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It's that time of the month again /jp/!
Rember to say 'rabbit rabbit' as you wake up on the first day of a new month and you will be blessed with good luck!
rabbit rabbit ... uah
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I won't forget this month, I swear!
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I'll remember this time Tewi I swear!
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What a strange gesture.
paizuri paizuri.
Remember to make your first fap of the month to the takorin animation for bonus luck!
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Rabbit Rabbit!
rabbit rabbit
That's kitsune gensture
Drink my cum Tewi-chan!
Did it, thanks for the reminder.
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Rabbit rabbit
I might actually remember this time since I’m seeing this long before I’ll go to bed.
Who lets this wicked beast run loose like this?
Poor Kagerou.
rabbit rabbit
/jp/, I've done it! There is still so much to do!
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There. Now to consider whether my today's wank should be to Tewi.
Paizuri paizuri
I said it!!
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Paizuri Pazuri!
I remembered! I'm on a 29 month streak!
rabbit rabbit
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I remembered, I just chose not to say it.
I remembered!
also, thanks tewi-chan for saving me on half of my finals!
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I failed.
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I completely forgot…
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Does it count if when I woke up I grabbed my phone to check some stuff, then realized I hadn't say anything and said "Tewi-chan, Tewi-chan, be my daughterwife Tewi-chan"?
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I failed.
Can I still get my free monthly paizuri?
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you'll have to get by with her ears
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