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Discuss them
They're humanities best friends! They're such good friends!

Now, why don't they continue being friendly and say goodbye while the tengu kidnap those friends and make them unwilling househusbands
buildin a sentry
Need loving yamawaro wife
Built for Shota Cock
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She got a bit too loving
Kappa wives are for loving tenderly before getting kidnapped at fan-point by tengu
>before getting kidnapped at fan-point by tengu
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It’s only natural after all a yamawaro womb is the best and safest place a baby can grow in
Some official works have generic kappas have keys while in other official only Nitori has a key
which is it?
They just put the keys away if they think they'll lose it on land
But one of those is a yamawaro not a kappa.
stinky dirt kappa infested thread
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Not their fault they’re more motherly
mario and luifi
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No only one wife for life otherwise it’s not love
see >>47179969
There also was another tengu thread earlier this month which I'm pretty sure is where the idea of tengu kidnapping first took off. Once I get the time I'll rummage through warosu to see which thread was the real ground zero for the idea as it stands today, cause I remember it happening in real time but I forgot the finer details of where and when.
Had to explain to mom that the fishing show was stupid because kappa are turtles not salamanders
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Don't trust the dryheads! Yamawhores are only interested in your money!
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Yamawaro want to enrich their whole family unit, you'll BENEFIT from their financial skill!
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The obvious answer is marriage
Kappa yappa

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