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The continuing story of an immortal, her magical car and the friends and enemies they make along the way. Now you too can experience the thrilling action of waiting in line to enter a club.
Pt.1 >>43875260
Pt.2 >>44325569
Pt.3 >>44916296
Pt.4 >>45844749
Pt.5 >>46787507

This is an ongoing communal story with a comedic tone. A poster advances the story by posting an image accompanied with a description or light narration. Then another poster advances the story from there and so on. Participation is open so feel free to jump in and contribute.
A few rules and guidelines:
* This is an image-driven story. Advancing the story needs a suitable image posted alongside.
* Suitable images are usually modifications of a previous image. Completely original images are fine as long as they fit the story.
* Drawings, doodles and/or shoops are fine. Your art only needs to be good enough that others can understand what is going on.
* If you are worried the story will evolve before you finish a contribution, feel free to request the thread to wait. Please finish within a few days of making your request.
* It's encouraged to keep images simple so others can easily modify them. White backgrounds are ideal.
* Advancements should feel like steps and not leaps. No sudden timeskips or abrupt scene shifts please!
* Please avoid gore and excess blood.
* Reading the previous threads is strongly encouraged.
Part 5 sumamry:
Mokou and gang brave themselves to enter the darkness below Mugenkan to save Yuuma, their companion kidnapped by animated vines. Nazrin helps Sukuvan overcome her fears of dark closed spaces with the lure of Suku Snax. The gang enters into an overgrown darkness.
Shortly after entering, a slime monster throws itself onto the windshield. Mokou panics and drives at full speed, eventually launching Sukuvan and the slime into a bunnifying pool. Sukuvan drives out of the pool, her horns now rabbit ears and continues into the darkness.
Sukuvan wanders in darkness until she is caught in a net trap. The trap belongs to a gaggle of goblins who mistake Sukuvan as food due to the bunny ears. The goblins drag Sukuvan back to their settlement and suspend her over a large, boiling cooking pot. Wriggle sneaks out of Sukuvan and takes one of the goblin's devices. The device is connected to the Gobrin Temple. Through the device, Wriggle can see Yuuma's location and remotely starts a party. The sounds of the party attract the goblins hanging around the cooking pot towards the temple. The lemonkey is tossed into the stew pot.
The slime returns in a new bunny form to bully the gang with rocks and fire before the gang can catch their breath and get Sukuvan down. The unwatched stew reaches a critical point and overflows onto everyone around. The heat triggers a magical reaction in the lemonkey. The powerful Lemonkong emerges! Sukuvan and the slime are no longer bunnified. The slime retreats. The Lemonkong frees the Sukuvan and gives her a powerful sports drink to refuel.
Lunar Control is monitoring the gang. They proceed with an operation to launch a capsule at Sukuvan containing the oni, Page 10, programmed with the mission to destroy Sukuvan. All goes as planned until the capsule has landed by the gang. The door is stuck and Page 10 remains trapped within. The gang moves to the temple unimpeded.
The gang find themselves at the Gobrin Templ entrance. Their way in is blocked by a line of six goblins wanting in to the party and a bouncer. The goblin in the back of the line eats Wriggle's Flamin' Hot Leeches and is put out of commission. The next goblin exits line to try to help her gluttonous friend recover. The two goblins in the front are waved in by the bouncer.
Now all that stand between Mokou and entry into the temple is two line goblins and a bouncer.
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Last entry from previous thread:
>another step forward! too bad the gang must now slow down for bump limit reasons. try explaining it to mokko and yuuma!
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this is quite the neverending tale. it's been a year already since the first thread! happy birthday mokko!
Maybe mokou can convince the oni in front of her that there is a VIP entrance elsewhere
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i'm afraid she's not naive enough.
Dang, these goburins know their home.
I'll take the next one
Bump2, I should be finished by tomorrow
as long mokko have something to smoke, she doesnt mind waiting in line.
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She's fine, but she can't have many more. She better restock soon
another sub-quest to add to her journal.
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always busy, even when idle.
I can't believe Mokou really just go in lines and tell lies.
What would Mama Fujiwara think?
that's only the last of a loooong list of felonies.
Lunar Control anon here
Whoever did lemonkey, are you planning to do something with it? Are you waiting for the line thing to be done? Or can we get it to fight page 10 already?
i never had any big plan (sorry) for superkong5, so unless the anon currently working on the next scene have something in mind you're free to start a sub-plot about her and page10. i'm sure we can tie the whole deal with mokko's tale, in a way or another.
Thats alright. Im waiting for the line to be done so page 10 does not immediately go after the sukuvan
page 10's weakness is that it can only act on page 10.
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Mama mokou dosen't like it very much when you hurt her friends, even less when it's her car.

Ignore the gore rule violation
not OP, but its mokou so its fine
ooh, nice fight. but the difference in terms of power level it seems really big, i mean, mokko was annihilated with a single super (i hope it was a super, at least), meanwhile the goblinu cook is still healthy as ever.
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ok, the fight is on!
Lucky # 2, 3 and 5, they get to check the REAL party
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mokko clearly cant win this fight alone... she needs an ally, an hero ready to fight by her side...
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...and that hero...
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...is ready to rumble!
sorry moonie anon, but just like akagi i cant leave a good tile unused.
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I guess I could say something as thread OP. I have no issue with the comic. It's a quality, effortful contribution!
The goal of the bloodgore rule is to keep the series light-hearted. Someone seeing a character they like meet a graphic end will very likely run counter to that, even if that happens to be a character like generic Moon Rabbit #3792. It's a much lesser issue (if any at all) for the hourai immortals because you know they'll pop back in right as rain.
I hope you don't mind Anon, but I've taken the liberty to make an edit of the comic as an alternate for those among us with a sensitive stomach.
oh goddammit. I saw you were doing a sequence so I went off to have dinner to not interrupt your flow. I am not making an edit for this too!
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it's okay, resilience is mokko's biggest strength.

actually a great way to showcase mokou getting evaporated, would have been cool if I tough of that when drawing it.
>mokou cant win alone
>kills her
I really liked the rabbits last thread, they were funny
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kong stomping power is just off the charts
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is the fight already over? the goblinus barely started their pop-corn.
I see two more gobrins
the kong is NOT a villain! she wont bully innocent goblinus for no reason. she just jumped in for the big battle.
>implying they don't fwant to fight
I can see at least four, and hear three more
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the kong can sense something is wrong, and before some evil beings (called ANONS) can corrupt her gold heart she teleports away.
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see you next time, kong-sama.
what a cowa-
the kong is no brute, but an heroine of justice!
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kong is gone you say?
ignore the reference image to the right please
the unholy alliance
the pandora box is soon to be opened
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somebody stop that evil blob of... pure evil!
I'll continue later. Try to advance the line thing in the meantime
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well, that's another spot gained. too bad sukuvan scaredy antics divided the group.
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please wait for your turn miss
is minimoko on par with goblinu strenght? i fear not. she just got her ass obliterated after all.
surely she can impress the bouncer in some other way
she have her sexy dance, but i'm sure it's not a good idea to sexually arouse these primitive lawless beings. and think about the children! (nazrin and wriggle).
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I wonder how will the bouncer test mokou
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mokko tries to bribe the bouncer with a lemon (yes, she still have some of them). it didnt work.
Ask the bouncer what's her favorite organ. Mokko can give her one of her own
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mokko tries to bribe the bouncer with a(n empty) pack of smokes. it didnt work.

i'm positive goblinus are not into church music.
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mokko tries to bribe the bouncer with her ribbon. i feel it could've worked with a different goblinu, but this one got a peculiar taste for clothing.
mokko tries to bribe the bouncer with her liver. it didnt work. she's not the cook, and oni livers work better anyway.
how will the gang save yuuma now!?
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mokko (failed) bribing antics are slowin down the whole goblinu bureaucracy. they must not be used to deal with rascals like her.
The book, use the book
t-the grimoire?! it's too precious. also it's probably inside sukuvan, and this would imply losing two spots.
Send the treasure finding mouse to search the trash cans
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eww, nazrin please close that damn can.
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So that's why Nazrin was hanging around Mugenkan. I wonder if she'll leave the gang for Myouren Temple after they make their way out.
Hmm... Cardboard, wood pallets, some old kegs, piles of crud...
that's a lot of stuff. wonder where the goblinus pillaged all that trash.
fill a keg with a bit of kongade, then tell bouncer it's sake better opened on a holiday which is not today, or it will spoil.
isnt better to just offer her a bottle of kongade? i'm sure a goblinu can appreciate. also let's be sure nazrin picks up the rope.
I don't think that's a good idea. The last gobrin that drank Sukuvan's fuel became super saiyan. I don't want to imagine what one drinking her super fuel might become.
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well thought, better be prudent with such a powerful concoction.
click the ying yang orb
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this cheap amiga inventory could use a restyling.
wait a sec, i'm half drunk and armed with a cheap ms paint.
It's in a pretty gross pile. I don't think I'd want to touch it...
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this gonna make all the inventory smell funny...
now that i think about it i doubt mokko gonna appreciate nazrin filling up sukuvan with all this weird stuff. well, i guess it's too late, no point crying over posted pics.
Momma Mokou isn't going to figure out a thing, we'll stuff them all under the backseat before she's back.
mice dance when moukats are not around
>pagoda not in the inventory
pagoda is carried by nazrin. inventory is sukuvan. do you see smokes in the inventory? same reason. elementary, watson.
Please just ask instead of using meme arrows.
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picti goblinu notices suzuvan has no popcorn and fixes it.
thankfully suzuvan is outfitted with the latest in popcorn bucket technology.
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that's very kind for a goblinu, but... SUZUvan?
mokko tries to bribe the bouncer with her shoes.
it didnt work. fur shoes are just more comfy.
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damn, she's good. or maybe mokko is getting rusty. hard to tell.
[SPOILER] my bad did this right before going to bed [/spoiler]
I have a small sequence in mind to help push progression. I just won't be able to work on it until later today (or tomorrow at latest). It involves making Sukuvan a disguise with some of the junk in the alley that is bound to not only get them in but let them skip the line.
Bouncer should get a raise. Its doing a very good job
disguise it as a vending machine, unless you have something funnier in mind
sounds mondo cool. never be afraid to call for a wait.
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What better place to get rare goblinu books then their own temple.
wha- how come everybody walk in yuuka's basement like it was the most natural thing?
she even got small and everything
when in rome...
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Nazrin signals Sukuvan into the alley. Neither Wriggle or Myon can drive Sukuvan by themselves but with Wriggle on the pedals and Myon steering the two can make it work!
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Nazrin has Myon tie some of the old kegs to the top of Sukuvan while she dowses the garbage for something to write with. Wriggle keeps lookout.
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Nazrin finds a nearly dead marker. Should be just enough... She peels the two pieces of tape from the nearby poster. She breaks one of the nearby boxes into two flat surfaces of cardboard. With these Nazrin makes 2 signs labeled "BEER WAGN" and attaches one to each side of Sukuvan.
This just has to work!
That's my sequence. For an opportunity at funny, when someone cuts back to Mokou show her doing some sort of performance.
>disguise it as a vending machine, unless you have something funnier in mind
This would be pretty funny but I had a clear vision for this idea.
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As a bonus, I'm sharing my current spritesheet since I had to piece together some new Sukuvans.
very very nice anon. i like how every member of the gang had an active role. but what if the bouncer ask some sort of license?
Demanding licence ? Preventing a beer van from entering the party ? Is she even showcase a single sign of such intentions, the others goblins would have a blast with the new punching bag of the day.
no way this doesnt work
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the goblinus are excited about the prospect of some fresh cold beer and break the line. bouncer goblinu is irritated about the whole situation and wants to see things clear.
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Halt! I'll need to do a quality test before letting you in. Standard procedure of course.
Now, give me a keg.
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Interior for anyone to use in the future here
mokuo can sneak in now that bouncer is distracted
>Now, give me a keg
now she's just asking for a bribe herself!
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mokko doesnt need to hear the voices in her head two times. the scoundrel, favoured by the confusion, casually walks in the temple\club.
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the gang suddendly realize about a far from little problem: the kegs are empty! nobody bothered filling them and no way a goblinu cant distinguish an empty barrel from a full one!
it's too late to hide the kongade now.
or sukuvan prefers to face the consequences of tricking a goblinu on beverage matters?
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i forgot the image
I also need to ask for some time. I'll do a short sequence
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Of course they'll be able to feel the difference.
It's light beer.
what a mega baka oni brain
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maybe its over here...
Proceed with the bouncer thing. Page10 will be busy in the meantime
she walks in, and then walk out, just like that. what a weirdo villain.
she's not very smart ok?
but she cant be fooled for long!
>falls off
>inspect everyone in one glace pinpointing every single details they have
>pull target photo
>"nope, no sukuvan here"
>leave and search somewhere else
What is she but a gigachad, anon
primitive as they may be, i fear this excuse would work only with cirno. or yuyuko.
right now, she's no match for the mighty kong. she doesnt even need to transform, just some bap-ou-ken and that's it.
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Can I get my brib- quality test now?
please wait a little, bouncer-san, we're still in need of a plan to tric- i mean brib- i mean satisfy your legit request.
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"Miss officer, our best stuff is in our 2nd van, the gold one. And as a proof of the quality of our premium sake there's a free sample for everyone too!"
poor suzuvan she just wanted some books
Can I have a higher res picture of the suzuvan's driver and the bouncer?
I can think of a sequence, but I rather not have it be a pixelated mess
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Here's the full size bouncer. Can't help with Suzuvan.
None who enter the cave below Mugenkan should expect to find peace within.
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I did it myself
Look at that. Suzu is medling with forces beyond her comprehention. Again!
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and I forgot the image. Again!
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The suzuvan can grant one wish... but it needs time.
Kosuzu will have to wait for her necronomicon
wait, so it's not suzu the tiny driver inside suzuvan?
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One wish for the bouncer. Booze?
I may have some. Yep, here you are.
She's in the back, somewhere
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They are all distracted. Even the flattened goburin.
Quick, get in!
That's the sequence. If anyone had an idea for the temple. Now it is your time
so who is the driver ? suzumokou ? why is there even some kind of magic book that can create a being looking like the sukuvan itself ?
whoa, what a mess. and why suzu casually got enough booze to knock off an oni? good thing she's not the one driving.
Why the suku is a car? Why is it fueled with kongade? Many questions, few answers.
Fortunately, all that hoarding got them through.Giving away all the booze may not been the wisest call, but they are here to get a single book. They should be fine.
I feel like mokuzu or sukou are good names and suzumokou / mokousuzu just seems too long.
maybe mokouzu?
i'm glad even the cook goblinu managed to enjoy some booze.
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poor page10. so, is somebody working (or planning to) on the goblinu club canvas? i'm not exactly an artist, so i would rather not put my hands on it.
I've got a very rough club in the works. Feel free to make your own still.
>Feel free to make your own still
with no peculiar good idea and no talent for drawing either i would rather step back. it's not like we can use two canvas. the thread can afford some take it easy, we've been so fast until now.
where did page 10 run off to?
I couldn't see any pipes behind the temple last time.
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You got an idea, thats better than what any of us have atm
Currently asking around for the sukuvan
(In)Conveniently placed pipes for bumping purposes
eating popcorns is part of the job?
is the lunarian base recruiting?
that would imply bunnies have a choice
Popcorn eating is MANDATORY.
The Great Lunar Capital Explosion caused all the popcorn stored on the moon to pop. To cull the excess amounts of popcorn flooding the city, the Lunarian government has declared popcorn to be the moon rabbits' sole source of nutrition for an indefinite period.
Or maybe that specific bunny really likes popcorn
Then again, who supplies the popcorn?
>Popcorn eating is MANDATORY.
that sounds good.
>sole source of nutrition for an indefinite period.
well, maybe not that good.
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While the goburins outside are distracted, the gang enters the party!
The music is loud and everyone is having a good time.
Yuuma is close, the throne room is right across the room.
I bet that goblin in the corner thinks the music is too loud and her feet hurts
whoa, so many goblinu. dont tell me the gang gotta bribe them too. and of course mokko is nowhere in sight, that baka.
Gee DJ-Goburin, how come you get to have two ribbons?
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i've spotted a suspicious goblinu. could her be who i think she is?
Maybe she knows where Momkou went.
but what if she IS momkou? the gang cant blow her cover by talking to her. i know it's unplausible, but she may even have a good plan.
Without mama Mokou's presence, Pt 6 is turning into "Taxi for the Nazrin gang : Onis and bunnies"
oh, c'mon, poor mokko. this is one of the few parts where she's actually moving her ass instead of just smoking and driving around. the results so far are debatable, but there's still time for her to shine.
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apparently someone broke a very important pipe and now the toilet is out of service.
Surely the beer wagon will catch enough attention for anyone to sneak in the throne room
the goblinu on the dancefloor already had their drink, the trick wont work twice.
oh, really? guess what happens when sukuvan starts the Open Bar?
you forget the kegs are empty. they had to borrow the booze from suzu.
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a bouncer goblinu spots sukuvan, and makes herself clear they cant drive around the dancefloor like it was the underground highway. starting a fight now would be a suicide, better comply and play the part until there's a proper plan of action.
Where has Myon gone?
resting in the backseat. she's not used to loud music.
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ugh, what a crappy place. nazrin could feel at home in this dusty mousehole. at least there's no risk being questioned about the empty kegs.
is that goblin alright?
she's just dead drunk.
oh no, nazrin, a cat!
you're dead meat!
Not as long she stays inside the car
It's a good thing the gang already finished up their business in that alley. I have a feeling it's going to end up messy there very soon.
Nazrin has the range advantage. She still has her rods
i know lately we had our share of bloody battles, but the gang doesnt have to pick up a fight with every living thing in sight.
what a violent upbringing, being raised by mokoh.
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ok, nazrin got a plan. but if it doesnt work you cant blame her, nobody suggested a better idea, and with myon unwilling to help due to the loud music, mokomama dispersed somewhere, she's now the senior member. first we need to keep the cat in check. it doesnt look dangerous, but better safe than sorry.
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wriggle she's now in charge of protecting the gang's back from the scary cat. and from the goblinu too, in the unplausible case she wakes up.
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nazrin get in the back to work for the next step. myon is helping, mostly because she just want to kick her out soon as possible and rest her ears (dont ask me where those ears are).
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it is time...
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...for action!
"excuse me, i'm here for the toilet problem."
your turn now, anons. stop being lazy!
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While the staff is busy with the van
Kosuzu's book quest continues
The suzuvan try once again to grant wishes. The m̶o̶o̶n̶ b̶u̶n̶n̶y̶ goblin DJ asks for a smoke machine. Maybe kosuzu can find one in the back?
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she must a be dj popular in the undergound scene.
stupid DJ overloading the grid with a popcorn machine.
the goburin went there to drink and dance, not to eat popcorn.
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The suzuvan heads into the staffroom.
After gently bashing the boxes, one of them flop open revealing a collection of small cat toys.
they do seem to appreciate the jumping maize.
cat toys, uh... i guess it's possible to lure the cat out with them, but for what purpose..?
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wait a minute... behind the toys! It's a smoke machine!
Lets go back to the DJ
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access to wc: unlocked!
nothing much is goin' here. for now. the gang just need to stir up some trouble big enough to work as a diversion. however any unauthorized personnel will draw the suspicion of the bouncers, so most of the gang still got their hands tied.
damn, tene pranked the toilet flooding it with stones? how did she left the goburin village unscathed?
t-that's not tene's fault! the toilet flood is merely the consequence of the big dumb villain page10, broking pipes (un)supported by goblinu taxes!
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no luck so far
between the bunny ears and the beer wagon disguise, only few goblinus know about sukuvan's true aspect. i feel the gang dont have to fear her much, at least in the near future.
Maybe she should go to the bar and think it over a couple (barrels) of beer.
the bar in the the goblinu temple\club? she needs a pass from the bouncer first.
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maybe its time to call the moon for help
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interplanetary call, uh. good thing the bill is on yuuka.
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unsure if interplanetary is the correct term, but you can bet the bill will be out of this world
What a mess. Hope super naz doesn't get sick
she doesnt have to put her hands on it. unless repairing the toilet (more like the broken pipe) can actually help the gang in some kind of way.
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>for what purpose
Free cat.
Who gave that sukusuku a smoke and left it unattended? It doesn't even have hands! Talk about a walking fire hazard.
Guess we better see if this suku has good behavior or not. Nazrin approaches with intent to take the cigarette.
mokou could use some smokes
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the suku is wary of nazrin, and it make it quite clear. if nazrin dont want to lose an hand she better give up on the smoke; or find some clever strategy to outsmart it.
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maybe it's gonna be easier with some backup. nazrin sneak away...
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...and ask wriggle for help.
Naz, the cat is still there. Watch out!
it's okay. the cat is sleeping.
>"Who gave that sukusuku a smoke and left it unattended?"
Ah, yes. The negotiator
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Wriggle reminds Nazrin that if a sukusuku is giving her a hard time she might still have some suku snax left to get on its good side.
But if all she wants to do is start a fire they just need to find Mokou.
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nazrin reminds wriggle that sneaking behind the bouncers' back will be hard for sukubeerwagon, and the gang cant afford to blow their cover.
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wriggle just cant resist nazrin's persuasion skill, and follow her to face the sukusuku problem.
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uh? the sukusuku... is gone?!
wriggle is a good friend
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what's with moonrabbits and mayo, is it linked to the secret of their advanced technology?
We're about to find out
Page 10 reports that the sukuvan is nowhere to be found despite what the lunarian sensors said.
She is instructed to dial 1s and 0s to send an image of each lifeform she've seen so far in binary
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that's asking too much to an oni like creature
the suspence is killing me. or maybe it's just the heatwave.
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mmmh, a big dumb oni... that's an excellent source of troubles...
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let's make a good use of the recently acquired rope...
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..nice shot!
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now we just need a good place to knot the other side to. possibly before the big dumb oni moves away from the phone.
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Unexpectedly, the oni has no issues in converting the images to binary. How can she do this?
The image generation will take a bit of time still
must be thanks some genetetic enhancement innested by the moonies. binary instinct.
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Quest complete!
We got some of her valued pop corn and a track of our choice after the current theme is over
Please don't draw anything with the energy issues and the smoke machine yet. I have a joke to draw the moment before its plugged in, but the actual outcome can drawn by someone else
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this should do. maybe. let's hope the oni is strong as she looks.
this gonna be good
yup, a mess big and wet enough to distract the bouncers. at least that's the plan. and if the gang is lucky the dj could add some more meat on the grill.
Can you draw the gang waiting for the disaster then? I'll do the DJ joke
they're already in waiting mode. i mean, until page10 moves away they have little to do.
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poor page10, how was she supposed to know? these rabbits act smart and cant even tame some crazy mayo.
..this is a NGE joke, right?
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As you know. Agent #309 plugged in a faulty Kappa Tech smoke machine in an already saturated powergrid
For a life time supply of pop corn, the question is...
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I'll continue tomorrow. Everyone feel free to decide poor #309's fate
Wait isn't that yuuma's subordinate ? what is she doing here ? does she even know the current whereaboit of her boss ?
I'm gonna say it's... A!
I called my friend and he said it's C
D, it's the D! damn it, say it D!
she's just some stoned freak, please dont mind the junkie lizard.
It has got to be B. At the SDM.
for me, it's D, which will conceal the eventual C.

don't play with electricity, kids!
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what's with the autosage? give the thread a proper bump.
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it's time for page10 to get back in action (and help the gang)
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it's working!
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working good...
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...ok, better get out before the bouncers hang them for this mess.
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Let's see
but that happens every week!
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The path is not exactly clear, but it is now or never
but sukuvan is not good with dark places!
dosen't she have lights

unless that draws the suikas attention
>unless that draws the suikas attention
exactly. even with the loud sewer noises it will be hard to not notice two big lights moving in the throne room.
wow! good job, nazrin! you're not a clever paisano, after all!
the black out was not part of the nazrin's plan. it's the moonrabbit dj fault! still, it does grant the gang a perfect chance to sneak in. or to rush in. i mean, no point in sneaking if nobody know what hit them.
I dont think the suikas that just want to party care about what the sukuvans do
The bouncers may care, but the sunglasses are not doing any favors to them right now
fret not, sukufriends! I just know that mokoh, like the hooligan she is, saw this opportunity and slimmed through their goblinu watch, on to rescue!

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