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You should have done something before that "let me ignore ya", I'm giving you a warning and your behavior isn't not gonna help in your case.
As always I'm "here" just thanks to you, yelling for nothing and making me look like a fool in front of everyone.
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Take your faggot ass drama and get the fuck out you fucking homovan faggot.
dating a sociopath with bpd must be rough. im glad my gf's normal!
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BPD woman are exclusively for kinky sex. Never confuse love with lust. So does god dictate (and common sense)
which ones?
no, normal girls can be kinky too :)
You should have fucked off back to discord
Seeing these threads is so strange to me. I can't imagine being so obsessed with someone that you make anonymous posts like this to try and get their attention.
are you retarded?
Whatever Reimu.
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Important emphasis on 'exclusively'. You can date a normal girl for a variety of reason. Mentally ill women have no value aside of the plasure their bodies can bring you.
yo ebik bumps i was afraid dis off topic soc spam was going to 404
>Important emphasis on 'exclusively
that's cool :)
Every god
thas nother ebik bump
Damn, she aged terribly. Actually pretty ugly. Big ole squidward nose. Oh well, aging hits everyone. See you schizo op-san.
another ebikkk bamp
one of my friends is dying of cancer. they can't afford the surgery they need. i hope they'll be ok.

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