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Yuri is the purest form of love! Post yurihus, discuss yurihus.
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You know, I was going to remind you that you have an entire board for this, but I got curious and actually checked out /u/, and what the fuck? Dead thread, looking through the archives barely any discussion, just image dumping. Hell you'd think yurifags would be the first ones to praise canon ships or whatever but some of you were lecturing each other on how it wasn't going to happen. What's going on?
Why does Marisa get pulled in so many different directions? Especially when it's so obvious she belongs with Reimu.
Is Marisa x Sanae a thing?
So is yaoi sex?
See this is what I'm talking about. Where do people even get these ideas?
You're approaching it from the wrong angle. It was never about Marisa. Marisa was just the character that certain fans projected themselves on, which is why early fanon is so far diverted from actual canon, eg. Marisa being the coolest and most butch hu who instantly seduces every 2hu she bumps into, instead of being the smelly forest dwarf people mostly tolerate and who's the magnet for ZUN's humiliation fetish.
I'm so happy about CDS and the new YamaParu pairing that's been "introduced." YuuParu always seemed forced since they had no canonoical connection, but these two have actual chemistry, a canon relationship, AND are adorable together.
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Yuri is only good if a man is involved.
Selfinsertfags are weird. Some of us just want our favorite 2hu to have a happy life with her 2wife.
I like this pairing, even though it has no basis in canon.
Is Marisa x Wriggle a thing?
Comedic how you guys take that as if it introduced anything.
Consider this. There is no difference between how the worst type of loser behaves when a woman accidentally touches his hand and when you see interactions between two touhou characters that are known to be neighbors. You're just imagining someone else instead of thinking about bonding with or fucking either of them yourself, which is infinitely more pathetic.
self-insert drivel
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>Comedic how you guys take that as if it introduced anything.
It doesn't take much to introduce a new ship, we take what we can get.
canon lesbians btw
>Consider this.
The result is the same, you will never touch the object of your affection. Making any distinction beyond that is rather silly, and you selfinsertfags being so haughty about it only makes you look more ridiculous.
This could be us
Funny. Sounds like you're obsessed about self inserters.
Right anon, that's exactly what I was talking about. You're worse than even the lowest of the low woman repellents. This is a board for such men and you're still the outcasts. And your behavior when it's pointed out is incredibly funny.
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Self inserter.
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t. guy who came into a yuri thread just to rave about hating it
I assumed you were also a weeb loser, because if you aren't, what the fuck are you doing on this board? Sorry for giving you the benefit of the doubt, turns out you're even more retarded than I thought.
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>t. guy who came into a yuri thread just to rave about hating it
And now you're acting completely delusional. I simply pointed out how baseless your retarded ships are and you're having a fit.
Please keep going, you're proving my point. I'd recommend seeking professional help, but honestly? I don't think you should be in regular society.
I bet he's the same guy who spammed basedjaks and Nikocado earlier

And these people call the yurifags obsessed?
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Chuds and trannies are birds of a feather. They live to force their degenerate ideology on anyone they can, usually by posting the most disgusting and ugly shit they can come up with. It's a wonder how they end up here at all.
Despite their attacks, the humble yurifriend persists.
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Touhou fans getting mad about yuri is really funny to me. It's like these people know the girls have way more chemistry with each other than with their bland SIs, but refuse to acknowledge it.
Why her and not you? Do you think you dont deserve to be loved by your favorite 2hu?
Yurifags and trannies are oftentimes the same thing. Trannies LOVE yuri.
I personally believe touhou girls owe me sex and marriage regardless of "muh chemistry".
Trannies also love Touhou and anything anime-adjacent, yet here you are. Not liking something because someone you hate likes it is dumb.
>Yurifags and trannies are oftentimes the same thing. Trannies LOVE yuri.
Ah, shit. I do.
samefagging chud
you'd think y'all would have learned from observing leftists that if you need to engage in deception to make people take up your narrative, it's probably bullshit
Please do not bring politics into my lesbian porn.
It's a complicated community
Stop being retarded and watch girls kiss
Imagine how Hijiri reacts when their illegitimate child gets born.
Lesbians are not allowed to get married, so their child is a bastard :D
Nah, Gensokyo is an inclusive land where women can marry other women. Murasa and Nue can legally get married and no chud can stop them from doing so.
lol I know they were cucks but I didn't think it was this bad
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But there needs to be a man involved for any pregnancies.
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No need. Nue just needs to explore the outside world to collect used condoms and then fill Murasa's womb with sperm.
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Common sense doesn't work in Gensokyo. Who says they can't grow futa penises and get each other pregnant?
Futa is not yuri.
It absolutely is.
Nope. Not lesbian sex. Fails on the basic definition. Adding a penis stops a woman being a woman.
But it's between two women.
Even if one or both of them have a penis. It's no different from strapons, except they can orgasm.
Technically speaking if you put a penis on a girl you just transed her.
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His argument potentially wouldn't fly but only if there actually were *any* trannies that don't love yuri.
Correlation often leads to causation, in both ways, even when it comes to this. You hate to see it.
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What is even the point of erotic works without nice big veiny pulsing penises? Not even gay btw.
I would rather see my favorite 2hu touched by another girl than fucked by another man.
As I always say, nine out of ten dudes into yuri aren't really into lesbians, they're into bisexual women who'll be lewd with other girls and them.
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That's an interesting cope when 90% of that group gets a panic attack over a girl expressing even a hint of interest in a penis.
You'd also get booed out if you directly suggest dating or fucking these girls yourself. Yea, try that on /u/.
Why do you want someone else to bring a girl you like to orgasm? Can't you imagine just doing that yourself?
I get harems, or fingering a girl while fucking the other, but not this. Do want to just... watch?
I don't want anything in particular, and my imaginary position in the imagined situation doesn't really factor into the equation. I just look at the nice pictures of girls and it works, and if there's a cock it doesn't work.
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Ok but look at the image below you.
Doesn't it imply there's no room for you?
Why does there need to be? This shit is all imaginary, in the end it's just pictures on a screen. Some people need to imagine themselves taking part in the scene in order to enjoy it, some don't.
I wish I were Komachi so I could do this to another /jp/ anon who gets turned into Shiki Eiki
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Read any good doujins /jp/? I like this one a lot so far.
Smut doujins or regular? Because I mostly read porn.
I also read a decent smutfic recently too but when I webt to the author's page for more it was just all f/m SIs. Why do writefags do this? I legitimately feel baited.
Either desu, I also hate when that happens to me.
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The ultra rare SSR never-before-seen Raiko charisma break!!!
>Why do writefags do this?
They have one or two yuri stories as a gateway drug to help yurifags see the light of proper SIs.
The 2hus cant be gay because they owe me sex and marriage.
i am entitled to a loving youkai wife.
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>The 2hus cant be gay
>because they owe me sex and marriage.
Wrong, they owe you nothing. However, they could marry each other (preferably between females) and sex is completely optional.
What I'm getting out of this is you want straight women stuck in loveless, sexless marriages with each other???
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yes, minus the lovelessness and sexlessness
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>women stuck in loveless
No, they love each other. You are in denial here.
>sexless marriages with each other
Marriage is not just about sex. It's about commitment. Whether they need sex or not, that's their choice.
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Personally I'd rather that one of them was married to me but kept cheating on me with her gay lover.
Wouldn't that make you a cuck?
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Yes, in a good way.
You don't get it. Cuckolding is having another dude steal you girl. I really just want her open and actively having sex with other women. Only.
funnily enough I just happen to reply to this while I.cosplay as Eiki
Kaguya could just ask Eirin for a sex change operation and you will be cucked for real.
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too much chud falseflagging in this thread, not enough image posting
me on the left
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So which 2hus are canon lesbian?
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I love this ship, and will die on this hill.
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Nice forehead loser
All of them
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After seeing this thread, does this surprise you?
At all?
I know I've seen that cuck posting about how he wants Alice to yuri cuck him about a year ago, so it's probably real.
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Cherish the moo
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This is futa by the way.
I bet you're well aware of that and want to be cucked by a woman with a bigger dick than you, don't you? That's your "yuri" high.
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Fav yuri fan work/doujin?
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Is this kind of thing okay then?
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that's not yuri at this point, yuri can't have m*les, do we have to explain what yuri is to newfags every time a yuri thread is made
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Oh I see, so is this
considered yuri or is that also wrong in some way? What about futa?
An indirect response to a days old post?

I guess anon was right, if it pissed you off this much.
No I wasn't referring to this one day old strawman bait, I'm calling out all self insert trannies that's all
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Yuri happens when 2 hus love a boy very very much.
Thanks for the bump self insert tranny
Take your meds, Anon. Self-Inserting as a male is literally the opposite of being a tranny. You'd have more experience with the latter.
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Mononobe no
The wind swept through the shrine maiden's clothes and brushed aside her hair, and she felt the full brunt of the chilly midwinter morning.
"Seems like winter will never end," she sighs, looking to the sea of clouds that had formed above the shrine's gate. "I should find that winter youkai and beat her up until this stops." She give some serious consideration to the idea as she brushed the dusty snow that had gathered on her red and white garb near her feet. She was wearing a shrine priest's dress, its long white sleeves and tall red skirt protecting her from the worst of the icy chill in the air. It was still quite early, and while it was her job to keep the shrine clean and presentable, she had no idea how she was meant to keep all this troublesome snow off the stone steps. Perhaps if she become angry and yelled at it enough, it would simply leave?
"Oi, Reimu!" Above the white treetops, a voice rides along the chilly wind. A blonde witch in a black dress and hat approaches the shrine at a troublesome speed, flying on a broomstick. Oh good, thought the shrine maiden, perhaps I can get her to destroy the snow with a spell.
"Hey, Marisa," she responded, unable to muster the energy to shout back. The witch plopped down into the fallen white next to her, her landing not quite a crash, but not very smooth either.
"Oi! Do ya know what day it is, Reimu?" The witch picked herself up, her black dress now covered in white. She bore a big, goofy smile. "It's Saint Valentine's Day!"
"Oh," the shrine maiden responded slowly. A quiet moment awkwardly passes.
"What's Saint Valentine's Day?" Reimu asks finally.
"Gee," her friend says smugly, shifting her stance to cross her legs, holding her broom horizontal behind her head, "you don't know? It's only the most romantic day of the year!"
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"Okay," Reimu says with an audible disinterest, "what's so romantic about it?"
"Well it, uh..." The witch soon finds herself confounded. She did not expect to be asked if she knew anything at all about the holiday other than its name. "It's something they celebrate in the outside world, I think."
"Say Marisa, could you do me a favor?" Reimu asked, approaching the short witch.
"Uh, depends on what it is, yo." Marisa sounds off her verbal tick as she becomes suddenly nervous, a lecherous look in the shrine maiden's eyes.
"Turn around and fire a master spark. Straight through the gate."
The witch took a small wooden hexagon from her pocket, small enough that it could be easily held in the palm of her hand. It bore a yin-yang in its center that looked as though it opened to give way to some inside chamber, and was surrounded with little rectangular holes all around the thing's wooden body, almost like exhaust slots meant to allow heat to funnel out of the contraption.
Reimu placed her hands on Marisa's shoulders and directed her to the center of the stone walkway. The witch then aimed the small contraption toward the gate leading out of the shrine, and braced herself.
"Like this?" She asked, giving Reimu a queer look. The shrine maiden folded her arms and nodded.
The little wooden device made a sort of buzzing noise, like an electrical current was flowing through it. The yin and yang opened to reveal a small canon, in the middle of which tiny sparks were flying to and fro, energies pulsing through its body. The cannon began to spin and Marisa dug her feet into the ground in preparation.
Suddenly, the shrine and the two girls around it were alight with a rainbow colored illuminessence. From the cannon Marisa held, a forceful beam of light made its way out of the shrine's gates and into the countryside. Their ears were filled with near deafening hum, the electric sound of a beam of energy firing high into the morning. The force of the thing kicks up the air all around it and suddenly the shrine was amidst a blizzard as the snow that had littered the ground was again in the air. Reimu shook herself off to be rid of the white watery soot she'd been covered in. It was a temporary solution at best, but as far as the shrine maiden could see, the snow on the ground was now at least farther away from the shrine.
Miko's wife so cute
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The prince is a serial cheater
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Purest love story ever told
That's just /ss/
which 2hu is straight
None of them are, all 2hus are bisexual prison gays. Most 2hu men are asexual or gay so they have to compensate by fucking each other.
Why did Yukari make Gensokyo so fucking gay?
Yukari won't allow anyone else to land a man before her, hence why Gensokyo is known as the sexual frustration capital of Japan.
The one cookie video I refuse to watch under any circumstances.
You get to mind control ZUN into canonizing one ship of your choice. Which would you choose because you like it, and which would you choose to cause maximum chaos?
mods = gods
is there moar?
ZUN x Beer and Junko x Heca
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In order to maintain the facade she had any idea what she was talking about, the little witch goaded her friend into traveling together to the curiosities shop to ask a certain romantic local for some trinket that might illuminate the ignorant shrine maiden on the holiday.
The shop was quite empty, as typical, save for the brightly haired man in glasses sitting behind the counter, reading an issue of some foreign publication. Neither of the girls could read its english letters, but the cover bore a picture of a high-tech soldier doing battle with some grey-skinned humanoid monster.
"Oi, Kourin," Marisa spoke up as she stepped into the shop. "What kind of valentine's day stuff ya got? Reimu, uh, doesn't know anything about what day it is."
The man rose an eyebrow at her, then descended below the counter to retrieve something. He produced a few small square cardboard boxes that rattled as he placed them on the counter.
"Well, I find these all the time. They're not worth very much, so go ahead and take a box." He says, and the girls take one package each. The little box has a heart on the front, and a strange unfamiliar scent assaulted Reimu's nose as she popped it open. She tucked her fingers into its confines and pulled out a few hard little candies adorned with english letters.
"They're meant to be given to your sweetheart. It's candy." The man explains, adjusting his glasses.
"They don't taste very good. What kinda candy is made outta chalk?" Marisa questions, but pops another into her mouth anyway.
"There's some words on them," Reimu says, examining a heart in the palm of her hand. "What does it say?" She passes it to Kourin, who takes a close look.
"'Be mine,'" he reads without much enthusiasm, and passes the heart back to Reimu, who then eats it. "What about this one?" She asks, mid-mastication.
"'You're sweet,'"
"And this one?"
"'Happy Valentine's Day,'"
"How about this one?"
"'The shrine maiden and her friend must leave the store now,'" he says in the same voice as his other readings.
"Wait, Kourin! I meant to ask you, yo," Marisa started, pocketing a couple candy boxes, "explain to Reimu what Valentine's Day is all about!" He smiled, seeing through the young witch's scheme.
"In truth, I do not know too much about it myself. From what I can gather, it appears to be a day in which lovers give each other gifts to affirm their feelings. It is a day the chocolate and gift card industries make a lot of revenue, according to a paper I read." His glasses gleam as he adjusts them, and he takes on a sinister smile. "So, then, are you here to buy something for your loved ones?"
The word 'buy' causes Marisa to reel. She backs away toward the door, tugging on Reimu's sleeve as she goes.
"Uh, n-no that's okay Kourin, we'lljustbegoingnowthankyou," she says as quickly as she can, dragging the shrine maiden out the door with her.

The two traced the treetops, flying over the white-coated land below them. Marisa was pondering just where to go next, having found no satisfactory answer to just what this holiday consisted of.
"That other shrine maiden is from the outside world, right? She'd be able to tell us 'bout Valentine's Day," she calls to Reimu through the air.
"Why can't you just tell me yourself? Don't you know about it?" The shrine maiden responded, disdainful of being dragged to yet another place so early in the morning.
"Uh, I just think it'd be better if ya heard it straight from the horse's mouth!" A flimsy excuse, though it elicited a giggle from her friend.
"Well, you've got that right. Sanae's face is pretty horsey."
They glide over the many steps leading up the youkai mountain and into a competitor's shrine, housed by two goddesses and their priest. The goddesses were missing, however, and the priest could be found outside digging in the snow with a spade. The pair land outside the gate and slowly stroll inside, taking their time to watch the grass-haired priest work.
Wow, thought Reimu, this looks like slave labor.
"Oi, green Reimu!" Calls Marisa, and the priest, named Sanae, looks up from the hole she's digging in the snow.
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I don't think that Nitorin is that much taller than Cirno, cute image however. Now can you generate Miko x Tojiko?
All of them.
Every single one.
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Refer to the official height chart for reference
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She basically admits she'd just abandon Zanmu for a stronger person on the spot. Homer sexual for Zanmu, she is not.
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>stronger person on the spot
Reimu's harem continues to grow!
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>basically admits
where does she do that? I lost interest in UDoALG too fast to reach her route
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That's clearly a male Zanmu
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Is that so
Hey now, just because Zanmu is totally lacking in any feminine appeal doesn't mean she is a dude.
You're being very rude to Zanmu-sama
Good. Irrelevant, lazy character who's awfully poorly written and would be condemned to the same forgotten pit as Biten if she weren't attached to a character whose only claim to fame is being much hotter and maybe interested in her sexually.
Zanmu-sama is clearly the sexier one
Cute lesbibabs
"That's not my name," she yells back, flustered. She plants the spade in the snow, which stands firmly on its own in the packed slush. "What are you two doing here?"
"Reimu wants to know about Valentine's Day, yo," Marisa says, grinning. "You're an outsider. Tell us what you know, yo!"
"Oh," Sanae says, putting a finger to her lip. "I suppose people in Gensokyo wouldn't know much about christian holidays."
"No, Saynay, it's Valentine's Day, not Christmas!" Marisa's tone was mocking, as if Sanae were quite daft.
"Why are you digging?" Reimu chimes in, completely uninterested in the subject at hand. She was getting rather cold standing in the snow, and had stuffed her hands into the opposite arm's sleeve in attempt to warm them. Sanae scratched the back of her head, wary that any reply she gives will bring with it strange looks.
"Uhm, you see..." She picks the spade from the snow again, driving it back into the earth to deepen the hole next to her. "Suwako, as one of the great native goddesses, has buried herself in the earth once again to hibernate as a frog would. So I'm digging her out. Again." Annoyance spread over her features as she broke the frozen earth with her spade, as she knew that, were Suwako only willing to come out on her own, she could swim through the ground like it were water.
"So, uh, about Valentine's Day, yo..." Marisa began, but Sanae's concentration would not be broken. After a moment and a few showers of cold, dark dirt onto the white-covered ground, she appeared to have found something, her eyes lighting up. "Ah! Finally!"
She set the spade down and fell to her hands and knees, crawling inside the little hole she'd made. She nearly disappeared into it before her legs stiffened and dug into the surface as she tried to squirm back out. She tugged, once, twice and three times on something, then her and a small girl wearing a straw hat and purple dress illustrated with little green frogs burst from the ground. Sanae fell on her bottom in the snow, holding the little frog-girl in her arms. The girl groaned, appearing woozy, her eyes still half-shut.
"Five more minutes..." She pleaded, groggily. Sanae began to carry her inside, the witch and opposing shrine maiden following behind her, glad to be out of the snow if nothing else.

"Valentine's Day is a special day for girls, you see." Sanae had changed into a set of clothes not so completely covered by dirt. Suwako lie splayed out on a cushion in the center of the shrine, snoozing soundly.
"In modern Japan, we have a unique tradition. In other parts of the world, lovers simply give each other gifts. But where I came from, the girls give their friends chocolate, and they give their sweethearts chocolate they've made themselves." She turned around and gave the shrine a cursory glance, her mood deflating a little as she thought about what she'd said. "We don't have any here. I don't think Suwako or Kanako know about it either..."
"But anyhow," she went on, "next month on White Day, those you gave chocolate, especially the boys, are expected to give chocolate in return."
"I dunno, that seems like a net loss if ya ask me," Marisa says. "So ya gotta give chocolate to begin with. You don't even get to eat it. And then if someone goes and gives you chocolate, ya gotta give some back later." She counts the total chocolate on her fingers as she speaks.
"The chocolate itself's not really the point..." She tries to reason with the witch, but Marisa was having none of it.
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is Marisa x Mimi-chan a thing????
Amazing, thanks
Imagine the SEX
"Never mind, I don't think I want anything to do with this so-called chocolatey romance." She turns and heads toward the shrine's exit. Reimu and Sanae sigh in accidental unison. The red shrine maiden follows her friend out, while the green one prepares to tend to her slumbering frog goddess.
Outside the shrine, Reimu finds her friend waiting for her. She's holding something in front of her. As the snow crunches beneath Reimu's feet, Marisa swiftly turns around, shifting the object behind her back to hide it.
"Well Reimu, I hope you've figured out just how important this day is." She says, smiling slyly.
"But you just said you wanted no part of it," Reimu raises an eyebrow at her strange witch companion, already regretting left the relatively warm shrine to once again stick her nose into the chilling winter air.
"Chocolate is always important. That's why I got this for you." Marisa thrusts the object she had ahold of into the shrine maiden's arms. It's a small, wrapped package. Reimu turns it over in her hands, unable to read the letters.
"What is it?" She asked.
"It's chocolate. I swiped it from Alice's pantry. I think she said it was 'Van Houten' brand.'"
Reimu peeled open the wrapper, finding the stiff candy bar to be separated into several rectangular pieces. She handed a piece to her friend, and they took a bite together, in the snow.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Marisa."
this story wasn't written by me, an anonymous wrote it about 6 years ago

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