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Good day, /jp/. I plan to host Sven Co-op this Friday around 8PM EST. I will have the necessary downloads up, as well as installation instructions at a later point.
Hope to see you then.
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Wisely done, Mr. Freeman! I will see you up ahead.
Fuck, I will not be able to be part of this one, good luck to everyone who can. Have fun.
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Will we have the funny voice commands again?
Is ERP with other anons allowed?
I'm feeling pretty good this time, so I may host twice this weekend.
I will test things beforehand to make sure nothing's broken this time around.
It's not allowed. it's OBLIGATORY
scientist squints, trying to see whether or not his fellow scientist has a stubble on his face. He puts a hand into his face, running his fingers through any facial hair if he has some. And then hesitates, by his expression, he is unsure if this experiment is safe, or moral from the administrator's standpoint. Then he quirks a brow. "Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?" His expression also asks, "Weren't you supposed to be in the test chamber half an hour ago?"
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The best time of the month has finally arrived!
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Downloads are up!
The maps for this time around are here: https://litter.catbox.moe/oro29f.zip
And the new updated model pack is here: https://litter.catbox.moe/9xmssl.zip
As with before, dump these into your "svencoop_addon" wherever the game is installed. If this doesn't work, dumping to the "svencoop" folder probably will.
Game should be up in about 10 hours, give or take
What version of sven are you gonna use, 4.8?
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Everything seems to be in order more or less.
5.25, the current version.
Before i install steam, is there any way to get sven 5.25 without it?
Make any image into a spray!
To keep it from getting overwritten, set it to read-only and delete your custom.hpk file in the main sven directory too maybe. Sometimes it doesn't matter!
I'm so excited to be frotting again with my /jp/ friends
Not that I know of.
Damn corporations preventing me from playing with fellow anonymous without letting me continue to be anonymous. Sometimes steam really is both a blessing and a curse.
But sven coop is free and runs on a toaster. You can use a temporary gmail to sign up a new steam account while hiding behind 9 proxies, 3 vpns, through tor and through several virtual machines on a disposable laptop running your os on ram. Ping might not be great though.
2 proxies already rapes my internet so i just use one, anyways i'll feed lord gaben some information and then i'll be ready for good times with jay
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I'll be there or become a square.
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square it is
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How could you...
I am getting impatient waiting...
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Guess I'l be square then...
too much social anxiety
Game is up. Paste "connect STEAM_0:1:151676243" into your game's console to join as always.
If you need help with commands, just ask.
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You should try, anon. I promise it won't be as bad after like half an hour. Was there myself once.
4h ETA on model .zip. Will you be waiting up for me?
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>4h ETA
How bad is your internet? Is your connection going to die whenever someone sends a message in game?
>4h ETA
Time is only a matter of perspective, my 2 hours on sven was 1 hour a minute ago, your 4 hours could also be only 1 if you root for your Internet enough.
Hats taking a gazillion years to dl. Such is life.
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Checked Wednesday thinking "if someone's hosting a game it's enough time in advance" then you post the heads up when I was snoozing.
I might be able to catch the tail end today, but if you're doing it again this weekend I'll be there.
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Love the gaming Sanaes
Broke the map, whoops. It's back up.
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getting this error
Ah we good now
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free us from our suffering
Server's closed.
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Thanks for hosting!
Thank you for hosting!
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thanks for hosting o7
thanks for hosting!
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Thank you for the host as always.
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Thx for hosting.
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Thanks for hosting!
I love my jippies
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Was hoping for a longer session but I had fun regardless
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quite humerus
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I will host again Sunday night around 5 or 6 PM EST.
Hopefully it'll be a bit more enjoyable this time. I will have a new (old) set of maps up at some point before then.
The new maps are here: https://litter.catbox.moe/cyq9l2.zip
Shouldn't be a huge rush to download them, they'll be up for 3 days. I will reupload the models later if I need to.
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Second time's the charm if my internet doesn't cooperate again I'll bomb my ISP.
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What is inside of the chenbox map?
Check it and see, dude.
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Ah, it's a box, with chen, and boxing. A chenbox.
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rare image of the chernobyl bird looking for the shredded cheese at 2 am.
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Game will be back up in about 9 hours.
Server will be up in an hour or so. Just in case someone needs it, new model pack has been reuploaded here: https://litter.catbox.moe/u35kgg.zip
Game is up. Same as before, paste "connect STEAM_0:1:151676243" to join.
We will probably fool around in a pointless map for a while, since it is still quite early.
ah yea
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Hope the server will be up for a while longer. Sad whenever stuff comes up.
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the model pack 404'd
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That stare is really uncomfortable. One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind those eyes.
Game crashed... Back up now.
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thanks for hosting!
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server's closed. Thanks for coming everyone.
I will host yet again on the 3rd. We will likely only play desert bus.
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thanks for hosting anon!
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cool! i was waiting for this one
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Thanks for the fun time!
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best group shots are the surprise ones on map load
There she is... my girlfriend...
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now in digital video
thank you for this anon!
but im not in that one
The second flip looks like she's trying to doge it all lol
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try to load the map faster or slower
i can't help that my toaster can only toast toast
but thats a nice one and im in it!
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thanks for hosting!
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with sound for a more dramatic experience https://litter.catbox.moe/smu824.webm
i hope we replay this map, it was so good and well made
I love how it looks like okuu stole your frames
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Thanks for hosting, had a blast like always.

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Best boy
she stole more than just the frames
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Thanks for hosting.
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>desert bus
Are you going the full 8 hours?
Someone should compile some road trip music to listen to
And I don't know, a jigsaw puzzle maybe
Ejaculating out the window can only entertain me for so many hours
Until we win.
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screenshot dump time
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Think of all the things you could ejaculate onto inside the bus though.

Is there some kind of radio addon for Sven? Figure it'd be very jank and outside means would be more convenient for anyone wanting to listen to some tunes.
we can always do a cytube
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There is a radio plugin, but I haven't figured it out yet. I have a few things to look into before hand, so I suppose one more won't hurt.
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No words necessary, only vigorous head shaking, and bullets.
That was a fun game. We need more hide and rape maps.
there's another plugin that might be worth adding
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In lieu of a current /jp/ gaming thread, I'll ask here. Does anyone have the current /jp/ mod pack for Minecraft?
Not on hand, but best I could tell you is to check the archives for the old gaming threads and check if it might be in the OP or first few posts.
Why do you want it? It's not hosted anymore.
My own purposes.
You seem to misunderstand. This is the Sven thread not the /jp/ gaming thread.
Go look for them on Warosu; don't ask about it here. Nobody here has played or checked up on those threads.
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I'll have the server up tomorrow around the same time as last (5 or 6 PM EST). We will probably start with a pointless map like last time to give people a chance to join before we start, since I know nobody is going to want to miss a second of this. We will also take a before and after photo (assuming we complete it.)
Radio plugin is a massive pain so we're going with an alternative solution. I suggest making a list of songs you would like to play on our road trip, so we don't have music for about 1 hour of 8. Nobody is going to bully you for choices, but do keep it /jp/ related.
Seeing as few people want to be helpful, here's a link for ya. Expires in a day, drop it into your 1.12.2 folder as is. Knock yourself out, it's a janky mess really.

It's not getting hosted these days because everyone's gotten bored of it, but there might be a revival with a different pack later in the year.
Failing that, shout about it on sven and you might get someone to help you if for some reason you want to play with us fags. Yes, some people who play sven also played the funny brick game. I personally don't, but only because of timezones.

The chances of a future gaming thread are relatively low because of shitposting and backlash. The actual people who joined were ~90% good people who wanted some honest fun, and the few that weren't were disposed of quickly enough.
It wasn't really an organized thing, it was just some people who wanted to have some fun with a few online friends, and I think a lot of people seem to think otherwise. As many problems as it had (And it had lots looking back), it got far more hate than it really deserved from people who seemed to not like it on point of principle more than anything.
Anyway, I've rambled enough, don't expect me to reply to anyone. I'm not really interested in dredging up old arguments beyond calling the whole thing a stupid waste of time.
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Emotes are functioning.
Three games in a row is a real treat.
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Got another plugin functioning as well. Hopefully I can spice things up a little tomorrow.
Here's about 20 /jp/ related tracks
(mainly just touhou covers and some yume 2kki tracks I enjoy)
We'd probably want more than that though

A fog plugin?
Is there a sitting emote so I can roleplay being a responsible citizen of Gensokyo that stays in their seat for the entirety of the trip? And since it got brought up just now, do we keep a list of yt links at the ready or would it be best to drop them here in advance?
It's a set of commands for admins, so I can abuse everyone better as well as handle any troublesome things easier going forward.
List of named emotes taken from the console "Emotes: alpha | anal | barnacle | crazy | dance | dance2 | elbow | fidget | flex | hunch | joy | lewd | oof | robot | run | scan | shake | study | swim | swim2 | type | type2 | wave". Not sure what all of these entail exactly. You can also choose sequences which are just numbered, 1-190 for most models. Others have additional animations that I assume are beyond 190. It's something for everyone to play around with.
Youtube links I think will be preferred. We'll be using cytube, but I'm not handling it myself so I don't really know the details.
More like haha Bus
Yeah I looked at those. They weren't all that special. Everything seems to be made up of animations and poses that already exist in the game.
How do I attach these commands to keyboard keys so I don't need to type them in the chat?
bind <key> "<command>" in console
bind n ".vc 1"
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It seems I didn't set it up completely before, and any emote past 190 wasn't going to work. Fixed that.
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8 hours is a long time to sit still continuously. What snacks and drinks/booze/caffeine are we bringing for the trip?
I can see the matrix flip and pissing being a funny combination
I got energy drinks and some whiskey. Probably should get snacks beforehand...
Bought some cream liqueur on impulse. Need to figure out what to nibble on as a side.
>cream liqueur
Nice. Which one did you get?
Disaronno Velvet. Always wanted to try it considering I adore the regular stuff, and it came with some neat little glasses to boot. Should be a nice occasion to try for the first time.
Good choice, Disaronno verlvet is great. I alao absolutely love normal Disaronno.
I'm the guy who always bitches about people hosting sven because it never loads for me and I follow every download and command to a T and still get those never ending loading screens. Hope I can find a way to fix that soon or find someone who walks me thru it like a retard in case I missed something.
dude even me who is a retard managed to do it right. what are you doing wrong? describe every step you did.
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Extract the .zip files into either of these boxed folders. These are located in your Sven Co-op folder wherever you have steam set to install your games. There's not much more to be said about the instructions, it is that simple.
You'd have to show us what your process is for it to be corrected.
dr pepper
Tea, and some chocolate I bought for the special occasion.
Ok thanks, next time it's hosted or if it's hosted on the weekend I'll try this and report back.

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