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This thread is for the discussion of Sakurazaka46, Hinatazaka46, and Yoshimotozaka46 (on hiatus) and topics relating to them and their members.

(07/01) CDTV LIVE! LIVE! (Sakurazaka46)
(07/03-04) Hiragana Hinatazaka46 live at Pacifico Yokohama
(07/04) Takamoto Ayaka's graduation ceremony
(07/20) Osaka Gigantic Music Festival 2024 (Hinatazaka46)
(07/20) Buzz Rhythm LIVE -10th Anniversary- (Sakurazaka46)
(07/21) OSAKA GIGANTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL 2024 (Sakurazaka46)
(08/02-04) Tokyo Idol Festival 2024 (Hinatazaka46)
(08/03) ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2024 (Sakurazaka46)
(08/09) Fujiyoshi Karin starring in the movie: Rookie reporter Torocco: If I don't do it, who will?
(08/23-24) 9th Single BACKS LIVE @ Makuhari Event Hall
(08/27-29) Hinatazaka46 4th Gen Budokan 3 days live (Hinatazaka46)
(09/07,08) Hinatafes at Sunmarine Stadium Miyazaki (Hinatazaka46)
(09/07-08) Hinatafes at Sunmarine Stadium Miyazaki (Hinatazaka46)
(09/12,13) Sakurazaka46's 3kisei solo LIVE @ YOYOGI 1ST GYMNASIUM
(11/23-24) Sakurazaka46 4th YEAR ANNIVERSARY LIVE at ZOZO Marine

Upcoming Sakamichi TV appearances: https://pastebin.com/c8tMgEmh
48/46 Group subs masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B1HFVF5iQBgvjDrPnmwfbq0Iz6VvaOmDep0C2x8yoMo
Sakamichi subbed content: | Sakurazaka46 3ki/Hinatazaka46: http://keyavids.com/ | BokuAo: https://twitter.com/bokuaocentral

48/46 Group live shows: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JnKp_AEeGUNTNePfY3C3AO4veiVi7frza82lRo44ejQ
Sakamichi H/S: https://senublog.com/?s=完売表 | https://ameblo.jp/seto-kasumi (no longer updated)
Sakurazaka46: https://www.sakurazaka46.com/
Hinatazaka46: https://www.hinatazaka46.com/
Yoshimotozaka46: http://yoshimotozaka46.com/


Previous Thread: >>47215320
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Justice for Muraiyu
Welcome back Yuuzu
ICYMI: Welcome back to LOVE IT! Yuuzu!

I hope it's a university situation and not the management neglecting her
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Sunday nights back to be more comfy
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Yuuzu has it tough today
Believe in our future captain
The members said m&g is a time for them to relax and have fun and it doesn't feel like working
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It has been a good period for Sakamichi idols, so please continue to support your oshi in every way that you can.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygkqZT0PpPM [Open]



Thread Converse Advertiser Kira-chan is here to sponsor your favorite idol. Which idol is interested?
based hardworking aidoru
you guys, our girls are so cuuuute!
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>Believing lip service from idols
They're still interacting with lots of wotas for hours, even if it's online
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Kinozaka Rebellion, Baby!
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But they have a lot of laughter and funny moments on miiguri that it looks like playtime
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>tfw she's still scheduled for Wednesdays
That's their job.
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I really hope she mashes it on. She's an all rounder.
>that hairstyle
*sigh* Muraiyu...
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Yuuzu is such a goofy cutie.
This week's keyword was inspired by Yuuzu.
>Would Taisho come back?
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Taisho is the Renaa of Ravitto's male idols, he will probably be invited and potentially become a season regular again.
Yuuzu STILL wants to challenge the chanbara again kek
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Did Sakurazaka declare NewJeans the saviors of Jpop?
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>Kawashima called her a liar yet again
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Hina tomorrow + Tuesday regular reveal
Finally, a non-faggot start to the thread.
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>tfw she asked to be a regular again just to redeem herself
If it's Muraiyu...
Otsukare Yuuzu
I'm the only one who was expecting a 2ki
by the silhouette, I think it might be Kahorin
Which 2ki?
Nice to see Yuuzu back as a regular. iirc, Renaa was made the center after becoming a two-time regular on LOVE IT. Could that happen to Yuuzu?
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This girl is delicious from top to toe.
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Tenchan is biribiri NG. No can do.
We jinxed her, bros...
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Yudu would normally be a center candidate with or without Ravitto
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Kek based joke
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How come they don't want her, man?
She might have declined it herself for the time being. Renaa hogged the spot for 6 months and then others started rolling in. I think the same thing will happen again.
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I don't know. I feel like Yuuzu is similar to Chapu, popular, used a lot in outside shows, but never centers.
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They will pay
I guess there's some resemblance here, but in Chapu's period, it was Techi-only, and when we had a name change, the push shifted to 2ki.
It's Chuke
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Chuke is a TV Asahi girl
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I'm losing hope.
If you exclude the girls who might not be ready yet and the girls who don't have the personality for such a show, Yuuzu 2nd regular would make sense.
Literally me
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I guess Muraiyu and Konnagi are really busy with university...
Oh yeah Konnagi, she'd be perfect for rabitto
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Yuuzu has university too, y'know
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I have a feeling Yuuzu is on Mondays because that's the day she has a flexible or a lighter university schedule
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Yutsutan was in last week and the week before it. When you think about it, she'll be a season regular for three and half months by the end of it.
Music to my ears
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Ravitto completely forgot about Lilica...
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What the fuck happened?
Surprise 2nd regular next season? ;_;
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How the fuck should I know?
too much azatoi
She was so into it just like Yuuzu
I miss these reactions, Sokosaku doesn't show her much.
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Yuuzu is extremely capable. Her debut on the show felt as if she has been a regular for years. No sense of nervousness, engagement rate is very high, great reactions, and made a mark on the show day 1 (webm related)
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>Muraiyu apologizing after shooting you in the chest
"Haha, it's okay sweetie just go get the trauma kit"
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>That Zono at the end
Is Muraiyu anime irl?
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I wish they'd throw Konnagi and Akachan in, they're very good at talking
My dream 7P
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Renaa's first term was 2 months (probably because the show was still in the early stage and didn't set rules yet). With Yuuzu's current three months, she'd be the longest reigning season regular in the group.
For me, it's ODKR
>Then Marinosama
Really activates the almonds
Roke itsu ka na?
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This is also the second week in a row Sakurazaka is invited to CDTV LIVE.
Time for TBS to give them their special dressing room like the janiizu VIPs
I often wondered if they enjoy these short performances on these shows
Ready to get shot by a real yandere?
Miogood's dream was to perform at CDTV. She couldn't stop talking about it on mobame for days.
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The rabitto general audience probably don't know that Yuuzu's real character is a spoiled brat, picrel.
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I remember her performances. She was so electric and happy. It was like I was watching a new Mio after Pon left.
imagine Yuudu at 8am talking in yupigo
>DECHINAII *pouts*
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I can't get that 'DECHINAII' out of my head
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She was melting down from embarrassment when the other members brough it up in Sokosaku, she'd never do it again, let alone in Ravitto
I'm in love
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I've stolen those webms
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can I get some いいじゃんs?
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I hope the wotas of other 3ki members don't turn on her because she's hogging the spot. She's way too capable, which might be why the management keep giving her outside jobs.
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I think Akachan can do well
Well, Marina and Chuke get backlash for that reason, so it'd be expected.
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Lmao soloist blue-chan
She's good in radio, but I think she'll be a lesser Airitan in Ravitto. It's just a different medium.
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Funny how last week Maruyama said she won't be seeing Yuuzu for a while, while she shook her hand and looking sad. A week later, and they're reunited.
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Aww such a sweet moment
I guess the decision to choose Yutsutan happened suddenly. Maybe they were gonna choose some other member but something happened so they had no other choice but to choose Yutsutan again?
Can't say. But I'm glad TBS is dedicated to Sakurazaka.
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I wonder who Yuuzu/Renaa will be interacting with when they reveal the next member for 3 months.
>tfw all the remaining 3kis refused to do Ravitto
Akachan would never. She doesn't turn down jobs.
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Konnagi or Usagi have to get on next
ODKR should be on Ikegami's show more
is it true bros? keya is truly forgotten?
Whatever that is.
Oh boy here we go again
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It's NewJeans' era now.
Whatever that is
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Most people in this show can name all the current sakurazaka girls but the old members? I doubt they can name more than 1/8
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surrender human
Big Brain Marino
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I want to fuck this uchuujin
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>uchuujin mentioned
whole thread now reeks to high heavens
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That's your unwashed ass you're smelling. Hit the showers, you freak.
Here for Hirate"techi"Yurina
No wonder they picked her again
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that's a man, baby
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Turn on the screen, bokuao-chan
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nope we are fans of that girl
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Fuck you fake fan, we only care about Hinacuties
Loving someone for who they are is important
Enough is enough with the Hinatachans liking k-pop idols, dude
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Bring me Techi
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ReiRei is out of your league so give it up
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Those are the Buddies and Ten
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Honestly hinas should come join nogis leave saku they not saka enough evident by these posts.
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Still knicked that Ten can speak more languages than Terespergers can mumble during her seizures?
Gonna marry her out of spite now
Bunnies > Buddies
It will never happen
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Ten loves NJ more than Sakurazaka
Reirei with blue eyes would be an 11/10
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Does she like idols younger than her too?
This blud mentions sakurazaka idols more than nogizaka idols nowadays. What a transformation from this obsession with Kaki Haruka.
No and no
fr fr it do be like that
i'll rather have people posting kpoop than busuAO
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I Think..
Never say never smellblind-kun
Okay Ten I rather have the opposite.
ReiRei smells sweeter than Yoda and Terespergers combined, busted nose
No one asked
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Karin is like me
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Bringing back the old memories
>Hikaru:do a certain job in fukuoka
What did they mean by this?
First Nogi and now Hina why are they like this?
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Kubo I can't stand my penis

Corrected. The top OP is bugged. This is the corrected news:

This thread is for the discussion of Nogizaka46, Hinatazaka46, BokuAo (Nogizaka46's official rivals) and Yoshimotozaka46 (on hiatus) and topics relating to them and their members.

(4/11-5/31, Nov. dates TBA) Nakamura Reno stars in the musical "Endless SHOCK/ Eternal"
(05/16-07/15) Okuda Iroha stars in the musical "Romeo & Juliet"
(05/28) Matsuda Konoka 1st Photobook
(06/18) Takamoto Ayaka 1st Photobook
(06/25) Sakaguchi Tamami 1st Photobook
(06/28)) Nogizaka46 LIVE IN HONG KONG 2024 Hong Kong (Nogizaka46)
(07/01) CDTV LIVE! LIVE! (Sakurazaka46)
(07/03.04) Hiragana Hinatazaka46 live at Pacifico Yokohama
(07/04) Takamoto Ayaka's graduation ceremony
(07/11) BokuAo's first stage play "Summer Haze"
(07/20) Osaka Gigantic Music Festival 2024 (Hinatazaka46)
(07/20-21) Nogizaka46 Summer Tour Kyocera Dome Osaka (Nogizaka46)
(07/23) Yumiki Nao 1st Photobook
(08/02-04) Tokyo Idol Festival 2024 (Hinatazaka46)
(08/07) BokuAo 3rd single スペアのない恋 Yagi Toa center)
(08/24-24) Nogizaka46 Summer Tour Vantelin Dome Nagoya (Nogizaka46)
(8/27-29) Hinatazaka46 4ki Budokan 3 days live (Hinatazaka46)
(09/07,08) Hinatafes at Sunmarine Stadium Miyazaki (Hinatazaka46)
(09/2-4) Nogizaka46 Summer Tour Meiji Jingu Tokyo (Nogizaka46)
(09/07,08) Hinatafes at Sunmarine Stadium Miyazaki (Hinatazaka46)
(09/12,13) Sakurazaka46's 3kisei solo LIVE @ YOYOGI 1ST GYMNASIUM
kek you will never find sakuchads doing such lowlife stuff
She a screamer the rape would be legendary
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Is this fan made or official
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>Ten: Want to study abroad
She craves the BWC
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>Shizuki: fan of sakamichi groups

Yamashita truly loves Sakamichi and doesn't lean towards other groups like other idols.
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Learn Ten
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Saku is healing afterall....
Anaru sex with AA
But it was Hinas who went to nj concert.
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OKDR >>>>>> karin
fuck typo
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Stop embarrassing yourself
no shit
No not knife rape!!
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Listen to the skillful singing of Arno and compare it to the ratty voice of teresa kek
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this is so hot...
Forget arno, listen to this
Techi is clearly superior but i was comparing trashputa teresa and ace of 5ki Arno
Where's Teresa? Someone make an edit.
Thanks, but no thanks, I'd take Teresa's cute raspy voice any day.
based naochad
rat + aspie
Someone hand this man the link
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Hanni's favorite sakamichi group is Hinatazaka46
dats racist and ableist
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Bros, Kinozakas. Let's post our cutest, most favorite, most kinozakast Kinozakas. Here is mine
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It was fun while it lasted
Just Aruno things.
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Ohayou bokusis
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She was a big Kyoko wota and even did presentation about her back in the school days
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Tenchads/Sakuchads/njfags get in here
Good maybe it will distract buddies from the slander campaign against INI now that they've lost in sales.
we don't care about the 1st place.
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>we don't care about the 1st place
Yeah you might want to check up on your twitter buddies on that
>mass dislike INI video
>DM insults and threats to MINIs
>slander MINIs on twitter
>review bomb Tower Records
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I don't care about buddies and minis twitter fights. all of them are losers.
Can't believe they still haven't stripped her...
Hanni can't always be right.
Kira prone bone rape because she can't do pushups
Ashu likes nj....
JP wotas and people in this thread have nothing in common irrespective of group
Least CDTV made them wear non revealing clothes unlike there usual half naked shit
Barbarians needed to get civilized
they usually wear jerseys for their song bubble gum.
When will i see our saku girls? Get this gook shit out
new karin
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>Leaking Shiichan's premium content
We support piracy here
I will fix this hikikomori with a smooch
this will never be incepted
It will just wait
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It was Konno who gave Konnagi the push to cut her hair short
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That guy needs to go
I want to give Konno a push off a cliff.
1, 10, 10
Nah, that's a wakibutt
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He did that with Berisa, too. And it was the best decision she made.
based and factually correct
oops, I mistyped
*10, 10, 10
Behind every sudden shorthair cut is Konno
So, still knicked about Ten-sama's success. Gotcha.
herate yurina is forgotten
That's how it is usually. The members can't cut or colour their hair without his permission or order.
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Now we know who is behind this
Who is this kono?and why is he influencing our girls?
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Hirate Yurina is remembered
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Akipig's right hand man
Eternal bijin
Defeated by the wall
Meant for >>47219408
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>青 おもろ (チョコレート食べながら)
But was it a burned chocolate?

he's a sony guy
This gaki is tempting
She burned the damn marshmallow
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But was it a burned chocolate?
Ahh it's that oldfart who tried to gaslight and start a fan war few weeks ago
Meant for >>47219521
I loved it when it was mentioned on SokoSaku
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Shiichan said it wasn't just Miogood who burned the marshmallow, Usagi did too. Unlike Miogood though, she was panicking and was about to cause a disaster going around with it.
This but unironically
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Why is Yamasaki Ten always in the middle? Is she the main character?
Konno is THE manager of Sakamichi.
Basically he's the boss of Nogizaka, Sakurazaka and Hinatazaka.
Ikumodo was her song.
Cute Karin-chan
But she is a second rower now
Sony needs to replace him with a new guy, preferably someone with good ideas.
>major popularity
Just go back to those loser bokuao idols
Stating the obvious
My idea is to strip them all. Do I qualify?
Second rower who represents the group over the latest center. w
akb is that way
Shiichan is too busy, yamaseaki has no jobs
This will sting
It stung
CDTV showing some tokyo dome clips right now
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It's Odakura actually
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>representing the groups over a Korean fanbase
>no jobs
Keep it up, you know nothing
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>puts enough pictures up to prevent the new OP from getting whacked
>It's Techi
>the idol that was "forgotten"
Absolutely menhera
karinshitter has no room to talk
What's with you and TenKarin?
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remember when people joked when I said Sakurazaka is the top Sakamichi group? And here we are, their latest single is doing much better than Nogi's last, which fewer members.
This is what happens when you deliver quality and top members, it was just a matter of time.
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No wonder He has been so anxious lately. w

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