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Beating the heat with Kanako
Beating my meat with Kanako
How do you come to the Moyira shrine and invite Kanako on a date in a respectful and gentlemanly manner while still respecting her divinity
damn kanako has some muscular arms...
Just be respectful. You could bring her offerings as well but it might be risky as it could change the dynamic to where one of you is on a different level than the other rather than equal.
Do you guys think Kanako is self conscious about the fact that Suwako has a granddaughter while she herself never had a husband ?
>she herself never had a husband ?
Does he know?
does it count when on the wedding day he went for a cig and never came back?
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Here is the thing, just the idea of having a date with a man can cause her to hyperventilate.
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Heat and feet rhyme
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Poor Kanako. No wonder she took over the shrine
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She was abandoned? Wow, that's a major red flag.
I guess I'd better go find myself a better goddess.
Poor Kanako , first her husband left her , she looks like she's pushing 30s and now this ? Can she ever catch a break ?
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Well for starters, her husband was sealed into bondage rope by the Lunarians, so I'm not sure how much you can blame Kanako for that.
>she looks like she's pushing 30s
This is supposed to be a bad thing?
Knowing the people here yes.
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I love her.
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Autumn can't come soon enough...
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Can confirm, I am that husband.
Please do not lewd my wife.
Takeminakata, is that you? Surely for your wife's sake you've been able to maintain your chastity and not become the village bicycle for Lunarian Noblewomen, right?
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A man has to do what a man has to do.
Turning Kanako into a Momma-ko
post the one with the shota and the mystery love letter
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snake paizuri
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*licks screen*
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Never fails to put a smile on my face.
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Beating Kanako!
Flustering hags is always a joy, charisma to zero...
How does this artist make his hags so powerful?
That's only a fraction of his power. Not as strong as the Miko poster, though.
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I really ought to go on an image saving spree soon. It's been a while.
Good lord, how many images do you have?
We've found him
Kanako's strongest soldier
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Numbered, a little over 600, including the Kanekos and lil' Kanakos. Not numbered, over 9000.
what were you doing with suwako midnight in the temple's garden, a day before your wedding?
This is what true faith looks like.
Sadly I believe his forms of worship are very twisted!
Remilia's otherworldly beauty is a reflection of her personality and power. She looks both frightening but alluring, elegant but devilish.
She is both respected and feared by her peers, and while she could kill a human in a second, she shows mercy by seducing them with her mystical charisma and drawing from them just enough blood to sate her thrist, allowing them to live. It is truly difficult to resist her advances, and while the prospect of having your neck pierced by this demon might sound horrible now, but it'll sound like the most wonderful idea in the world when she proposes it to you. It truly takes a man with an impossible amount self-control to not give in to her charms.
It'll take a true legend to conquer such a powerful, frightening, enticing, influential and intelligent noblewoman.
Kanako, on the other hand, sat her large butt on the top of the mountain one day and claimed it to be her own, angering every single one of her new neighbours.
She is completely dependent on faith from humans, and yet she chose to place her shrine on a huge mountain, making it very hard for people to come visit, which shows how foolish this old lady it. If she loses her faith, she'll have no power aside from scarying people with her monstrous face.
Honestly, the only reason why the mountai youkai didn't remove her by force is because no one is strong enough to carry that much weight.
That was a dastardly tanuki, doing his best to cause strife.
He was promptly dealt with.
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big gorgeous kanako butt
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Remilia get out of Kanako's thread
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Working up a sweat with Kanako!
Please molest me Kanako-sama.
He doesn't have enough
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winning smile
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What would you give for her to smile at you like that?
What would you do?
How far would you be willing to go for that smile?
And who do you think she's annihilating?
Kanako is a virgin loser
To think that Takeminakata couldn't even put out...
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>What would you give for her to smile at you like that?
Anything, of course.
>What would you do?
I would like to earn that smile naturally, over time. As wonderful as that smile is, I believe this is a case of the journey beating the destination.
>How far would you be willing to go for hat smile?
As far as my body and soul allows.
Good she was too good for him anyways.
mountains of faith
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Wished it was snowing here.
but it's summer
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Summer sucks. It's hot and humid.
yeah, i'm also an autumn person.

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