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how does one get into touhou?
I dunno, ask ZUN. Maybe he'll base a character off of you or something. Rinnosuke is his self-insert after all, you could be the next dude touhou if you try hard enough.
Don't listen to this berk; play HRtP.
Getting a compilation of the games is probably the best way. Gameplay is fairly simple to pick up, but takes time to get good at it. Try a few, and don't be afraid to drop one and start another if it starts wearing you down. Each one is a different experience, and the one that clicks with you is not necessarily going to be the first one on the list. Don't force yourself to play if you aren't enjoying it, but don't get disheartened if you die a lot; it's part of the experience to go from panicking at a flashy spell that catches you at zero bombs, to being able to weaving through it while thinking how you're gonna tackle the next.
It's also possible to start with doujinshi; it's far from ideal, but it's hardly rare for somebody to flip through doujinshi without knowing the characters, get interested, and surf the tags. It's how I started because certain niche content didn't have a lot of options and a Patchy one happened to be one of the best, but that's hardly a ringing endorsement.
Open a new tab type in touhou and make sure to open every single link.
Always remember that Sanae is a SLUT.
One does not simply get into Touhou.
>start with doujinshi
That can dangerous. Games are fine, what's important is what you do in parallel with playing. I got in so deep with doujins, I literally can't see canon printworks as Touhou, they don't feel right.
If you get into futa doujins, make sure the benises are right (Marisa should have a nice fat one and Youmu a smooth boyish one).
Stop being so gay, anon.
Like I said, it's far from ideal. But it's not like you can take back what you've already read and/or used. If somebody gets into it because he found a doujin or character that ticked his boxes and eventually wanted to learn more, he can't change that. His perception of the character can change, but what's done is done.

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