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/jp/ needs an eirin thread.
Hopefully this one won't die so soon...
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Sexy doctor
How long did the previous one last?
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Take your Daily Dose.
a week, maybe?
Thanks doc
very good eirin picture
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It's only fair we help her out every once in a while
Why is she unpopular on the jay?
They aren't enough people with good tastes to maintain a Eirin thread.
unfortunately so. she's one of the more interesting and well developed characters
What's in that pill, I'll gladly take it anyways but I want to know what's in it...
Indeed, Eirin is someone very intersating and knowlegdeable. But don't make her took a liking for you or else thing can get... Messy in some epic proportions.
The Daily Dose.
She even has to leach off of the princess >>47165006

How shameful...
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Listen, if the Ran thread can do it with all of three posters so can Eirin's.
We aren't mentally ill and degenerate enough for that... Eirin's thread are for gentlemen with good taste.
I will make sure she does not take a liking to me. Maybe my husband instead, she's his favorite 2hu.
Indeed, gentlemen. She would make a very good research partner and shooting buddy, for I happen to use both the same weapon and study the same field as her.
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So you're telling me you don't have the same dedication to your 2wife as a handful of mofubrained autists? Sad!
Leeching off the princess is unavoidable. Kaguya's just that perfect that her radiance overshadows any other 2hu
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Eirin is my favorite 2hu. Is she anyone else's? Or at least in your top 5?
Kaguya's my favorite, but Eirin is up there.
I might slip a picture of Eirin into my next presentation. Or just bring her fumo to a conference, who knows.
>A widow with two kids
No thanks
Neat! But Ms.Yagokoro is far more knowledgable on diverse subjects than just shooting and medecine. Also you can try to cosplay as Eirin for your husband.
In contrary sir. We aren't in the bad specter of autism unlike those chimps. As per the motto; Quality over quantity.
She would make a good mentor in general! I will lose any and all debates to her just to listen to her lecture me, eheheheh... I'd certainly lose if I challenged her to a game of Go, but at least I'd get to observe her genius strategy skills. I wonder if she'd agree to be my lab partner? She already solved the problem of ageing... If only I could do so without Kaguya's power.

Thanks for reminding me that exists. Now give me the Hourai Eyebleach and have Eirin administer some amnestics.
That's remind me of the anon who got Eirin twice in the yandere thread... Man, that's give me some inspiration for some writefagging. Also if you really want to challenge her? Play a really stupid game with her. Smarties can't handle absolutely stupid things sometimes.
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Has she reconciled with her lost daughter Sakuya yet?
do i have to swallow it all?..
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Eirin would make a fine lab assistant! I can sense it within my greatest mad scientist's heart that she would be quite vital in uncovering the well-hidden secrets of Gensokyo's Organization the name which shall not be named!
Yes, but with the place where the sun dosen't shine.
Made for prostate orgasms
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>Yes, but with the place where the sun dosen't shine.
... I just hope this is the right dose... Eh, forget what I said, you'll be fine.
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Trust me Eirin! This will work!
Oh, I am that anon. And I managed to break her composure with some stupid jokes like; "What do you give to a sick melon?"
A lemon-aid
Is it an oral pill or is it a suppository?
Ran Thread lurker here, you have our endorsement to make these threads last
How the hell did you managed to break her composure with such stupid dad jokes?!
Dr. Yagokoro is ALWAYS accepting patients
Eirin has a lot that could be interesting but not a lot gets developed so all she has is
>hehehehe can she treat my erection?
>reisen abuse
Fanon moment. I personally like her dynamic with Kaguya (not the shipping stuff, eugh).
I like the fact that she has canonically killed lots of people.
Because my jokes are killers.
Even she or I can't die.
Miss Yagokoro never abused Udonge. In fact, she treat her well and even pet her head sometimes.
Also, for the erection thing. Miss Yagokoro can treat it, buuuuuuttttttt... I won't explain further... Unless you wanna know how a man can turn into a woman.
She's still a awesome doctor!
Anon discovered thst 2hu is not that serious franchise despite reading all the touhou wiki
It depends on your definition of abuse. Eirin most definitely hits Udonge enough for her to assume any time she raises her hand is to bonk her.
But is that abuse or merely discipline for the useless bnuuy?
Udonge is not useless, she's just have intense PTSD, this is the cause of her defensive reactions as Miss Yagokoro can be quite scary... But if you are nice enough with her, she's quite the nice rabbit and her hair are nice to pet when she's in your lap and can look at you with weird kind of eyes... Don't look at her eyes tho.
Another dose doc...
Reisen doesn't have PTSD though
Reisen is a war veteran and refugee so it's very likely than she have PTSD.
Sorry, Touhou canon doesn't allow fun or dramatic things, so she's a sadistic piece of shit that never fought a single battle 'cause she dodged draft.
Why are we talking about Reisen when this is a Eirin thread?
>sadistic piece of shit
Hold on! Stop doing that and keep this rabbit away form you!
Ah yes, CDS... Hate that piece of garbage...
Because this useless rabbit would definitively steal and even rape her masters boyfriend or husband for some nights... It's not gonna end well for her if she do that tho...
has nothing to do with it, faggot
Eirin's thread is dying again...
quick someone preform CPR
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Eirin is still attached to the lunarians which drops her popularity like a rock to begin with, and she's the straight man to Reisen and Kaguya.
I only like Eirin for her huge brain
You show up to your appointment with your new doctor, and Eirin walks in. Wyd?
Stare at her legs.
Snap her garter straps.
While Kaguya is my favorite, I'd say Eirin is in my top 6 favorite 2hus
Explain I'm having extremely vivid visual hallucinations, and also if she wants to fuck.

You're both going to make her angry and kick you out...
Being a patient at Eientei would probably suck ass.
>have to walk miles through a bamboo forest to get there, hope your condition will let you do that
>her assistants (Reisen and Tewi) would probably be garbage. Reisen wouldn't be able to hit a vein on a blood draw out of incompetence, Tewi out of malice
>Eirin's bedside manners are probably close to nonexistent, she is a lunarian at the end of the day after all
>gives you some pills and tells you to fuck off
At least her pills are effective. Also, I'd much rather avoid the talking
Spend all day finding your way to the clinic only to be told to stop being a baby and take some asprin. How do they deal with emergencies then?
>Ah yes, CDS... Hate that piece of garbage...
she became a deserter in PoFV, literally her second appearance, and the lunar war being a nothingburger was established pretty soon after that
all CDS did was say that she enjoyed getting to lord it over rabbits in the punishment room on the moon, which is completely consistent with her whining about the earth rabbits listening to tewi over her in CiLR
Reisen is a remarkably consistent character, all things considered
Since IN(Kaguya's profile) we got her running away before facing any human despite her saying that she fought some in the moon.
If Reisen has any beattle experience it would be from either some conflict they didn't tell us or Yukari's moon invasion, the former unlikely and the later... would make her +1000 years old. But I think we have 0 clues about the age of any moonbun.

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