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>Music Channels

Sakura Gakuin: (dead)



Latest @onefive live


Muto Ayami

>SG Graduate Projects
Yuzumi ASMR (Wed, every two weeks):
Neo Sato in Repipi: (Intermittent)

Oshibudo episodes:

Oshibudo movie:

BM Pro-shots (up to date)
BM Pro-shots (old version)

Previously on /bmsg/ >>47183295
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We went to watch Yuya Matsushita's live show!
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New Amazon Fashion pictures and video
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Let's have a good and wholesome thread
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Cute and wholesome!
Like my wife
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I would go to war for her
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And like Yui
Nice shot
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Betraying your friends is not wholesome
Poop Paul
Yui's bestfriend is Aiko, not Moa. For Yui, Moa was just a business partner.
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very sexy
would marry her
Moa doesn’t know you exist.
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it doesn't matter, she’s my shining star, and I'll keep striving to improve every day until the moment we meet and fall in love
you're just jealous
Su was in my dream. I was Su's road manager and we got invited to someone's house. We enjoyed dinner and Su was in the bedroom and I was sleeping in the living room. Suddenly in the middle of the night I felt someone shaking me and I woke up, it was Su. Su called me 'Onii-chan' and pulled my sleeve and took me to her room. I was very horny, but what I found in the room was a wet bed. Yep, her body was in 20s, but her mind was like a little 3 year old girl. Su was tearful. I changed the bed sheet and carefully wiped Su's body. It was like wiping a statue in a temple. It was a sacred work. Just as I was putting Su's new panties on her, I woke up. Ah... I hadn't heard 'Arigatou' from her. I would love to have that dream again.
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No joke I had a dream about Moa. We were sleeping together, and it wasn't like super sexual, but I was hugging her soft body, kissing her cheeks and neck. I knew I had to wake up to go to work, and she had to go on tour, so I probably wouldn't see her for weeks or maybe months. So I kept kissing her, and every kiss made her smile, her lips were so juicy that I was starting to get really horny...
but just when things were starting to get sexual, I was jolted awake by the noise of a lawn mower. I hate my neighbor, now I'm going to be very angry for the rest of the day
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Yui is kawaii
Yui is beautiful
Yui is wholesome

Yui haters are mad
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We are Yuinonymous
We are legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Momos face when she sees this Yui cringe
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Yui or Momoko?

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Moa money.
Moa problems.
skinny bitches
most kissable lips
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the perfect trio
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Big head.
Big brain.
Big problems.
Kissing what though?
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Why not support both? Yui is my favorite, but Momoko is more funny
but which one would be a better president?
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Tasty little dumpling, isn't she?
Soyo tighs vs Tsugu gap
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Soyo's thighs are thicker than I thought
no way! Soyo looks FAT here
Fattening up good for gravure
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Babymetal should collab with Justin Timberlake
girl no...
If she did this to you would you give her money? If yes; how much?
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She looks better now
I would give her all my money, I don't care if she ruins my life, I would do anything for her
Su has relentlessly lewd ears and I’m sick and tired of BABYMETAL & SAKURA GAKUIN GENERAL pretending she doesn’t.
Ear sex???
yeah the ears are a powerful erogenous zone desu, often overclocked
I think her monkey hears are very cute
Naah that type of ears makes me laugh only, erogenous yes, but ugly
is the EU EU in RATATATA a reference to Love Machine - Morning Musume?
it's the same eu eu
C'mon that eu eu is old as fuck in pop, since 70s disco.
man I had no idea, but that sounds just a little different though
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friendly reminder this is a Christian general
Don't let sexual sin, perversion of any kind, or greed even be mentioned among you
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why not both
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How would y’all rank Sakura Gakuin beauties? And be objective. Tua has to be top 6?

Gah. Fucking spell check. I meant to spell Rau. Though I would mind some Hawk Tuah from Rau.
Moa has to be in top 3. Megumi too. Raura is definitely in the top 6
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rank Sakura Gakuin tits top3
Sara Momoko Miku
Kano has the top ass but Ayaka has a beautiful face
it’s ‘FU FU’ and it’s a Japanese karaoke thing
>Ayaka has a beautiful face
Found the submissive anon who likes being pegged.
Beauty as in just face


Now body + face

She is a famous international model so
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Delusional fan alert.
She’s basically an Instagram model who occasionally gets gigs or shoots from her managers.
Very close to nobody in Japan knows her as a celebrity, and definitely not internationally renowned.
She’s one of thousands of women who do fashion brand modeling.
And let’s not forget the weird taste the fashion industry tends to have in “models.”
Miko is top.
Where in Japan are Paris and Shanghai? She is the most well known model among ex SG
>She is the most well known model among ex SG
>not famous
These are all true.
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Maybe she's not famous but 2.1M followers and appearing next to Blackpink's Rosé and Twice's Mina isn't too bad
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I would gap those thighs
If you know what I mean, wink wink
I know the girls who appeared next to someone more famous than those whores
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At first I was like...
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...but then I was like
Skinny bitches...
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Who's the least successful sg?
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Define success.
Nice, Babymetal did this half a decade ago
Imagine anything more lame and gay than these fake kamis? Yeah, pretty difficult.
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Babymetal supports gay rights.
this could be a fan's profile pic on X
it probably is
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my dick
my dick
Your dick in my ass
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I wonder how does it feel being part of a not very popular idol group
99% percent of idol groups are not very popular.
Su is getting tired of her bullshit!
Did Abe convince them to have children?
Beautiful shot
Must be tough
Abe convinced Yui to quit Babymetal and start a big family on a quiet farm in the Japanese countryside.
She lives on a farm with the other Yuis.
Tomato farm
I will have 5 kids with Moa don't worry Abe
Let's say popularity, to make it simple
There are other Yuis?
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Have you read Claymore? That's Babymetal for you
Yui realized this and left the organization
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it triggered some fags on reddit into oblivion
love it
Everyone vote once if you have not
So Yui is like Rei?
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Whadaya mean I don’t believe in (the fox) god?
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old friends! <3
fuck metallica btw
dammit you beat me
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kiss me
BM is so theatrical they should only play at night or indoors, the lights make a huge difference
these festivals have been pretty meh for the look of it desu
that was for me
*by the
Alex is such a fucking clown with the fake scars and fake cataracts and shit but goddamn it’d be a sick song
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Momoko super kawaii!
Babymetal is dead
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So pretty
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Final vote results after 1 day
it's yuiover

Holy shit. I didn’t know Lovebites were hags.

Cool! Zulu are pretty based

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hori chit

>thinks poll with 13 voters hold any weight

/bmsg/ polls are just for fun
Muestra las oppai
13 people are enough to invade Japan
I fear for Babymetal
I wonder if we'll get to know more about the girls if the project gets disbanded, maybe that's the positive side
maybe they'll finally let the girls have socials

There it needed to be said
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Big head.
Big brain.
Big problems.
can't wait till she leaves Babymetal
any day now, I can feel it
To do gravure?
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what flavor Moa's gums?
me on the right
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>Just having cute nails makes me feel good when I look at my hands.
Babymetal should collab with Ano-chan
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Sensoji Temple is the oldest Buddhist temple in Tokyo. It is customary to wave incense smoke from the large burner onto oneself. The smoke is believed to purify and heal.
does purify whores?
Koba! Koba! Koba! Koba! Koba! Koba! Koba! Koba! Koba! Koba! Koba! Koba! Koba! Koba! Koba!
Is the girl from the acolyte?
he looks very good for a 79-year-old man
I wonder how often she touches herself when she is on tour
she strikes me as a horny girl and there's no fucking way she could resist months without masturbating right?
Did you know Moa means "orgasm" in Spanish?
best duo
Moa's big head is so erotic.
>Suzuka - cute ears
>Moa - big head
>Momoko - ...
say huge tits
Momoko has a great personality
Who is your favorite Metalverse?
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Kokona is very very cute
Miko will usurp Su.
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I agree
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The owner of my heart.
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Big is the head that wears the crown of the Queen.
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A literal goddess amongst mere mortals.
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The living incarnation of Amaterasu.
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She also happens to be a living meme
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What a goofball
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your turn
Damn that's a big mouth
I want a new Babymetal song that's over 10 minutes long. The latest songs are too short.
Prog Babymetal???
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Favorite Metalverse member?
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or symphonic Babymetal
When your general is so dead and your taste in music is so lame that you have to make stupid polls because you have literally nothing else to contribute.
I heard Onefive went to watch Girls2's 5th anniversary live. Yoka Ogawa and Momo became friends in high school
What does that have to do with Babymetal?
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Bad bait
Bait? Are you going fishing? What does fishing have to do with Babymetal?
They ate some food, threw out their trash and Babymetal is garbage, there's the connection.
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>I was organizing my camera folder. I found a video that Saki-chan had taken for me.
I remember that sticker
so big

It supposed she don't have that mouth before
Go back to your containment thread
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If me and Mirena had a kid his head would look like an 8 ball
Good enough for penis
Man sweaty Su is something else
I want to lick her neck
I love her I love her I love her
I will make her my wife someday
Su should peg me desu
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Babymetal is actually a terrible name
They should change it
This general needs more Kokona
Finally another Japanese metal band is on-topic.
It's just the english way of saying the name that's horrible. Bebiimetaru is funny and cute.
bm girls should twerk more
maybe some pole dancing
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why don't they let moa and momo sing more during live shows?
I can't stop watching this interview
not that the interview is interesting, but the camera is so close to her face that you can see in detail her soft lips trying to enunciate english, she is so innocent that it makes me want to stick my tongue down her throat, I want to corrupt her innocence
Who says it's not Moa's and Momos own decision? Both are obsessed way more with dancing than singing. Dancing has been Momos dream since she was little and Moa has said many times how much she values the dancing she does to support Su. If they were to start singing more the dancing would take a hit because you really can't dance with full force and sing at the same time.
That is a valid question, and I wonder the same thing. They should let Moa and Momoko sing more, without taking the spotlight away from Su. As they mature, they should incorporate more singing instead of dancing (I'm not saying they should stop dancing altogether)
It's proven that all three can sing quite well, and a trio of voices would be quite glorious, I like it when they give Su time to sing solo in a more traditional way, like in Akatsuki or the cover of White Love, and when they give the other girls their time in the spotlight as well
It would be a good rest for Su, and they could make faster transitions from one song to another while one girl rests and the other performs
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Kokona is based
Made for big Moroccan cock
My birthday is on the same day as Moa's (I'm not kidding), and I don't know how to celebrate it as a fan
I would like to titty fuck Momoko
she's probably so good in bed, dancing I mean
Metalverse needs to Sawaka
Average Babymetal fan...
Babbymetal is gay
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When Kokona won the grand prize
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I want her to peg me and make me her sissy boy
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This mogs the Kokona.
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cat ears Moa meowing for me
This is a good start but I need the other girls' bad influence >>47217979 to rub off on her even more
Poor Sakia
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silly anon that was for me
Moa doesn't look happy with Babymetal lately
I fear the worst, who's going to replace her?
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this is bad, I haven't felt this kind of love since high school
Stop being a faggot and posting neutral photos with your own narrative to garner negative attention.
You’re better than that.
Moa can't do gravure in Babymetal...
Moa should do JAV.
look at this and tell me she doesn't look sad
she can't be my wife if she's in Babymetal... (the good thing is that her idol contract requires her to remain a virgin)
Even if she wasn't in BM or a contracted idol you'd have no chance.
Who fucking cares about the personal lives or sexual lives of these idols? Have you forgotten that they're actual human beings? Are you that desperate and pathetic?
she's my future wife
nuff said!
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Look at this guys post and tell me anon isn’t a sad man.
I shitposted too much today, gomenasai
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What a kind expression
Sweet and salty sweat.
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Remoainder that this is a no horny thread.
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How to summon succubus
She cant be real
Is that Android 17?
Nice Yukina crotch shot
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Vote ending soon
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Told you
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Posting final results after 26 hours
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Tomorrow is Kokona's birthday!
Happy Birthday Kokona
It's already tomorrow in Japan
where is this from?
Amuse Camp for Hinamatsuri
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Worse post in a while
I hate my phone and I hate AI
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Teaser for Sana's new song and MV

drunk soyo with low inhibitions
Soyo likes beer but not wine
well most wine tastes pretty shit ngl
Underage b&
Reminder: Paul is a dirty homosexual who has fag sex with men.
shut up boomer
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can you have not-fag sex with men?
I heard you can accidentally suck a dick once. If you do it again it's not an accident. It doesn't sound right to me but that's what they say.

If he identifies as a woman is it really gay?
paul's a troon? it's all beginning to make sense now.
I'm gay for Suzuka
Suzuka should tell everybody to suck dick during METALI!!
>Everybody get low and suck the dick of the guy right next to you!!
This isn't even a Babymetal general anymore. This is just a shitposting group.
a typical 4chan thread
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gay & proud
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can't get enough of the new outfits
so good
If Su really wants me to be gay then she should start by pegging me desu
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Y'all need to read the Bible with pastor Kokona
They have intense lesbian threesomes with each other regularly
Sue them Koba!
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Ayaka in Sensei no Shiroi Uso
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I'm gonna marry Momoko and have an affair with Moa
I would destroy your life
No. Only in your dumb world where you believe 4chan is exclusively for being cancerous retards. Loads of other generals across numerous boards stay on topic and just appreciate or debate/critique whatever they’re talking about.
Nihilistic mentally unhinged people just haunt the idol & j-music threads.
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I'm the only good and wholesome poster ITT
Shut the fuck up bro.
You first you angsty faggot
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Cute Kokona
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retard still can't take the hint after getting his offtopic shit deleted multiple times
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Hanabie > Babymetal
Good one. here is a (you) for you
They should do this at Hadaka Matsuri
A 26 year old woman acting like she is 6 is very cringe.
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