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Nazrin loves you
Get out or I'm calling my cat
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*Nyn looking at Nazrin through a mirror*
"i am Nazrin, and so are you"
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Nazrin loves her klutz master more though...
No. She loves MEN (me) and hates homosexuals (you).
Yuri =/= homosexual
women being lesbians isnt homosexual?
Yurifags are seriously retarded.
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Nazrin handing me cheese!
i love cheese! thank you, nazrin.
What do you expect me to do with this information?
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This thread lacks feet.
>women being lesbians isnt homosexual?
No. They are also unable to have sex.
yuricucks are pathetic
This artist used to be normal then suddenly got an obsession with the mouse's toes, what happened?
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No one loves me.
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Sure is hot today!
I do!
I love you, anon!
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Today is Naz day!
And apparently the 20th of this month will also be Nazrin day...
I love Nazrin too!

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