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BanG Dream!

Revue Starlight

Dig Delight Direct Drive!

Assault Lily

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Bushiroad Seiyuu Thread information spreadsheet:

Bushiroad Seiyuu Thread information spreadsheet(Editable):

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>Bushiroad Seiyuu Thread #281
>Dig Delight Direct Drive!
hot dori
Once a Bushi always a Bushi.
What a nerd
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it's over
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I love Amane
I love you
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I love my nerdy pianist gf so much.
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She doesn't have something else to shill?
This makes PP hard
I can't tell if Akane is conventionally attractive or just exudes sexiness despite unconventional looks.
Looks like a tranny desu
Is she mixed? She looks white.
For me she's super sexy
He dad is japanese and has the same sleepy looking eyes. She posted a picture of him for Father's day.

But yeah I'm going to go with sexy. Somewhat androgenous but in the best way. Also a good drummer although I'm still taking Mika as the best overall irl drummer.
But Anon told me that AL is doing better than ever now that Bushiroad dropped the franchise.
More bushis leaving agencies
Unironic answer, yes.

Though Sayapaca also has like twenty other things she is involved with (such as non-work videos that somehow go viral) at any one time so her interest in and attachment to AL and Kureha is quite sincere. She posts reaction tweets for pairings and stuff not involving herself or Kureha too, not only PR things for her own involvement.

Project-wise there was an event literally yesterday that came about pretty much out of fan demand. I doubt a fan-oriented thing with little (if any) profit to be made was as likely for the aspect of the project that Bushiroad was handling.
now who?
why is she so cute?
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make you want to leak her socks
So now I can send duck pics to her mail and the agency won't stop me
any examples of those non-work videos that went viral?
Sometimes i feel bad for bandori as a franchise
band anime is at such a high right now, BTR having a spot on the First Take, people raving about GBC and yet Mygo even though it's a genuinely good anime and decently succesful still never quite really break outside the fandom and to the mainstream besides maybe in China
At least it is doing better than d4dj
https://twitter.com/saya_paca/status/1807021522579505642 which later got a remix into https://twitter.com/SAMEX_1u2y/status/1807109314072703213?t=bHuZRQV0iX95LTxZbUKaNA was making some big numbers compared to her usual engagement numbers. I also remember something to do with animals that trended on Japanese Twitter but I can't remember which animal and her media tab has too much stuff to scroll through.
QRD on the KDHR drama?
Outside her having sex with manly men? There none
I blame Bandori pretending that countries not called the US, China, Korea, and Singapore don't exist.
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Someone posted a still from a live where kdhr looks like she was giving the finger because she was making a gesture while still holding the pick at the same time
I don't think the OP meant to stir something they just thought it was funny but i assume the post got too big and spread around and kdhr got uncomfortable with it
Post the pic
I don't have it saved but i saw it a couple of days ago, OP probably deleted it
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prettiest donuts
you can go through twitter's advance search and set the option for minimum likes to something like 1000 and it'll basically sort through someone's most viral tweet
I assume it's this one
I still don't understand what her brief braces stunt was all about
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Probably wore them when she was young and needed some adjustment again. The teeth are always moving back and you were supposed to wear the retainer during the night for the rest of your life
Wake up anon your gf just dropped a new 踊ってみた video
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What was the gesture she was trying to do then? This is just a perfect middle finger.
Come gesture, her index finger was busy
This shouldn't even be a big deal if she's obviously holding her pick in that hand
Should use the rest of two fingers then
It would be an infringement on GBC
Sae did it first
She did that in the first live too.
I do not understand the problem.

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Is placing the tits on the armpit part of the move?
Shes doing hentai now?
Which bushi would be the best in a hot female boss role?
Bandori MyGO is a long-term multi-arc story with complex narratives that aren't clear for most of the anime. It's not even finished, still have the Ave Mujica anime. And after that, the story is continued through the game.

It naturally has a disadvantage over anime like GBC or Bocchi because it doesn't lean into immediate hardcore fanservice. GBC has cringily shallow exposition for edgy topics as well as egregiously overt yuri-bait. Bocchi herself is literally every weeb's dream thicc but slightly vapid waifu that also has tons of yuri bait options. This is literally exactly what the kinds of people watching the anime want.

The reality is that most anime viewers dont care about investing lots of time into complex long-term stories. They just want short-term gratification for their fetishes and biases. And the people watching girls band anime unsurprisingly like the short-term seasonal anime that shoves shallow fanservice over everything. See how many people are now shipping Nina and Momo despite their age gap for example.

MyGO will probably swing back around again when the amu anime comes out but that's next year because bushiroad are dumb. Ofc being managed by bushiroad is also a debuff for any anime unfortunately.
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We already had one
I like Reo's new twitter header
I need her to dominate me so bad...
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Eyes devoid of life, s true window to the soul
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Aimin should sing more songs with deep voice like this.
She plays and sing as a guy in Paradox Live
>MyGO is a long-term multi-arc story with complex narratives t
>not mindless and constant fanservice bait
It was more shallow than even original bandori
Careful or the woke brigade will start going at you on a fictional character's behalf about pronouns
>woke brigade
it's japan, they can fuck right off
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BanG Dream
I love Kessoku Band!
That's SS Girls

Moyo is one of the last actresses I would expect to portray Hakuchou even though she will likely do a good job at it. She will be among friends, too, and it's a solid cast they've assembled there. Tentatively curious how she will look in the Hakuchou costume.
Honestly i think one of the biggest factor is really just the bandori tag, don't know how common of a sentiment is this but i see a good amount of tweets on jp twitter going about the anime like "i initially dismiss mygo because i'm not familiar with bandori but it's surprisingly good"
And truth be told the previous seasons of bandori is really average. If i weren't already a fan of the music and haven't played garupa already beforehand i probably wouldn't have finished it so i doubt there's a lot of "anime-onlys" of bandori out there

Personally i'm just glad they took a lot of great lessons from it by making Mygo a more personal and concise story, i think it's genuinely a great show regardless of me already being a long time fan of the franchise and i hope more people will give it a chance
You cant really expect mygo to be as popular as a mainstream anime backed by sony/aniplex.
Aimin youtube shorts are really sad...
>Aimin in shorts
a man can dream...
Jav actresses that look like aimi?
Eimi Fukada
>aimi looks like a bogged Jav actress
anon… what are you saying..
jesus christ anon what the absolute fuck
get your fucking eyes checked
Why can't Bushiroad do what Sony and Aniplex do?
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small indie company
Look at her earlier works, now she's fucked but back then she's wasn't a perfect copy either but c'mon man, she was like like 40% a face lookalike of Aimi at least, maybe even 50%

It's what we have anyways, take it or leave it.

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