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The continuing story of an immortal, her magical car and the friends and enemies they make along the way. Now you too can experience the thrilling action of waiting in line to enter a club.
Pt.1 >>43875260
Pt.2 >>44325569
Pt.3 >>44916296
Pt.4 >>45844749
Pt.5 >>46787507

This is an ongoing communal story with a comedic tone. A poster advances the story by posting an image accompanied with a description or light narration. Then another poster advances the story from there and so on. Participation is open so feel free to jump in and contribute.
A few rules and guidelines:
* This is an image-driven story. Advancing the story needs a suitable image posted alongside.
* Suitable images are usually modifications of a previous image. Completely original images are fine as long as they fit the story.
* Drawings, doodles and/or shoops are fine. Your art only needs to be good enough that others can understand what is going on.
* If you are worried the story will evolve before you finish a contribution, feel free to request the thread to wait. Please finish within a few days of making your request.
* It's encouraged to keep images simple so others can easily modify them. White backgrounds are ideal.
* Advancements should feel like steps and not leaps. No sudden timeskips or abrupt scene shifts please!
* Please avoid gore and excess blood.
* Reading the previous threads is strongly encouraged.
Part 5 sumamry:
Mokou and gang brave themselves to enter the darkness below Mugenkan to save Yuuma, their companion kidnapped by animated vines. Nazrin helps Sukuvan overcome her fears of dark closed spaces with the lure of Suku Snax. The gang enters into an overgrown darkness.
Shortly after entering, a slime monster throws itself onto the windshield. Mokou panics and drives at full speed, eventually launching Sukuvan and the slime into a bunnifying pool. Sukuvan drives out of the pool, her horns now rabbit ears and continues into the darkness.
Sukuvan wanders in darkness until she is caught in a net trap. The trap belongs to a gaggle of goblins who mistake Sukuvan as food due to the bunny ears. The goblins drag Sukuvan back to their settlement and suspend her over a large, boiling cooking pot. Wriggle sneaks out of Sukuvan and takes one of the goblin's devices. The device is connected to the Gobrin Temple. Through the device, Wriggle can see Yuuma's location and remotely starts a party. The sounds of the party attract the goblins hanging around the cooking pot towards the temple. The lemonkey is tossed into the stew pot.
The slime returns in a new bunny form to bully the gang with rocks and fire before the gang can catch their breath and get Sukuvan down. The unwatched stew reaches a critical point and overflows onto everyone around. The heat triggers a magical reaction in the lemonkey. The powerful Lemonkong emerges! Sukuvan and the slime are no longer bunnified. The slime retreats. The Lemonkong frees the Sukuvan and gives her a powerful sports drink to refuel.
Lunar Control is monitoring the gang. They proceed with an operation to launch a capsule at Sukuvan containing the oni, Page 10, programmed with the mission to destroy Sukuvan. All goes as planned until the capsule has landed by the gang. The door is stuck and Page 10 remains trapped within. The gang moves to the temple unimpeded.
The gang find themselves at the Gobrin Templ entrance. Their way in is blocked by a line of six goblins wanting in to the party and a bouncer. The goblin in the back of the line eats Wriggle's Flamin' Hot Leeches and is put out of commission. The next goblin exits line to try to help her gluttonous friend recover. The two goblins in the front are waved in by the bouncer.
Now all that stand between Mokou and entry into the temple is two line goblins and a bouncer.
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Last entry from previous thread:
>another step forward! too bad the gang must now slow down for bump limit reasons. try explaining it to mokko and yuuma!
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this is quite the neverending tale. it's been a year already since the first thread! happy birthday mokko!
Maybe mokou can convince the oni in front of her that there is a VIP entrance elsewhere
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i'm afraid she's not naive enough.
Dang, these goburins know their home.
I'll take the next one
Bump2, I should be finished by tomorrow
as long mokko have something to smoke, she doesnt mind waiting in line.
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She's fine, but she can't have many more. She better restock soon
another sub-quest to add to her journal.
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always busy, even when idle.
I can't believe Mokou really just go in lines and tell lies.
What would Mama Fujiwara think?
that's only the last of a loooong list of felonies.
Lunar Control anon here
Whoever did lemonkey, are you planning to do something with it? Are you waiting for the line thing to be done? Or can we get it to fight page 10 already?
i never had any big plan (sorry) for superkong5, so unless the anon currently working on the next scene have something in mind you're free to start a sub-plot about her and page10. i'm sure we can tie the whole deal with mokko's tale, in a way or another.
Thats alright. Im waiting for the line to be done so page 10 does not immediately go after the sukuvan
page 10's weakness is that it can only act on page 10.
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Mama mokou dosen't like it very much when you hurt her friends, even less when it's her car.

Ignore the gore rule violation
not OP, but its mokou so its fine
ooh, nice fight. but the difference in terms of power level it seems really big, i mean, mokko was annihilated with a single super (i hope it was a super, at least), meanwhile the goblinu cook is still healthy as ever.
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ok, the fight is on!
Lucky # 2, 3 and 5, they get to check the REAL party
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mokko clearly cant win this fight alone... she needs an ally, an hero ready to fight by her side...
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...and that hero...
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...is ready to rumble!
sorry moonie anon, but just like akagi i cant leave a good tile unused.
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I guess I could say something as thread OP. I have no issue with the comic. It's a quality, effortful contribution!
The goal of the bloodgore rule is to keep the series light-hearted. Someone seeing a character they like meet a graphic end will very likely run counter to that, even if that happens to be a character like generic Moon Rabbit #3792. It's a much lesser issue (if any at all) for the hourai immortals because you know they'll pop back in right as rain.
I hope you don't mind Anon, but I've taken the liberty to make an edit of the comic as an alternate for those among us with a sensitive stomach.
oh goddammit. I saw you were doing a sequence so I went off to have dinner to not interrupt your flow. I am not making an edit for this too!
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it's okay, resilience is mokko's biggest strength.

actually a great way to showcase mokou getting evaporated, would have been cool if I tough of that when drawing it.
>mokou cant win alone
>kills her
I really liked the rabbits last thread, they were funny
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kong stomping power is just off the charts
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is the fight already over? the goblinus barely started their pop-corn.
I see two more gobrins
the kong is NOT a villain! she wont bully innocent goblinus for no reason. she just jumped in for the big battle.
>implying they don't fwant to fight
I can see at least four, and hear three more
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the kong can sense something is wrong, and before some evil beings (called ANONS) can corrupt her gold heart she teleports away.
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see you next time, kong-sama.
what a cowa-
the kong is no brute, but an heroine of justice!

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