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Remember White Yorumi?
https://www.youtube.com/live/933C4IKQ0do kisara
She's given up on pretending to be young and has gone all in on her motherly aura. This is for the best, hags are best when they realize their pheromones from their dying eggs are their true appeal.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyFUAIwSyMQ utawaku
Kanae actually said what everyone wanted to say but had to hold back, thank you. And fuck that retard.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udHh3F-uKVk nornis
I like how iinchou's using bakidou to launder ideas that are too spicy for her to do.
why does time move so fast...
gayest cover I've ever heard
That’s Rena-chan though
I hope Erika still has a chance
Tomboy girls are still an open niche so hold hope, the closest we got was ange (aki-kun is a joke). They have a good chance especially if they can pander to girls.
imported character into a premade animation. why even post
The nightclub drama last night between Lize, Sophie and Chaika was fucking great, this NijiGTA server this time is peak Nijisanji content I haven't seen in ages, when the server is full of people you care about, even a shit game like GTA can be entertaining, fuck those CR and normalfag streamers, fuck those Hololive and Vspo leeches
I like some Vspos, but I agree that NijiGTA was a grand slam. It gave me that old "anime but with the spontaneity of living people" feel that got me into vtubers in the first place. It was like watching Durarara with the attitude of Gintama.
Though, it sucks for the ones whose favorites will get addicted and move on to STGR. That place never captured me the way Nijisantos did.
Chonma rape
can't help but think that nana initially auditioned for the mascot role too
Why? She's a singer that wants to sing. It makes more sense for her to audition for vsinger project.
well she would've submitted for both anyways, but in my delusions I'm sure it was part of her きっかけ. her voice has so much mascot potential to it to ignore.
in the end though, choma was simply the better mascot and nana was simply too good at singing to have her be a mere(?) mascot.
Are you excited for VspoEN
how dare you like vspo they're all leeches they leech they're FUCKING LEEEEEEEEEEEEEECHES
every single time i come back to this thread you retards are replying to dumber and dumber bait. read to the end of a post before you reply to it you retard.
this but unironically
Really there's no bigger leech that Tsukino Mito, known soulless corporate drone.
Selen made an entire Apex map for her debut.
Aifaggots/2Dhaters/Cocofags are still butthurt huh?
I've seen that exact post like three times in the past few days and I've still yet to understand whatever the fuck he's talking about.
her new design is just yellow selen made by the same mama
will tazumi san get mad
She got the same mama. Overall very impressive debut with a lot of animations.
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copy that
this is autism but there's a dark spot on the right of the fleshfang whenever she closes her mouth and it triggers me
Yeah she gave me her v-card, what about it?
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why is filia not greyed out?
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i need these wallpapers
Kozue should have been a kemonomimi
Left is fake Puti with no tits
right is Puti with boobjob
utako has a new cover up
link it then
why are some of these not greyed out but have no pictures? like kuno orihito
They're the ones who will debut in the future according to the person who made the image
Who are you talking to?
Say what you will about them being foreigners but debuting Beni with black hair was a good decision. You can't improve perfection.
Beni sex
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oh another raid huh?
seem like this nijigta success really makes someone butthurt
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It's over bros, YoutubeJapan only tweets about holos now
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Akina 3d live
nana poppy playtime
it was a good event, thanks for hosting kanaeboshi.
It's over? I thought there was one more day.
no its ending literally right now
I know that, I thought it was 10 days and not 9.
I love GTA now!!!
It was 10 days.
uh, alright
... It was? Fuck me, time's a bitch.
what now
The old nijisanji's vibe really cameback with this gta server. I am satisfied
cant be old nijisanji vibes, mito wasn't really relevant
bait aside I'm glad idios onwards got to experience something like this.
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I'm glad I stuck with nijisanji
I didn't watch it
holy shit
what bait was anon talking about
What did she mean by this
It means that she's laughing at him for being a traitor obviously, what the fuck do you think it means?
If you watched her and his last stream you will understand but I guess it's too much to ask for an eop tourist
Why would I watch it in the first place
berumondo banderasu
nijigta 2 will have the maximum EN infection
You think they'll still exist this time next year, let alone be given a second chance?
choma keeps making sex noises
dipping choma in milk and taking a bite!
who the fuck is choma
choma deez
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didn't we just have a sf tournament
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I love her!!!!!!!!
sometimes i forget that hoshikawa had a pretty rough start, hosting nijigta was more important for her than I thought. good thing it was such a success.
>a pretty rough start
you what
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I love her so much
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I want to lick her legs
I thought Nana is just a typical vsinger but she is very talkative and competent in game stream too
Sisters, what do we think about the chronoair concert being cancelled?
Excited to know they will shutter EN entirely.
Holofans are mentally ill
They clearly saw the hololive new york tickets being sold out while 5 weeks later their ax events were still pretty empty
Normally I wouldn't reply to a post using the term sisters since it's clear you're some delusional retard from /vt/ coming to a thread that is so completely utterly and disconnected from the Nijisanji fanbase you hate and we've executed everytime they come by. But on the other hand... I didn't even notice that the concert was canceled and it means I feel nothing but elation knowing that their forays into the English speaking world are only further being snuffed in the crib, as they should have been years ago.
The only bad part is that tickets got refunded.
Cringe af
It's even better than I thought, it's the entire event that was canceled. EN's concert even got relegated to being a freebie event on Youtube, hah!
the less western cancer infected the better, they are going to the right direct, keep up the good work riku, holofaggots are seething creature so whatever, just ignore and move on, i am very satisfied with the wide nijisanji-only events lately, it feels like the old nijisanji is back
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I agree. Was worried about NijiGTA myself since I was looking at the future of it dragging more good people into 239 STGR streams, but in reality that was just my trauma keeping me from appreciating what was simply a more compact VCR event. Builds even stronger bonds than that too since if it's within the company people can reach out significantly easier, even if it's not the best for growth it's the best for relations which is always the most important part. I never thought my favorite moments would be from fucking Yashiro and Salome of all people. Plus we got to see the foreigners connections only grow weaker barring Meloco which is yet another good thing to add to the events tally.
There was four ENs active on the server though
EN getting axed would be bad because the only form that can take is them being subsumed by the main branch like KR and ID. While a good chunk of them would graduate because of that, others and try to get cozy with the people who actually matter. That would be good if it was only the ones like Meloco, but you just know some of the malicious grifters would attempt that shit too.
EN's continued existence is a necessary evil. It's containment. Not sure why anyone but /vt/ard containment breachers would welcome its dissolution.
If they speak Japanese then they're fine by me. Meloco's just the only example this thread has experience with that was there. I know Shu Yamino was in the police force for example but last I heard he's also japanese so he's fine.
What a retarded post. The amount of them who could meaningfully latch onto the main branch are the only people who can speak Japanese, so it'll just be another Nara situation where there's only 3 or 4 people who speak the language. Tumors exist to be excised.
EN won't be axed for the same reason Holosharts don't get axed. They provide brand presence on the foreign market.
If you're going to raid the thread at least stop using /vt/ terminology about completely irrelevant companies to the thread.
Alban needed only about a year to learn enough Japanese to be perfectly functional in conversation and collabs. Luca already knows some Japanese. I wouldn't risk giving him such a big reason to keep going and become fluent.
>Luca already knows some Japanese.
Okay, now I know you're retarded.
Anon is technically correct. He knows how to say kawaii and summy my sens.
Luca couldn't even do anything on his own and needed his ex hag mod gf to do everything for him and anon thinks he will somehow sit down and learn Japanese instead of speaking in Twitch emotes
Why did they cancel it though?
I've kept half an eye on the VN community and I can tell you with absolute certainty that being a lazy retard isn't enough to stop someone from learning Nip. Especially if they're already bilingual.
Twitchspeak isn't a language, however you're right that it takes up as much if not more of his already failing brainspace to speak it.
>VN community
Full of MTLfags and eternal hookfags.
Alban actually cares about the language and is as respectful as someone learning a second language should be while still understanding how to banter. I've got nothing but respect for him, at risk of sounding like a tourist by saying so.
Pogman has repeatedly proven he cares about nothing but himself, we even saw it just the other day. If he cared about self improvement at all he wouldn't be doing things like that. There's zero chance of him ever learning a language.
Also this.
Why do Albansisters hate other ENs?
too many refunded tickets
Probably because it sold like shit? What, do you expect us to grasp at straws to defend EN?
holobronies threatened to mass shooting the event
I hope Kotoka returns
Same, I miss her cooking streams.
did you see what brave unlimited did
they are unlimited so who cares
I don't think VSPOEN was their decision but you're right that I should assume anything that goes wrong in that company since the acquisition is entirely their fault.
I am sill curious about who backed them with all of those money, it feels like they are buying all of the revevant names that's not nijiholo
Whoever he is, I'm sure Okan would be a huge fan of him.
okan might even cosplay as him
Look up their announcements then
don't give a fuck about EN, but sad that they dragged chronoir into this, doubt the two cares though.
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It's ridiculous to pin all the blame on Dokibird for this mishap. I don't think there are simps for her that would seriously harass or attack kurosanji fans, as they would love to say. It's not uncommon for venues to have a clause in the contract requiring a minimum number of ticket sales, otherwise, there would be a fee to make up for the loss in revenue. It's simply that. They didn't sell enough tickets.
US had multiple theatre mass shootings, added to that vtuber fans in the west are subhumans, it's better to give up from NA already
Have you read the replies under the post? I wouldn't be surprised if they killed someone.
wouldn't it make sense to cancel the booth as well if it was really about safety?
you're not supposed to point that out
Doki can be blamed in the sense that it was the combined power of her unchecked BPD and EN management incompetence that led to the dramanigger shitstorm that put Nijisanji's western reputation in the dirt, increasing the number of antis, ex-fans, and fans unwilling to go to a Nijisanji event, but that's neither here nor there.
Also, it's funny how Chronoir got a larger attendance than the people literally meant to pander to the type of audience AX attracts. Something went very wrong. Or right.
I don't think a single person here was blaming her for anything. We're not delusional.
if you're eop, you deserve to be gassed, now fuck off holobronies
There's nothing wrong with hooking VNs
I think the weirdest thing about these raids is when the tribalists make intentionally retarded posts, probably parroting something they heard of /vt/, and then reply to themselves with a self-own of sorts, despite the fact nobody here even knows what schizophrenic scenario they're making fun of is even about. Nobody here visits /vt/.
VN text hookers are only acceptable as a Japanese learning tool. Rely on them forever and you're a lesser creature.
Speaking of VNs, I wonder what my fellow eroge fan Maimoto is up to. It would be cool if he comes back for or at least contributes to this year's Koshien.
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the cancellation statement literally implies its because of harassment that the live was cancelled
See, this is the exact type of post I'm talking about when I say people are making up scenarios and arguments that just don't exist here. Not only does nobody here care about if an EN or an ENfan gets their head shoved on a spike outside the convention hall, even if we did there's nothing here stating harassment is an issue when it's explicitly tied to only the 3D venue and not the actual event that's hosting the venue. Which still has it's booth open. So either you genuinely believe in the implication that there's some form of harassment happening or you're once again parroting something from a /vt/ thread and expecting us to go "oh noez, dey got burried! uuuuuuuuu ;_;" for the subhumans that are EN.
/vt/ards coming to /jp/ about /vt/ard drama is always the weirdest thing.
I am literally in tears crying rn about my precious Elira's concert being canceled bros... its never been more hecking over..................
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In actually related news a clipper I like released a hour long summary of Leos and Ngo's bakery saga. Highly recommend the anons who missed their antics in GTA for some of the other stuff to check it out.
There're some obscure stories like the romance story of Inami and yoyoyo bitch, Rine's advanture. This niji-server is miles better than VCR and STGR server
So it's still the usual aifaggot/2Dhater/cocofag huh?
the nerve gas? doki's farts
i've been collecting them for the past 3 months
forgot to crosslink the post
Okay, that one's funny.
We've already shit on them enough for one day so I don't give a fuck anymore. What actually has my attention now is Shitlimited raping VSPO to death with positions they're inventing on the fly. 10k applicants doxxed.
Thank fucking god Chii-chan dodged that bullet.
think this thread needs some bug spray
But then there'd be no posters left...
China money's been gone for years anon, you have to let go. The accident was your fault.
https://www.youtube.com/live/E36uASSRREs onahole horage
Choma rapeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
bug spray at home
This is godlike RP, how can Riku keep getting away with this!
choma sex noises compilation when
Lunlun is too erotic
Lunlun 100k
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God this clip selection sucks so much, there was way better shit on twitter.
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Maybe that's why I want to fuck it so much. Alluring child like features with a bit smugness.
EN in my onahole's chat fucking yuck
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bite sized
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shots fired
Am I supposed to know who that is?
Surprised that was the piece of news he carried over and not the "EN NBA merch is only sold and shipped in Japan" thing. That one is way more relevant and way funnier.
I still don't understand what the point to that merch collab was and now I understand it even less.
Roa birthday goods? I actually she forgot she existed...
I still don't understand why she's been doing voice packs and getting merch after all these years. Wasn't it the thing that ruined her case?
I wonder if this will lead to more variety shows.
maybe it'll lead to people actually being able to use the studio
Sorry furen, your clipwatching stream is pretty boring.
aifaggot is forever butthurting
seven years of shiro...
that link has malware
please someone stream
I hate mahjong
https://www.youtube.com/live/lon4tKav698 the newbies
I don't understand why on earth they allowed mone to debut, such a boring girl.
Shu and Meloco are doing a radio show called NijiEN Radio, but it's in Japanese to teach the Japanese about NijiEN
It does seem more effective than trying to claw back the western audience.
Useless parasites
Wtf Rene changed her model
I miss underboob
the starlight cover is better than the original
You're like two months late to that one. I think everyone in 774 has a new model now.
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Rescinding the second part of this post because it's not everyone yet just from a glance, but it definitely seems to be a thing that'll eventually affect everyone. Rantarou's is terrible and makes him look like a girl too, what were they thinking?
Nanashi wants an uniform design for a アイドル箱
Choma really caught the Chiikawa audience
Do we really need Ai for the vsinger branch
kanae... your MR...
what do we do now that kizuna ai is back
We kill her again
I can't believe Kanikama is getting his own figure
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He must win.
vspoen won
ponto nei
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lio8aHS0HoA kuzuha
dogura is so bad, stop making the captain already.
so cute
Naraka lost all her matches, she was so smug about it earlier too, lol.
Naraka is female version of Kanae, and unlike Kanae, she will have a menhera breakdown for few days
choma sex
Ritsu debuted in Neoporte
Who the hell is ritsu
Wasn't he kicked out with leakers?
holy shit someone actually believes them when they say there was leakers? whats your thought process I don't think we'll ever see someone as retarded as you in this thread again this is a big find
chibi pomu
His model is way better than Chihaya’s. I’m still not over how much of a downgrade he got
snore halation
It's pretty cute. The tracking is trash but I imagine that's on purpose with the whole lower-end model aspect that it'd be used for.
I don't think they even know what neoporte is.
is that an icecream
No it's a pasta.
I've gotten used to it at this point.
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Orion will complement him. It will work out.
that meme's been dead for years
he’ll get a downgrade too. they can be ugly together
who the fuck is orion
isn't that the buff teddy bear guy in fgo
Isn't that one of the three fairy's spellcards?
oh kisara attracts the same breed of whales as tomoe, she's set for life.
why in japanese and a japanese timeslot
You actually think people who speak english watch them?
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I like the creepy nuts cover
are any of them good
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thanks, I wasn't sure who that was without you telling me.
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That's a pretty novel design.
None of them speak any Japanese whatsoever so they're all irredeemable failures. It's to be expected of anyone applying to VSPO's EN program but it's strange how VSPO themselves didn't make being JSL a borderline requirement. VSPO lives and dies almost exclusively on collaborations, who the hell are EN's going to collab with? シュラウド?
The fact that I don't even know what any of them look like is a bad sign.
To be fair, women that are good at e-sporty games are a rarity, so women that are both that AND know Japanese+English are probably just Kotoka and that's it.
That's completely true but at the same time I'm just not seeing the vision for that group specifically because of that fact. I just don't know who it's for or how they'll grow, even if they turn out to be god gamers who bring back the days of Vspo being gameplay first that never existed beyond the idea. Not like it matters since even if they did speak japanese fluently I'd still rarely see them beyond the first month or so of collabs like their Kuromu. Also speaking of Kotoka I didn't realize she's been gone for almost 5 months now, was wondering why I never saw her in NijiGTA despite her being prominent in VCRGTA. At least from the POVs I watched anyways. Hope she's alright.
One more ex member hosting a major tourney.
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tourists who want to talk about western whore streamers should go to the designed board for it
shut up retard
Who do you think?
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lize is only a 1/4th of our admin
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