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She bangs the drums
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I love Raiko...
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It's hard not to
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Yuuka is pretty cool, yeah, and her side gig only makes her cooler
rhythm paizuri
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OP's text reminded me of this meme so I made an edit
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Gimme more Raiko, ZUN!
ponder the scent and taste of her body after a long performance
You just know raiko is very easy after couple of drinks
banging on the bongos like a chimpanzee
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One can only imagine the aroma
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Imagine banging her drums
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I don't wanna work, I just wanna bang on the drum all day
No drum woman thread will die on my watch.
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Not quite my tempo.
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>ex boss
>one of ZUNs best designs since Yuuka
>is now only known as the fourth prisimriver
It's not fair
>one of ZUN's best designs since yuuka
You mean one of ZUN's yuukas since yuuka
It’s a shame.
How do we make Raiko threads popular bros...?
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Kind of baffles me how she isn't more popular. She's got a great theme, great battle, good design, she's even an extra boss, but I guess there's not a lot she's done since. To be fair, that goes for a lot of 2hus as well
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imagine if she brapped haha
I want to smell her bra after a big solo.
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I want to bury my face in her hair and huff it until I pass out
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Raiko and her delicious Taikos
This, but with other hair.

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