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First time posting here, I'd like to share some orchestrations I've done for pieces from various anime.

>Attack on Titan

>Akatsuki no Requiem (Orchestra)
>Akatsuki no Requiem (String Quartet)
>My War
>Guren no Yumiya

>Jujutsu Kaisen


>Fullmetal Alchemist

>Trisha's Lullaby

>Promised Neverland

>Isabella's Lullaby
I checked out the Promised Neverland one and it's bretty gud, but I'm afraid this post is too high effort and on-topic for this board
It's been a while since I wrote that one, but I do remember wanting to get across the sense of an escape to paradise with that big crescendo.
fuck off we are full
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These are pretty good. The promised neverland one is nice but I think the volume mixing could use some work. The beginning is very quiet compared to the deafening crescendo at the end.
/a/ doesn't care for /mu/ stuff
and /mu/ doesn't care for /a/ stuff
Those are pretty good. Keep doing what you're doing.
You're not the first to give that feedback. I really need to go back and revise that one.
Do Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon next.
You got some good stuff here.
It's possible that it's due to the volume mixing that someone else brought up or midi soundfont but you need more brass, especially in the climax of Guren no Yumiya. I picked up on the horn runs leading up to it, and I think that's them on the main melody after (hard to tell with the soundfont) but I don't hear much trombones who could be supporting as well.
tl;dr needs more ZUNpets.
Oh yeah, the trombone vst absolutely sucks in Musescore.

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