>t. hasn't made it
personally i found bengaracho pretty boring anyway. i could only get through the first chapter or so. albatross in particular but also hanachirutani and kagero were better story wise.
shut the hell up
albatross in particular the characterisation is very rich and i still remember the personalities of the characters very well unlike any other vinny.
so, where's the vocaroo?
in the archives
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that one was preread

you have 5 minutes (i'm being very generous)
*OCRs it*
you can have my concession for free im not gonna vocaroo anything
wheres yours
you have infinite time
*just understands it*
Hello all,

I came to Japan on a 6 month visa with the option to apply for an additional 6 months after the first 3 months had past. I applied after the 3 months, but did not receive an answer by the time my visa expired on April 24th. On the info sheet they provided to me when I applied, it stated that if I had an active application I could stay for two months after the expiry of my visa to await the results of my application. I received a phone call this past Wednesday the 19th. I only speak rather conversational Japanese and the rep did not speak English. All he was really able to impart was "Application, no" which I'm taking as my application was declined.

I've spent the past two days packing and getting rid of things but I'm not sure exactly how long I have after getting my results. Is the deadline to leave still the end of the two months being June 24th?

I've tried searching online but so far have not found any concrete answers. Any help is appreciated.
ciaran owning rice
unko and ciaran are best friends
im the one being owned because i refuse to vocaroo anything though
real recognises real
>yeah bro i totally read most of marenislop and understood it
>what do you mean by reading this paragraph? i got no time for that!
ur a fucking clown
i respect him but we could never be friends because we have very different outlooks on the world and i am a lone wolf.
haha thats our humble ciaran
ciaran isn't a friend to anyone but himself. arrogant little prick.
i don't care if you think i can't even read hiragana lol it doesn't affect my reality
ur lucky i have y'all anonymized so i don't know which exact tripclown you are

not like there a single person here who can vocaroo mareni anyway...
i just took a 爆発的かつ巨大な shit
watch your tongue youre talking to ciaran-denka
did you finger your ass to get the turd out
flood tard talks big shit but you know hed fail baby jlpt quizzes
im just very selfish with my free time. having friends who want to do shit eats into that. i hate when people ask me to play games and shit with them.
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sasuke is definitely my favourite character so far.
do you want to exact revenge on your older brother
i never claimed i can read mareni
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>sasuke is definitely my favourite character so far
no but he probably wanted revenge on me at some point cause i was a terror as a kid. we made up as adults though.
is floodguy the iq guy suckup?
what's a suckup?
also spoilers... i hadn't found out who he wants revenge on yet.
>we have very different outlooks on the world
yeah bunko likes to fuck grannies and you like to get fucked in the ass a divide that cannot be bridged
flood underground temple yakuza yada yada n5 kanjis
any good posts
proud of this one >>47165463
is rice the jamel suckup guy?
i'm losing track of all these guys. i had all these guys man back there i had all these fucking guys. who were my friends. cuz back here there's nothin.
nah actually he's just way too interested in sex in general for me. even if i wanted friends i could never be friends with an allosexual since all they do is talk about women they want to have sex with.
nice bunko nice bowel health is important but its also poor form to nominate ur own posts
sorry i remember it being immediately revealed. also watch naruto kai if the flashback spam and filler is too much unless you're using MAL to gamify your anime experience and you want to tick each episode.
poor form to brag in a 4chan thread how you wanted to fuck your hot mom and dox yourself in the process
papi godfather nooo

521 otoh thats how a legend is a born
ill be skipping filler and ticking it anyway don't you worry. i definitely did not watch all those episodes of bleach either.
ive been known to duel every now and again
the cocksuckers reveal themselves
i mentioned kai because from what i remember the anime spams flashbacks in some arcs to pad the runtime, in episodes that are otherwise canon.
u mean u werent absolutely stoked for the bountos in bleach ??
you mean flashbacks to previous episodes? yeah that would probably be annoying. maybe i will download it as long as it's not one of those shitty upscaled ai filter looking releases.
>you mean flashbacks to previous episodes?
yea that.
might be shitty and upscaled though, dunno about that.
naruto is like 20 eps without filler
腑に落ちた for ’the realization suddenly kicked in but you wouldn’t use that for stuff like 'the effects of the caffeine are starting to kick in' for example
read this as gutten
can't believe ciaran isn't finishing the latest seasons of bleach before moving on to other shounen slop
parasocial loser
social winner
wonder what the last djt post is gonna be
the location of the djt meetup
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not joking when i say djt disgusts me
the future of djt is (you)

ugh hate sharing a thread with a creep
what the hell am i doing here
i like djt and enjoy coming here
i like you and coming there
i dont
it hasn't gripped me yet
i like everyone except the meanies and the pdfs i also dont like non sXes but we can get along if im not reminded of ur habitual human temple polluting rituals
i try but sometimes my wife pressures me into buying a drink with meal
ur the biggest meanie and pdf here. and the only reason you don't drink is because youre old and cuz u have no friends to drink with
i ate maple bacon w. steak and eggs this morning with one and drank orange juice with them it was a good ass sunday morning breakfast
i haven't drank for about 18 months now but last week i had a couple of alcohol free beers cause i still like the taste. i felt a bit tilted off them too.
hard to get mad at a guy that chugs an odouls so 60 is all right in my book
beer is so gross I only like mixed drinks like russian mules and dark and stormies. I basically never drink though.
wish i could get drunk so i could be more vulnerable and real with people
*sighs wistfully* i wanna man...
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you have to be 18 to post here
maybe you could try not giving into peer pressure and doing things to look cool. I'm convinced that everyone who likes beer is just pretending.
beer inna glass is good but in a can its horrid
had three beers earlier they were great
flammable hell liquid is an acquired taste (for the damned) dont u know
great japanese thread dekinai faggots
schizo projection
i shouldn't have saved djt from mlen
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i just masturbated
here we see the pedophile attempting to create an illusion for himself that his solitary sexual behaviour was actually social
oddly specific projection
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Me too
bros it's not gonna be a 1k thread is it?
nah its bedtime for lil j
gosuto GOSUTO??
Can't stand Cure Dolly, any other options for videos?
cure dolly video transcripts
Why do you need videos to teach you basic Japanese grammar?
for something comprehensive no not really. just put it on 1.5x and suffer through, you'll probably find her endearing after not too long.
chipping in 1 post gl all
all the heavy hitters are going to bed
aww, it makes me feel warm and cozy inside that dad (jamal) checks on us one last time before he goes to sleep for the night
fatherless behavior
yeah dont you know jamal attracts all the fatherless failson faggot losers
not toxic enough to finish you
wish someone would say that about me
crazy how this is my third attempt at learning japanese, using the literal simplest methods that hardly even feel like studying, and there's no doubt in my mind that I'll pass n1 within a few years this time. dismissing ajatt as quackery 10 years ago and choosing to do genki + original core 2k instead is a hilarious mistake in retrospect.
But AJATT is literal quackery invented by a black scam artist who didn’t actually know Japanese, despite living there for years.
khatz would own you bro
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t. tkyosam
you jinxed it
now you'll fail your third time too
same same
same, pic related
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boku no pico
i look like that
i look like that
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i look like this
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my pov btw >>47166456
women really are easy to overpower, even a lanky nerd could do it
@ciaran who read 吐く correctly here:


or 2.
queeran doesnt know japanese tho
just telling the truth
better off asking him how to suck dick
shut up
why so sensitive anon? do u know him personally?
hes my idol
dame ur idols the biggest lolcow of the thread
he aint doe
he is doe
funny how the guy calling big c a lolcow can't actually answer the original. probably because he doesnt know japanese so he copes by insulting ciaran
why are you posting about yourself in the third person lil c?
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average djter composing a post
pretty sure the real expression is supposed to be read tuku while haku is the irregular reading u baiting faggot
go tell queeran i said hi when you see him in bed later
but they both read it as iki wo haku in a line just a minute before this
so? its still a misreading of the real phrase thats become common
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>a misreading
yh thats become accepted. are you stupid or something?
just rubbing the bottom of feet, right?
its tuku
simple as
find me one dictionary that says you can read ため息を吐く as ため息をはく
i'll wait
why on earth would a dictionary contain every possible example sentence a word can be used in
just realized i enjoy ntr doujin for the same reason i enjoy browsing r/learnjapanese. seeing people worse off than myself makes me feel better
does it ever occur to you how pathetic that is?
>「ため息を吐く」を「はく」と誤読。 【 た め 息 を つ く 】です。 「吐く」には「はく」という読み方はもちろん、「つく」という読み方もあります。 「ため息」の場合は「つく」と読むべきでしょう。
you literally just wrote that message to get the exact same kinda feeling
We are murder で you を slash slash slash slash slash
Around enemy を hush hush hush hush hush
You killing me? No way
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i read it as haku
you're not comey
One day several of us from our tour group were waiting for the other members, and this lady came by walking her dog. He was sniffing and poking around and she tugged his leash and said something to get him moving again, which he did. I said “Oh my god, that dog speaks Japanese!“. It was quiet for a few seconds then my group burst out laughing. I silently thanked Steve Martin.
>tour group
i used to listen to audio drama but i haven't been able to find a good one in months.
are they not popular anymore?
hate it when i go to sleep and djts poppin off without me
the guy who hates me was correct
deponia wasnt that great
cigarette? gross

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