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Friendly reminder that the "tengu are kidnappers and rapists" rumour is misinformation created by human femcels to stop human men from getting a tengu gf/wife so you'd better start meeting those cute tengu girls, dating them and marrying them, Anon
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that's a relief
but if that's the case, why is aya peddling that very rumour?
What happened to the old monk?
There are no abductions at the youkai mountain
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Even if they were kidnappers and rapists, they'd still make me feel less alone than I am in the human realm
Being a tengu's househusband is bad. Human boys deserve equal rights. Tengus need to stop being racist, sexist, and xenophobic
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Well I'm also racist, sexist, and xenophobic, so I'm sure I'd get along well with my future Tengu wife.
Tell me what happened to the monks, you crow fuck.
I'll gladly preach female youkai supremacy to anyone who'll listen! If only she lets me outside...
>Human boys deserve equal rights.
That seems to imply human boys in Tengu society have rights, period.

There is a quote from Midsummer night dream that sums up their position pretty well: Out of this wood do not desire to go: Thou shalt remain here, whether thou wilt or no.I am a spirit of no common rate; The summer still doth tend upon my state.
"outside"? what if you get kidnapped by the " real" bad youkai out there? it's not safe for you anon.
now, I must part with you, I have a dinner to make.
They are living very happy lives
Now stop asking question.
They get to mate with young looking tengu girls

The girls are actually significantly older
Happy lives doing what?
No. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mk0A5uFoG3c
The other thread turned me onto boy tengu. Are they also rapists?
Yes, they're very hard to tell apart from the girl tengu, and, like the girl tengu, they prefer catching their wives from stray human men.
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So you say, but where is your source?
The problem is that they are racist, sexist, and xenophobic towards you

It's also kinda weird to hate the guy you married so much.
>It's also kinda weird to hate the guy you married so much.
Dude have you seen boomers
You're right, it is weird how all the tengu supremacists have human boyfriends. Can anyone explain that?
You have convinced me. I am going to the Youkai Mountain right now to find a nice tengu girl, let's hope nothing bad happens.
Act 1: A man is sitting at a temple.
Act 2: ???
Act 3: There are now Tengu children playing where the man was.
How's the play called?
I'm tired of being objectified by these birds. I'm more than just a cock and balls ;-;
It's their fetish. The taboo aspect of dating a lowly human makes them incredibly aroused.
Tengu women are incapable of loving you. They only see you as a sex toy.
No, you aren’t. Now, get back in the bedroom. Your tengu wife is waiting for you.
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>Tengu women are incapable of loving you. They only see you as a sex toy.
That's not true. Behind closed doors, I think all tengu just want someone who'll love them.
Tengu are only good for paizuri
Tengu hands writed this hoax.
Don't believe thier lies.
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Looks like Nitori is not very good at English.
Anon, don't you know about journalistic integrity? No crow tengu would ever go as low as to blantantly misinform the public.
Do you even hear yourself? The next thing you will spout is to not trust the media and marry human girls.
No, they exclusively have consensual sex with other men.
It's not that strange Anon, plus when you marry a Tengu you become "one of the good ones" to that Tengu
Can you blame them when all their women are this unhinged
Not at all. Their women get especially nasty whenever they realize that the male tengu get more human men than they do.
I feel sorry for the guy who draws the short straw and is forced to impregnate the female tengu that year to keep their population up.
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You should marry and reproduce with Tengus.
as explained in the other thread, tengu boys are fatally weak to human cock
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Tengu are evil! They only care about themselves! Unlike their hedonistic attitude and unhealthy superiority complex, the kappa are very amicable. Not only are they willing to trade with humans, they’re also very willing to create strong relationships! With their technical know-how, they could easily give the humans who traveled to Gensokyo their amenities from the Outside. So, please, make sure to not fall for tengu propaganda and trickery! Talk to a kappa instead!
You know kappa don't sound too bad
Might give em a try
Don't they like shoving their hands in certain orifices?
I'd much rather be raped by a tengu than have that be done on me.
Kappas will fist you because it's in their nature. Tengu at least only do it with the explicit purpose of getting you off.
I don't want to be fisted by a tengu either. I'm sure they will understand, right?
That is slander created and propagated by the tengu! A kappa will never do that unless explicitly asked to! Their intellect is rivaled only by their self restraint!
>the male tengu get more human men
Why is everything in Gensokyo trying to fuck human man? Is this revenge for all the porn where human women are the one getting fucked by everyone?
Nice try kappa! I can smell your lies from here. Yamawaro are superior in everyday and are actually capable of loving a human back!
>Why is everything in Gensokyo trying to fuck human man?
Nonhumans require spiritual energy to survive, and as we all know thanks to Taoism, ki is stored in the balls. It's only natural to expect them to constantly fight and bicker over Gensokyo's greatest commodity.
They weren't asking. The quicker you blow, the quicker they'll stop.
You know, it actually does make sense. Though I am biased, you see I am a lewdsokyofag. I believe in the pink.
Never forget that lewdsokyo is closer to canon than grimsokyo and cutesokyo.
That's a pretty big news paper
I guess I should stay away from the Youkai Mountain for the foreseeable future.
For you.
Whats wrong Aya? Did the last group that was dumb enough to come to the mountain not survive the exhaustion from the white wolf welcoming train? Or did the daitengu claim ownership rights? Maybe in another 1000 years they'll let you keep one for a single day.
We do NOT talk about the white wolf tengu train incident.
Why do they do it, do they gain any pleasure from it?
Even male oni?
No, the oni are the only species in Gensokyo who are completely straight. They can't even conceive of the idea of same-sex relationships, which was a big part of why they eventually left the surface, as they kept being confronted with the male tengu's giga-orgies and all the prison gay females and it just fried their brains.
Yes (male oni are extremely cute and feminine, plus their penises are smaller than a female oni's clitoris)
Shhh, that's for us to know and them to find out!
So another female are straight and the males are giga gay? I think Yukari had a specific type she let in...
But maybe I was fine with being kidnapped, being her husband, and never being let outside or left alone...
Sounds like more tengu propaganda. We all know that oni follow strict gender roles and that their women are elegant and lithe while their men are brusque and large. Both have a high libido, obviously, but that's just to be expected.
No, the males are also straight, but they don't really get involved with humans as their women are too fragile to keep up with them; they're pretty reasonable fellows.
You've been brainwashed by tengu media, anon. You deserve better.
Date only human girls and stay away from filthy tengu.
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looks like Aya finally scored.
Do not fall for oni propaganda. Their women aren't ladylike, submissive or even particularly slim. Oni couples are lead by whichever partner is physically stronger, and a human male will never be even nearly as strong as an average oni lady. If you marry one, you are going to get househusbanded with 100% certainty.
All the human women are judgemental and don't want me! It seems like the tengu do though.
>Their women aren't ladylike, submissive or even particularly slim.
They are all of those things. It's just that you're so weak and useless that oni women look intimidating to you.
If you weren't such a scrawnjob, you'd be able to see them for the wonderful women they are.
Shut it! All you lot manage to do is sell your crappy cards to the poor humans who are tricked in to it. Plus, kappas are far better lovers!
No amount of training will make a human male even comparable to a typical oni female in terms of physical strength. They might not be as controlling or repressive as tengu women, but they're every bit as domineering if not more so.
This is the reason no one reads her newspaper.
No one is interested in reading some lonely tengu's erotic fiction.
And I bet she wrote that while masturbation.
If you aren't willing to become a hermit so you can properly roughhouse with your oni wife, you don't deserve one.
>No amount of training will make a human male even comparable to a typical oni female in terms of physical strength.
And that's where you're wrong. With the proper training, a hermit or magician can become strong enough to surpass the (female) oni and take one as his bride.
Now granted, this basically never happens, and very few oni believe they'd ever find a respectable human husband, which is why their species generally doesn't leave the Former Capital, but it's not impossible, and some of them still hold out hope of finding cross-species love someday.
The few that do, however, find themselves with a truly blessed marriage, far more than any other youkai could ever hope for.
Would you count as being a human anymore if you became one, though?
As long as they don't perform "Abandon Food" they count as human.
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>No amount of training will make a human male even comparable to a typical oni female in terms of physical strength
You sissy.
I'll train until I become strong enough to take the small oni as my bride.
I would roughhouse with my oni wife every day of the week, even if I knew I'd have no chance of "winning", and I'd treasure every moment. Whatever makes her happy.
This is the reason no one in the human village reads her newspaper*
whenever there is a "spicy" issue out it gets sold out instantly in the tengu village.
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she will find you and make you read it out loud to her. then ask what you thought of it and what else she could add to it.
All these threads got me thinking about how interesting it would be if everyone had internet in Gensokyo. Humans, different groups of youkai, gods, celestials, lunarians, imagine all the potential for funny interactions and how it would influence the real world. Has this idea ever been explored?
the animal realm 100% has its own version of 4chan
they post like it's 2003 talking shit about the other families and still use CRTs that Ran has to debug in her free time
hmmm, chicken breasts
I could see Alice reading it
>No amount of training will make a human male even comparable to a typical oni female in terms of physical strength.
Oni, as per usual, deny yet again them being famous for being defeated by human heroes.
>you'd better start meeting those cute tengu girls, dating them and marrying them, Anon
That was always the plan.
They lose because they are dumb, meatheaded drunkards who get outsmarted by clever human heroes. If they can't just strength their way into victory they are doomed to fail.
Momiji is a good girl. The white wolf Tengu wouldn't kidnap you and then rape you and force you to stay with her.
Instead she will run off and latch onto you in the outside world to escape her shitty caste system
"Mister Iizunamaru, or: How I Stopped Struggling And Learned To Love My Rapist"
Of course not.

She would defeat you in honorable 1 on 1 combat and then claim you as the price.
Lu Bu could still take them
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why is the combat arena a bed?
Her victory is largely a foregone conclusion.
Reminder that Tengu are not above castrating their sex slaves when they don't want to get pregnant. Also you are 100% getting a collar placed around your neck even if they do use you for breeding.
Hot. All she really needs is my mouth anyway.
Never mess with lu bu
All I'm hearing is that Oni women have weak points I can exploit to beat them[(in bed(sexually)]
I will ruin a tengu's belly with repeated pregnancies
fool that you are,a youkai woman's belly firms up right after like nothing was even in there
Did the tanuki pay for this post? Every tengu relishes their partners virility, its one the biggest strength of any slave. Any tengu would be breaking heavy social taboo to own a slave that without his gonads.
Finally, I finally get to live out my dream life after spending months renovating this shack on the border between the village and Youkai mountain, isolated from everyone, total perfect solitude.
It was the perfect night even, snowy, quiet, peaceful, and then this fussy bird bangs against my window, and somehow a "great tengu" like her can't fly in a snow storm? Kind of convenient if you ask me! I'll lend her a futon, but I'm keeping my eye on her, can't trust those mountain Tengu.
I won't fail you, Abe!!
I will make
ten 10gu pups with Momiji!
And then he was never heard from again.
I wish Aya stepped on my balls with the tooth of her geta.
I will not give it to opportunity to
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That isolated shack is the tengu equivalent of pic related.
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This but in reverse
Plot twist: The shack is passed down by an exclusive club of tengu fans who regularly take up residence to trick dumb tengu into becoming their loving wives!
Human boys are just as capable as tengu, and I'll prove it to all of you! I'm marching right on up to Megumu's office and demanding that she stops oppressing human boys in the tengu village! No more kidnapping! No more rape! No more forced marriage! No more household chores! No more forced cunnilingus under unshaven pubes!
hes dead isnt he
Death by snu snu.
Actually hermit bodies are far tougher, fitter, and stronger than human ones. It's why hermits are so prized among tengu.
what do if attracted attention of yamawaro
Get a Kappa to help you out since the Yamawaro are pretty rude, Kappa are friendly and allies of humanity, and won't kidnap you for their perverse rituals like Tengu, maybe even check out some of their new machines and consider buying them, they're bound to be cheap.
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you are lying my yamawaro wife is so kind. pic related is her kindly asking me something I'm sure nothing bad will happen
All Yamawaro want is to shoot guns, play wargames, and create new scams like those crypto non-fungible trading cards
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That’s just buisness and she’d be a good mother
I have a feeling that might backfire.
Eggbros I cannot take it anymore I need to swallow Aya brand eggs whole like a snake. I feel that my life will not be complete until I achieve this feat.
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Tengu supremacy is a joke. No rational human actually thinks they’re worth a damn. It’s just because of their trickery that it is so ingrained in the villagers that tengu are strong. Seriously, anons, when was the last time you actually saw someone get scared of a tengu? They’re just human shaped birds. Stick a bird feeder outside your house and you’ll have every tengu in the nearby area eating out of the palm of your hand. Literally.
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I don't even like Aya all that much, but she makes my neighbour downstairs awfully rowdy.
It's time for bed, Aya!
Aya on her way to come last in the newspaper competition (again)
Why are eyebags so good?
I just want to hold her and make her sleep
sniff the aya coochie
do stuff with other mountain youkai
big tengu bush
huge tengu forests even
Ever ask a white supremacist the race of his girlfriend?
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>If you marry one, you are going to get househusbanded with 100% certainty.
Sounds good to me. Off to Old Hell I go
need to marry and take care of her as her househusband
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I don't even like tengus but this wants me to cuddle with her
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Birdbrain downloaded the same image twice.
It was the well-sown holes in the uchikake for her horns that won me over.
Before I didn't have much of a reason to live, not of out of misery mind you, I was well-off and didn't want for much. When I was young things were easy, competition always lacking, and when I found myself in a slump as I aged, I merely did the things I knew I had to do to get back to a position of comfort. Everyone said how accomplished I was, how 'wise' and 'driven' I seemed to be, I didn't understand any of that, I had just followed simple steps. And thus did I grow older without a partner as It also seemed to serve less of a point, sure, play the part of the dutiful husband and my marriage would be happy, yet somehow I felt orchestrating someone else's life was out of bounds. That's when my late mother's letter was delivered to me.
'...If you're not married by such an age, then my last wish is for you to call upon a favor our forefather's made long ago.' it had read. I'll admit, it was an intrigue at least, so I acquiesced and made formal preparations.
What would I thought then if I had known? Because now I was stuck on those well-sown holes in the uchikake.
It had to have been made with intent. Someone, maybe even the Oni wearing it, had to have asked for it to be modified to accommodate the brutish horns. They could've just gotten a bigger cowl, sliced a hole, or even just pieced the cloth, all actions more befitting an Oni then a bride. Her hair did not need to be so kempt, her nails not so well trimmed or colored, blush needn't have touched her face, lipstick could've remained unapplied or even just unsubtle, yet this Oni stood before me, no matter how powerful she might be, as the spitting image of a meek and gentle bride, sparing no effort.
"Are you going to say anything or just stare?" She asked.
I didn't say anything, but I did take her hand and walk with her to the ceremony.
She had tried her best despite her nature, so it was only right that I reply in kind.
nah i just cropped the lewd part of out.
Who's the target audience for this kind of thing?
Other youkai so they stopping making fun of tengu for human fucking
What does "other youkai" mean? I can't think of a single self-respecting youkai who would pay money to read such smut.
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Why would you not want a tengu wife? I don't get it. Your race's women are all shitty if the records from this place are to be believed. Its a win/win game. And honestly, what's a little rape to you, huh? It really isn't that bad and it's a fair price to pay for a loving, powerful wife.
How does Kyouko buy those newspapers without Byakuren finding out?
bird smells like fish lol
The Birth rate will go up once I'm done with them
Damn this was cute
The one where she gets fucked by her boss is hotter
I like you better than the other guy
The way to read this is left to right, right?
Wrote and illustrated an entire Tsukasa short. That not enough?
This is basically the plot to Ashiyama's doujin.
I really enjoy that one
They have incentives to keep their dating pool small filled with highly desirable men that won’t be missed
The tengu never raped them. They just brought the males into their homes for regular old seduction, then the males agreed to marry the tengu and have children with them and never see their old families again of their own free will. Super simple stuff.
OOC, she would just rape him on the spot
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Why doesn't she just graze the raindrops?
It's a good excuse for tricking human males into letting her in.
Read the story this is a response to, too. It's cool.
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this bird is so cute!! if this is pro tengu propaganda then brother i am falling for it
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While campagne art is always nice, this style doesn't fit Aya.
Say what you will, but I'd hug and kiss this Aya any day of the week. Maybe even nibble her ear on a wednesday.
You'd hug and kiss any Aya, you Ayaslut.
You sick fuck
>Maybe even nibble her ear on a wednesday.
I want to literally eat tengu ears.
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We will finally be free of these pests. God bless, humanity shall prevail.
I need this Miji in my life

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