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Previous thread:

Beginner guide, FAQ and links: https://rentry.org/8vkaw
New child mechanics guide for plus: https://pastebin.com/7is8p4NF
Elona+ Custom-GX continued branch: https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlusCustom-GX/releases/
Extra sprites/PCCs: https://elonaup.x0.com/sozai/index.htm
Elin Demo 9.10: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BXxcK0t1zkJFn-5mVaX93OabUFJKrVnO/view?
Elin kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/noacat/elin/description
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Quantum bread
Speaking of item quality and material.
Aside from being able to eat raw items, what are some other unique features associated with different materials?
Maybe in combination with certain equipment types.
Or is mostly about weight and resistance?
Are you asking about elin or elona?
Materials have different attributes.
Most notable, Glass raises speed by 4 so it could be worth it early on.
Materials like steel are acid/fireproof by default.
Ether corruots you slowl I think.

But stats and weight are the main difference.
Sorry, forgot to mention it's for Elona.
Like what was mentioned, each material has its own bonuses.

They also provide modifiers to an item's base PV and DV.

Then there's the value modifier, which matters for furniture and home rank.
Personally, I use a glass crossbow and a glass bolt because I mostly fight in melee and they give me 8 free speed.
I am still fairly early though.
And using inferiour scrolls on shoes has a chance to make them raw (higher than when cursed). Eating raw shoes trains speed, but it's a very slow, tedious process.
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Holy shit, why is there onions in this game?

Does the dev browse 4Chan?
Can someone post Elin screenshots of:
character sheet
a town
the world map
a dungeon
You kidding?
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I get that there is some meme content like cloth maces, steel robes and my dog calling me a pervert and enjoying beain leashed a bit too much, but isn't adding s0i a bit too much.

Also will it turn me into a s0iboy if I drink it or abuse my strenght score? I am kinda scared to try it out. May throw it at a random boar and see what happens.
Cooking matters a lot more as an actual mechanic in the game, with regards to what stats it trains based on what flavors/food qualities it had.
Do we still get to generate the title of our character?
Titles are random. You get to choose from a list and can reroll the list as much as you want.
But you don't get hobbies and childhoods and randomized stats anymore as of Alpha.
I am playing Elona though.
And besides trying to poison üpeople ortorture your own character, who would ever add onions into his dishes?
And this is also the classic Puppy Cave in case you wanted a very familiar dungeon.
I wish I had access. Waiting for early access is akin to torture.
What's up with the different HUD?
Mods lol.

As expected, people already got on it and are modding the game, one of which is a "simple bottom bar alt ui loadout for widget mode". At least, that's literally what the uploader described it as on Discord. I'm not interested in using it atm so mine's the default UI/appearance.
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where do i get clay? where do i get ores? i cant mine for shit
Clay = soil + any potion/snow/Crim powder (idk why Crim powder qualifies lol) at a millstone

Ores, make a pickaxe and raise your Mining level. Ores are usually from the crystal stuff in cave Nefias or just Puppy Cave.
>raise your Mining level
god damn
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Are you a retard?
Would it not break each update?
maybe modders could create a library that points to stuff so that old mods will still work as long as the library is kept up to date
That's not a mod, it's the toggle feature present on the hud like this anon showed>>47179263
You can change between the classic view and the newer one
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Not even mods, you can already modify a bunch of things in the base game
Grab onyx gems from wrecks in dungeons (they are quite common, even in Puppy cave and have Hardness 72), smelt it into bars (you can use the smelter in Mysilia) and make a pickaxe with that. That will allow you to mine almost everything but gem walls with relatively low mining skill.
Why? :(
Onions sauce is a legendary beverage created by immortal Chinese Taoists. Drinking it in large enough quantities is rumored to grant you immortality and Taoist super powers. However it remains elusive to this day.
That's bait, right?
I am pretty sure onions is a fictional meme poison made up by 4Chan that makes you weak and lose your hair.
Can't get any of the racial feats with racechange wish, that should still be a thing right?
Could it be because of this weird racial feat I got from eating a bubble heart? I guess I'll have to fuck around with the savefile if nobody knows how to fix this.
can't see the feat with elosnack actually, and can't find the .snack file for omake either...
Is Beautify fully compatible with OOMSESTepNC? I remember trying to install it and it worked for the UI/graphics, but the music remained unchanged. Also, is there a way to get this version of OOMSESTepNC without having to join some discord?
sound doesn't work but I play without it anyway
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Thank you Anon.
Elin better let us marry the gods
fuck off and die seth cunts
Watch out, fellow Otakus.
The "Santa Claus" namefag is an infamous furfag from /v/.
You need to Bully him out of your thread, or he is going to post furry cheesecake.
I am warning you.
bros how do i get a "mixer" in elin
i cannot verify if the recipe changed or not,but....
>elin has surround sound
god damn
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tinker table has no mixer so i just ticketed one
you need to randomly get recipe for it or buy the mixer itself with furniture tickets, no clue which town has it tho
I just downloaded Elin. What is the no censor patch supposed to do at configurations?
Don't recall exactly but one of the early main story NPCs in your base or tinker town sell it for gold bars.
>What is the no censor patch
I haven't been keeping up with Elin news because I want to go in blind but what need would there be for a censor patch? Creator of Another World allows you to make newborn babies horny and fuck them and that hasn't been taken off Steam yet.
Can we get the pancake the mysterious niggas offered?
>Creator of Another World allows you to make newborn babies horny and fuck them
Excuse me?
Yeah that's a thing in that game. If you have the sexy trait there's a chance you can make others horny when you talk to them near a bed. If they're horny you can go to sleep with them and fuck. This applies to any NPC, even newborn babies with their baby sprite.
Is prostitution a thing in the game?
How do i rotate wall in Elin?
its there but its so stupid thats its just for roleplay
r or middle mouse
Namefag posts are filtered out already for me.
Nta but are they still using only two sides instead of 4?
I never used kickstarter before. Can you not donate anymore? I want a steam copy.
god damn melee is god damn suffering
Donation period is over so nope
>you need to randomly get recipe for it or buy the mixer itself with furniture tickets, no clue which town has it tho
mixer recipe was added to the starting recipes everyone has an update this week
If you use a toilet, it pixelates your sprite for a moment, this gets rid of it.
Try to utilize potions and rods.
Slow and Speed potions/rods can help with fast enemies.
Silence is good for mages.
Remember to heal after every fight if you can. (heal by just waiting, safe items for emergancies)
Otherwise, use Pets to corner enemies and maybe a Mount if you are slow.
Melee is supposed to be a challenge I think.
Steam being inconsistent is hardly new
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how the fuck do i deal with these bros
its fucking impossible
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Anon, is that map full of shit monsters your home?
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i cant even get out
Those shits lose HP when they multiply so if you keep attacking them they should die eventually. But unless you can kill them quickly they can easily overwhelm you. Maybe try moving your firepit closer to them so the real protagonists go over there and slaughter them.
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I think it's time to relocate
Holy shit that's great, you are so fucked
You can get rid of them with the "scroll of exterminate" from Miral and Garokk's Workshop for a few small medals.
In the future, learn to debuff. Splitting monsters like mass monsters and bubbles can't divide if they're burning or frozen. Miasma spells are contagious and also prevent splitting, so they can deal with infestations that have already started. Paralyze, confuse, etc, will all also prevent splitting.

Debuffing stuff is a lot more worth it this game, try it.
Teleport rod/scroll to escape.
Then try to lure and kill em one by one.
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What do domains do in Elin? Does it just make me proficient with them?
You gain a bonus 1d to damage and healing, and attack spells that are generated will be heavily weighted towards your domains.

If you take the magic dream feat, the spells you receive will only be from your domains.
>and attack spells that are generated will be heavily weighted towards your domains.
Just to clarify: This also applies to what shopkeepers are selling. Books for your domains will be a more common
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anyone knows why am i having negative modifier on learning? i dont have bad traits or enchantments for that
An undead or the like badtouched you and drained your stats. Go to a healer and get fixed.
why do they never tell you this
I think there's literally a fairy tutorial for it now but could be wrong
Like this anon said >>47197047 now Nerun tells you the first time it happens. The tutorial might habve not been implemented when it happened or you just missed it
how do you train lockpicking in elin?
Get the skill in Derphy as you would in Elona then get a training chest. I think Fiama sells either the chest or the recipe. For the recipe you need a microchip, you can get it from metal scrap in Nefias or by killing mechanical monsters. If you are lucky you can buy one from a furniture trader, i think it costs around 1/2k
If I recall correctly you can use the training chest with or without lockpicks, the latter one gives less XP though
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is it this chest? when i use the skill it just opens it
Yes, it closes automatically every 2 in game hours and then you can train again
Elin lacks personality compared to Elona. It feels like a generic craftfest. Plus, the lack of keyboard-only controls is a huge miss.
The dev fell for all the wrong memes with this one.
They still haven't made a keyboard controls? that's worrying
theres keyboard controls but no "keyboard only" controls
Will there finally be ero mods for Elin?
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Where's the custom monster girl PCC in the OP?
Its probably easier to do than it was in Elona, though Elona did already have the random events and the mining animations which were not too bad to hijack.
you guys know how to make the animation speed faster in like fishing and playing instruments?
PCC or NPC sheet?

There's an option for auto turns in the config.
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Hey, Bro.
Feed me.
Gotta check if there's anything else new in terms of mobs before updating
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I updated the one from the All in One pack to work with 2.23.
Thank you Anon, you're the best
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Official art?
i am retarded
how do i use healing spells on my party members in elin
it automatically uses the skill to myself
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You need to level the spell more.
how the fuck do you do the 1k+ parties in elin
it seems like its luck based and you need to find a lot of people bunched up in once space
you cant even explore alot since you will run out of time
On the upper right of the icon there is a thing that lets you know if the spell is self-only (blue) or party-cast (green). If the latter, right click and hold to cast to party. The amount of mana and stock required will increase, naturally.
thank you
i was losing my mind and i thought i need to level it
Telepathy + magic map + binoculars. Then find the clump of highest value/level targets and go there. Aka guards, shopkeepers, trainers, etc.
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what the flying fuck
No. It is unofficial art by another handle of the artist doing concept art and portraits for Elin.
That's what I want.
how do i get "wet" when im burning?
i threw stuff at the ground and the only one who got wet was the rider
bros i got a doomed equipment on elin
how do i fix this
Hold the liquid, middle click and select pour to dump it on your head.

Or just use your watering can on yourself.
He copied that straight out of Minecraft.
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Is there a way to choose what I steal when things are in a stack?
I think R or middle click would work if you aim at the base of the objects you wish to look at
bros... help me... im stuck with a negative 5 paper glove...
You need to attempt to use scrolls/rods/casts of uncurse I also think using holy water/blessed water will also work. Following that go to the port to buy acid proof from the drug dealer.
>You need to attempt to use scrolls/rods/casts of uncurse
i believe i used about 15 scrolls already and it did not work
>I also think using holy water/blessed
i drank holy water and even doused myself and no dice
cant even blend it on the equipment because it cant remove it same issue with acidproofing it
It's scrolls of vanish curse actually that works on equipped items
Have they not implemented priests in Elin?
theres no remove curse option by priests in elona. its only on elona+
Can you read scrolls of inferior material to make the doomed equipment into an edible material and eat it in Elin?
That doesn't work unless I'm doing it wrong somehow.
you cant remove cursed equipment to do anything
ITT: people with low literacy and magic device discover the spell level from reading the scroll or zapping the rod isn't enough to counter doomed because low skills.
On a more serious note, get a scroll or rod of greater uncurse for better chances. Greater items have asterisks about the name like *uncurse*.

You should learn and practise the spell to avoid something like this.
I believe you can actually use rods of teleport/short teleport on furniture as well, if there's something heavier on top of whatever you want to steal. I certainly didn't discover this by complete accident trying to get npcs away from what I wanted to steal.
let me reserve spellbooks in elin noa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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how does lodging work in elin? do you need a skill book for it or do you need to the beds a room?
If you mean where the NPCs in your base sleep you can activate the bed and use the menu to decide who's allowed to use it. NPCs will automatically reserve a free bed for themselves unless it's restricted. Once they've picked one you'll see their name on it and after this you can just move the bed to wherever you want them to sleep.

If you're trying to run a hotel "Making multiple Makeshift Beds and placing them in a room with the "Open For Business" policy from Loytel can give the players a passive, daily income." - https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/User:Hachimitsu/EarlyGameBeta
Do Elin have random events too?

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