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Last >>47177541

Honorary Alice thread

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
/egg/bros... this is turning into a megaten general... I don't feel so good...
Alice. Alice!? Who the fuck is Alice!?
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Which Alice is your Alice?
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I'll take more megaten autism over eceleb autism or that one hyperbolical sperg.
Huh funny, this is also the first one I noticed so I guess she is the real Alice.
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THIS alice.
Ecelebs? Can we really call the people that work on these games for free btw that?
All Alice are the real Alice. What a silly question.
I don't care about dev drama. I just want to have sex with Eiki.
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Good ways of making my summoner get lots of learning gems?
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Will Eiki want to have sex with you anon?
Is there anything wrong with having your party and demon storage consist of Alice?
Yeah, not enough Alice.
SMT3 nocturne went on sale as expected
when I get a weird fetish from starting this franchise this I'm blaming (You)
Schizo youtube essay about era games when?
Be the change you want to see.
I did find a guy doing a megaten playthrough on youtube once, I couldn't bring myself to watch it though.
I've never minded megaten posting lately, but finding 420 new posts on the last thread and having to skip 90% of them is starting to get a little tiring.
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I'm going to play this game again, just for her
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This is my Alice. There are many like her, but this one is mine.
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I can't accept the fact that black souls 2 is a better game than just about every single game released so far in 2024. It's insane.
For me it’s remilia. There is this one artist on pixiv that draws her very well into sensual situations
Please, Remilia is so lacking in sex appeal that even fairies do better than her.
Last thread died quicker than usual because a stalker had a bitch fit about eggs and Sleigh.
His posts got deleted, so those weren't the ones which got the thread to bump limit. There was some discussion about eggs indeed, but it was like a fifth of the thread's posts at most.
Have fun with your new bug fetish anon. It's a fun game.
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You do not see the vision
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Miko dialogue set where she talks like a stereotypical cultivator when
Miko is only in the single shimapan realm. She wouldn't be able to handle the PC, who is approaching the double bear pantsu realm.
I want to alice
I had too much sex with eiki and now I can only get off by cheating on her
The PC would get creamed by Lily White, who has already ascended to the drawers realm.
Man, maybe I should try and fuck her after all.
He has eyes, but he cannot see spring.
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It's already too late, you'll miss out on the explosion.
If I start now, how long would it take to get her?
Technically not that long but it's gonna take you a bit due to the convoluted fusion unlock.
Are people still working on FGO-K?
Why can't I water my crops in the kitchen garden? It tells me I need to fetch water first, even though I already did.
Is it raining?
Nope. No matter what weather it is, the game won't let me water my crops
Is it a new game? You might need the sprinklers or something from the human village shop.
In eraMegaten? You have to unlock Shinjuku, choose the Law route there, do the subsequent dungeons until you unlock Roppongi, clear it, go back, beat Nebiros and/or Belial, go back again with Nebiros or Belial in your party to resurrect Alice, unlock the fusion, and then fuse Lilim and Pixie (except they also have to be level 35 or above)
What water did you collect? I don't think it matters but you never know.
I have no idea who any of those people are
>he's never played smt1
Metagen is my first SMT game, I never even played Persona
So far I've tried with the water from the public well in the human village and the sacred water from youkai mountain, neither of which worked.
I read on the wiki that you can get sprinklers from Nitori, but when I check her stock she isn't selling them. Do I need to improve my relationship with her first?
It's called "Pool" or something iirc
Yeah protip, look up a gamefaqs guide or youtube video from the dungeon and game for a dungeon you're stuck in.
Since this is a fan game plot elements and dungeon gimmicks tend to get remixed for the dungeons.
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Huh? I don't remember picking options that would make Macca worthless. Why can't I buy Macca for 0 yen, too?
it's a visual glitch, it does actually exchange it
Sounds like shit code.
Congratulations anon, you saved the world and cast the demons out of the realms of man.
Oh yeah, definitely a visual bug. Clicking the 1mil yen makes it 'trade 20000 macca for 0 yen', but it does add the 1million yen. Did the JP side change something in the Macca Exchange that broke the exchange rate or something? I'm pretty sure I left the Macca exchange rate at Fixed back when I started this NG+ cycle.
It goes to show just how much a dedicated developer and writer with a solid head on his shoulds can do.
You need to get the pool from nitori then you need to get the upgrade (also from nitori's shop but a different menu).
This lets you water your plants without the need to get water first.
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I'm actually surprised we don't have some Pascal content, like Angel and Chefei.
...It's because you can't turn Pascal into a girl isn't it.

When was it last updated?


>choose the Law route there
Nta but SHITE.
I think the actual problem is that you can't really have Pascal's gimmick of early fusasble demon that you reunite with later work due to how the game works.
Like maybe it could just be an early event that gets you the dog and a follow up event that turns him to cerberus after a fall state.
Obviously, I talked more about an evolving demon.
Give me the Nip lore. What actually is the difference the difference between Kitsune and Youko?
Technically pascal is in the game via the SMT1 protagonist bonus boss fight. But you don't get him afterward.
The last update was in February.
That's bittersweet, I can live with that.

That's good right?
Chiyo, Lilim and Yuriko can evolve as well, off the top of my head.

Yeah. That's on track for scenario writing. Dude finished pretty fast the first time around too, even considering he had source material to draw upon.
Can you even beat that fight?
Still haven't found Yuriko. And I dunno or forgot who Chiyo is.
Jack Frost can also evolve into King Frost.

>Yeah. That's on track for scenario writing. Dude finished pretty fast the first time around too, even considering he had source material to draw upon
That's good, very good. The sooner it'll be finished, the sooner it'll be translated.
I hope.
One's the general word for fox, the other is specifically for youkai foxes.
I've done so. It's a strong fight but ultimately there isn't much in the way of gimmicks so you just have to be stronger. The biggest issue is how fast everything is and the hero having priority on top of that for his status bullets but if you can deal with that and slowly grind them down it's doable. Gotta make sure to kill pascal fast, then lakshimi because they pack samarecarm and mediaharan respectively. Then it's a standard fight more or less.
What do you get for beating them?
Have a good team, be immune to ailments, kill the healers. It's a tough but simple fight.

He's giving me the same vibes as Red in Pokemone GSC. Except much harder.
He's standing. Alone. There. text is in japanese and you can fight him and have your anus rearanged if not prepared.


Which is sad

I guess you can get Mara's portrait if you don't have it?
Yuriko is from ichigaya if you don't fight goto, Chiyo is that nekomata that joins you from that one request where you fight the student council. Chiyo is rather nice since she is one of those demons that doesn't use any stock to lug around and naturally learns some utility spells. I use her as my go to HM slave demon.
Bragging rights.
>Yuriko is from ichigaya if you don't fight goto
Well shit, I killed Goto. Funny thing is that I killed AFTER doing the Bastillia.

>Chiyo is that nekomata that joins you from that one request where you fight the student council
I have no idea where that is.

>I use her as my go to HM slave demon.
What, you put Autos on her? Her res must be great.
I started up SMT3 and there was this guy giving his whole chuuni monologue about how the world never learns from its mistakes and needs to be purified and how sad it is he has to kill me but then the teacher was like "nuh uh" and then he was like "grr whatever" and then he spun around in his chair and waited for us to leave

is the franchise always this funny? I don't think I can handle this. My belly hurts from laughing.
>chuuni monologue
You just shit talked and ruined literally one of the best characters.

Fucken based.
I put things like estoma, liftoma, amrita, and mediaharan on her. Basically she is my field healer and utility spell slave. All her stat points go into magic for more MP and she never actually sees combat.
He is pretty retarded
He's probably the smarted character in the game, baring the child who is totally just a child.
I've seen like 6 characters and so far he is the 3rd best dressed.
Also I think the world just ended and I'm being groomed by my teacher and some guy asked to look at my heart then said I have zero reason
honestly 10/10 so far
His hair is weird too.

>and I'm being groomed by my teacher and some guy
Oh you poor sweet summer child, if only you know the person that ISN'T actively trying to groom you.
He needs to the depressed teacher, who definitely doesn't want to fuck you, to cooperate with his plans, so he can't just dismiss her emotions and grooming investment by killing you. The funny thing is that he was right. Killing you as a "just in case" measure was edgy as fuck, but the random teenage student he lets go actually does go on to become the biggest obstacle to him through circumstance.
Only if you choose the bad ends and don't join him.
Reason of CHAOS is a good ending though. With his.
>Lunasa has a request for you
>Deliver a letter to Kyouko
>Kyouko has a request for you
>Deliver a letter to Lunasa
Cute penpals!
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>Someone has been reading too many Wriggle/Yuuka /ss/ doujins
>too many
They should just fucking kiss already instead of using you like a mailman.
In terms of era, is it possible to add a trait that causes the character to be deleted if a condition is met?

While doing a mindless Isora loyalty grind, my mind drifted to what sort of games which could be drawn from for both human and demon characters to insert into eraMegaten as a collab. I started thinking of Ragnarok Online of all things, and was thinking about the humanoid monsters when I thought of the Sohee.

The Sohee is pretty much a virgin ghost girl who, depending on whether you go by RO1 or RO2 lore, either hates things because they never experienced true love before they died, or because though she had a fiancee, she committed suicide when her fiancee was drafted to a war and came back as a corpse.

The Sohee always carries a 'chastity knife' in which they are supposed to use to kill themselves if they're in danger of getting raped. If brought into eraMegaten, would it be possible to make it so that if you either Violated or tried to Train them when they haven't achieved Affection (or has less than x Loyalty if you have Untrained Fall turned off), they would kill themselves? Given that it's the Megaten world, (You) could just revive them using a Revival Bead or similar, but if you choose to revive them even after being warned they'd kill themselves, instead of being deleted, they receive the [Broken] trait instead.
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Took me three tries to beat Shekinah, but officially finished the Tower of Confinement route
What a fun route final boss (even if she was hard as nails)
How do you get past the third nomos?
Stuck on the dungeon or the boss?
Dungeon. I think I'm hilariously overleved and running around, autoing shit and making no progress is melting my mind
In the final section of one-way doors that's inside the darkness tiles, if you've reached that, the entrance to the boss room is all the way down
as for Druj herself the fight is a huge DPS check. Just make sure you have someone who can kill her add-ons faster than she can shit them out. Also be careful of Fly. There's also the Affectionate Counter she has that activates whenever you hit her add-ons.
>10 damage WEAKNESS

Did you do Alex's request?
Oh and don't forget the Tyrant treasury, in case you forgot.
>At NG+, pick 'Keep, but reset all sex experience
>It also removes Singing and Waitress exp

I know it just initialises those stats to CSV values, but I feel like it shouldn't touch those stats. 'Reset all training attributes' also remove Cooking and Singing Levels as well, which is rather annoying. I mainly want to reset them to remove Desire levels just so that they won't get horny so quickly in the middle of dungeon crawling and start acting up.
>just so that they won't get horny so quickly in the middle of dungeon crawling and start acting up.
Why would you enable that option?
>>10 damage WEAKNESS
It's her gimmick on her final phase. Actual damage gets severy reduced but she's extremely weak to Devil Co-Op
>Did you do Alex's request?
Saving it for another run
>Oh and don't forget the Tyrant treasury, in case you forgot
Yeah, I got that
forgot to equip the almighty bullets for Zurvan tho, but I already had enough sources of Almighty damage anyways
>It's her gimmick on her final phase. Actual damage gets severy reduced but she's extremely weak to Devil Co-Op
Ah, same as her game, that was such a pain in the ass.
The japanese VA made it so much better though.

>Saving it for another run
But why tho?

>Yeah, I got that
Coooool. I almost forgot about it.

Personally, I'm trying to find where Ahura Mazda is in the Compendium.
The Megaten world is dangerous, but the eraMegaten world is especially dangerous, especially now that there's also combat sex. I normally play eraMegaten like as if I'm going for a virgin clear in an eroge. It also makes certain grinds, like the good old Isora blender, less monotonous because I have to react to the pink VIOLATE warning lest my girls (and occasional boy) gets manta ray'd
>Ah, same as her game, that was such a pain in the ass
She also has the weakness-changing mechanic except it's the resistances of the previous ToC bosses
>But why tho?
Because I may have misunderstood the wiki and thought Alex's request locked you out of the ToC ending
>Because I may have misunderstood the wiki and thought Alex's request locked you out of the ToC ending
Well good luck redoing the same dungeon.
Oh it was a great dungeon, but doing the same circle a few times killed my drive a bit.
Sounds like you are a masochist.
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Holy fuck bro ported YMAEM code without realizing
>update to see the update
>BoF5 content is there
>*notice Emuera-clip*
What is a Emuera-clip? It is telling me I need to Install .NET Desktop Runtime for it...
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I can't tell by face alone so I have to fuck them all, because that's the only way I can truly recognize *her* by a proven method, if you catch my drift.
None of them.
*use Mahamon stone*
Every time this guy appears with the same question, I have to crush his hopes, his dreams, and his balls.
MF legit plays old version, probably the abandoned dev fork, and then wonders why half the shit's not working.
Holy shit 23/08?!
Will I enjoy TW and K if I am not really familiar with Touhou? I remember playing that one game with UFOs and some Labyrinth of Touhou but I can't remember the details. Is there a lot of easter eggs and references which will go over my head?

I am pretty sure you can do it without the custom trait. Variables and switches are a thing. Maybe you would need to make her a "human" character to make it work properly.

The future is now old man. We are now in EmuEraDotNet era. Japanese branch had an update a week ago with a shit load of UI changes and QoL too.
no, its main draw is your attraction to the girls
probably yeah, its an actual game at its core but with fucking/raping touhous on the side, or dating if that's your thing
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>The future is now old man. We are now in EmuEraDotNet era. Japanese branch had an update a week ago with a shit load of UI changes and QoL too.
>*I'll have to use another runner*
Oh no.
>*I might lose my saves*
Oh no.
>*I will not be able to use debug mode and so, no more debug commands*
Oh no
>*I will not be able to save when I want*
Oh nooooooooooo. (No I don't care about that plugin that allow me to save everywhere at the cost of COMP space, the ability to save everywhere in case my compute glitch the fuck out is too important)

I thouht it was not finished and was more of a proof of concept that would need years to be good?
Ignore the sperg, TW is a great game to get accustomed to 2hus, even for newbies who know jack shit about them.
>learn about 2hus entirely through fanfic OCs
Sure that's one way I guess.
I see your ban ended. A pity.
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I'm not who you think I am, sorry bro
I just think a dating sim isn't a great place to start for someone not particularly interested in the characters
Either way, you're an idiot. A dating sim is the perfect place for someone not interested in the characters to become interested in the characters.
Saves from normal version are compatible with eraMegatenP, or you can just keep playing the normal one.
It will take like a year to get this fork/launcher/extender thing to work properly because despite of it being convenient and efficient it is also pretty buggy and volatile. Like, specific character getting a specific skill can brick the game and some variables refuse to work. It is getting patched pretty quickly but every patch introduces other bugs in classy eraMegaten fashion.
Shit where did I put that picture of wild chicken vs raised chicken.

So don't use it, until it's actually good to go, good to know.
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Can't fucking wait.
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I'm still waiting for the lazy TW contributors to add eggs and a mechanic where I can get my tongue extended, so I can directly slurp Sakuya's ovaries with it.
Nta but do you have ANY IDEAS how much work it would take, discounting the coding?
I'm well aware that whatever sick fuck who would actually take this suggestion to heart and set out to make it, would probably have to fight pedy to the death before even writing a single line of code for it.
It's completely feasible. I'm tired of people acting like anything moderately complex is out of the question for TW.
However, I won't do it because I'm not into that shit. Sorry.
>would probably have to fight pedy to the death
just make your own branch
it's that easy
Yeah but we are talking, on paper, of adding a new mechanic, with new reactions, with new consequences, for each characters. And if that's the guy just want to make one. He could easily just make long tongue, long long tongue, EXTRA THICC tongue, or reprehensible tongue
Rest in fucking pepeloni to the guy who does that.

I don't know jack about Era, except it jank and you need to type the codes multiple times apparently.
Egg update wont matter until all the tengu and kutaka get translated anyway. Though Mystia could definitely make me custom omelettes.
The initial suggestion is still active on that branch, so it's only because of the lack of manpower that it hasn't been added yet.
I wish Suwacky Frogger had more tongueplay lines.
The man who translates Aya will be crowned king of omelettes.
>I wish Suwacky Frogger had more tongueplay lines.

Me too.
Alright, just did "Like a Burroughs" event and got NAVI functionally added to party setup. So what exactly does this do? Is like SMT V thing where I can free stuff off the ground, or is similar to SMT 4 where I'll get warnings when I'm about to encounter a strong demon?
It apparently does nothing.
It is just additional battle quotes like in Persona 3-4-5.
And only a few characters even have unique navigator chatter in the game. Except for Fuuka, Rise and Futaba I remember Sphinx having one and... that is it? I think there was also some other girl who gets an ASCII art, giving you thumbs ups when you trigger co-op.
Junna (from Revue Starlight) also has navigator dialogue. (Fully translated too.)
Hello anons. I'm curious about these option. What option is the most bullshit one? I know skill creation is pretty high on the list.
Here I planed to ask this question just before starting my first NG+.
>It is just additional battle quotes like in Persona 3-4-5.
Well except in those games, they got skills to go with it.
Original skill is the most broken one (although you can just exercise restraint and make a normal-ish skill).
Dwarf Smithy is probably the second most broken if you mainly use humans, although it will take some effort to get all the materials.
The rest aren't that bad to be honest.
I wonder why Item Synthesis was turned off dy default in the first place. Yes, it has bullshit Level 75+ weapons but it also includes Zoma exclusive weapons, item lottery and armor sets.
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Okay, what do they do, exactly, in details, please?
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You guys better strap in for what's cooking right now lmao
How would you rank the character wearing nothing but denim so I can gauge your fashion sense?
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It seems that my prayers have been answered. Now, can I swallow these eggs whole?
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Might want to cool it with the non-era MT talk, you're scaring the (toe)hoes
It doesn't make sense to me. If youkai could make babies in any ways other than the human way, then there would be much more youkais.
Ignore the false idol. You will never have eggs.
now where's my Yamame clutch of 100-200 eggs
Anon, most youkai come from animals becoming youkai or myths and legends creating faith and fear.
Yes, and I'm saying that LOGICALLY, if they they birthed things in mass, there should be more youkais or hald-youkais.
Read nigger.
Susano'o literally came to be through wiping a nose.
BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY VILLAGERS ARE COWARDS WHO RESIST THE ALLURE OF THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT. And outsiders make the mistake of not making it to the shrine or village in time.
Is the player potentially a yokai?
Fucking idiots.
So I just discovered that having your MC over level 100 allowed you to do one additional Exploring. Nice.

Additionally, can someone explain all of this >>47198246?
Honestly yeah, not even counting the hourai elixir path, the shit your doing + your powers would absolutely lead you to losing your humanity... Eventually.
Multi pregnancy and egg laying in TW, what do you not get?
Wait, wrong pic, I meant >>47197866
Damn I suck.
So... how is this going to work with edible eggs Kutaka is supposed to give you?
Unfertilized "period" is okay with me but eating an egg that was "laid shortly after conception" is going way too far.
It's all an elaborate shitpost, eggs aren't being added to the game, nobody wants them, nobody is working on it, and fuck you that's why.
I see. Thank for explaining to me, anons. I guess training bonus, heritage bonus and item synthesis are good for me.
Item synthesis seems to unlock some cool armor like the prototype vest that's good for level 1.
Training bonus is power up for training and loving girls.
Heritage bonus is for having children.
You can see their effect with the option below.
I love /EGG/
This doesn't explain a whole lot.
Why can't the fucking Light/Dark stone be used on the MC.
All hail Opantsu-sama
>Kutaka getting translated
Her dialogue is shit, she's getting a new writer altogether
I love it
How much fights does it take to go from Light to Dark with the accesory?
Tried to do that, took took much time, tried debug mode, it reset to it's normal value, so now I'm trying the fighting.
Just pay the charity tax
I'm in a dungeon.
Get out of the dungeon or equip the ring of secrets if you're at Light and beat some asses
Anon I just...
I just asked that question there >>47199095
Try paying the dark charity then, if that don't work then I fear you're permanently light
>tsukasa has an event for if she's a futa and you're either a girl or a futa where she gets an onahole modelled after your character to try and get better at sex
how many fucking variations does this slutty fox bitch have
Not enough
Does her futa self has an onahole of the player's anus? If not, I'd be surprised. Her writer is an autist.
What other character have they wrote?
Hatate, I think? Hes legit wrote a tenth or more of the total dialogue in the game.
You did not answer the question
I'm not permanently Light, otherwise I wouldn't ask. And I just checked to be sure.
Yeah, Hatate. >50000 lines so far.
Jesus fucking christ if only Aya had a fifth of that.
The power of the human spirit.
People meme about it because they don't like Tsukasa and that the author does some annoying things (overspams moans) but that guy's autism is something to behold. I'm jealous. Dude probably has a 9-5 and still manages to fuckin' Charles Xavier mindpulse me with how much cum he plasters his keyboard with.
Oh fuck it, give me the debug command.
And afaik over half of the cuckshit
Funnily enough, he didn't write Toyohime, Yuuma, either Satono or Mai, et cetera. In fact, Hatate's is specifically roleplay only.
I thought he was responsible for Toyohime, Yuuma and Doremy too?
Sushi [すし] and Doremy Anon are separate people; the page doesn't list the author of Toyohime, Yuuma, Satono, or Mai for some reason. I'd have to check in-game.
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It's my first time hearing about this feature so I didn't plan for it yet, I already explained the full scope of my egg-laying mechanic for Kutaka.

If this really is a new feature that's being worked on, then I guess the only difference from >>47188368 is that her pregnancy doesn't get overriden by a normal human pregnancy anymore, and instead she will just lay a bigger egg next week or something that will take several months to hatch, though I guess I'd also have to work on different behaviours and dialogue for her taking care of the egg and whatnot... I honestly don't really like this feature.

>Unfertilized "period" is okay with me but eating an egg that was "laid shortly after conception" is going way too far.
I agree, don't worry, you're not gonna be able to eat a fertilized egg.
>I agree, don't worry, you're not gonna be able to eat a fertilized egg.
But can I fuck it?
It's not getting added, and you arent't working on anything either.
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>and you arent't working on anything either
You'd be able to caress it, at most (like you would a pregnant belly)
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Damn, what a shame. I guess we'll just have to stick to fantasizing about eggs here.
gives us a glimpse anone!
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More specifically

In the comment section
ABL:キャラクター登録番号:属性LC = 1


Or in Google translation, it's saying that ABL:0:属性LC = 1 or ABL:0:属性LD = 1 ((1 Law/Light, 2 Neutral, and 3 Chaos/Dark)), wouldn't work because it will come back to it's original value, you need to add a value to make it stick,
170 to 255 being Light/Law, 84 to 170 being Neutral, and 83 to 0 being Dark/Chaos.
Except it doesn't work.

I swear to God, once I'll get a proper view on the items and how they work, I'll make accessories that lock the MC's to one. fucking Christ. How fucking retarded it is to NOT make the stones work on the MC?
Come on bruh, you should be able to recognize which desperate shitposter that is by now.
Toyohime credits:
>作者:<TWドレミー口上作者> (TW Doremy dialogue author)
Mai & Satono credits:
>作者:■■あき, 改変者:raine (Author: ■■aki, Modification: raine)
Yuuma credits:
>; 作者:すし(小町・はたて・メディスン・典口上作者)(Sushi: Komachi, Hatate, Medicine, Tsukasa dialogue author)
Made in Heaven is broken. I'm behind by several months and didn't want to spam sleeping pills to bite the dust in preparation for the new update supposedly around the corner arrives.
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sure, here's some bits of dialogue, I don't like posting too much though, I like surprises
You have no bitches.
It's a debug command to jump time, but it's broken. Fix it anon devs. Please?
4th line
>...if I took time any more time off than I do!
That first "time" is unnecessary.
Gotcha. Didn't even knew it existed.
I though King Crimson was all there was.
ESLs should be banished from the community.
it's not just unnecessary, it's a typo that I missed, thank you for pointing it out
Sloppy code makes me angry.
The whole line is a bit awkward, actually. It feels like it's cut off halfway through.
'than I do now!' maybe, or knowing Eiki, just change it to 'taking any time off at all!'
That's just a flanderization that even Eiki's own dialogue goes against.
Just add an "already" at the end of that sentence and it sounds more natural.
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>or knowing Eiki, just change it to 'taking any time off at all
come on now, surely a virtuous yama such as herself cares a little more than that about the well-being of her subordinates?
I need Eiki to cleanse my sinful cock with her pristine bowels.
Writers/coders make mistakes or typos, and nice Anons are pointing them out helpfully, politely, with the writers/coders respond in kind.
All in all, what a community should be.
A real coder wouldn't need correction. Get on my level, simpletons.
A real coder just does coding.
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noted, thank you

>Just add an "already" at the end of that sentence and it sounds more natural.
I like this, "than I already do!" makes it sound a lot more natural, you're right.

Anons don't worry about any typos, it's a work-in-progress for a reason, I'll see to it with the help of /egg/ that it's perfect by the time it gets released, my chickenhu deserves no less.
Only one dev knows how to code, and none of you are competent enough to be him.
What a nice insult to throw at everyone in there.
This is good for the most part, anone.
This is genuinely amazing to me.
said dev is also a ruskie, and you wouldn't pay me enough to be one
better than nigga man's for sure
>3 lines of ESL dialogue
>better than anything
Who? The one that also tried to make the sequel?
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My dick
>you fucked her so good and so nicely she doesn't stay with Remiel
>She joins with D/C
The wiki did NOT mention that part.
This worked, thank you.
I only just started playing TW earlier this week. If game-eng-dev is that deprecated, then should I switch to Anon's fork? I'm not interested in the Pops fork and I've heard Pedy's fork has malware in it.
Not enough bestiality content in eramegaten
Does fucking a bug count?
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Only when ovoviviparity with detailed descriptions of maggots is involved
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>Lv 75
I thought it'd be higher
My Megaten character keeps cumming themselves into a fucking stupor every fight. This is making the later ones rather difficult. How the hell do I fix this?
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Dicked, Dark'd, Chaos'd. My fucking dick. This is why I play the game for!
People need to put an Evil Amane portrait based on her clones from the original game.

Yeah me too. Vishnu was better, and I fully expect the fusion between him and Shiva to be lower leveled.

If only someone were to continue the questline
I mean, I'm full stamina and willpower. It's just that it's a countdown until my 'GOOD' status changes to one with a heart and progressively purple, which leads me to get Charm + Happy. Can't tell what I've done for this to keep happening.
Pedy's fork doesn't have malware, that was a one-off from more than a year ago when Pedy was feuding with Pops. However, it does have fewer characters and less dialogue than AnonTW.
... I forgot to take the Tentacle Suit off. Didn't know that affected combat.
It also has superior code.
Why are you wearing the Tentacle Suit
What exactly IS summoner level? I know the rec is devil summoner because they start out at level 5, but adepts can get it to level 3 and I think I like their combat options more.
Why are you wearing the Tentacle Suit?
Do you think I go to the grocery story ironically too?
Why do you go to the grocery story?
For the narratives that're on sale.
Lower Summoner Level locks out some COMP-related options iirc
It's about using the COMP. With a character having Summoner 5, you can fully use everything the COMP has to offer, with a lower level, you can't.
How important are those high level comp thingies to a bumbling new player?
You need Summoner 3 for the most important COMP program Hyakutoro which is used for enemy ambush cancelling (don't even try mid- and lategame without it). Summoner 5 allows you to fuse two demons mid dungeon. Harmonizer is the other cool program which buffs humans' battle formula calculations and for its full power you need a couple of people in a party with combined level of like Summoner 8.
Summoners level also should affect Skill Emulator slots but don't know the details.
Very important. At Summoner 1, you can just summon demon, at 2 you can use some software and programs, I think at 3 you can use all of them. I don't think you would be able to even Analyze without a Summoner however how low level it is. >>47201076 has the right idea
In future playthroughs, you will be able to find better Summoners, specifically DeviColoMC who can do everything you or other Summoner 5 can, but better, with MP, skills, so you can get to the more fun classes.
MC Devil Summoner does have a slight edge if you can call it that, and it's Devil Summoner Auto-Skills: You gain these by making 5 demons of a certain race Fall. It's not really worth it imo. https://wiki.eragames.rip/index.php/EraMegaten/Classes/Devil_Summoner#Devil_Summoner_Auto-Skills
At 100, you gain Enduring Soul, and a Title.
Errr, good luck about that...
Since when Mr. Nandi can accuse you of cheating and sic Lv. 90 Lucifuge on you?
I think naru is starting to hodo, thanks. COMP is basically a pipboy+ben10's wristwatch and its power level is your party's overall summoner level?
>Summoners level also should affect Skill Emulator slots but don't know the details.
Lvl1 gets none. Lvl3+ gets 3.
Computer User is needed for more slots. It's tooltip says it does nothing if you're not at least Summoner lvl3. So I guess lvl 2 is identical to lvl1 and probably the same with lvl4 and 3.
Yes, it checks Summoner trait level for every active member of your party for combined party's Summoner level. If you don't play as Devil Summoner, you should always have one in your party like Tamaki, Mirai, Setsuna or Ayato for COMP programs, emulators and bullet link spells. I guess, you can buy Summoner 1 on a chargen if you play as any other class but Demon Summoner, so you can use basic programs and summon without Sabbatma but usually it is not worth it. There are a couple of Adepts with Summoner 3 like Mayone/Finnegan but they are for midgame recruiting.
Looking back at the Auto-Skills, it's fucking hilarious because who the fuck is gonna make 5 Hero Fall, one of the races you can't buy in the Compendium, let alone ONE. HUNDRED. Demons?
It's a completionist nightmare.

And DeviColoMC.
>who the fuck is gonna make 5 Hero Fall
Me, with the megucas
If you have Extra Events active, all the Madoka Magica Magical Girls are all considered Hero type. Unless it's a Hero type of its own category separate from the Devil Summoner Auto-skills pool? Been a while since I played proper Devil Summoner, since I'm just cycling through the classes with each NG+. I cheesed Takeshi class by achieving Idol end the very next day, because I'm not that huge a masochist
That took a while
>either be a pedo or a homo
The choice is easy.
But yeah, I don't know if they are considered Hero or not.
Good luck for things like Rumor tho.

Apparently, the "number" for DS's Auto-Skills are carried over in future NG+, and you can still make demons fall in playthrough when you aren't a DS, it's just the skills that are MC Devil Summoner only.

Any difference in dialogues?
>I don't know if they are considered Hero or not
They are, yeah.
The only madoka magica character who isn't a Hero or a Rumor is Devil Homura, who is a Tyrant
Based Homura.

Who is still a flatty.

And got a stronger form anyway.
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My bad, google translator screwed up. I am sorry for talking shit about you, Mr Nandi.
I opened the game's file to look at it and the real thing is even funnier. If you play Nandi's high risk game the demon IRS would show up.
It has its own intro, in that (You) are pretty much a hikkimori NEET who one day saw a thread on a bulletin board you go to about 'eramegaten', and then seeing that it had absolutely 0 downloads, (You) decided to download and install 'eramegaten.7z' because just like (You)rself, since everyone's ignoring the eramegaten thread, it's bound to disappear forever when more threads get posted in the bulletin board.

And when you install eramegaten.7z, who greets (You) but Mayone? Except at first (You) thought it was some pretty advanced real-life interaction built-in to the software, until 'a woman' grabs (You) from behind and simply asks (You) to 'submit or die'.

Turns out, your mom is the one who organised this all to happen, and despite Mayone thinking that you are absolute trash that should just be disposed of, (You)r mom still has some hope for (You). As Mayone actually listens to what your mom says, maybe your mom is actually someone high up in the Phantom Society as well, or maybe even Mayone has some tiny sense of pity (for your mom, not (You))? In any case, you just immediately start right there. You don't get the choice of a female or male slave to start with, or the 150 macca, either. Just a Pixie that was dumped into (You)r safehouse with (You).

Oh, and a message from your mom asking you to do your best, even if you end up completely naked.

There's actually 3 kinds of Homura, and technically 3 kinds of Madoka, too. Pre-Magical Girl version, Magical Girl Version, and 'ascended' version (Devil Homura and Law of Cycles respectively)
What the fuck?
Does it have anything else too?

I thought there was Homura (glasses), Homura, Homura Devil, and Homura... What is it again?
Yes, Homulilly is a thing too.
Other than (You) having 500% weakness to every single element in the game, (You) cannot equip any equipment or use items, doing a normal attack costs you MP, and that if (You) die at any stage, even with Fallen demons around, it's game over? There's probably a bit more than that designed to hurt you, and I don't know if quest dialogue in general also has a little thing about (You) being a Takeshi or if they still call you a Devil Summoner. I highly doubt many would write a completely different set of dialogue for quests if they detected that (You) have the Fool class.

And I didn't want to find out. I already had Singing 10 and 300 Live EXP for the Idol Ending, but had missed out on it because I accidentally triggered another ending (Idol Ending is one of those non-inclusive endings), so simply sleeping to the next day allowed me to 'clear' it. Not that I got anything special for cheesing it that way.
Homura (regular), Homura (non-combatant), Homura (glasses), Homura (devil), and Homulilly
You can unironically make a full team of Homuras
Was it worth it?
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Please...send help.
It's been 18 hours.
Obviously I meant the other dialogues, but yeaaaaah...

I could have sworn there was some sort of Homura Evil God above Homura Devil.
Playing Metagen, where is a good place to grind in the beginning
What kind of name is Eglantine?
Looked through some dialog files for eraMegaten and some of those individual endings are all over the place:
>[Lust] Tomoko constantly trains her brother (Soul Hacker's MC) to mindbreak him to be your sex slave for that sweet threesome action
>[Lust] Fuuka turned whole school into underground sex cult Tsui no Sora/SubaHibi style
>One of DevilCo MC's ending has you becoming a NEET and poor DevilCo MC is forced to star in cheap porn to afford food but every actor there is incredibly bad in sex and she is seething because of that
>[Submission] Loli-Bael has you stealing her powers like Campione and building your own Tokyo Millenium with blackjack and hookers
>Mirai is weird and doesn't have any endings for some bizarre reason except for the [Broken] one where she kills you and then herself because she believes it is the only way to meet her mother
>Reiko's [Love] ending makes you inherit the Demon Emperor's title so you two start making your own domain in Expanse
What's a good set of characters to have with you along for defeating Polaris? My team keeps getting wiped by the Almighty damage and I'm not sure how to get around it.

Anywhere when you get strong enough to AUTO them to death. Sea Ark too.
There are individual endings in EraMegaten?

>all of them except Reiko
What the fuck.
During your very first run, anywhere where you can safely beat the encounters. Also the Sea Ark, every non-boss demon you fight gets added to the random encounter poll there and it persists through NG+s so it's perfect for grinding and getting quick fusion fodder
I know Belphegor and Cthulhu have them but dunno who else
How do you see them? By ending the game?
No idea, never got them
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Oh yeah, how do you get the fifth element demon?
Pls no joke about the movie.
One of the fusion converters, I forget exactly which.
Chibi Undine? Devil Children converter on a fusion that would result in Undine
>Devil Children converter on a fusion that would result in Undine
Damn, I missed it.
Lv.3 only gets 1. Lv.5 gets 3.
Seems like a noticeable amount of people picked it up recently so it only makes sense that there would be a lot of questions and discussion spawned from it. Megaten is far and away the most obtuse and difficult era game.
It's also the most unfun. Still no good guy route.
The moral thing to do is to enslave.
20XX neutral ending, you actually leave Phantom Society in that one
Neither of those options is the good guy route. I want to defeat the Phantom Society and save everyone.
There's nothing stopping you from modding something like that in
>just do it yourself lol
Thanks for nothing, dick.
Don't engage with him. It only makes him more annoying if you give him attention.
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Great! Now make Waggy, Suwako, and the kappa lay eggs too.
>nobody is allowed to express criticism of MegaTen's arbitrary constantly revised mechanics and bullshit gatelocked character paths
Why are you like this?
That sounds like a dumb thing to do honestly. You want to get rid of the organization that has a loose handle on a bunch of crazy people who can summon demons?
>arbitrary constantly revised mechanics
Got any examples?
>and bullshit gatelocked character paths
That's the whole point of NG+
I don't really get why egg laying is hot to me but it is. It's not like I'm attracted to girls giving birth, and it'd be weird on regular humans, but it's good on humanoids/monster girls
How would that save everyone? The Phantom Society may be an amoral criminal organization that wants to play puppet master, but it's still an organization that you can negotiate or barter with. Given the extremely shitty state of the world, destroying the Phantom Society couldn't possibly be a net benefit given how big a deterrent it is to other more openly malicious groups or random retards trying to dabble in demonology.
All of them?
So what's the best set for humans?
You just need whatever contract corresponds to the kind of End you want: Wife, Lewd Demon or Toy.
Most characters with individual endings lack Lewd Demon and Toy ends AFAIK, because the authors didn't feel like writing them.
it's the fact that it's something coming out of a pussy, but it's not as grotesque or gross as a baby, just a cute little egg
Holy shit /EGG/ is getting eggs.
I take it the constant revisions every other update don't count. The JP side removes fun from the game because it's "broken., and no, I do not want NG+. Relying on NG+ is a shit mechanic.
The Phantom Society is an evil organization which deserves to be destoryed. A new organized, led by me, will replace it, and will usher in a new order unburned by evil. The destruction of humanity is preferable to letting evil reign.
>I do not want NG+. Relying on NG+ is a shit mechanic
What part of NG+ do you not like?
>The Phantom Society is an evil organization which deserves to be destoryed
Yatagarusu please go and stay go.
Any decent game allows you and the allies you've amassed to overcome the odds in a single run. I dont want to slave away like a desk job peon swindled into doing things I don't want to do, I want to embrace the absurdity of life and rage against the heavens.
Only a coward lives to fight another day.
All of you are just going to dimiss this as the ramblings of a mad man, but it isn't fun to have one's agency taken away and to be pigeon-holed in a series of set paths with little to no meaningful "good" ends available. Make it nigh impossible if you must, but to have stuff be impossible takes away from the experience.
Humanity is all about overcoming the odds, breaking ourselves mentally and physically, to achieve that which we desire most.
Even if it fails, the journey is what it's all about, baby. Suffer not the unredeemed to live. Make reality your bitch and pave your mark into it forevermore.
That's what I find fun. A challenge, not a "Sorry Dave, I can't let you do that, here, be content with mediocrity." The player should never be railroaded into set paths; give incentives to bend the knee, sure, but allow the player to spurn submission.
>The Phantom Society is defeated and replaced by an a new demon-using organization that is far more destructive and harmful than they ever while hiding behind the guise of justice

I'm genuinely down. That could be an interesting plot if you wrote it well. It'd be an absurdly large undertaking though.
>The destruction of humanity is preferable to letting evil reign
I want an entire original /egg/ based route in the game and I want this anon to be the story's Lawfag.
The thing is because of how the alignment system works you physically can't do everything in a single run. In regular SMT games if you go Law you don't get access to Chaos content, and viceversa. Since this is a porn version of SMT, the same principle applies. NG+ exists both in SMT and eraMegaten as a way for you to get to experience everything while working under the alignment system. Specially since it's not a complete clean start and you get to keep stuff from previous runs.
What stage of autism is this?
The alignment system, as currently implemented, is stupid. No matter what you do, people perceive you as evil by virtue of you being forced to work for the Phantom Society. The best we do-gooders get is "you don't seem to be the type of person whod get involved with them" (paraphrased of course.) I have significantly more problems with being forced to lick boots than the alignment system, however. In an ideal world, we could reject the alignment, but I understand that's unrealistic.
However, that doesn't mean it's unrealistic to hope for a route for the player to play the game where they aren't a peon for the Phantom Society.
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>In an ideal world, we could reject the alignment, but I understand that's unrealistic.
Oh man, you are going to LOVE Strange Journey's Law ending.
Actual love or are you being sarcastic and it's something I'd actually hate?
Am I a fool to only have N/N demons?
Depends, post team
You'll actually like it.
distributing stats in eramegaten is stressful. it often feels really difficult to tell what a unit's role in the party should be.

like with mari; the game tells me she's an adept, but i don't even know what kind of adept she is. am i meant to just be bumbling around until i brute force learning through experience? their level up skills are also basically a black box to me.
Long story short: Str helps you with physical damage, Vit is physical defense, Int is magic defense, Mag is magic attack, Agi determines who goes first when everyone's throwing spells around, and Luc determines item drops and ailment chance. Usually the first skills of a character will tell you what their deal is going to be (specially with human characters, but a few couple demons may have initial skills that tell you something and their following learnset or stat distribution is something else entirely), in Mari's case she's a healer.
I know what the stats are and do, I just have no idea how to assign them at level-up. Is the only thing that suggests Mari's a healer her starting skills?
>I just have no idea how to assign them at level-up
For physical attackers I go all in on STR, VIT and AGI, with some points on INT or MAG for the extra MP.
For raw magic attackers I go for INT and MAG, and then either AGI or VIT as the third stat
Buffers and guys with Tetrakarn/Makarakarn and clones of those moves want a lot of MP and to be fast as fuck
LUC is really good if the character is running a crit-based or ailment-based build
>Is the only thing that suggests Mari's a healer her starting skills?
A lot of human characters follow the "I get stronger versions of my starting skills as I level up" pattern, so they're not that hard to build. For demons the game sometimes throws you a curve ball but they aren't that hard to predict either since their starting statline is usually geared towards what they want
Also there's always MAG Enhancement if you feel like you fucked up and want to raise another stat (although it'll cost Magnetite to perform)
What is a good build for the main character?
Average summoner wants STR, VIT, and AGI as much as possible. pump some points into LUC for the ailment bullets.
you also need 10 INT to finish the Shrine Maiden Rescue's third event
A route that is all about getting free from it...
Is it normal that Human Characters get Fall State seemingly at random the next day? Sometime they do, sometime they just don't.

It really is. The fact that there's a difference between Demons and Humans is a pain in the anus.

You forgot to mention how Agi and Luc define how much damage a human character does with gun.

Unga bunga. Not even joking. STR, VIT, AGI. Play your cards right, and you could even do without VIT or AGI, making you focus even more on STR.
There is no IVA route currently so it could work
>Is it normal that Human Characters get Fall State seemingly at random the next day?
Do you have non-training fall state set to on?
Doesn't INT give greater ailment chance increase than LUC?
>There is no IVA route currently so it could work
It's what I mean, Dagda pop up and tell you "Yo, I heard you got shackles, I don't like shackles, you don't like shackles, wanna team up?", and then IVA scenario plays out.
Could be after IV's scenario when it's finished, I dunno.
>Do you have non-training fall state set to on?
Errr, yes? But I meant ALL fall state. Including Lewd, Affection and Love.
One moment nothing, the next BOOM.
Since Nanashi is in the Rag shop, you could realistically start it without the vanilla IV route. You buy Nanashi from the Rag shop, Dagda shows up looking for his Godslayer, what you posted happens, and then the IVA route starts.
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what exactly is that little incremental bar that goes up when a character maxes magic/loyalty?
Not too sure for MAG, might just be there for show, but for Loyalty it indicates your progress towards getting Affection on someone. Though it's only important if you have Trust Fall on.
If you're Loyalty grinding for it, once all 4 bars are lit up you can stop the grind.
how exactly does range work? i cannot for the life of me keep pixie alive. full party with her in the backrow and she got insta-merked by a zombie boy at full hp.
This would imply that Dagda lost his Godslayer, his big investment, his raison d'etre, a super duper special being, which is very unlikely.

Unless it's rewritten of course, but really, what CAN Nanashi bring to the table? He's like Flynn or Hibiki, not only would their presence into the plot would feel bad (I still wonder why Hibiki is there other than being a third wheel so that Daichi and Io can be there), but so would their builds since theirs are customized by the player.
PersonaMCs at least have their own Personas, no matter how much of a chore it is.
Demi-Fiend is flat out something given to you by DEFINITELYNOTLUCIFER.
It basically mean a full normal bar.
As long as your in the front row. Medium range attacks can hit both the front and back. Medium can only hit the front row if the user is in the back row.
Long range can hit anywhere at any position and Short range can only hit the front row as long as the user is also in the front row.
okay, i think i understand, thanks. the zombie boy is indeed short range, but my pixie got hit for 4x its max hp in one hit in the first dungeon by an overleveled common encounter during a common back attack. that anon wasn't joking about the anti-ambush comp program. the first dungeon has been a struggle. are any of the starter dungeons recommended over the other 3? I have been trying echo building & hatsudai shelter. i think zombie boys are more common in the latter. went with adept so no tutorial (after trying it once) & am starting out with three squishies
plap sleigh simple as
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>when NPC goober thinks he's a protagonist
It is Ending #4 and for it you need:
>have a contracted character
>pay 1 million to Phantom Society
>do it in 50 days
It is counted only once for NG+ bonuses and unfortunately a LOT of characters have placeholder individual endings where they just "...." at you and that is it, even if they have custom dialogue (like Lilith, Io, Alice, Mary and so on).
Finding good ending is also hard. Majority of them is some sort of sex scene. Or they are just meh, like Naoto's [Love] ending where you two open a detective agency or Pallas Athena's [Submission] where she proclaims that MC is going to dethrone Zeus.
should I send Fuuka back to SEES or enslave her?
If you take her, you will not get payed for finding her.
If you return her, Mitsuru will start wandering Tartarus for you to befriend or kidnap.
Fuuka is ok back row support with her og persona's. They have meh resistances but she can learn Healing Wave - a passive which heals your party after each battle. I think she also learns folklore for quicker analysis and third eye which significantly increases her critical chance. Don't forget that every persona user in this game works on P1-P2 logic (aka not being a scrub) so you can just give them additional personas suited for magic dps or front line. And don't you dare to lie to me, saying that you dont want Fuuka to demolish enemies with Yoshitsune's Hassou Tobi or shooting someone with a shotgun.
Fuuka makes for a fun physical attacker too hilariously enough since she gets Third Eye. Give her advice and some high crit rate attacks to go with it and she turns into a school shooter.
There's also Critical Zealot, which increases critical hit damage (at the cost of lowering your non-crit damage)
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Now that I think about it, most storyline endings end with you breaking away from them.

>The JP side removes fun from the game because it's "broken
It's also annoying how arbitrary they are about it.
Like, sure you can make Frost Five relatively fast you know how to do it, but Demi-Fiend who take much more time to build with the same res is a nono? What?
Then there's Gungnir. Rip Gungnir.
And it's really fucking jarring because I found an end game demon who res, null or deflected everything, and was only weak to Fire and Nuclear, so what the fuck?

>Relying on NG+ is a shit mechanic.
Not wrong. Someone should add a mod to stop that shit if you want.
Well people should add a mod for a lot of things, like unheritable for no reasons, becoming inheritable for NG+.
Yeah sure take this weapon that has absolutely nothing special and only serve as satisfiying the jew goblin within me, or worse, take the rings that give you Res to ONE element, that you buy with fucking macca. Why?

>Don't forget that every persona user in this game works on P1-P2 logic (aka not being a scrub) so you can just give them additional personas suited for magic dps or front line. And don't you dare to lie to me, saying that you dont want Fuuka to demolish enemies with Yoshitsune's Hassou Tobi or shooting someone with a shotgun.
Personally, I'd say it's "not being stuck in a shit game where everyone has retardation and political correctness" but yeah, one of the charm of EraMegaten is being able to build humans characters in way you mostly want.
You want to give a kalashnikov and a zweihander to Amane, and make her wear the Jesus Armor? Fuck yeah you can my brother.
Lolis, idols, nurses, highschoolers, teenagers, policemen, everyone can use the magic of DEMOCRACY.

(Reminder that Margaret got a special Yoshitsune)
Frost five has the unique gimmick where they instantly die if they take damage(and was and maybe still is bugged so they instantly die after you finish any fight). It's really not comparable.
>have a contracted character
>pay 1 million to Phantom Society
>do it in 50 days
You mean, Character END / Harem END? Yeah I missed the Individual Character part, how embarassing.

>It is counted only once for NG+ bonuses and unfortunately a LOT of characters have placeholder individual endings where they just "...." at you and that is it, even if they have custom dialogue (like Lilith, Io, Alice, Mary and so on).

>Finding good ending is also hard. Majority of them is some sort of sex scene. Or they are just meh, like Naoto's [Love] ending where you two open a detective agency or Pallas Athena's [Submission] where she proclaims that MC is going to dethrone Zeus.
Honestly good enough for me. I'm not asking for an essay or manifesto. Just something nice that is coherent with the character's past dialogues with some variation maybe depending on how they are.
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I thought their gimmicks was that they go insanely low HP and MP (which you can boost but that doesn't mean much since they are at 50s) so they instantly die from Almighty attacks? Like the original minus the HP and MP boosts.
That's what the wiki said anyway, if not. Hope left the room.
That doesn't really conflict with what I said, while I think almighty is the only part that is a scripted instant kill anything that can pierce through their nulls is almost certainly gonna kill them too thanks to their scripted 55hp. Not sure if the bug was ever fixed either as I haven't used them recently. Got sick of having to revive them every battle. I assume the script was doing something wonky with HP recalculation after every fight and kept making it go negative but I can't say for sure.
Wait what, why Str for what I presume to be a Devil Summoner Type A MC? I thought it used to be built around Gunslinger, aka Int/Vit/Agi with a good amount of Luk. Or did the class overhaul from a while ago make melee Devil Summoner more viable than your standard gun-using Summoner?
The beginning advice for eraMegaten is to kidnap Mirai Kaname in Harajuku. It's the safest option aside from having Raidou in the tutorial.
Melee for devil summoner is viable only if they have a custom sword for Successor and have the Harmonizer program.
For gunner devil summoner you need INT and AGI (which is used for damage from GUN command) and Luck for ailments from bullets.
For normal item user/skill emulator/frontline meat wall devil summoner you just need INT and END.
I guess you are right, but my point was "Okay his OP thing is fine, but not this?"
I'm shit at making points.
If the 55 HP/MP is truly scripted, then I wonder what the fuck they are smoking because even with the best HP/MP Boosters, they would still be fragile.
55+30% or 60% would harldy make them Flavors Destroyer of Worlds.
Now if you put Surge and Spring... nope! Still fragile and take up skill slots anyways.

Because you also want you MC to deal damage or various types of damage, so melee too, with Gunslinger Lv5 you'll be able to use every guns, at a lower level, and every ammos, so you virtually have all elemental damages on you.
The game is surprisingly lenient, so unlike say, Soul Hackers you don't need to be a wall hidden behind a wall of demons with END for days.
Just... go buy something to null STONE. Speaking from experience.

Of course if you want you can just go full on END and AGI. Nothing's wrong with that, and it won't stop you from triggering COOP.
It's why Gunslinger DS is imo, and I doubt I'm the only thinking it, the best. You can replace melee weapons and items, but you can't replace Gunslinger Lv5.
If you are not starting as Type-A summoner (the only one with Raidou tutorial) your first action is to go to Yahigashi Building. Kyouji would carry you and you can even evolve your starting Pixie there if she survives the first couple of battles. You can comfortably grind there for like level 13 and then go into Harajaku to get Setsuna/Mirai and Cool/Veil. Harajaku has terminal right at the start for saving and you can start getting other demons there like Harpy, Pixie and Petit Frost. It is slightly harder dungeon than Echo Building but at least you can save there and not lose your progress because of an ambush.
I applaud your vision, I really do. But the real question is "so what?". I don't think there's a single addition or creation that was done out of persistent nagging. Development or translations are done on a "volunteer does what he wants" basis. eraMegaten on English side has a very limited group of people who are consistent contributors. I can reliably say it's not happening unless you persuade them directly, go to japanese devs or you do it yourself.
Would it be nice for it to exist? Probably.
Would it be worth unpaid effort to code by oneself? You're the one invested and you don't seem to be trying, so why should others with their own projects?
If you're a complete noob it really is recommended to do type a summoner + tutorial for the easiest early game.
Outside of that your early options for 'cheesing' your first dungeon is either getting gacha demons to fill out your party, or basically cheating by making an op original skill.
Starting a new save and not playing an intended tutorial makes your early game pretty hard and boring. Thankfully, if you know how the game works you can snowball extremelly fast, like getting Petit Frost in Harajaku and evolving him into King Frost in a couple of dungeons or getting Mysterious Charm on a Day 4 for double daily dungeon exploration.
Also, some starting classes are just built differently. A lot of Adepts are going to suck until level 25+ but Shifters/Outsiders/Devil Hybrids can steamroll everything right from the start because they use demon's battle formulas.
I got the wildest heat stroke dream, EraMegaten recreating the entire first region of region of Pokemon, with the 151 Pokemons and arenas.

>or basically cheating by making an op original skill.
It will be an Almighty Death Skill, and I shall call it... BitchKill!

Tbf, your first run is always gonna be wonky and possible boring as you are starting to see how things work, and how you'll need to analyze demons.

>Also, some starting classes are just built differently. A lot of Adepts are going to suck until level 25+
A lot of them just plain suck lololololol.
>A lot of them just plain suck
Yeah. If you are not using Boxer, Dilletante or Gunner it is not going to be a good time. Magic classes are borked. Idol requires max singing skill to be viable and Detective and Armchair are pure support.
Let's not even talk about Tentacle User.

Tentacle User who got a trait for iself.
Tentacle User who apparently got entire scenes and tentacles uses on it's own.
Not the worst idea but there's only so many pokemon that people will consider fucking, gen 1 especially

Though I suppose you could replace them with monster girls/ moemon/ touhou puppets
Dilettante is still pretty okay for how versatile you can set it up, but it used to be much better prior to the class overhaul because you could get a Summoner Level 3 Adept with a whole bunch of other stuff. Now though it feels like Gunner is the most reliable, though Idol is pretty good if you have high Singing skills because of those row-wide elemental damage music skills, though not as broken as the Expert variant Diva. That said, max Cursed Palm Idol was real fun to play as since Frolic almost always guaranteed Charm on anything that doesn't have Mind at Null or Reflect resist, or specifically are immune to Charm (e.g. late-end bosses).

As for the magic classes, yeah. Demons are so much better at magic that even the other human magic characters are pretty much 'they're in my party because I like them' or needed for a quest chain. This especially with that Demons can get the benefit of those '+1 stat on level up' plugins makes even equipment not able to keep up with them, unless you change the formula in the options or you use Harmonizer. Though well, this is quite intended, I suppose, or else by Megaten lore humanity wouldn't be in such dire straits if they had both magical and technological superiority.
It was just a head stroke dream like I said, I didn't really think too much after it.

>but there's only so many pokemon that people will consider fucking, gen 1 especially
Anon please tell me you aren't fucking Jack Frost or Petit Frost or Jack Lantern.
Sometime I think the game need level 90 equips.
I'm not a hee ho-mosexual, so no
But I would fuck a nekomata
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Wel that's the same with Pokemon. Remember that in Era, most demons are demonlooking, not humanlooking.
A catwoman is fine, a cat isn't.
In the same vein I would a gardevoir, though it's more so because the concept of a pet wife does it for me and she looks vaguely human enough
There's nothing truly attractive about the design as seen by the fact almost all sexual depictions have to give her breasts and hips she doesn't actually have
Keep dreaming.
>scripted 55hp
Actually now that I'm thinking about it, why is it scripted? Why couldn't it have been just 55 base HP and be done with it? It's not like it's gonna rise up a lot.
Quick calculations
55+60(Spring)=88+30%(Surge)=114,something+10%(Bonus)=125,something. Are you telling me that between it's base level of 55 and 99, it would be too high?
That's three skill slot for the HP. Enduring Soul, Invegorate (Large) Maybe Mana Spring or Surge if you feel cheeky, and then you can put some actual skills.
Which would take time, but would never take away the fact that Frost Five has low HP.

I do not comprehend.
Let's get some ero trap dungeons into eraMegaten. A dungeon that's permanently in Full Moon, filled with traps that make your party members horny and 10-full enemies who attempt to Violate 90% of the time, and if you attempt to Talk to them, they will respond unlike what normally happens during Full Moon, but only ever requests for sex. Maybe even add in a Tentacle User variant of the dungeon, where (You) are the one running an ero trap dungeon and you can use it to Violate and capture random human enemies, though this costs (You) reputation and fame, even from the Phantom Society, because you're being too blatant about it and risk endangering the Phantom Society from not only the public but other organisations like the Messians and Gaeans you Violate and/or kidnap this way.
It really stuck to me. It's weird and after all, why not? We got Touhous.
Do not Mark my words, one day, you will see a Charizard who is specialized in Slash, Havoc, Fire, Wind,
Neutral to Slash, Pierce, Strike, Havoc. Null Fire, Wind, Force. Res Earth and Nuclear. Weak against Water, Ice, and Gravity. Or something. Holy shit my neurons

Something to add to the piles of ideas I guess.

You just said that it was a specific Dungeon. Why would characters care about this specific dungeon who is sexed all the time? Why would they even know about it?
Because in soul hackers it was that way.
We aren't in Soul Hacker.
What is the file for the endings?
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Are you sure about that? Because our boss is from soul hackers, we work for an organization that was in soul hackers, and you can fuck nemissa and eriko.
You as additions to EraMegaten? Sounds fine as niche to find additions, not that I care for that.
But as a stand-alone game? That sounds stupid, there's already more than enough pokemon fuck&dating games.

Otherwise I'm still looking for an excuse to do something or work with someone here as the previous project I tried to motivate up here sadly fell through, well, nothing like wasting another day in my life.
Because they're a gimmick demon with an extremely strong benefit that's counter balanced by a huge weakness.
It's not supposed to be a serious unit.

Okay, but can you fuck Erika while forcing Six to watch?
This is very important.
No reason you couldn't if you set one to assistant.
The common trigger is in ENDING.ERB, the text for the individual endings is in the characters' dialogue files.
I will now play your game.

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