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Information for live shows and viewings:

SNS and concerts:

Previous: >>47200907
It’s Aqover bros
The wording of the announcement sounds like "This is not our last live, but it's our last live with 9 members under the name Aqours" Does that mean only specific members are going to leave and they won't have the option of coming back? Or are they going to rotate the members and purposely not invite all 9 at once? Does that mean the Aqours contracts are separate from the Yohane contracts or is this the end of Yohane as well? There are so many questions, I get why they needed to clearly state it so that fans wouldn't be disappointed by not seeing Aqours as 9 ever again, but to definitely say that it's the last time all 9 will be performing together is just as grim as a disbandment.
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her tainted hands...
Just how many questions you have shows they were right in not being too direct about disbandment.
Too many entitled fans in the fandom, they don't want to risk another Niji/Superstar S2 drama.
Where was this taken and where is it from? Google gives no results.
No? It’s exactly what it says. After the finale, there won’t be standalone concerts in the future. Just like Muse. It doesn’t mean they can’t be invited as Aqours for events or even another LL Fest.
Look at their recent releases by YYY. Small-scaled projects with limited members.
rip bozo
Too long ago for me to remember, sorry.
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I'm glad it's over.
its going to be sad when kinchan doesnt bother showing up again
What's her problem.
Yabu based, no one cares about that ugly hafu.
Anon, what the fuck are you talking about?
Man, I know aqours has been going on for a really long time already, but I still don't feel ready for it to end.
I remember when Aqours first started and how I thought they sucked and would never replace muse, but now I love their songs so much, way more than muse.
I'm not ready to cry as hard as I will when watching the final live like when I did with muse.
I'll miss those girls...
Aqours was the first LL I tried to watch and its first episode (or rather, its first 10 minutes) made me stay away from the franchise for years.
>inb4 why would you start with Sunshine
Because I watched the very day it aired and it was supposed to be standalone.
I'm glad they're finally biting the dust. Serves them right for wearing Muse's laurels.
2 qts 1 Paychud
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Pale Naomi toesies in and around my mouth!
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>Liella congratulating Aqours on their 9th anniversary/disbanding

They really think they are gonna be the make focus after Aqours are gone.. kek
At least cut her nasty nails man.
So which one got pregnant?
Theyll be muse from now on

Expect the flurry of marriage announcements after the final live
> Theyll be muse from now on
> Expect the flurry of marriage announcements
Remind me about this “flurry” of married muse’s?
management wanna funnel the Aquafags to their group
I think the only non-Liella who tweeted is Cocona
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Nagi looks so different with actual black hair.
I wonder how soft Non-chan's tiny little hands are, I'd love them wrapped around my
wrapped around my neck.
I'm so lonely, I wish I could stick my face in Sayuri's hair and see how nice it smells.
Liella! pubic hair tier-list?
Payshit ungroomed bush
Who will be the first Aqours to push for a reunion when their solo career doesn't take off?
If they are anything like the other hags about half of them.
They aren't disbanding though. The way some people are interpreting it, subunit/Saint Aqours Snow/Yohane/cross-gen lives are still on the table. I think the unit shuffle event they've been teasing for years would be a great event to kick off Aqours' transition.
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shut up about aqours its the birthday of my queen Payton the Gift given to us by God
Isn't her solo career with Sony pretty decent?
No one cares
Relatively speaking, yes. And I would say every other Love Live seiyuu's career is considered decent too. Because think about how they always end up on the Oricon charts somewhere (even if they aren't in the top 10). Before Love Live, Aikyan's song "Future is Serious" didn't rank on the chart at all. I'm sure there are thousands of other artists who will never even see their names on the chart at all, making every Love Live seiyuu at least an "average" artist.
Aikyan should take this opportunity to revive her ancient YouTube channel if she needs extra income
So? She seems like the most passionate member and is really attached to the group. That's the type of person who will want reunions.
I feel like Aikyan will continue to tweet happy birthday to the other members every year, even if Aqours fully disbands. The only thing I can imagine stopping her is twitter shutting down.
>every other Love Live seiyuu's career is considered decent too.
Even Kinchan?
And they will continue to ignore her.
heavy amounts of copium
Aaaaahhh lovely Liella feeeeet
>yabu went to paypal's birthday event
I thought you bros said she hates the hafu?
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No one said that, and if they did then they clearly don't know Japanese or actually follow the unit.
She still has her fanclub, so she has a regular income coming in. I don't know how to estimate how much she's making, but if she wasn't making at least a somewhat liveable wage I don't think she'd be able to live alone, have 3 pets, and travel the world.
Still want to see what Non-chan's older sister looks like.
holy shit, I really like this
No you don't.
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How do you think /ourgirl/ is reacting to the news?
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>won't eat
>won't show up for streams
I can fix her.
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It sucks knowing that I'll probably die without having the opportunity to see Anju's massive breasts exposed in their full glory.
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the b sides are great as well
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I bet Sayurin would be a crybaby on stream if she has to announce Liella’s Finale Love Live
What did she mean by this?
Women are so cute, I love women
I'm serious, Date-san's teeth could cause some serious damage. Conceptualize the bite if you will.
Anju didn't have her signature grin in the post-stream picture hours ago. Imagine Sayuri.
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RKK said they would still performing when they were old women with dentures in their mouths... I can't believe I actually trusted her...
why can't all idols be sluts that want to show off, a true tragedy
What will Sayurin even do when Liella inevitably bites the dust?

You're saying her Bali, Cebu, and Vietnam trips were paid for by her simps?
>What will Sayurin even do when Liella inevitably bites the dust?
JAV hopefully
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woke up to the news and kinda out of the loop. So are they done doing 9 member lives but are still doing performances outside of that? I don’t see them using the world disband anywhere.
being a D-list celebrity (which she already is)
Final 9 member live, "activities" will continue. We don't really know details on that but I'd imagine that how they've been operating for the past year or so is now the norm.
rkk looked upset af on the stream, she was not happy, then she leaned as further away from king as she possibly could almost onto anjus chair in the after group photo
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Is the birthday girl a Z-list celebrity?
Liella will probably slow down a lot after S3/6L
their agencies need to capitalize while they're still young and marketable
you cant say this without posting proof or a timestamp
Nigga she shows up to variety programs as sandwichman's niece, I doubt she'll end up empty handed 15 years from now.
>nepo baby
that's even worse
Kin's shit-eating grin in the post-stream picture lmao
>"just one more Live and then I never have to show up for this shit ever again"
Another reason why Aikyan should've won the fourth single center poll.
Oh shit I completely forgot about that shitshow
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Nagi celebration
Deep Resonance is miles better than Mitaiken Horizon anyway.
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Don't use my wife to post negativity towards her friends D: They love each other and recently went on a date
You mean knk probably begged Aikyan to take a pic with her to boost her own numbers?
It's an instagram story. There aren't even any numbers visible to the public.
Kanako's pretty fucking sexy.
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Nice KanKan tongue-action going on.
Wait, I forgot I was supposed to say our* wife now. Pardon me
I bet she could fit both pints in her mouth with one gulp.
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Fucking bitch she wanted to pose V(^_^)V like this
king is actually so fucking disgusting
Just say you hate Aqours
Are there multiple anons that are contributing to this mouth thing? This feels like an imposter because of the lack of disturbing adjectives
I hate Kinshit
>If you call Saint Snow every time, it won't be a one-man show, so maybe you can perform forever in the future...?
Nako on top
Okay, this is it.
It went well for Liella for me, so this will be the ultimate test.
I preordered 3 cds for the lottery and if those 3 fail, then my last resort is the gaijin pack.
They should probably start constructing a new stadium, because Tokyo dome won't be fucking enough.
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>aqours final love live
who got caught dating
Kinchan is an escort.
They'll still do other Aqours events but not as 9. This Finale is purely so they can do one more Live, and then Kinchan and Anchan can leave the series forever like they've wanted to do for a long time.
sorry for not using a condom with shuka guys my bad
You're excused.
Love the PYS trio so much.
Very cute outfit today, same with Hinaki!
I hope Ms. Takatsuki can find herself a doting and humble husband...
good morning sirs
Imagine the smell.
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>Final Live
>Aqours are ready to perform
>The crowd starts chanting "Get off the stage, grandma!"
Idk, but this pic makes me sad. She looks depressed
I can smell that video
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That's cute
she can get off the stage and into my bed
Jesus Christ...
still friends after 8 years

flops could never
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I paid for her cebu trip and we had hot steam sex at the hotel near the airport in manila before she left
Lying bitch
What's steam sex like?
bathtub quickie with the hot water tapped on
Seiyuus made for abuse?
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[x] Tickle Hinata tummy
theres no way they like disney land that much
W-what's that on her lips?
>Minions hay
She's at Universal. She uploaded pics of herself at the wizard shit attraction on her IG.
*Minions hat
So kissable
This was fun ngl, love singing this in karaoke
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Do not.
Belated birthday thigh-slaps for Naomi-chan!
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Dream foursome.
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There's none
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She doesnt deserve the hate
>sabotaged an election by going full pity mode
>was in charge of the biggest edgelord group in recent years
>constantly dodged lives and other obligations while happily travelling the world
Oh the hate is well deserved
Forgot the constant bullshit about drugs and witchcraft
Do we have any evidence on this or is it just more hate?
Seems like this general slowed down a ton ever since the announcement
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No not really
Our wife! I have mixed feelings knowing that she was crying last night ;_; This is what Kyan posted under last night's daily fanclub picture:
>Today, I've done what I've always done. I went to rehearsal, worked up a sweat, laughed a lot, and gave my best effort. I'm sure everyone spent the day while having all kinds of thoughts, or at least I did...(teary emoji) Aaah- keep this a secret lol. Y'know, I don't want anyone to be sad, but I don't want anyone to ignore their feelings when they're sad either. It's going to be lonely, so people are going to feel lonely, even me! After all, we've all been by each others' sides for such a long time, chasing our dreams. This is what's currently on my mind, while I'm still covered in sweat. I still want to protect everyone though, so let me protect you! That's all.
We need to help her save Aqours ;_;
Aqours might be kill but GK will still be a thing, right? Right?
Nya kinda rarely shows up for Aqours recently
but probably more likely GK than other sub-units
unless Nya's singing/health had been more fucked recently
She's been singing live, I think 2020-2021 was the only time it was bad
>sabotaged an election by going full pity mode
I like Mitaiken Horizon and Hanamaru pre-S2 but Deep Resonance was the better song. Everything kind of pointed to it being the one with the MV and King could've still had a song where she's the center without cucking us out of a better MV.
I don't think that sounds right. Mitaiken has callbacks to previous singles in the choreography and music video. It seems like the animators knew it was going to be their last animated single.
You think she travels to India because she likes the country?
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These radio studio photos are always so terrible...
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Yo what the fuck
I might have to do double job until the Aqours finale. I don't want to fucking miss out on this once in a lifetime event. At the same time, not sure if it's worth pushing myself hard knowingly that i may or may not win the foreigner package chuusen
>non-candid photo
>no one tells Kuma to wipe her face before posing
Navel penetration for Chiemi.
Why does this meme song have over 1mil views
It's a good song.
Sex with hags.
Never forget how hard Chiemi mogs Nacho in this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHCRfdXD49E
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Shout out to Akari Kito for shilling Nijigasaki on her latest ad collab with Sante Fx, she does care
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Love that swimsuit so much on her. Chiemi has such a cute and tiny butt, it's perfect.
Just say you hate Nacherry
Nacho's nasty book...
and she frees up time from her busy sched to hang out with Nijis

>no ass
unlike that traitor
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Tomoslut doing charity work for the retards.
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i love her, the radio show is so fucking funny. Some dude said he wanted to go on a date with her and she was like “uhhh not happening. Im dating ash-kun” or some shit
glad shes not afraid to show off her looks and body
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>photos with Hinaki, Tomori, and Agupon all in 1 day
>no Liella
said her (new) dream is to be a seiyuu
wonder if she'll join StarRise, too
wdym chiemi is one of the hottest LLs ever
trim your fingernails dammit
Nassu armpit and neck
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lol no mad otaku as she's fat and unpopular
And fugly
who is this
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It's over. There's absolutely no way I could ever hope to compete with... that...
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Sato Minami
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i love her
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Imagine this brat showing up to your date late because she misread the clock while getting ready...
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oh wow, i forgot she kinda had big boobs
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Yuna forehead sexo.
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I hate women so much it's unreal
Pads or silicon?
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All I need to do is look like an average Japanese man and I can get a sexy gf?
wtf, I could’ve sworn she was big pre surgery
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boing boing boing
You can't even see his face.
She was so hot pre-bogged why did she do it
She will receive a thorough correction after the date
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What were they thinking?
Most bogs were.
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>so long suckers
I want to kiss her forehead
>kinchan is the only one that didn’t make a sad tweet reflecting on aqours disbanding
ok nvm, she doesn’t give a shit LMAO
Or maybe your just retarded?

Did she delete it?
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Pretty girl
The red dye doesn't look bad with her hair down, but it looks awful with the Mei hairdo.
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me <3
in my arms ;)
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That's a roman nose, not chosen people.
The chin is scarier.
me right btw
Please tell your nigger fans to make their own thread for you instead of spamming you in an unrelated one.
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Do women actually look like this up close?
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Naomi 'Jo' Payton's trusty blue school swimsuit that's traveled the world alongside her.
Getting ready for Rhett-kun.
She hasn't spoken about Rhett-kun for years, just Papi and her cat. Pretty sure he passed. ;__;
Composer-kun was her rebound.
I remember PayPay saying that her entire family (including the animals) always make a point to gather around the TV to watch Naomi's lives together when they can't make it in person. Very wholesome.
I remember PayPay saying that she was fluent in english
I remember PayPay saying she goes to sleep at midnight and wakes up at 1pm, much like a cat, and only fixes her sleep schedule for tours/events.
>that right pic
God that's hot, she's so flat.
bambi fujimoto
So she didn't say it, she wrote it.
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around 0:40 she says galaxy in the most valley girl accent possible LMAO
It's easy to fake an accent.
I remember Paychud saying that she's a useless piece of shit
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i remember payfuck saying she looked like akishit
sounds like Shu's english tbqh
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I swear I've never seen a girl get mogged this hard in my life
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British hafu >>>>> jewish hafu
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nuke subhuman american pigs shithole
I like Kaorin alot but she always has this goofy look, like shes stoned or something. Idk why, her facial features kinda just make it that way.
She looks like she has the Downs.
ok but why
stop ban evading
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Dream fivesome.
wait why is her phone censored
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piece of shit i hate her
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Why is her dildo censored?
And why the fuck she's always like she's undercover? Is she that afraid to not be treated as a japanese citizen?
shu2 mayu2
The girl who drives the resident brownies insane.
One of the Stardust goblins?
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nuke subhuman american pigs shithole
More than 2 years going to the gym and she's still looking like shit
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Do you actually like any of these girls ESL-kun?
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Still no scans of Mayu's 2nd PB... I'm just going to bite the bullet and order it with my next bulk order I'm doing.
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has no one seriously dropped the coco photobook yet
She looks better than Paychud tho
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I've been meaning to ask, but isn't it ironic to use chud as an insult while shitting on someone for their ethnicity?
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Even flatter than Nozomi?
not better than bambi tho
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Flat > Fat
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