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djt is the intermediate thread for learning japanese

beginner thread >>>/int/djt
previous thread: >>47174212
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how do you emote or asterisk action in japanese? whether written or said out loud like in voiced roleplay
stuff like *grabs you by the throat*
sou nan desu ka naruhodo *フェラをする*
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Finished that Gantz/minus. Took me few weeks longer than anticipated – desu I lost a lot of steam and was kind of going through the motions since mid may or so.
But I *did* go through these motions every single day and I have results.
I improve slower than I'd like, but fast enough to see my reading proficiency and vocab improve.
Finding something interesting to read next might help me to get the engine going. or maybe I should watch something, we'll see.
Nearing 1000 words in the mining deck.
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can we please say japanese not nihongo thank you
shits crazy im seeing more physical cash than ive ever seen in my life
straight bands
finna rebrand to nippongo since its more appropriate here anyway
do i speak fluently? fuck yeah i do
Can someone record matt's 'emergency class' and post it to youtube
matts emergency ass
bongtaro is gonna get assassinated by the mattfia
already drove 180km this week because of the nukige i'm no fapping for. (i switch to the standing pose every 5 minutes so you can't tell me i'm making myself infertile you gooners)

i'm preparing to achieve my biggest power boner this weekend
ive already got battlescars from my combat with matt but im going in like solid snake this time
is eiffel tower bro back with the spreadsheet yet
people who are rich dont see physical cash
his wifes a gang member did u not see her throwin up the sign
How awkwardly natural-sounding was it?
shes not proper rich like iq guys parents or anything
just in charge of some pretty big international stuff and gets a decent cut of it sometimes in cash
got 2 milliyen in the drawer just waiting for the conversion rate to go back to normal
Retarded question, but is there any japanese game comparable to Corruption of Champions or Trials in Tainted Space?
Or Visual novels that approach the same ero-adventure with text rpg elements?
The only thing that I can think of is monmusu... Bur I already played that in english when I was in high school
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either 飛田新地 it or go to tatinbo spots like the red areas in picrel is what seems to be the 王道
conversion rate is probably not going back for a while

see japans value is in its bugppl and if they are dying off and not repopulating and bringing in lower quality humans it just devalues the country and its money because the japan that was is simply no longer

at a deeper level japan is just a subsidiary of america and so they are kind of set up to be one of the first countries to fail unfort
Porn isn't games, so I can't help you, sorry.
however of course in the meantime now is one of the best times in history to go and shit up japan so its still recommended while things still remain fairly civil
many dlsite doujin games especially from the simulation category as well as "era games" are comparable
dno bros if this matt thing is big we could be witnessing a djt renaissance
crazy how you know 0 economics
and yet i still know more than u about it
no you don't. you don't know anything
>donald j trump renaissance
signed up
Based. I love it when America stays winning.
why is matto doing live ads on zoom instead of just uploading a jewtube video
nah i know more than u and every time u reply it proves it

===knob protection wall===
glad there are fellow boiro enjoyers now
november is gonna be some good times
your nitwit opinion on what proves what doesn't matter in the slightest
because he's hunting for whales specifically
yet it still matters more than urs and every time u reply it proves it haha
dno what voiceroid is but vocaloid was better
god i hope the debate happens
if it does its gonna be funny to see the japanese news pretend like its relatively ok and normal
so how much am i gonna have to pay jamal to make a garbage day III? i want a matt and ken compilation
there aren't any exceptions to your nitwittery and you've been proving it for years
nothing wrong with hunting non endangered whale species like minkes
Where would I start looking for those kinds of games?
The only sites I know to look for jp games are vndb so I'm not sure where to go
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japanese trumpers own

thats right what i say isnt the exception its the rule stay ruled stay replying its where ur posts belong -- below mine
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heres a japanese learning emergency *uproots*
ajatt -> mia -> refold -> uproot -> EMERGENCY
I could get behind emergency Japanese.
i can make u a garbage day 3 title graphic and u can just stick at the beginning of whatever dumb shit matts gonna say in his weebinar today or w/e theres ur garboday3
nothing wrong with hunting non endangered whale species like u mom
crazy how emergency is a revolutionary new approach to uproot which was a revolutionary new approach to refold which was a revolutionary new approach to mia which was a revolutionary new approach to ajatt which was a revolutionary new approach to antimoon which was a revolutionary new alternative to traditional language learning
matt is such a revolutionary genius
she is endangered there's only one of her
what is djts opinion on ajatt actually?
and he's not even french
no it's like *I* said not like you did. stay dumb and stay losing poorfaggot lol
i liked the ajatt site a lot
his writing is pretty funny to me and he has some good points
its decent motivation for beginners when they feel down
doujin: dlsite.com/maniax/ for browsing, anime-sharing.com or sukebei.nyaa.si for dl
eragames: >>47177541 has the english wiki link which has the links to where the japs upload all the jap eragames
ara aras used to get me hard just like that
won't be listening to this
biggest scam in the world all the older women ive spoken to said arara and im mad
isnt ajatt basically just antimoon with rtk (based)?
A scam with a good premise.
don't celebrate in the thread
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you guys don't even know
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i think i do
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cant believe 260 just walked in and took a pic of my screen like that
djters were born to lose
using my 4 parallel monitors with 4 different proxys to be every single poster in djt at once
you cant stump the trump
accidentally typed in 4chan.org/djt today
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accidentally typed in 4chan.org/djt/jp yesterday
it was not found because djt doesnt talk about japanese
yea we're getting older bros...
accidentally typed 4chan.org/jp once
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name one (1) useful thing to talk about regarding japanese u cant

post crazy hentai babe titties instead
i could name a 万
I always forget DJT isn’t the only thread on /jp/
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do most people in these regions actually talk like that or is it just old people
forgot to type (1000) at the end
the purple areas have the most soul in japan
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I do all my calculations on Google Translate. I don’t want to look stupid on the thread.
oh yeah? i'll give you some soul *cracks knuckles*
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his mom is a lawyer and he's litigious so be careful
go brush ur teeth
graphic design is my passion
Thank you very much, managed to start downloading a couple era games
fuck true i will not record it then
the actual scam that no one calls out because everyone expects it from a kenyan.
what is that tiny purple dot in (yamanashi?)
thought it was fat bitches
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*spits out toothpaste on your face*
prolly 身延町 or some shit

     /      \
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  \      `ー'´     /
based minobujin i love yurukyan
jouzu jews
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fat or old preferably both
Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjzQm_34aVw
cant wait for that creepy nuts song to stop playing i hate it so much and their gay name
>just straight up steals the original video like it's some random 歌てみたい
yikes they're getting cheaper
not a fan of the creepy nuts either
    ∧_∧ ∩ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   ( ´∀`)/ < Teach, there's some strange liquid in the corner of my table
 _ / /   /   \____________
\⊂ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
 ||\        \
 ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
    .|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
go eunuch then
im gonna start using ワイ
r u saying my nuts r creepy
the creepy nuts aan was good when u could still listen to it
crazy how japanese learners are just as bad as trannards when it comes to pronouns and needing to be special
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yoshi, new drama series picked up

if only abe was alive to see this
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oh not me
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retarded tropeconcious focustested ass design
i like the new purple hair girl she had a cool bike
i think its u tho
yeah but it's not me who said it
so which 1 of u thinks my nuts r creepy then
didn't say anything about thinking. guess its hard for you
damn just learned that non blue eyes people dont snease when they look at the sun wtf
its actually not hard u know i have trouble with that
don't remember what color my eyes are but i don't sneeze at the sun but i'm very white
I always feel bad for people born without blue eyes. Life must suck for them.
just spelt sneeze as snease been playing too much pokemon
ur... not supposed to look at the sun wtf
damn fuck yes...
has nothing to do with blue eyes that sneeze reflex is a separate gene
HOly ShIot update: its hard now
i do and i don't have blue eyes
everyone strongly suggested not looking at the sun during the eclipse to the point i just had to take a peek to see what would happen. but i didn't see any eclipse. just a very bright sun and it hurt my eyes for a couple hours. things seem to be fine now but it's possible i sustained long term damage and haven't been in a position to notice yet since i just stare at my monitor 12 inches in front of me all day.
You're probably fine.
your eyes got owned
why didnt u just get the cheap eclipse glasses from 7-11
I don't think I have the frame of reference to answer that yet
anyone know anything about debinding tankoubans? i wanna scan some raws
what is the most convenient way to read japanese on a tablet? i have yomichan installed on kiwi browser already.
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what about using a blow dyer to melt the glue?
power tools are antiquated. they make you feel like a big man until you cut off a finger or something. if you live in the US you should be rich enough to ask contractors to do any household repairs.
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there are video tutorials on youtube
just put it in the microwave
then there would be no contractors lol gg iq
most of them are 15+ years old and none of them actually demonstrate the process
if you make a smartass comment like that to me at the djt meetup let's just say i'm not afraid to employ self defense techniques to lay you on the ground flat.
got teary eyed when i saw that shounen jump prints manga with cheap paper so they can lower the price and kids can afford to buy it. capitalism is awesome.
lil j be using them self own techniques
makes me sad matt no longer attends those
i remember me and nuke kicking his and ken's ass at pinochle not too long ago
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>if you make a smartass comment like that to me at the djt meetup let's just say i'm not afraid to employ self defense techniques to lay you on the ground flat.
some people here are mentally unstable. wouldn't surprise me if there was a stabbing at a djt meetup
hate trannylators with a passion right now
exactly how many works have i read censored and rewritten, i will never know
id have to hire security to go to the djt meetup

the djt meetup in tobitasinti where ciaran gets with the okamas unko gets with the okamis and jamal doesnt get anything up at all
only seen unintelligent folks gripe about translations
Almost all of them, including fan projects.
why the FUCK do words like 自分 mean literally anyone? how am I supposed to know who it's supposed to be referring to
back from my 3 day ban what did i miss
why the FUCK do words like oneself mean literally anyone? how am I supposed to know who it's supposed to be referring to
janny has been on a mad one with the 3 days recently
yeah I can't believe I got a 3 day for posting anime tits kinda fucked up if u ask me.
only losers get banned
*raises paw* i've been banned on djt probably dozens of times over the years
>everyone at djt starts looking away in embarrassment
i only post about my favorite tohos or japanese tea and origami so i dont get into the kinda trouble u bad kids get into
raw meat guy said he has never been banned
raw meat guy also posted the same page of a loli doujin and link to a sv3ridge vid like 50 times and reset his ip after each one i dont think thats the case
he said the loli dumper wasn't him
i didnt get banned on djt it was a site wide ban from a diff board
i never got banned before the mlen arc
remember posting something on djt closing tab and then trying to bradlypost on brit and getting alerted to my 1 week sitewide for offtopic
story of my life
should've been 1 month
if you don't respect and wait out the vast majority of your bans then you're an unethical person
ive never banevaded the bans are the 修行 arcs in db for me i always come back stronger
fatter isnt stronger
Jamal is like the og ban evader.
pity (you) for this b8
all obese people look like vegeta underneath the fat. takes muscle to carry all that.
true some of bongtard's posts are a bit more bearable after the ban
used to know a girl who had a vegeta forehead vein lol
speaking of obese people
from the flow of coversation
or the scope of は
feel it out
even natives dno who jibun is sometimes
dunno whether to watch the ukraine belgium game or the slovakia romania game
uhh origami
nigga thinks hes posting on his homeboard r9k
never posted there
crazy how the manager of serbias national team will continue to collect his 120k euro a month for another two years despite failing spectacularly at every turn cause he's first class at tonguing our supreme leaders asshole
seethe morsharty
im beyond seething at this point it's standard fare
I haven't done my reps in months. should I just start over
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matts zoom call will be uploaded here
https://discord gg/KhWh9ker
stfu analclown
matto yarou....
Because then he wouldn't be able to harvest your email for his mailing list
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>watch ep of lycoris recoil
>after a few minutes get the feeling that i've seen it before
>go to next ep
>same thing happens
>repeat till episode 8
i genuinely might have watched this entire show and forgotten about it
every show i watch is a monumental, unforgettable except the anime i whitenoised.

i love sandbox-ish games
i will never be visiting osaka in my life
how old are u
i did as a kid but the novelty has long worn off.
who are you btw?
ive never seen anyone talk about you in this thread, which is weird since usually they obsess over namefags
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crazy how long it took for me to get that
あらま was just あらまあ
I'm convinced open world sloppa is only enjoyed by low iqs. I never liked gta even when I was a kid.
whats djts opinion on lunch ?
was literally about to take a bite of my burger when i saw your post.
today im thinking turkey bacon blt with some onion rings
i always had a crush on the wild blond
for me it's a couple open face grilled cheeses with bologna
i only eat one meal a day and it's not lunch
just had dinner but i could go for more food
damn I should've been doing bunpro from the start
>paying to learn nihongo
just read nigga read
121 https://vocaroo.com/

u have until i get back to tell us in japanese why u think "just read nigga read" is how u learn "nihongo"
this is probably the single most disgusting story i've ever heard. he mentions earlier that matt was literally okay with this happening
analcream destroyed
wtf is this even about
Makes sense, then.
I'm 25 and few years ago, annoyed by my less than perfect memory I started to write down short impressions of shit I watch/read (also screencaps) and separate pages for reviews of things I actually liked
sigh low blow man.
>u have until i get back to tell us in japanese why u think "just read nigga read" is how u learn "nihongo"
or what
matto says don't read, who do i believe??
i cant stop jerking off to nicki minaj, ice spice and megan thee stallion. god help me i am addicted to hood rat ratchet negresses with BBL asses
never heard of any of those but i live in europe
matt is primarily concerned with noticing and reproducing pitch accent. he has pointed out numerous times that it's way easier to get good at japanese if you read more than you listen.
the grifting jew who wants your money or literally everyone else hmm I wonder
lol is that THE barry bonder
oh and ive even busted to cardi b and doja cat on occasion even though theyre both ugly as fuck
matt wins again!
i've masturbated to doja cat once or twice because she has a thing for white guys and that turns me on.
So he's concerned with not acquiring like the japanese equivalent of a thick engrish accent, makes sense to me.
it's matt's dad recounting a sexual experience he had with another man while his children were living with him
i'm just sitting here lookin at this sure and goi bui @ all the losers (you)
just made an insane sauce from fresh tomatoes i'm a literal god
always find it amusing when retards try to act too cool for school like this while failing to realize the act of doing so itself negates the claim lmfao
nightshades are pure poison
is this even english?
don't care about poison if my taste buds are orgasming
garry and barry LMAO
the gay dad thing is funny because it's quirky and taboo but there's nothing actually wrong with having gay dads.
if you have to ask, then you're someone that should actually fail the n5 exam
not inherently but the chance that they arent far left loons is pretty low nowadays so they will confuse parenting with indoctrination
>there's nothing actually wrong with having gay dads.
this has been debunked
there's something extremely wrong it. homosexuality is probably the single most sexually perverted thing a man can do outside of extremism
freud would have a field day with matto
they don't show enough for me
it's just a sexual orientation. other men sexually excite him. he can be a nice guy outside of that.
get diamonds when doja cat does her non-hood white girl accent on some songs
wdym theyre half naked all the time plus there are nudes of nicki and her fat beautiful nigger titties
>it's just a sexual orientation
im just tripping so people dont call me ciaran/unko
>it's just a sexual orientation.
in certain way gays act very different from normal men
their sexual orientation has a fundamental influence on their personality and behaviour
i know because my brother is gay
the man's having sexual liaisons with other men and then talking about it openly on youtube with no shame. if you see nothing wrong with that, then you're pretty sick in the head
welcome to the daily japanese thread enjoy your stay lol
*walks back in* woh is it gay in here or is it just mattos dad lmao
i see nothing wrong with that and his teenagers all seemed fine with it.
crazy how all this happened while matt was in his manga wall room passively immersing with gurren lagann through his speakers
but what the fuck do they call you
>in certain way gays act very different from normal men
that's true. but it's not the fact that they're gay that disturbs you, but negative traits that more frequently appear in gay people.

if you had a friend you've known for a long time and you know he's a nice guy and cares for people, has a family he loves, etc. but you found out he was gay, and he continued to be a generally good person, presumably you wouldn't have a problem with that.
then you have no moral compass
if i found out someone was gay id tell them sodomy is a sin and then ask them how it feels to know they are going to burn in hell for all eternity llol
>and he continued to be a generally good person
being gay means he isn't a good person
i'd probably know he was gay already cuz i can tell very easily but yes you're not wrong about that
women are kinda lucky when it comes to being gay they dont necessarily have to go to hell
i forgot to mention that all the experts i follow say that parenting doesn't really matter within the normal range of parenting in first world countries, so whether or not your dad is gay won't have long term negative impacts on you. at the very least, matt's rich gay dad is probably a better person than trashy hetero couples, and i don't see people complaining about trashy hetero couples.
seen many "straight" women snog eachother at the club its not really the same
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what the fuck

why is that whole family so fucked up and on youtube

i would legit kill myself in matt's situation
just acquired the ~と~ない pattern
Matt's dad is openly atheist and probably has more money than he knows what to do with, so things are looking pretty grim.
and he continued to be a generally good person except for being gay*
wtf matt has brothers?
crazy lore
oh are you the guy that streamed himself reading muramasa or something? and was worried about your dad finding out
forgot to add that its used in 二度と
this is old news man. the other day i mentioned matt talking about one of his younger brothers trying to convince him that video games are fun in an old video. he's mentioned his brother(s) a few other times as well.
i kinda dont like knowing any of these details thostever

it was funny when we didnt know exactly how gay matts dad was
it's cute if cute women are gay
butch lesbians are just as disgusting as gay men
men can only give birth to other men
yh he played bass in their band
and from the aSS no less
i like this better cause before it was 半信半疑 that the whole barry and garry thing was even real
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prime van tomiko was so beautiful
i never doubted that barry and garry were poppin e/o butt cherry if anything the real mystery was figuring out the seme and uke but thanks to whoever posted that vid i think we know
i didn't watch it so i'm never going to find out
how do we take advantage of this
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by buying jp nintendo eshop point cards
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buy yen it will surely go up
she still pretty

thats how it is when ur a pretty ppl

imagine matt lying down in his bed and he hears through his wall barry asking his gay date to not wake up and take a shower before him because he wants to take one together
slurp that heckin dipperino :D
i imagine he was able to hear their faint moans from next door lol
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I think I'm supposed to take a trip to JP and buy stuff for cheap though, more fun
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more importantly whats for lunch
legit looked like a man in the thumbnail when i hovered over the link lol but yeah she hasn't hit the wall at all. that dyed hair is doing her no favors though
now we know why matto was obssessed with staring at cups it was his only mental safe space where he felt protected from all the fag orgies around him
thats what im doing
so far got 8k liquid from baito student stuff and stock gambling am gonna live like a king alongside doing genba with the homies
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he doesnt want him to take a shower so he can bust the crust
matt is
- pure of heart
- dumb of ass
- home of sexual
u just missed lunch vshitter soz maybe tomorrow

yah kinda wild with the blonde
must've been hard getting used to falling asleep in japan, he was so used to the noise that the silence was annoying
stop making fun of matt
nooooo not buss the cruss lmaooooooo :skull: :skull:
a couple of years ago i would have sided with matto here but he's turned into a literal snake oil scammer embezzling tens of thousands of dollars from gullible retards on a regular basis so w/e
he doesn't have a job right? he's just doing whatever it takes to survive
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Mr Bonder

>he's turned into a literal snake oil scammer
stfu analcream, you lost
not analcrayon i know japanese
why do amazing people like anacreon shy away from the spot light?
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otaku (oh talk who)
can't believe nuke abandoned us for chinese
you either die a hero, or live long enough to make a patreon
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6/26 is 露天風呂 day
>it's okay honey he's just doing his flash cards. can't hear a thing
what's the proof that that's matto's dad?
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delet this
analcream doxxed the whole family years ago
i don't remember how i know (think he had a youtube channel with matt on it) but i 100% know that's him.
yes honey
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crazy how they specifically made her ugly compared to the linnies so that she wouldnt have as many doujins made
are the linnies good
that's a child
how does she look in the linnies
gnome x11 is way better than kde wayland
alri only read the first one though
she doesnt have the wierd duck lips she has in anime
there's only one thing i want. small pine sheep step?
scrolled past a hundred posts without reading any
can't believe jamal ignored my vocaroo to talk about gay sex
i hate when the japanese use the slash to seperate information like this omg
belly laughed at this
didn't laugh or even smile at this but have no problem with people who did
get a real father
only read a few hundred vols but it was alri ig
why do you have a problem with djters loving each other?
i use kde x11 cuz im based
i do this
read that fine even though ive never seen遑
my b sry

Why does English have so many ways to specify your location on a map?

He's at home.
He's in Florida.
He's on the moon.
Alex is in the bus
Alex is on the bus
Alex is by the bus
those specify different spatial relationships with the bus though. in mine they're all the same
imagine the smell
which way white man?
i don't get what people (men) get out of these fake reactions
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the bitch from shogun is so fuckin hot not watching the show just for her though
gonna pump a hafu rapebaby into that yellow monkey so she's a single mom
this way
dick sucking lips
sry she not pretty

ugly beech
>sry she not pretty
wow guess you werent joking when you say you were gay
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this way
see pic here >>47185316 and notice the difference
wotd: 苦節
she looks like a typical asian american pornstar
wotd: ニガー
she looks quite south east asian in her face shape quite pretty
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yeah they're both hot idgwym
i want to become a japanese language influencer so that i can permanently cripple all the niggerlicious weeaboos

no normalfag should be able to comprehend the tiniest bit of japanese to so protect their culture from westernization (and thus de-lolification)
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jamel btfo
why does jamal always pick the girls with the slav phenotype?
her face radiates sex yes
guess ur just an avg yellow fevoid im kinda let down here
you can rly see an omokage of matto in the guy but he looks fine i guess the mom is ugly
im sorry my high testosterone disappoints you, maybe if you sleep properly and improve your diet you can step up your own so you are no longer gay
more like homokage
i'm so tired of seeing words i've never seen before stop using so many words
im the most proper sleeper in prolly all of djt i just dont think that seadog girl is hot sry br0
fixed my sleep schedule recently so that i rise when the sun rises once more
sadly will take a hit because of the emergency japanese lesson at 1am
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ive got faith in djt for this one
ciaran stop drawing kanji with ur fingers in ur own shit
didnt know ciaran was a pigeon
is >>47184758 true?
only lookin at the thumbnails but the second vid looks way better
yes, it's very high T
which vtubers are best for beginners
she legit has the face of a 13 year old, tf
thats all jap women
the spamming was deranged af bro you got issues
are you the gatis poster
idk what gatis is so no
damn what is this bizarre analcream server lol
no i never reset my ip or posted doujins but sometimes i post a goatis clip

sad that my wife ann vo hasnt posted a clip in some time
>my wife ann vo
id fight you to death unironically
lui and okayu

so fucking sick of being in a calorie deficit but i guess you have to pay the piper at one point or another
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same but no hunger pains so i'm doing ok
for her hand of course
if your body tells you to stop you should stop

hi wilford
why does matts face look like that
bear in mind hes the size of an average chimpanzee
my body told me to eat like a pig and go up to 110kg too
neoteny gone awry
Is this true? Is Matt shaving to be smooth twink for Ken and co?
wanna get up to 80kg slow bulk have started eating more since the realisation that i was too light
it told you to eat real food but you fed it garbage instead
would matt have been able to get a gf in the west at a height of 5'3" and looking like a baby chimp at the age of 31?
i dont eat junk or drink soda i just ate enormous portions cause my appetite is retarded
arent you like 188 or something? thank you hungry skellington
>i dont eat junk
anything but meat, eggs, and a bit of fruit here and there is junk
190 68 atm pretty dire
wow server living up to its name in how pathetic it is
his tweeted once that covering his face with a mask made people treat him nicer cuz they can't see how ugly he is
you dont need a slow bulk you need to eat asap lol
why does djt attract these ultra dogmatic borderline braindead types?
easily. he's a smart jewish man.
I saw Matt vs Japan at a grocery store in Tokyo yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for Japanese tips or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen KitKats in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
being a 達観した準引きニート is great because i can get as fat i want without caring since the only reason to care is societal pressures.
still feel healthy just need to eat 2 meals a day rather than 1
joined and yeah yall have serious issues like serious issues
just eat some more fruit if you wanna bulk
orange juice with egg yolks is nice too, or drink more milk
hate people that say "yall"
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I'm visiting family and was looking forward to binge studying Japanese before bed with no distractions. I was finally going to finish enough of the Genki workbook to catch up to where I froze the Genki vocav deck in Anki. I had manga for immersion. And then the fucking airline lost my bag after forcing me to check it at the gate.
societal pressure not to die an early death lmao
lowest i got was like 78kg at 188 at uni cause i spent every dime i had on weed and all i ate was a kilo of potatoes per day lmfao
not low bro unless your 6 foot 5
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another high T moment
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i wish i could find as much joy in life as him
thats kinda neat
nothing motivates nuke more than shitting on drumpf on reddit
yeah he has tds real bad. i wonder wtf those types are gonna do if drumpelstiltskin loses, where will all that negative energy go? they probably want him to win deep down so they have another 4 years of seething into the ether
imagining it opening up like a missile silo for the super nuke tongue to come out
within reasonable levels
how tf does he do that
unfortunately you cant lower your iq or the methods to do so come with too many drawbacks
I often think about how nice it would be to be an 85
remember the 89 guy was always happy
i dont get it
must be nice... dame...
good to see ur still around
oh you're talking about iq, didnt read the posts above so was real confused
the us armed forces make every applicant take an iq test and i doubt they'd let anyone below 110 on board a nuclear sub
he was just a paper pusher
the us had special retard units in the vietnam war where they put low iqers knowing that they were sending them to near certain death since the casualty rates were astronomical for those units so im sure they could find something for nuke to do on a sub like clean the toilers or mop the floors
nuke was never on a nuclear sub despite his name
damn actually a good population control measure we could do that in the uk too
he's clearly in the 110-125 range though you can tell from his prolific writings
my favourite is still the unironic im a navy seal version he did about some rando on djt and how hed find his medical documents
does anyone else here play ffxiv in jp? any recommended jp servers?
it wasn't a rando premiere anon was anal cream it was proven a couple of months ago
idk but there's an unofficial gaijin one so just avoid that one.
imagine playing ffxiv in current year
I prefer DQX but I don't feel like paying for a vpn anymore
if I was an old man id want to kms
new season of slop starting up awfully with the generic 魔王 shit today
it stared last week with code geass kino though
is it ok for me to post jamals voice clip on other boards?
jamal sounds so effeminate
its okay for you to kys
hmm well thats true, but im not going to do it. i still have things to live for
wanna learn mahjong but it cuts into immersion time
Why do jp companies make cool songs and anime girls advertising their products and here in the west it doesn't happen?
like jamals next vocaroo right lol kys
i remember when nadeshiko tried to do this in yurukyan season 2
is the emergency class over? is someone going to do a recap?
literally crazy how many ニーグロイドs u see on telly nowadays u wouldnt think theyre like 3% of the population
stop being mean to djters who show comradery and brotherly love.
step outside your basement to find out why
listen to hentai asmr while learning mahjong, ez
I dont have a basement though....
i prefer to call them ジムクロー
ive got an うまい棒 for you *unzips*
I like white noising audio books while playing mahjong
i can teach u im 雀聖 on 雀魂
so 81.7% are ほわいと there but they still act like its the end of the world
like father like son LMAO
bait but incase its not look at pop pyramids
just watch akagi and janki until you just understand it
how is learning mahjong not immersion
true true
>parents are yelling and throwing shit at each other again

yep, time to put on some kino fuwamoco vods and turn the volume all the way up
good looking people should be given more second chances. it would be a shame not to
fr fr
if matt has two gay fathers how does that work? is he adopted?
you know what you need to do. either move out or make them move out if possible
does syougi count as immersion
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>gay white divorced jewish atheist
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on a scale of 1 to retard, how dumb is it to furigana kanji when the kanji form is extremely rare
random fleas keep showing up in my bathroom even though i dont have any pets
im 18 lol
damn the next generation
well if ur 18 its about time to go to college or start working. if u go to college u can move to a dormitory and if u get a job u can rent an apartment
kino post
this is the neet thread bro stop talking about jobs and shit
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is this u?
what was it?
don't go to college if your not high iq, or not handsome
its a blackpill nightmare otherwise
explain ciaran then
true i went to college and now im a neet. i should have become a welder or truck driver or something. but my mom always told me i was a really smart boy and i believed her
what is there to explain
Student A:
>1 hr Anki
>3 hr reading
>3 hr listening

Student B:
>2 hr output (conversations)
>2 hr reading
>2 hr listening

Student C:
>3 hr output
>3 hour listening

Student D:
>1.5 hr Anki
>1.5 hr Output
>1.5 hr reading
>1.5 hr listening

Student E:
>1 hr Anki
>1 hr conversations
>1 hr writing
>1 hr reading
>1 hr listening
>1 hr grammar study

Given these daily routines, who progresses in the language the quickest?
my foot progresses up your ass the quickest
does she still say that
the student who doesn't have an autistic spreadsheet timer schedule and just uses japanese
nothing quite saddens like reading this
life starts out good and progressively goes worse til your soul is completely crushed
all dekinai in 5 years
student A can read and understand japanese but isn't able to speak it
student B can read understand and speak japanese but not write it
student C can't read or write japanese but he can speak it and understand it
student D is same as student B
student E will burn out unless he has good time management skills
ngl i didnt read the second line of your post i just saw not high iq and had to post ciarans name
For me it's 6 hours listening
no we barely talk.
akagi is awesome but the worst way to learn tbqh cuz half the manga they spend with transparent tiles
thoughever it is a good gateway
A easily. after a few years he can switch to outputting and btfo the other ones pretty quickly
i liked the blue archive mahjong video but not enough to actually play mahjong
does mahjong soul have a single player mode

the future is now
you're going to get crippled by reading translated k*rean.
no u just do 対戦 matches but it feels like ai till u get to 金の間
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dekinai shitters get culled by 50. Real chads just keep living like they're in school
I giggled out loud
jamel will never stop being funny
not for me
ngmi dekinais replying to the post LOL
i literally know the most japanese here though
i saw a homeless man once who looked and sounded like my brother. i think about that sometimes. i normally forget homeless people because theyre disgusting
wheres the proof
grats ur the best swimmer in the kiddie pool
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Someone please tell me that it's okay to drop anki, that I won't lose any progress and will become fluent just as fast
bro i dont know. just keep grinding every day, doesnt have to be anki, whats important is that youre making meaningful progress day after day
your brother looks like a freakin bum? cant relate
thats a cope
just learn japanese
I can't guarantee anything but my progress hasn't exactly fallen off a cliff or anything since quitting. Just drop it if you don't like it and focus on reading and listening instead. Spending time with the language is the important part.
Shoui says that Anki will shave a year off my japanese learning journey, but Steve Kaufmann sama says Anki is an inoptimal use of my time, that I could be reading instead of anki. I don't know who to believe.
gonna need matt to opine
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here's a graph of anki effectiveness over progress on your japanese learning journey. it's objectively correct for all learners
matt is jewish
for rarer words I feel like I have way better recognition of them when I have a card. a lot of words just don't come up often enough to remember purely from reading imo.
I could see how after a few years you might have a good enough grasp of kanji to just make a clear picture of every new word you see in your head but as a noob I don't have that.
im advanced intermediate level and i agree honestly
you know jack shit noob
beginner japanese:

advanced japanese:

expert japanese:
how does a carp even end up in some cart tracks? that doesn't make sense. japanese is stupid
nobody got the kotd right today so im starting to doubt djts level
dunno about dropping it since ive never used it but as long as u dont mine forgetting n5 words from time to time ur fine
How much outputting are you guys practicing on a daily / weekly basis?
thats 吟
expert here, can confirm
the kotd is the whole thing though
this is my foot *points to it lodged up your ass*
1 or 2 times a day unless im going to a club when it varies between 0 or 3 times
you cant have multiple kotd doe
grind anki on the shitter at work and do your reading at home (and at work)
i dont output
the ji is plural
thats jis
that's jizz
I started learning Japanese a few days ago, but am having a hard time remembering the vocab. I try to create a strong mental image of each word to help me remember it. For example, I want to say hello, so I think of a chihuahua wearing a cone --> coney chihuahua --> こんいちわ. This seemed great until i started realizing there might be thousands of words. What happens if I don't remember a word? I will try to think of the mental image, but what if I don't remember that either? Will people be able to tell I'm a non language speaker?
my 痔 is plural
*nods sympathetically*
shitposts do be getting crazy these days
when i took my vow of lifelong celibacy i also took a vow of silence
i miss behead ciaran guy
why did this make me laugh
that's just morbido guy
what are some cute things I can say in jp during erp
asking for myself
no just keep coming up with new mental images. i bet you could draw them as symbols and stitch them together into compound words as well. perhaps start with some simple building blocks like tree, large, etc.
why does 景品 mean prize
japanese women like small and cute things so you should talk about how small your pee pee is
stop asking stupid questions
Why does she speak like this? Just to sound cute and quirky?
crazy how there's only two types of girls
the one who have an angel skull
and the ones who have a witch skull
ciaran what is she saying
it is with other men (wearing anime girl avatars)
huge l for analcrayon
shes speaking chinese from 5 seconds
no its all japanese
3 pillars of dekinai
>obsessing over making nice cards
>obsessing over immersion tracking
>watching any japanese learning related videos aside from dolly if ur a noob or for learning a specific grammar point ur struggling with
i wonder if she even understands what she's saying
shes not lil bro
lil c humbled by vtumors
A clears
ask jamal he will understand her since he speaks chinese
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big c got owned...
queeran sisters... our response?
where is uppercaser guy he needs to see this
i don't get how people can watch vtubers let alone this holy crap
>i got owned by it so its crap!!!
holy kek
hate vtubers but もうダメだ gets me every time
who are you quoting
queeran furiously spamming his japanese friend
i dont have any friends
You just outed yourself as a noob
Uppercaser here. Currently laughing my ass of at this blunder.
you can easily look it up i found a 切り抜き in a couple minutes
Me too, Upperbrother, me too.
lil c.........
but lil c still couldnt...embarrassing
not a good day for queero
of your choices, probably A.

but student F would do the best:
>1 hr output/conversation with native
>3 hr reading
>3 hr listening
that doesn't add to 6
I couldn't find that kanji in my dictionary. Is it just an alternative way to write kobore?
neither does student A.
but if student F only gets 6 hours, subtract an hour from dedicated listening.
lil bro you couldnt find 𭂚?

in japan you sometimes handwrite kanji differently than the print font will be, often this will be the top strokes reverting direction
another example is 蛸
gods sign you werent meant to make it
yeah and if we wanna know what you do daily just divide all the numbers by 10
wrong you tard. i genuinely get 0 in everything.
That seems pretty fucking stupid since they look like two different characters. 益 already exists and it's written the same way both in print and with hand.
wait till you turn off your monitor
walked 10km, definitely prefer biking
no anki??
biked 10km definitely prefer driving
anyone else always get random videos with 10-1000 views in ur youtube recs that are seemingly unrelated to anything you've watched
probably open this every time its posted
yudidododida お前 yoadoaddaidadad ありがとぅう
the only reason you had to bike 10 km is because your city was built around cars. If your city were walkable in the first place, you'd bike less than 1km to anywhere essential
i prefer 瞬間移動
well you'll have to life with it
most of those irregularities came when they simplified kanji like 醫 into 医
describe matto in one word. for me it's 寄生
my gramma's house is in another town
she doesnt say お前 in the clip
Yeah a lot. They're food reviews from old japanese men eating cup noodles.
watched this show 3 times, idk why but it hits the spot despite having massive flaws all over the place
replace half of your city with africans and see how "walkable" your city really is. we americans will stick with cars, thanks.
this show sucked ass
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If Africans weren't poor and systemically oppressed, they wouldn't act like criminals
looks like a good show had it been made in 2004 or something
ah shit here we go again
obsessed minishart
very true. white people are evil oppressors. but i don't see that stopping anytime soon, so in the mean time we'll stick with cars.
does anyone else on djt recommend replacing Anki time with outputting?

It seems like outputting would be more helpful than Anki, in the long run
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Why Japanese?
cuz i wanna man
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hes right doe mofugga
>setting daily goals for immersion is dekinai
biking everywhere is fuckin based but only if you have bike paths like in the netherlands or germany, miss me with biking in traffic with people glued to their phones driving. biking keeps you fit, lets you be mobile and you never have to worry about how you're getting home after a night out.
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the best thing about biking is that it's an upperclass signal.
id like to see you bike 40 miles
if i get pulled over for drunk cycling i could lose my license would rather just run
America needs a Shinkansen
that settles it i'm gonna find a japanese woman with big tits and a college degree and have her dress up sexy for me.
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yes. if you look on tmw people obsess over it with spreadsheets and tracking every second of it. all that time setting up and maintaining your tracking would be better off spent on just immersing. if you don't have the will to immerse with all of your free time and need funny little numbers to keep it up you're ngmi
in the netherlands everybody bikes so not sure how that would be the case
lmfao the absolute state
ive done it before but for fun definitely not as a commute or anything like that
i mean in the US.
have done like 30 odd miles on the flats before defo doable if u cycle more
that's a chinese
im not biking that much after eating at my favorite restaurant
e-bike with chopper cushioned seat, offroad huge tyres, can just twist the handle to 30mph, ez
wish i could sock you in ur stupid fucking face
most ive done is 20miles one way
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are you learning
i think pretty much anyone thats decently in shape can bike 50km no problem. it's really not that strenuous of an activity especially if you go like 18-22km/h. the bigger problem is just boredom
ppl who think biking is good have no children and probably wont have any cuz the seat destroys your dick
bongtard proving he is the best tripfag once again hnnnggg
the problem is it takes forever
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why are you learning japanese
why do you keep talking like we're discussing long distance biking in the context of commuting or going somewhere? im obviously talking about biking as an activity in and of itself lol
depends if there's hills. i get owned if there's a lot of hills
why are you nonlearning japanese
sorry i didnt know you were talking about loser vegan grandpa shit
t. skinnyfat couch potato faggotron
your avg djter wont be able to do even 5 km if theres hills
did a 10km run this morning in the hills outside my 実家 defo couldnt cycle that tho
what the fuck is km speak in milse
matt said running is bad for your knees
that was jamal
>if you don't have the will to immerse with all of your free time
>literally spend every bit of your free time on immersion
you talk like you're better, you're just as extreme as the autists tracking every second of their time.
i am better
why the fuck are you doing 700+ calories worth of cardio when you weigh so little a slight breeze could blow you over
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i biked recreationally for like a week where i live. people started protesting me, spitting, calling me a baby killer and kinds of vile crap.
bc its fun plus my dog needs exercise
everytime i track the time, i get distracted by it, and overall getting less quality immersion then just not giving a fuck
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i cant control waht ppl do but asking if its ok after u already did the thing is kinda chotto..
pham guy
le mao
lol homo butt baby busted he def gets his hole waxed for ken LOL
check the pins for matt videos is so lol
yah i joined that discord and concluded ur all gay in about 1 millisecond and then i minimized
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its only a few hours to bike down a nice scenic mountain, and now we have bike parts that can prevent your hands and ass from getting numb on the crummy roads
bikers in japan are annoying they're always driving on the side walk and never use the bell if they're behind you
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why are the handlebars twerking
can we call them what they are cyclists bikers and biking means motorcycles
the handlebars arent teh rest of the bike is thats presumably the whole point of whatever that system is to keep the bars stable and not bumpy
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fuck machine in action
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based usa
dildo machine guy taking notes
jamel just proved he has a thread alert set for his name
>one word
man, machines/engineering are so cool.
>1 hr output/conversation with native
only worthwhile after you already had a shitton of input
engineers are dumb
when i see stories like this now i always wonder if it's rape rape, or statutory rape.
definitely did the pearl harbour
until u have to do it
true true
it's the same thing to slaves
i think it's kind of a cope like he couldn't have had consensual sex with a prime female he definitely raped her
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engineers r kind of geniuses
engineers start kneeling and crying when they have to take calculus and differential equations because its too hard for them
look most people who study anything are stupid. but the elite engineers are badass and we should be thankful they exist.
idk about any of that nerd shit but the ppl who designed all the parts to a car between ~1960 and y2k r kind of geniuses
noooo the heckin equatinos
*pops them in matlab calc*
oh nvm
not true most people who study math/physics/computer science are gifted
i can't do calculus until i get through "A Graphical Approach to Algebra and Trigonometry" which i haven't even started.
by far the hardest part of my course was tardwrangling the arabs and indians on my research project team
that's ok in here you're the one getting tardwrangled
theres an indian guy on my team at work who never does any work at all and nobody says anything about it cause it's better to just ignore him
i was using a proprietary definition of stupid which is my fault, but in this context i mean the overwhelming majority of people studying those subjects will not innovate or invent anything or have any novel insights into anything e.g. produce groundbreaking scientific publications.

you were basically reenacting your colonialist past.
dno what "research" tardlard did but couldnt have been real or useful
"look i realy wana get a good grade cuz im a nerd can u brown ppl stop sitting in the street and doing crimes for 10 minutes and fOCUS?" -bongo at college
i keep hearing about pajeets everywhere are they really that common i've never seen one irl
go to ur nearest hospital i bet u 20 dolla theres a dr patel there
joseph bronski says the chinese and indians dominate faang in the US despite being less competent than native white programmers because h1b visas give us businesses more leverage over imported workers.
post an opinion about anything that is yours and not something someone else said and you adopted
native white programmers are definitely not better than chinese
cant wait for ciaran to destroy this racist pos
it was only a 10 point unit in a batchelors so yeah
chinese people write some of the most unreadable code on earth
no. if you're not part of the elite then no one gives a damn about any personal take you have on anything. i dropped that fragment of my ego a long time ago. the best i - and really anyone - can do is reference experts.
yes. my town was literally 85% white up until like 5 years ago. now any time you go anywhere there's fucking fob africans and pajeets and muslims everywhere it's insane.
whites need to move out into the country en masse at this point.
china is not known for its quality they are a do the bare minimum to get the money kind of ppl

which is sad when u think about it cuz the japanese tend to be more honorable
worst gimmick in djt by far
what communism does to u
my general experience is being a good programmer is unrelated to race. there are some very competent indians in my company and some very awful white people that i wouldn't want to work with. personally i prefer to work with native or near-native english speakers just because it's easier. many indians are at this level though.
sad state of the world such that humility is a gimmick
Math is the most useless "skill" there is.

No matter how good you are at math, there's nothing practical you can do with it.

Knowing math doesn't give you any magical powers or ability to invent things.

Knowing math doesn't let you express yourself or create moving works of art.

If you could play the piano, you could play in a band and make people cry with moving melodies.

If you could draw, you could draw a multi-million dollar comic franchise that changes people's lives.

If you could speak Japanese, you can get Japanese friends and a girlfriend.

If you could bodybuild, you'd get laid every night.

But people who obsess over math are genuinely autistic. They fuss over minute details and complicated proofs for no real world reward other than the math itself. True incel wizards.

>muh engineering. muh technology'
shut the fuck up. You need a whole team of people and lots of funding to invent anything. An engineer has no say over the company's direction and projects.
based take. don't even get me started on fucking statisticstards
cant convince me you're not doing that just do piss ppl off
10 line cope
seeing the absolute state of engineering jobs is what blackpilled me into just wanting to do physical jobs (which im gonna need to put some mass on to do yikes)
its related in the sense that devs from certain countries are lazier and less principled. working at a company that has teams in india, egypt and similar countries will make any dev want to kill themselves
just do what unko did and roid up
just bulk up kid *tosses u a jug of creatine*
indian and chinese are the highest earning ethnic group in america, indians top the chart at $152,000 earning 2x the average white household
so glad im not a code shitter or maths nigger
>shut the fuck up. You need a whole team of people and lots of funding to invent anything. An engineer has no say over the company's direction and projects.
you can cope all you want but at the core of every complex system the human race has ever come up with is math
id rather work with a lazy engineer who didnt do shit than a retarded go-getter who is constantly causing me problems to fix and think about
you fuck ogres bro stfu
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damn nice throw dude
bro is drinking that micropenis creatine
laziness is not only expressed through lack of work but through bad work that makes everyone else working on the codebase fucking miserable.
jews are mass importing pajeets because they are the perfect shabbos goys. due to the caste system they have back at home they will suck off everyone who is above them and absolutely shit on everyone who is below them.
i would just call that being retarded rather than lazy
back in day took 1 scoop a day my dick is still over 6 inches think im chilling
all i did was get a job where you have to move really heavy shit in awkward lifts as fast as possible and hit shit with a hammer pretty hard
also had sex every day which would make most people here sore
not like you could be one if you wanted
nope. it's been language. the pen is mightier than the calculator
i really wish unko would stop mentioning sex cause i cant help picturing it which is revolting
*nods sagely*
asians immigrants work harder than native whites though
crazy to imagine unko getting his wife to pose for the blood picture lol
grandmas is thugs too
can't find it right now but here was a study comparing programming talent between americans, the chinese, and russians, and americans utterly dominated the chinese and russians on average but the chinese were more comparable at the tail end.
2 hours left till matt btfos djt and analcream
anyone can be a code monkey it just takes a bit of luck right now
maths though i definitely could not i would literally fall asleep during the first day of class
she cool with it
and guess which tail end asian immigrants come from
ok matt
my last gym buddy used to be a djter and we'd talk about quiz in between sets
im not gonna spend my evening watching any of that matto shit but i will enjoy most of it during tomorrows morning dump
wtf lmao
dont think 880 is a real post dont be fooled
the real housewives of djt
sure but white americans vastly outnumber chinks, and domestic chinks of elite talent vastly outnumber emigrant chinks.
im being 100% serious
>wake up at 11am
>start working at noon
>work till 10 pm
>go for bike ride for an hour
>work till 3 am
heh yeah just become an entrepreneur bro its a great time
okay i was talking about the chinese in america
i tried to vibecheck a guy i suspected was a djter at my unis japanese society but he didnt pass the nukemarine quote knowledge test after i said that japanese attracts a lot of people from a broad... spectrum
you just know its the first time in a while matt sets an alarm
thats how i met my gym buddy
kinda cringe ppl are literally irl quoting nukemarine to see if someone "gets" it wtf
cringe to think u wouldnt wanna hang with the homies
theyre like the irl basedjack vsharts
changing my phone and pc to japanese
friendships always start out awkwardly
jamal doesnt have friends but acquaintances
id instantly start beating the shit out of whoever admitted to being a djter to me irl
im 90% sure me and bongtardo live in the same city so we could be homies but unfortunately i dont go outside or have friends
*whips out metal bat* you'd beat the shit out of who?
934 lmao
said it in context about some malodorous whiteoid who was having a tardout and being rude
*flips switchblade around fingers* huh?
ive been in djt for years and i wouldnt have known that was a nukemarine reference
*whips out floppy pecker and starts flicking ppl with it while saying こっらこっら*
did a lidl open in ur city center like a year ago?
dame ciaran wants that ass
am I really the only /k/ anon here? dame...
holy cringe
r u the guy who translated in the thread about the f35 crash on the japanese base?
ciaran would be friends with a racist...
ciaran saw bongo holding that creatine and started drooling on his keyboard thinking about all kinds of... things
cant believe ciaran wouldnt be friends with me just cuz he values his scribble studying time too much to give me the time of day
nana's the worst anime i've ever seen
self own
the only unfort thing about nana is the author never finished it
me at the bottom
literally shaking with excitement for project uproot tonight
>eye color is different in the portrait than ingame model
come on now
it's just going to be matto's very first sex tape with ken.
cantb elieve gay is actually genetic today was a big lore day
bro nobody uses tapes anymore
ive never met anyone learning japanese who can read any kanji
they all just ask me if they actually need it
uhh guys.. i have a japanese teaching emergency!!!!! i need more money!
well homosexuality is surprisingly less heritable than many other traits. greg cochran's theory is that pathogens might explain homosexuality. under that framework homosexuality still isn't a "choice", but it's not exactly genetic.
nah i guess i was wrong then
seriously guys is she actually speaking japanese? what is she saying? this will haunt me
well your right and wrong a bit
anyone can probably do it physically wise but you forgot that you literally have to adjust to the seat, in my case i would get butt pain very quickly so i had to train on 20k for a few times before i could adjust to cycling

i simply change the position of my hands every few minutes never really had any issues with my joints
lil c...
can't wait for one of you to win the lottery and setup a djt house for us to live in
well yh if your dad is gay you wont get a gay gene but hes gonna molest you just like his dad or uncle did and the cycle repeats
can't stand this shit. dumb bitches like this need to be fucking backhanded.
if your dad is gay you wouldn't exist
everything is genetic if you really think about, actually the environment can only limit which genes get expressed it cannot actually change them it has 0% controll
it literally comes down to DNA if you're truthfully and rigorous

the genes vs environment debate is a big red herring
it's parasites. gays are always touching their shit so when they have a kid it inevitably ends up being consumed by the child. molestation is a common vector but it's not the only one.
Nukemarine was active years ago, ojisan. I wouldn't pass the test either
yeah but you're an uppercasing nigger dookie eater
nuke became fluent in the last year
damn beat me to it
any other wild theories about what makes you gay
How many minutes a day do you folks spend in Anki?
minishart has an incurable case of kruger
teh gay
usually 10min doing 100-150 reps
okay rajeet
i wouldnt be friends with anyone
for you the wotd is せせら笑う
deferring to experts is krogers now
minishart doesnt defer he also interprets to inject his own opinion
would kms if i was making a shitty meaningless application
the chemicals in the water
thats kind of extreme
for you the wotd is いちもんじせせり
ciaran alone
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thankfully my company makes interesting stuff and not cookie cutter web apps
women cant
men can because the natural birthrate is like 106 men to 100 women
upbringing has no causal relationship with homosexuality so it has to be a wild theory that explains it.
what languages do you use
for paycheck or for fun?
go, python, node (js)
big nana fan eh.. noice

you graduated from C# wtf
lil c
please wtf is she saying i need to know
yh would deffo kms if i had to do anything with node
python and typescript unfortunately
i hate js but it seems really easy to get hired for it in my experience
c# and typescript
ask matto on patreon bwo
kinda crazy to think failed men love k-on when stuff like nana and beck mongolian chop squad exists
reminder that if you with in python or js/ts you are not an engineer since you're about 100 layers of abstraction away from the actual engineering going on
k-on is dogshit but both of those are insanely boring. nana is almost unwatchable. inb4 old, soul, zoomer and other buzzwords
k-on do be good early immersion thoughbeit
ciaran recommends learning c++ to understand computer fundamentals but then use js to make money.
i just like stable things and being a programmer seems to be something that could pretty easily stop being a realistic option for many people with the smallest change in the world
also sitting in front of a computer all day because i have to kills me
k-on is decent chug and some of the songs are aight
ive never said that
keion is great and ur contrarian if u say otherwise
keion is a classic doe

if you couldnt read it youre a prebeginner n6 below the kon chuggers
used to make 9/11 jokes about some of the lyrics in this op but it was like 2004 or w/e so 9/11 jokes hit different then

>computer fundamentals
utterly bizarre post regardless of whether ciaran said that or not
is this mio, the water thing way that a ship leaves behind itself as a trail
it's just generic slice of life. can't believe people actually watch and enjoy that bullshit.
quotation guy is always misquoting me thats why i never trust his quotes now. i doubt matt said any of that shit either.
if you werent rocking out to fuwa fuwa time in 2010 you didnt have a soul
matt thinks keion is really good he even bought a figurine and tried to play bass guitar in his schools keionbu
yeah its 水緖
I was bullying narutards in 2010.
he also shaves his arms and butthole
always liked dont say lazy but i still cant even understand the lyrics
cuz youre too lazy!!
i wanna go to japan and visit the gshock store
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i still listen to jcore
havent watched kon in over a decade it's probably worth a rewatch
honestly matt lugging a bass guitar over to japan to try and live out his keion dreams and then his school not having a keionbu is tragic imagine if instead of spending his time eating bentos in a toilet he hung out with the youkyas hed be so much less spiteful nowadays
the 磁石 store?
id start with rust if i had to start over fuck it
bass guitar bigger than matto lol
some of us hate 陽キャs bro
youre the weird one here
rust is pozzed
sadly nothing can change matto being a little jew goblin raised by 2 faggots with rhyming names
rust is boring af though
is that all you think about >>46783846
different people
barry and FUcking GArry lmao
its over for 陽キャs
pic related
are my posts from nearly 2 months ago all u think about

also yes
it is pretty funny tho
this is actually a high iq post
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oh you're saying matt is like naota from flcl
if u cant see 252s pic he accidentally posted in 4chan gold mode so u need to activate that
陽キャs are just annoying in a socially accepted way
陰キャs keep it to themselves and have self awareness
i just posted that to see if you would reply the way i predicted and you did
he baited you for that exact response. he won.
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277 be like
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this design makes too much sense
i remember this >>46023634
depends on if the arm/hole are shaved

dunno p sure if ppl care about my old posts and spend all day in the djt dumpster im the one who won

idk who either of u are and dont care about any of ur posts after today
one day bros.. one day...
get a fuckin life
any good character-driven movies i should watch before the big matt event?
gonna load up on prep and doxypep, go to japan and creampie the most rancid gayjean hunter slags
>idk who either of u are and dont care about any of ur posts after today
nice job hurting my feelings for no reason.
he dont care bro
american psycho
trying to find the sasuke gif to reply to this with
this is probably my all time fav op

and just like that we have a 1ker
djt is healing
hirasoya makes the same track every time
seen it but it's pretty great
and with that my job is done *fades into the aether*
its true youre just a rare case of being somewhat in the middle but definitely leaning 陽キャ
waited for 1k to make this thread too weve had a few recently
its done cuz its 5 pm swamp time
1k on page 6 is crazy though might be a 1.5ker
just watch the michael mann classic heat or possibly collateral
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haven't seen heat but i'm afraid it's boring action slop
ive just been shitposting since i got off work at 8pm cuz its too hot to do anything else
im fuckin vomiting
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europoors dont have hvac lol
adding post count
right is clearly the better choice
it's not slop at all. it's character driven with some intense personalities. it just also happens to have some of the most realistic gun battle scenes in cinema history.
well it stars natalie portman after her breakout performance in leon so maybe it's worth it.
nah she too much
should i skip the gym today guys? 疲れた。。。
>get to an h scene
>edge until something worth cumming to happens
>mash through the rest or go find something else to jerk off to if there was nothing worthwhile
>can maybe do that 2-3 times per day at most
dame eroge kinda sucks you'd have to be a true gooner for this
just put it on auto read max speed
yeah fapping sucks because you have to decide what to nut to
i actually didnt remember she was in it but its probably been a decade since i saw it last
has lil c worked out what the vtuber was saying yet
i clicked saw it was a vtuber and xd out
im waiting for jamal to translate the chinese parts for me
only a decade ago? remember 2014 like yesterday
rip harambe
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imagine not being able to goon with just your thoughts
i watched a kirinuki and even with the subs beneath and knowing what shes saying i cant hear it
those policemen are protecting her, right?
i hope you at some point try to fuck a kid irl but you meet chris hansen and go to jail and then get stabbed to death
hope someone records it i'm too lazy
the gap between 2004 and 2014 is larger t han the gap between 2014 and 2024
time speeds up as u get older
anything by koreeda but in particular shoplifters and our little sisters. i loved after the storm but its very slow and not much happens.
anywhere I can download mokuro html files for manga? There used to be a site, but it's down now
you arent very bright are you
miniyoga strikes
i copied that wording from one of the smartest people online there's ever been so you should probably shut the fuck up.
minishart mad he got exposed
just convert them urself
>i loved after the storm
my niga
you are so repetitive >>46498158
archive guy has a problem
oh no he posted it twice the horror
yeah and
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does archive guy remember this one
get a life and a gf
put your trip back on
get a gf and she'll give you a life
real this is the easy way
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ive never used a trip in my life
what about this one
i have a terrible memory so i do tend to make the same posts over and over but dont see why thats such a crime or gotcha
kinda cringe aesthetic sense ngl
what's the linux alternative to cloe or sharex's ocr?
women dont like when a guy has nothing going on and makes her the center of the universe. only works with mentally ill chicks in which case it turns into a codependent nightmare and hideous hags that know they couldnt do better if they tried
why is it cringe?
>i have a terrible memory
iq issue
i just lazily swapped the two words around without thinking. didn't mean anything by it.
what if they just like the guy?
>look at this new kanji i just learned y'all
same same
low iqs cant see the bigger picture
its the kind of shit you would see on tumblr literally 10 years ago
3x3 is a gay trend that makes everything look cringe honestly
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tumblr is soulful though.
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damn lol my 布教ing didnt work
rice didn't make it onto the djt 3x3? damn
he makes it onto the list of 3x3s though
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What does the そりゃまた mean here? I know そりゃ=それは but what does the また mean in this sentence? Does it mean once again that looks interesting?
lil unko...
don't let some filthy fucking mexican talk to you like that. or is that an italian flag? oh well same shit.
mini slavshart getting uppity
yea im packing a straight cube
its ok mexicans suffer enough already
The thing was I was trying to save some time, but thanks anyways
a woman liking a guy is a lot more complicated and multifaceted than for men. for us if we find her attractive, she's pleasant and she's reciprocal in our feelings thats all we need. women also care a lot about how you are outside of your relationship with her. how other people perceive you, how you impact the world etc. just the way its always been to varying degrees
goatfucker did you use obesity and mental illness to dodge the ukraine draft
what a fucking loser
makes my blood boil to hear russian pigdogs on the street
thinking about this shit is worthless just go out there and talk to people
be yourself is great advice but people dont seem to understand it

if youre a 3/10 djter of bonderian height no amount of being yourself is gonna help you. imagine if you also have no social status as well because you are jobless and probably only have internet acquaintances
man that's sad.
yeah except if yourself is a loser it's gonna be exponentially harder to get a good girl lol, look at what happened to you. do you think your outcome is what most guys want? married to a fat granny?
yourself is a dont know english
the first thing a women will ask you now is what your instagram is and if you have less than 5 followers it's a major red flag and she will simply ghost you
first thing i check a woman for is her spelling
this has to be a joke lol its better to not have an insta than have one with 5 followers
5 million*
have 126 followers i do
well if you know those things are wrong with you then fix them
i meant to say 500
gonna make an insta and buy 200 followers before i go to japan so i dont get rejected cause of lack of social media presence
just buy a gf
not really being yourself then is it though
good women dont care
its actually a good filter
true true
Can I show her my instagram userId? Its less than 2 million when they used to show you that stuff
self own
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i have an instagram with no followers cause i like to use it keep an archive of pics i took that i liked.
heres my last pic
retarded POV, perfectly reasonable for a woman to care about your money and social status just like its normal for a guy to care about her attractiveness and her not having fucked a hundred dudes
bro you f'ed up rip
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cairngorms or snowdonia?
knew you would say that
you are misunderstanding what being yourself is
you dont stop being yourself as soon as you try to be better
being yourself is more about saying what you want to say
sure its fair but its also fair to not want to date women who care about that
fucked up how my instagram is private anyway
my dad works at Meta
only picture of highland cattle i have has my house in the backgroud so shant be posting that one
>sure its fair but its also fair to not want to date women who care about that
you're gonna be hagmaxxing in that case which is the ideal for you but not for the rest of the planet
isle of skye m8
i prefer reading things over browsing pics or watching videos or listening to audio
terrible chart the ticks are awful
how late is he gonna be
i disagree
sure most young women will have accounts but not all of them care
i personally would hate to be with someone who needs to take pictures of everything and upload them
lovely place remember staying in the youth hostel in portree as a wee lad and going to the fossil beaches and shit
tell us more because surely you are doing well here on /djt/
you sure remember a lot of rich kid shit for someone who insists their parents are middle class
i would also bet that women who care about social media on average have higher body counts and cheat more
>you dont stop being yourself as soon as you try to be better
"being better" is subjective though. doing things you wouldnt normally do just to make yourself more attractive to women isnt being yourself
yeah bro staying in youth hostels is super rich kid stuff lmao?
>not all of them care
99% of women dont want to date a loser that has nothing going on, idk how this is even a debatable thing. social media is the way to verify you arent a loser since so much of human interaction is online nowadays. women that dont care about social media still care about you not being a loser
im actually doing pretty good and im very self critical, made a lot of life gains the past 3-4 years
you vacationed in scotland
not everyone deserves a relationship lol
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uhhh matto
i lived in scotland then
we dont say vacationed here also its just a drive
my mum was a single parent with 3 lads and worked min wage and we still went to some shitty places in england for holidays as a kid in a similar way
>social media is the way to verify you arent a loser
terminally online
you know its bad when im telling you that
knew it
pausing my immersion for this
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ken 1 minute in *ok this is a little bit racist but*
you have brothers?
its clear you live on the internet because the real world is 99% losers
you are lacking real world experience since youve only dated jap hags who are in a different sphere. if you tried to date a danish girl you'd find out quickly how important social media presence is
i hate that mutt is living my dream of being in japan with a jp gf while he's a piece of shit grifter scammer snake oil salesman manlet with a low tide hairline
this chat goes hard lmfao
i have 2 older brothers im sure archive guy can back me up on that
yeah hence why so many young men are single and miserable
buddy you could just say kike.
i forgot to include it
ive been to parties and clubs before
once at a party a girl was touchy with me but i left early cause i wanted to smoke weed at home and the day after she asked my friend for my snapchat and we setup a date
i could definitely have fucked her on our date but i didnt want to
my snapchat account was basically unused and i didnt have anything on social media just accounts
if he can do it
guys what are your zoom usernames
not as many as you think. you just read the shit the most vocal small percentage of those people post. if men are as alone as you say then so are women.
not installing that spyware
>she asked my friend for my snapchat
heres the part where your social capital and social media profile played a pivotal role
seething into the void every day that i did this project in python instead of c# or something. oh well no chance im porting 12000 lines of code though i probably should since the final product wll have like 5 times as much at least
you can use it on web too
knee gore is defo one of u guys lol
sometimes you gotta go slow to go fast as they say in my industry
my snapchat account was new which you can see on the points so i clearly never used it
my other social media profiles were blank
i just had them to chat with friends
she wanted to talk to me because she saw me in person and i made a good impression
>if men are as alone as you say then so are women
not true because of dynamic circulation
>set proxy to jp
>ome.tv still only shows me jp people 5% of the time and the rest is from my country
>try it on my phone with a jp proxy
>same thing
oh my fucking god you russian cunts i swear to fucking god
slow is smooth and smooth is fast
those aren't relationships, sweetie.
"i have a lot of other projects going on" - matt

he's teaching english bros
crazy how everything you have seen before happens to be low level baby shit
so whats good in the matto chat i just cant stay away lol
been doing a lot of going slow with this horrid type system and suicide inducing error handling
lol lil j forgetting to take off his trip while stealth posting you hate to see it and now hes playing it cool >>47187722 lmfao
>women dont care about status because i went on a single date with this one girl
this dude is genuinely fucking dumb. just a stupid person.
type system is fine
she verified that you had friends and she wouldn't have been able to contact you at all otherwise so it was a safe move in her mind. if you had just met her on hinge and she got to know you but realized you had no friends or social media presence you'd be ghosted quick
yeah if youre making a todo app
big groomer energy cant wait til lwe actually find out ken skeets in matts hole
matto doesn't even look human
if it can happen for me the one time i go to a party then having social media surely cant be a necessity
meeting people from swiping on an app is not a natural way to meet and it attracts poor quality people
Do Not Learn How To Read in Japanese!
If you want to sound like a native who grew up in Japan.
well he is jewish
ken "bull" cannon
pippi too scared to post with his name on
>meeting people from swiping on an app is not a natural way to meet and it attracts poor quality people
where do you meet high quality people that isnt gatekept by the same things like social status
local retirement community
go to a fucking book club or whatever
do something
downloading an app is the lowest amount of effort you could possibly put into it
yes let me go to a club i would otherwise never visit and pretend im being myself
when the book club members see a 3/10 bonderian monstrosity walking in its not gonna end well for me.
>disabling the chat so they don't get called out as scammers live
>q&a window is only visible to them
so smooth at being sleazy
>book club or whatever
>do something
wow that was so compelling of an argument that im fully convinced
obviously choose something you want to do
you seriously need to learn to think for yourself or you should have your right to complain taken away
it ended before you were born
school, sports club, volunteering, bars etc
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emergency perversion
you dont need pics of you climbing mount everest and 10k followers but a normal looking insta, few hundred followers and pics of you doing normal things like chilling with the boys, going on vacation, out and about etc will go a long way and denying this is like saying the earth isnt round
is there even proof its actually live
your life is your own responsibility
school is gate kept by age
sports clubs is gatekept by 運動神経
volunteering is how you meet pink haired wokey transsexuals
bars is where you meet low quality whoors
but if you dont want to have that then dont
nothing is more cringe than seeing everyone in a friend group upload vids and pics of the same moment but from different angles
"you only have one shot"
"once you do it wrong it's over"
"make sure you do it right"
"buy our product"
not been following this "discussion" but social media isnt necessary if you arent a loser irl
>you cant unlearn japanese
yup scummy marketing tactics 101
every single one of my close friends met their gf through mutual friends at a house party or something similar
yeah they read one of my comments outloud

whatever happened to just have fun immersing. now order of learning things can be WRONG
was literally gonna make this post lol
you cant refute what they're saying
thankfully i dont have any friends and took a vow never to make any so i dont have to worry about shit like this
nah volunteering is good bc the people are both kind and friendly and have a ton of time on their hands. i met my ex jp gf while i was living there through volunteering
everything he says is tainted by his motivation (and necessity) to make money from the people he is presenting to
matt posting on djt while ken is talking lol >>47187802
where are the clips
lads i was kicked from the call its over lmfao perhaps shoulda been a bit more covert with my name
I wonder if this wording and presentation format ("Why is this important to you NOW") is verbatim from some online snake oil salesman's course. I can imagine Matt "studying" this stuff
>"you only have one shot"
>"once you do it wrong it's over"
this is true though. life is mostly a race and if you fail once the chances of you failing at subsequent attempts are high
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mr produceeeer
were you ben dover
dude what the fuck is wrong with you
it goes against what matt himself claims to have done tho
new good japanese can be acquired at any point as soon as something comprehensible and meaningful (dont mean it in some grandiose way) hits u and it will also instantly right any previous wrongs uve had due to said comprehensibility and meaningfulness
no i was 凡太 !!IRE3KTJADN0
thats ciaran hes sick and twisted
nvm i see it now
no it's exactly what he said once and later retracted under social pressure
its queeran he gets off on pretending to be some lone wolf type
krashen says there's an order of acquisition, that try as you might you're not going to acquire anything before you're supposed to. essentially that's why mass immersion works since you're bombarding yourself with input you're going to hit those natural order stepping stones over time.
sounds like he needs a shounen protagonist to enter his life and change him for the better.
LMAO I just got kicked as well. My name was just John Doe and I asked them if they've been busy working traditional jobs, so if they thought I was a troll for that they must be so paranoid

(I'm not an usual poster in this threads, I just lurk like drama)
he started studying pitch late though
his old speaking video he himself says has bad pitch (and it does actually)
Fundamentally no technique really "works" except reading/listening/speaking more and putting in stupid amounts of time.

most trad learners don't get fluent sure but most input learners ALSO don't get fluent it's all the same
you idiots are actually listening to the people aren't you? you don't need these fucking tools
a couple of u need to name urself barry and the other garry and start doing subtle gay erp in the chat
we're just having a laugh at their expense and u not being able to discern that makes me question your iq
imagine being the guy who didnt listen when jesus was preaching the gospel
i dont wanna be that guy
emergency: all the time you spent on anki was wasted
>and it will also instantly right any previous wrongs
yep. language learning isn't like building a house, you can't build a perfect foundation that's sturdy and level from day 1 and then build a perfect house on top of it. you build a lumpy foundation out of mud and leaves and build your shitty stick house on top of it, then over time you tear things down and rebuild them.
they can see your timezone, the accepted language headers from your browser, and old cookies and local storage if you didn't clear them
i just find it funny to post about my life because it's all true and is usually the opposite of what people here care about (like getting a gf and being a normie etc).
if you use gmail you can just signup for the seminar again by salting your email address (i.e add stuff to your regular address with '+blahblah' before the @). I just joined again after getting banned like that.

or use another burner email
ciaran being humble again i just love this guy
you predictably make the same mistakes repeatedly good job hoisting yourself by your own petard
i just used a temp mail site
871 dont sign ur posts
im an explosive?
i dont see whats humble about it. i'm accepting that it's clearly abnormal but it entertains me nonetheless. unless you were being sarcastic.
you're still listening though
who tf is ciaran? Is he an inside joke? your imaginary friend? nobody here is named ciaran
i figured it was stuff like that but was too lazy to change it but ill try tomorrow
that's antisocial and somewhat sadistic.
ciaran is just clearyl comfortable in his own skin and has enough things he stays occupied with that if a girl (or guy not judging lol) comes along thats cool but otherwise if not also cool
How's the call going? I would join but I have pretty bad autism
im actually not i dont even know where its being streamed but i support people listening and taking the piss
sure i agree but it also gives you all a target for hatred so i am actually soaking up your anger so you dont become the next elliot rodgers
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mutt got video essay'd, didnt watch it though
>ciaran is just clearyl comfortable in his own skin
maybe you should take a leaf from his book >>47187716
matt is doing a summary of 1 (one) autobiographical essay

From the Outside In: The Secret to Automatic Language Growth by Brown, J. Marvin

it's the guy that did the famous comprehensible input thai academy that Krashen often mentions
behead ciaran after painting him orange and forcing him to perform songs from willy wonka
i'm no longer a ciaran fan. now i don't know what to think.
oh no im just the same way if anything i was noting that commonality between he and i
why do you always imagine things and get angry at the things you imagined
ciaran and bongta are the only people itt i'd feel comfortable having a beer with irl, rest of you range from deranged to retarded
are any of you guys better at reading than listening
i dont actually do anything that involves other people except post on djt so id have to wait for the next og for that except she would have to be way less annoying. she'd also have to leave me alone for 99% of the day for it to be an acceptable deal
so you just straight up lied to me. liar
in this call under a secret code alias codename midget
when someone says a vn or something is chuuni or has chuuni writing, what does that mean.
im way more deranged in a classical sense than most posters. im just not a /pol/ phenotype schizo
why do you always interject when you don't have a clue
ciaran just admitted to being a sociopath you idiot
中二病 middle schooler second years who think they're incredible
u think so but girls always have a way of finding u in unexpected places
means that if you read it you're a loser
it means they use a lot of kanji and rare words to tryhard
>a man of about 30 with the stature of an 8 year old
thats ok im a good judge of character
not wanting friends doesnt make u a sociopath neither does making djturds seethe
but the opposite with you
it's not not wanting friends that makes him a sociopath. he says he takes glee in being an enemy and bragging about having no human attachment. that is fucked up.
on the contrary feel like 150 guy would be the most fun to have a beer with as long as u were ready to dodge a binted pint glass
shut the fuck up queeran you little nigger
its especially true with me i just didnt go with them for very long
if you try to make ciaran your friend he'll wrestle you into submission
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girls always have a way of finding u in unexpected places
he's very insecure and has delusions of grandeur, thats the type of person you dont want to be around. people who want to be mini machiavelis but fail at it are insufferable
When they write cringe shit like this
ive never seen ciaran get mad once except that time he got trolled by that one guy for like over 24 hours straight
i like to put myself in the mind of a tyuuni when i read those kinds of things and during fight scenes i move around my room screaming 鳳凰閃光列脚 and doing spinning kicks and stuff
>he's very insecure and has delusions of grandeur
i've always enjoyed doing a bit of trolling thats all. it used to be more direct but now i just find it amusing that my true existence is enough these days
i guess expecting a djturd to understand that concept was unreasonable on my part, my b
need uppercasing ciaran haters thoughts on the matter
ok matts radical new japanese method is whitenoise audio never read and never look things up literally the exaggerated uppercaser meme lol
>ive never seen ciaran get mad once
classic sociopathy. nothing phases a sociopath
reminds me when i played hanachirasu i got the broomstick out to reenact the sword scenes because it was hard to follow with my aphantasia
its unreasonable expecting anyone to understand contradictory things
ive been here for 5 years and i still dont know who ciaran is
is he some discorder
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so it's an emergency that he came up with this brilliant new method and it's just the input meme?
output whore, tatsuhomo and vnshart all made me seethe quite a bit, envious of the stoic ciaran in that regard
i wish i was like ciaran i wear my heart on my sleeve all the time its exhausting

like if someone syas something mean to me right now itll bother me
tatsumoto just makes me laugh with how he posts cuz he speaks so confidently like everyone agrees when posting his bullshit
if you can be hurt that makes you human. you don't wanna be a piece of shit like ciaran.
I'mma try this and report back
i hope anacreon is out there its time for u to do the dirty work again
prediction: matt and ken are going to make up a "automatic japanese growth" bootcamp that will be about listening to them and matt's gf yap in Japanese for a few hours a day and give guidance to the ONLY OPTIMAL way to learn japanese, and will charge absurd amounts for it
>like if someone syas something mean to me right now itll bother me
could have fooled me
so what is he selling? personalized plans of what to whitenoise?
>comparing brains to computer hardware and software
its all so tiring
top grade, 100% quality, pure, premium, authentic whitenoise
adults have to carry their pain and still put on their smile and act like everythings ok

meanwhile what it really be like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ8EAnN8suk

also shoutouts to barry bonds this jams for him
that white puros then
i find it somewhat funny but still annoying
it'd be so fucking funny if they're just going to make their own version of japanesepod101 for "hardcore" immersion whales
if i wanted to be a "mini machiaveli" this thread would be dead
rare good jamal post
okayyy the new IMPACT method lets gooo
pregnant bodies are so hot
>matt learns japanese by autistically reading for many hours a day and checking dictionaries to make anki cards
>N-NO guys!! the worst mistake you're doing is reading and checking dictionaries
ayo genshin???
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oh got its ai
oh nvm i cant understand english speach "intact method" sounds way less cool
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rate my marketing
it's so absurd you'd think that everyone would be able to smell his grifting bullshit but I guess at the end of the day you just need a handful of gullible retards to pay your bills.
someone better be clipping this
only thing IMPACTed is mattos stool after ken and hopefully the nonlearning community after seeing through this latest jew attempt pushed it in
dame you need to be uncut to learn japanese
makes sense as to why matt still sounds like a wierd robot
i'm not trying to shill but he's kinda making sense with this class ngl
is he really selling a custom gpt lmfao
haven't and won't be watching any of this but i'm sure he's being maligned as usual
its like poetry
gonna need ciaran's thoughts on project intact
alri kenboy
he missed out on the opportunity to cash in i think it's just a technique
i bet matts dms to ken are just a bunch of bull emojis and times he wants him to come over at
no he's just recommending to use prompts to get explanations of words that don't use direct translations. he said to just use regular chatgpt

they haven't been direct about what they're shilling yet. it's probably some kind of ""advanced course"" or something
u know what's not intact
barry bonder's asshole lol
crazy its 2024 and matto is reccomending whitenoising vtumours lmao
i only know as much as has been posted
need to see some clips to make my mind up.
like father like son
all these haters are pretty pathetic
intact bros...
low key a smart target audience
they have proven themselves to value parasocial relationships dont know japanese despite wanting to and most importantly have disposable income
know the post responding to this one would be by jamal without even checking
is he shilling hellotalk to me rn
i'm sure
matt should become a vtuber
p sure what's more pathetic is the 張本人 selling this garbage lol
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>recommending kindergarten games to play with native speakers
kinda wholesome ngl
i would shill hellotalk apart from that it sells ur data to 習近平 a lot of fun
desu if uve ever watched one of those scam vids where they make u watch like an hour of bullshit and then at the end they are like oh yeah for 69 ez payments of 1 million dollars all of ur wildest dreams come true its basically like that except even more scuffed cuz its matto and his new daddy
talking about your soul?
i don't think the hate should be directed at matt. he's still a young impressionable guy trying to live up to his successful dad.

it's ken who's the negative influence.
or a game to play with kindergartetns
it reminds of these redpill gurus who sell courses on how to pick up women except it's about learning some obscure ching chong language from a small island off the coast of china lol
i mean he has some idea he's basically changed his mind on everything about japanese learning in the span of 3 years its not like he's completely grifting imo
still not sure what the problem with selling a course is. only in a retarded jealous basement neet's head is that unscrupulous
ok how much money do i give matt and what do i get
"they[jp italki tutors]'re my slaves basically"

nice one ken
"theyre my slaves basically" - Ken 'The Cannon' Cannon 2024
i've pointed this out for years. djt just loves to hate on matt.
people that sell courses do it because they arent actually good at the thing they are selling else why would they need to sell it they could just live by doing well with the thing
you should direct a shotgun blast to your face
meh how else are you supposed to make money with japanese as a college dropout who doesnt like working

he's such a dom wtf
Ken is handsome
it's the manipulation and the snake oil tactics that's the problem here he provides nothing of value beyond what has been already said on the subject
what he's really selling is the idea of a magic bullet for japanese learning which doesn't exist and he's doing it using the cheapest FOMO tactics in the playbook
>if you learned japanese incorrectly once it's OVER and you can NEVER go back except with THIS ONE SOLUTION RIGHT HERE
yeah it's sad how normalized absurd mentally ill opinions are around here. these are the same people who say wanikani and bunpro is an evil scam even though no sane well adjusted person would think that. hard to take this nonsense hatred seriously
being bilingual and native english in japan is valuable in many fields just like it is being bilingual anywhere else practically every field has uses for those people
idk what this new course is but the biggest problem is when the course's methods are not what the person even used to learn the skill. have any of his grifts ever been tested before the course was created? what about people who used his older courses, are literally any of them fluent now? at this point we have enough evidence that in person classes have a low success rate and that immersion has a much higher success rate.
he's arguably providing value because what he's suggesting is not what the mainstream opinion is (anki mining + read more)
you can say that about most products
wanikani and bunpro are ethical compared to what matto is doing tho
yeah but how could he even be in japan
he doesnt have college degree so he cant even do jet
he needs to run a scam company and give himself a visa
scamming weebs is a universal good
we solved the compboost problem years ago it was called yomichan
not to mention matts most vocal haters (analcream etc) are known to be genuinely unhinged freaks
people are also discounting the motivation that a hypeman like matt provides. what is an underwhelming "woowoo scam" course to you is the ticket to success for others.
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10k hours???
nobody says wanikani and bunpro are evil scams, just that they're a waste of money
no i mean we agree im just saying it for clarity not necessarily to you

thats why hes a scammer yes otherwise hed just do something more dignified and not have to be a scammer
on what basis could he be suggesting it though anki and read more is what he used to get good how can he with any good conscious turn around now and claim it's bad and sell something completely different he's obviously never tried?
i was wondering about this; is it really that easy to set up a company in japan like that though
that's what pewdiepie did as well
I know this is common advice that gets thrown around elsewhere but damn it seems retarded so I've never done it.
thats not too bad honestly
visas are just money checks bro
iirc matto is only there cuz of ken cuz ken is like mattos sempai in the scamming world i guess? so hes the one that was set up with the japanese company
this isn't bad advice but it's also nothing worth an emergency call on japanese learning lol this gets thrown around all the time
can you sponsor someone who doesnt have a relevant college degree tho?
matt is in japan on a language school visa
this is revolutionary... add the intact thing to >>47184204
okayyy the fluency incubator plug
i think someone said some shit about language school lol so maybe thats how hes there initially? once him and ken finalize the marriage i think hell be in tho
i guess this and then he gets the money from ken but maybe not officially as wages because it might be illegal
if thats the case he might get rug pulled by ken eventually lol
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crazy how matt has a sugar daddy in ken
im jealous ngl
qrd on this ken guy?
SCANDAL: mattvsjapan is earning money in japan while on a language school visa lol
ken is just so much better at selling this stuff than matt is a true master of his craft
matt had a platform
are you listening rn to this japan advertisement it's crazy
yeah theyre really selling the dream
funniest part of all this is that japanese literally has the most resources for learners of any language outside of english. anyone who can't figure out how to learn without paying is cursed to a lifetime of dekinai.
he probably gets paid in us dollars in his us bank account so it's not really counting. his business is registered in oregon
yeah it was always like that in the uproot vids too ken is an s-tier scammer
wouldnt that still be illegal?
kenny got that rizzma fr
matts target audience are the type of people that frequent /r/learnjapanese and pisscord so im all for him scamming dat bag off of them
i wouldnt consider ken s tier
s tier is like billy mays
id put ken around b tier maybe low a tier next to slap chop guy
what the fuck did they cook up here
i'm pretty sure what he's doing right now legally is work no matter on which account the money ends up
if you are not working in japan you don't owe taxes there. it's essentially passive income. as long as he pays taxes in the us
the sangas??? the sutras??? the fluency incubators???????? the compboosts??????? the dharma????????????????????????

you can't make this shit up
imagine the tears if he got deported
ken is defo the best scammer weve had in the japanese non learning community
im captivated by ken. I would probably also shave my entire body if he asked me to
okay sorry he's s-tier in the context of a community full of autistic retards who can't speak a straight sentence
sad that i wasnt born a few years earlier and coulda been a great internet scammer for japanese
matto tier?
nuke is a tier he's been scamming himself for 15 years out of learning nihongo lol
ken's a fat fuck wtf
so they're selling what many discord servers do for free. sense of community, accountability and 'missions'.
I'm not even active in the moe discord server but I get notifications for their weekly logs stuff and weekly novels and shit. sounds exactly like this 'incubator'
problem with mattos gimmick is that it had limited shelf life

now that years have gone by and no one has learned japanese following him theyve all wised up the hard way unfortunately

it didnt have to be that way
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what i look like after completing my dharma and sangha missions in the fluency incubator
feel like im missing out on a djt moment but dont care enough to tune in to the stream sigh
can't wait until i hatch out the fluency incubator like perfect cell
me in the fluency incubator

its nothing like the mia splitup
you're missing absolutely nothing i wish the chat was enabled
organic 1500 on page 7 is brazy
we literally watched interviews together of matt's students who learned japanese.
its a gray area for sure though
probably wont get caught for it but its definitely sus
he even dropped the "you too can" line
in the cell arc rn crazy stuff sad that just by being alive im already spoiled to all of the epic powerups
yup its happening
no we havent because there are none
when i see zoomers use this comment format it makes me see red
they do you're being disingenuous. the same people who are spearheading the organized smear campaign against matt and whom you are aligning with right now would have come out of the woodwork back in the day to claim that. i guess most of them migrated to discord. or maybe as often happens with online harassment and incited mobbing you are unaware of the militant views and extent of extreme beliefs the people you find yourself united with in this cause adamantly hold
what about that brown hispanic with the nappy hair who sounds great.
i only see red too brother
>the organized smear campaign against matt
you went a little too far with this thereby making it obvious you're baiting, better luck next time i suggest a bit more subtlety
wait matt was in college last year
im not a japanese legal expert but since hes not there on a tourist visa and has residence assumedly his domestic income is his online work so if hes not on the correct visa he would be breaking the law
ok you can link the posts calling them evil scams from the archive
idk how matt copes with the fact that his business partner is garbage at japanese
do u think matto would ever talk shit to ken? ken would just roll on top of him and start fucking his shyster ass
thats what i think too
its probably rare for something like this to get noticed though

get over it analcunt, you fucking lost.
does someone have the vod? i forgot about the presentation and didn't go
thats the price of a cup of coffee at starbucks
they recorded it and will send it out apparently (maybe)
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thanks matt
it speaks for itself
>if you enroll during the presentation
that's actually disgusting lol
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someone call immigration and get him deported lol
holy fuck that's insane lol
it's sad because i know how exaggerated that sounds out of context but there is a literal discord server which was shilled in this very thread dedicated to making the obsessive and unhinged matt hating, character assassination and nitpicking a circlejerking group activity. basket of deplorables has never ringed true quite like this
*hops into the incubator*
i'll see you on the other side, losers
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ok thats it im paying the 147 dollerinos
But it STILL gets even better!! (if you register right now :))
how many people were watching the stream?
have you paid your 147 yet
this is so fucking scummy
legit deport this nigger
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essential purchase for the matt said guy
can't wait to see how retarded the physical item and the unknown content are
go report him you're probably in a better position to do it than anyone else here lol
these scammy tactics kinda fall flat when the bullshit they're selling doesn't even sound appealing
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you better buy while he's talking or it's going up to $3k/yr
>Uproot Students paid $500.00
the audacity lmao
jesus christ
they literally used every scam class tactic in the book

- better get it right because if you don't ur fucked
- process based on "genius linguist" from the 1950s
- sign up during our presentation
- you stayed until the end, we want you
- look at all this free stuff you get for free
- we'll be there to help you along the way
- guaranteed to get you to NATIVE LEVEL JAPANESE

ken thinks he's in wolf of wallstreet
to be fair its a good deal if even one sucker signs up its what $35 an hour when split between them
>matts lifes work for his youtube career
i would feel bad and i dont have so many skype credits left
maybe it can be done via email
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>umm moshimoshi 日本移民局? id like to report someone making money illegally in ur country. who is he? ummm well i got a picture of him right here
yappari s tier scammer
made me laugh out loud at 4 am
this you? >>46826229
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"if you dont act NOW you wont have access to that stupid discount"
119 measly dollars just give up the starbucks for a week bro ull be glad that u did
>only shows the higher price in years
>shows the discounted price in months
lol you can't even tell how much you're saving
Incubatorbros we are so fucking back
wait I thought it was $119/yr
it's $119/mo ???
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