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The NTR Queen...
Kys projecting retard.
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DAMN, this artist drew my wife so beautiful.
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She is so cute bros
A lot of other men think the same...
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Hard to think the opposite when she looks like this.
Not on my watch
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marrying the jaku
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This is her ultimate trick anon you don't realize it yet...
So her biggest trick is to give you a happy marriage, lots of children, and ultimately die by her side of old age; in other words, heaven on earth?
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Thats MY bride.
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It's not for everyone, but it's a good life.
A household of abuse, just look at those bruises on him.
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Not in my watch.
OP is straight
And then she betrays you, classic cheaty amanojaku
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I want to ask who she stole those from and watch her get offended but still try to deny the fact she made them herself.
Stop projecting you fetishes onto my wife, kudasai.
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What would be Seijas beer of choice?

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