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You didn't forget, did you /jp/?
I forgot because the dream diary jam got extended
I will NEVER forget Madotsuki!
>dream diary jam
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uboaschizo among us???
Yummy nicky 2 wen
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Always more of an IB guy personally
Yume 2kki already exists.
Madotsuki was also canonically trans, unironically, BTW
trans sisters we won...
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In celebration I have attempted to recreate madotsuki in smackdown vs raw (released the same year)
Ubuu is ded
You made this exact post on /v/. Why are faggots like this
>a gigantic faggot
>uses /v/
go back to your containment board schizo
fantastic image
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Happy birthday mado-chan
>mfw /v/ actually discusses the game and /jp/ is dead silent about the anniversary.
it's so over...
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I forgot FUCK
/jp/ don't play games
They imagedump
Yeah funny how the /v/ thread is actually good if you ignore the usual bait.
>/jp/ don't play games
>90% of touhoufags dont play the game at all.
I'm inclined to believe you. Where is the imagedumps though?
So cute.
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Whats your favorite yume world? picrel did it for me.
>I am... forgotten
poor mado... she could only ever catch a break in her sleep.
sad bump
Cave Story will be 20 this year too.
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Hot steamy sex with 20 year old stinky loser!!!
Kek, that's nice.
Weird considering the last yume nikki seemed to have quite a few anons. That was months ago so maybe they moved on.
Good one, the Mall is pretty nice in general but the rooftop is probably still the best.
Can't really choose one most of them are nice in one or another way.
Sky garden, pink sea and checkered board path probably are my favorites tho.
You mean the previous thread, the bumplimit one? I'm here, I'm just sleepy.
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The checkered board path is pretty amazing. The music in particular makes me absolutely adore it, its crazy just how much the mood can shift with a small change.
I guess real yume nikki fans celebrate in their dreams.
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I did dream of it yesterday.
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too busy killing themselves
True, music adds so much to games, and in Yume Nikki even more. I didn't like the dark world much at first but I think that mainly due to the ost I got to like it in the end.
Only in their dreams right? The jellyfish at the end made it look like it was still just a dream...
I mean, the blood splatter during the ending is the exact same one you see inside Madotsuki's dreams.

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