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I love Towa!
Checkout her latest covers!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRtOWI6Lut0 「White Noise」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bkICbOt1ck 「Unknown Mother Goose」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p54QSYd7-c 「Ghost Rule」
nenechi a shit
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I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!
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I will destroy the Riot servers
Miku is hololive?
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break your xxx
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laplus playing Chained Together
wtf she's playing with nkok
i wonder if there's anything specific you can track with a steam name, friends list?
lap accidently leaked her yujiro hanma handle and just went ahead with it anyways, so not sure how serious
Why is Aqua doing this?
She's Bocchi, that's why
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Astro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPYJIe1sODg
Taking it easy, next stream on Thursday with SMOK.
this but whoresada pekwhora the turbo creatively bankrupt leeching whore of hololive (already confirmed)
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Raden got a collab with a Museum! I'm really glad for her!
Getting over it popularizing this genre was a mistake
she should play with my adult cock that child slut
Whore cosplay.
Larpmate vs Larptomo
didn't ask you
just thought that this looks more like the lord enma eastern depiction of hell
Can Japan deport Towa back to her home country?
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Why is Towa talking to a whore?
She knows it's only downhill from here for Cover so she is going all out to not have any regrets once it's all over.
I've been edging for kanata since yesterday. small blobs of cum started comming out when I piss. I think my balls are full and overflowing.
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Just a small, friendly reminder that roboco is not sexy.
Not only wrong but also proven historically incorrect through DNA analysis of ancient rabbits from the moon.
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although that's just limited to the first section laplus is on and not the later concrete/random props sections
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I want to kiss her
You mixed up your images, samefagging retard
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How far is that into the game? I tend to not watch these endurance games in full
Hololive Laos when
Yes you did.
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why ladentomo why
Will you release it on a particular product 9r just your screen?
Oyakodon with Pekomama.
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not like this...
Chinese or Japanese?
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cope cucksagi

Holochinese reboot wuxia gen when? Cultivation stream when?
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Tapir holo when?
me at the back
i'd say untop of the wodden structure when they reach the car
something i doubt lap will clear with the 20 min time limit
ah wait no, they changed the lava speed
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pekotyan.. oh my pekotyan...
You have a rough percentage instead of where they're at? This is around the same area Kanaken was before I closed the stream
Is she supposed to be a tapir?
When is the Dodgers thing? On the 5th? Will it be on TV?
I'm gonna larp
>Plushies lined up next to each other
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We hate Huawei and love Xiaomi here
lap were at the out of place car just recently
but looking at the vod of the second peko, marine, aqua, twa stream i didn't see, it gets really prop like at the 1000 m mark
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go in the draw to win your Huawei watch fit 3 now!
Huawei is literally built off stolen Canadian tech and they expected to be able to sell it to everyone without trouble. Same thing with BYD and Tesla.
>the new kamen rider is sweets themed
Finally a way to pull Nene in.
They're going at a better pace than Kanaken at least, I was worried Lapu was going to drive them off the side of the platform
So what is the real reason Cover is suddenly going all in on China? New Chinese majority shareholder or what/
I thought you said Tatar for a second.
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Free BYD for all cover employees
What makes Xiaomi different?
Their shit on bilibili is hardly getting any views. Unless bilibili is paying them boatloads of cash, I don't see where the money is coming from.
xiaomi uses android
smart to reset the stairs instead of running blindly
The pro china faction has been embedded in the company from before Coco even joined. It's obvious there's been a rotten person in power from the beginning.
So what is the real reason Cover is suddenly going all in on USA? New American majority shareholder or what?
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nice beyblade physics
Doing business in America is nothing like doing business in China. The Chinese government literally requires you to have Chinese government handlers to do any business there, and you're not even allowed access to any of the money you make, it all has to sit in China and is extremely difficult to actually get out.
Huawei has had the CCP dictating it's actions since the beginning. Dirty company.
akuacrew can't stop winning
lap is progressing faster than i thought
this is the halfway point of the hell section
>it's like dark souls
If only she would play a fromsoft game
Based Chink Kongus Changuzus Arigato
sameperson btw
How's Gotchard? Dropped it around the wrestling part. Main pair can't act.
Yes but what about Xiaomi?

Just that?
uninstalling holoearth
uninstalling epic games
Are we chinese now?
I wonder, what Chinese macbook user spammed AI trash here before? Hmm...

Larpmate is pathetic.
I personally dropped it like 3 eps in because it sucked in various ways. Gavv's candy gimmick being really stupid also heightens the likelihood of it being good.
I used to own a Huawei phone before they got America'd. Was a super solid phone, way better than Samsung stuff.
Xiaomi is ok but MIUI is a piece of shit.
this but pekwhoreleech who leeches off of Aqua for 16 hours straight after she's done leeching off Marine and the dead famous manga author. shamelees leech. if you look up the definition for leeching whore in the dictionary you'll see pekoleech's name
I have a xiaomi phone but it's fast and it cost me so cheap that I don't mind being spied on while I masturbate
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Yeah, Ex aid looked silly but it was great.
>cheap Chinese crap
>better than Samsung
Mayne a decade ago when they had plastic backs
Tutorial How to Root any Android Devices
any leaks on the design?
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t. samepathetic
Larpmate outed
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Me being hugged
why don't you leech from my cock?
just noticed that laps team turned of lava entirely
thought they were only increasing the limit to 30 min
although that may be warranted with how they're currently fumbling
Huawei was going to build the actual networks and spy on everything anyone does on them. You should thank burgers for shutting that shit down fast.
Lapu's not driving this time, they should be guaranteed to be safe
lap owns this:
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Cute dogs
just give up
nice xiaomi poorfag
you're not that smart, are you?
Where's Towa?
What a retard
>No u
I'm so happy Asa Mio returned.
Your phone is being replaced (by a Huawei)
Oh it's mad now www it's an s23 btw I don't know if they sell those in china
It's always the same timezone...
they just keep on making simple mistakes and falling
They were doing well before as well
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welcome to SEAhours
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The visa ban won't stop them, they will continue to receive money from visa cards.
Sasuga laputyan so artistic, turning a stream into a microcosm of your hololive career! Raden will love it.
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A chan was a whore
I'm fine with that
they should stop rushing to get back at the castle
all caution is out the window
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Why can't I just buy Chinese women. Mao would've wanted that.
and now they're back at the beginning...
why is Choco so addicted to DBD..like what's the appeal really
If I ever go back to Android I would not root it again. Pain in the ass to do.
Aren't you worried about being spied on 24/7
God Lap's laugh is annoying
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Kanata is a whore
hmmmm, i like that it is simple but idunno
it's not really cool
Slut likes feeling like murderers are chasing her
There's 4 different types
Why did Artia moved to US instead of staying China? Same reason, money and opportunities.
lap is a seal
Do I have to create a Twitter account for this?
china has one of the highest male to female ratio because of the one child policy back then and every family having a boy instead of a girl
lmao lol I bet she'll be the first to perform live in China. And first to have sex with a billibilli executive.
In Japan? I don't know.
In the US? Probably.
rape fantasies
Here anon
sora you fucking sellout whore
Doing what? I don't think she has watched Angel Beats.
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Thoughts on my girlfriend?
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She's just like me...
Her anti-China sentiments will be her downfall
It was such a staple part of her routine she feels weird not doing it. Wish it went for longer, same with yesterday's stream. Mio enjoyed talking so much.
Did her Japanese fans (old and new) chimped out when she deactivated her Twitter account?
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Finally a good post
my pov
That didn't look recoverable
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akupeko rabu
I almost forgot to buy this.
laptarded and pals
I'm going to combine it with my Lapuppet
but she shilled it again last mond stream together with her mouse pad
>sora branded by huawei as soon as achan leaves
coincidence? i think not..
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and chinchiro dice + bowl
ブーン bones
Towa is probably peeing right now
your new oshi
Imagine your phone, but it's a Huawei.
Are there other holos besides Miko who worked at a factory?
android is taking over japan... what do we do iphonebros
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Now all we need is a thing of themed utensils now to go with the cup and plate merch from the hololife collab
cute than Koyori.
*kuji collab
You're an embarrassment Larpmate
just concentrate and don't be impatient
Apple deserves it for being so insanely anti-consumer
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Suisei and Miko are having hot and sweaty lesbian sex right now.
I don't like Nene's face here
Shishiron tail doko?
I don't like masochistic games
everyone in laps stream is just self-destructing one after another
Hidden behind them
Sex with Laplus
aquacrew won
How long until Aqua burns out again? There's no way she can continue streaming everyday again after spending 9/10th of 2023 not streaming
Yeah the supply chain
this is filthy af post more
the "1 2" is really necessary
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It's been 1400 days since Mano Aloe "graduated" from Hololive.

I'm always going to love her

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plaplus should show her nipples
licking the sweat from laplus's mouse gripping hands
Lapu claims that she doesn't sweat
What kind of person might like this?
So Fubuki is leaving the company any time soon right?
she also said that her hands were shaking and drenched from anxiousness
shillfox is staying
And they say Suityan can't dance
And now we've cracked the code, she does indeed stink
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If someone baits again about Suisei's dancing ability I'm gonna fucking lose it. Her dancing might not be on par with her singing but she's still a very competent dancer.
she stinks because she lives in filth and is a fujo who probably liked the conan x kaito kid ship despite them being revealed as relatives
umm it was rotoscoped from an actual dancer... she even wrote the dancer's name on her description
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do something funny
*does a cum*
*jingles keys*
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I mean, incest is barely relevant especially when the relationship won't lead to pregnancy.
>leaking and moisture sounds woke you up
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lap finally made it back to 500m after 2 hours
Anon said funny, not cool.
the exact same trap
I'm just drinking some organic Chinese tea.
Holos for this feel?
For me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zcLG6EmOUE
i like how clueless pururu sounds when she's doing a mistake, as if it hasn't registered yet
so whats next? xiaomi? temu? byd?
My bet is on ASUS and Xiaomi
the only embarrassment is you for being an EN wojack phone poster that blames others for its schizo posting
All of that smoking rotted her brain and turned her into a muppet
what do you call this mental illness?
why even engage with an hour old post
what happened to that chinese aquacrew that used to post his selfies
it's been 3 hours and lap has reached the limit of her patience
valo now?
I'm surprised she lasted as long as she did to be honest
i despise threadshitters for ruining any hours outside of primetime, they deserved to be called out
Larpmate melty hahaha
Why are you okay with them ruining primetime?
no one to play with...
laplus is literally bocchi
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Why did she do it?
they easily get drowned out and made fun of to make any real impact during primetime
Are you okay?
yeah... nuns aren't supposed to be sexy
>vsai hasn't called me
That's what happens when you don't touch the game in forever, it looks like her asking Hal to invite her didn't secure her a spot
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shibuya hal is liar
i really thought that was what she was referring to when she mentioned there being alot in july
There is no reason for a nun to display that much thigh
He still hasn't given Towa her PCs
pleading to be a packing mule
Wait is this real? That looks like an outfit one of those R18 vtubers would get.
no it's photoshop
one with a mace is a real one
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Towa should kiss me
laplus drowning in alcohol
This Friend is actually sexy
Yeah it is a bit too explicit for Noel imo. More like something Marine would wear
just play with towa
and make that stupid thumbnail for hogwarts
Lapu could literally just make a dumb thumbnail like how she did for Yui's rust stream
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sololive valorant
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Another live where she sucks eceleb cock?
Yeah, mine
solo as in bocchi
Ta1yo? Go play Overwatch with her.
Your oshi sucks
You know why.
Lol, sure.
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This is for you.
>open lap stream
>Lap does her stupid laugh
>close lap stream
lap needs to fix her aim this new season
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New Miko dox
Don't open if you are a 35p
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Yes, I feel it's too close to what her roommate wears on those streams and not what an idol from hololive should wear. But Marine and Koyori have swimsuits so there are no standards.
As well as willingness to play
lap has fried her brain from concentrating too hard
if you feel bad buy her merch that's ending soon
I think Aliexpress
So he can larp like larpmates do I bet all those dead posts are his. Maybe he should make more Lamy dog AI shit.
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What do people like about Luna?
Lapu... gone...
Rezero watchalong when?
i wonder what you have planned this month if it's not vsai
Turbodyke nuns are a thing as old as time itself.
No lapu... don't leave me...
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Baby babble
Her tits
How come Laplus never collabs with other Hololive members?
Same reason no one talks about her here until she gets more discussion than 99% of holos suddenly very organically
Swimsuits aren't really fetish wear and are allowed in public. A gratuitous nun outfit is not on the same boat.
can she stop fucking dying for like a second???
Her superior taste
where's larptomotomo?
why did she do it?
I really upset him with my phone screenshot lol
That outfit would be allowed in public, except in muslim countries
only looks like that because of how dead this thread is nowadays
that amount of chatposting used to be the norm... where did everyone go?
Lapu has limited and shit taste in games, her and Haachama were planning a collab but they couldn't figure out what game to play. It doesn't help that she won't buy a new switch. There's also supposed to be a tsunoneko collab at some point
Too many banned people
people got tired of the janny encouraging schizos
it's either valorant or she has to be invited, which usually only happens with management projects
Doesn't Haachama play fps like apex and valo?
She makes me smile
Too many raids
Tourists scream at you about being a drama fag for talking about hololive
That as well, not everyone has valorant autism like her. I was looking forward to the tarkov stream she wanted to do with Botan, but that didn't go anywhere
>not a single (you) given
what's wrong with you?
Not as much as Lapu, there's also the case of there being a rank disparity preventing you from queueing together. She wanted to play valorant with Oujo, but said she couldn't due to said rank disparity
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if you ctrl+f lap, it's only 40 posts in the span of 3 hours where she was mostly alone with only choco being live for an hour
We cannot trust Towa
This Marine looks much hotter than usual
All one guy
Way to lose all your christian fanbase.
This is a Marine I would impregnate.
It's hard to chat post here while also posting in the holo's chat. Yesterday was really annoying having to post screenshot and replying in chat at the same time.
That is the one you absolutely can't...
I don't think she was that worried
you have the power to not do both
it's not good if watching streams becomes a chore
When has chat posting ever been good?
For me it's tasoposting
I like the taso poster
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( ^)o(^ )b
rab u onyan
Miracles can happen
it's the only thing saving this place from being a schizo cesspool
Since day one
How do we stop holos from getting prengnant? This is getting out of hand.
when there is minecraft event, or some other holo event and also when aqua plays apex
who got preggers?
the worst resident evil
The most important one...
I know yesterday was special though since. She was posting pictures of her trip. You just want to share those. At least it's not as bad as the previous fes where I had to do Watch the fes stream+choose and post screenshots on Twitter+SPWN JP chat+Holo chat. Now those were hectic.
streams doko
It annoys the retard so I will continue doing it
You asked for it
but this is a male
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Have some morning wake-up call from Raden. Ignore the stuff in the middle though, it's definitely not for any brainwashing at all.
wtf I clicked it an Ao spit on me
anyone knows how to download the subtitle for abema gamerfes vod?
Alarm videos like this one remind me of that one Kanade morning stream where she had a looping recording of her imitating a chicken as a bgm
Nope. I gave up and just download the one in Jpopsuki, which is the JP stream. Minyami just doesn't want to work with me and Youtube_dlp doesn't support it.
he's samefagging.
well, that’s sad. guess I’ll just have to rewatch them sometimes before july 15th
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Used good
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Why are heimins like this?
The Elden Ring challenge really mindbroke the onyan
She hasn't touched a real game since the last attempt failed
How do we save Matuli?
Why is Roboco dying?
why is chained together a fake game
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>Tachikawa said on his stream yesterday that he broke up with his long-term girlfriend a month ago
>Towa and Tachikawa started hanging out on and off stream every single day almost exactly a month ago
Very interesting coincidence...
I was going to say that I forgot my image, but someone already posted it. Here's the twitter link instead
ultimate e-couple
Why didn't anybody tell me that Mumei is streaming
ao should add ikemen strip poker as a game
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She's a defective model
This but pekoleech (Miko's used good)
His likes were full of towa lewds before elon hid them
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>ctrl+w lap
>0 results
lapuchan....... its literally over.....
what killed the hype?
kek do kenzocucks really????
It all started when lapmates started getting banned en masse
Twbaby 3 month break soon.
new twink facts just dropped?
you don't need to announce something before doing it
which holo?
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iz litzerelli annuda shoah.....
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you will know pain plusmate
Don't care still gather at Towa
the final pottertaso...
Imagine being a purple whore cuck
>hanging out on and off stream
Why include your fanfic?
maybe the insane amount of cock she sucked
This thumbnail is too sexy.
but enough about your mother anon.
total kenzokeks death
couldve been a hospital collab strram..
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Sad news...
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Towa is done and not just on Youtube
kek funny
Tachikawa was too rough last night
not squeezing hard enough
towa has always been a whore
kenzokus can only reply with "yeah girl name" to subtly deny it
Cabaya should do this already.
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am i interacting with a literal wojak poster?
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I tried asking a serious question about Roboco and you would rather reply to a shitpost
towhore is pregnant with tachikawa's child
im sorry anon, i was scanning through the thread, what was your question?
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Don't worry I know who I was talking about, it's definitely Laplus.
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Towa lied people died
The first poster and mine afterwards >>47218949
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1eaB2eFaY0 eroha
Why are almost all the purple Holos whores?
she missed her annual oil change....
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>Almost all
thumbnail too erotic for a final fantasy stream
Okayu is purple too
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hajime is safe unlike shion
thanks for fixing the misunderstanding
Nobody is going to believe this one because everyone knows Towa can't be satisfied by just 1 guy.
Hajime is a white holo.
I guess no one knows unless it's the last robosa
no, hajime is definitely purple
Tachikawa's POV
yeah.... sorry man, i do love watching roboco, but i never bothered checking her roomate.
yeah girl name
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tell her to collab with holos and maybe people will talk about her, though I assume that most anons wouldn't want their oshi near her
I live next to Iroha's house technically
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White holos is the purest
I guess it's time to jakin jakin
dawntrail fucking SUCKS
chiikawa hate
lalafell hate
it's not that tiny
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It's pretty skinny, easy to hide
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Monday, July 1, 2024

Tachi is back from CEO2024
Towa is sick no stream k


why are you cheating on akatsuki
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cats whisk their tail all the time so there's no reason to not draw it
Towa is going to be busy later
Hime became miofa
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Not relevant to your discussion but I still love this image of PeBo
Why do they no longer collab?
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Breed shuba
Botan doesn't want Pekora to rape her after learning that Pekora like crying women.
>pekoleech will stream over another holo's special event streams today
Jesus, what a shameless leech
Suisei has been padding her chest size so much lately.....
Not now Kenzie
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Big green love
Miko massages Suisei's breasts everyday
Green and purple (pink)
thanks doc
pekoleech hopped on to leech off of other holos, that's how it's always been
If you insist...
FGC whore out
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Miko's POV
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Debunked btw
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7 years
Meant for >>47219311
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no human rights
>fancuck (already extinct)
the most cucked hololive fanbase
forgot lapcucks
yeah you can replace fancuck with lapcuck
What's wrong with talking about streams? What else do you talk about in this thread then?
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i just realized gozaru didn't play rebirth
Chatposting is not talking about streams, it's talking at the streamer in a place where she can't see it. Chatposting doesn't generate discussion, it's purely reactionary.
no, it isn't
sometimes a thing they say generates some discussion
Who cares about semantics?
>Not acceptable to you: X holo, don't do Y!
>Acceptable to you: X holo is being stupid and going to do Y.
They both relay information about the stream at the end of the day.
Half the time chatposters don't even give context as to what stream they are chatposting about.
I'll have you know
>God she's so retarded
Is very informative.
pekora is the best philosopher of our time
how many times is towa going to cuck kenzoku?
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but every holo is retarded...
untill she's pregnant
>gohan... goku... frieza... bejitasama...
>TASOchan is too strong
>i think [elden ring boss] is easy and you people are just bad
>Haha it's Mohg'ing time!
>I agree with anon, mohg is just an unfun boss to fight.
>This is it, this build will kill Mohg for good
all me
The garter+leotard was already pushing it, but I think the veil was a bit too explicit in terms of this outfit being designated as lewd
Literally me
he's going to get mad now
yes, which is why chatposting is good
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJOfpNvmiDk koyo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W64FCC-MM-c hime
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gXVzfjNXlY pekocyan
Veils are just inherently sexy wish more of them had them
Most of it is, a couple of those elden ring comments were actual discussion, but the rest is all meaningless chatposting that should be done in actual chat not here.
Yeah, discussion about the game itself instead of the stream
most of pekora's stream discussion can be summarized like this
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you're probably a tourist if you have never posted any of these at least once
Koyori SMB.
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Hime doing a bit of pre-gaming with the alcohol
I only miss akupex because of this
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and there goes the bun bun chas
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We love greatsword here.
pekora won't beat the boss in one hour
Please don't forget to send your data to Subaru/Google.
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I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

Miko Super Mario Bros. challenge in 2 hours! https://youtu.be/PXZp0xWWyZY
kek how she fucking missed that aow
How many are left if this is the last stream?
lol that was fast
pekora being the best dad
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I've lost my holopits folder can anyone help me bring it back up to speed
only the last boss is left
I love Super Mario so much.
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she really dont want to end this yet
wtf hnkbros?
Nice Miko!
I miss MikKorone, Miko should've played Chained Together with Korone
>another motherfucking tree spirit
>another tree spirit
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SubaMiko is fine but they should've waited for Mio to return so the three of them could play it together.
Subaru Miko and Mio are always so fun together
She should go fight death knight, I don’t think she ever meet that mini-boss
What a waste of lives Koyochan.
Oh yeah that's right this is the UFO game
Pekora doesn't get it...
noo my angel beats...
Why is she like this?
oh yeah mogh actually innocent
Mohg..My poor Mohg…
Pekora is gonna get raped.
>I miss MikKorone
me too 8{
im never drinking again
Huh the waiting room for Aqua AB watchalong today disappeared along with her tweet
Elden Ring taught me gay=bad
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Fuck Suisei
NPCs spoiling shit
this is so retarded for him to want radahn
>even pekora doesn't get it
kek she learning about radahn
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How would you punish Miquella for seducing Mohg ojisan?
Suisei is so good.
prude girls love
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Pekora did you miss the part that Freyja told you about Radahn promise with Miquella
it's pretty common
he's a bear and Miquella is a cute twink
some people are into this
everyone draws her too big
What happened?
what the fuck does it mean lmao? pekora is dumb as fuck
why are people confused by this?
I need a miquella
I thought dark souls wasn't supposed to have a story or they told it through "world building" or something
better be truck simulator
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>stated numerous times to be the strongest demigod
I don't like the fight either but don't tell me it doesn't make sense for Miquella to get the strongest consort he can.
Thanks anon.
Her tweet from yesterday about the AB watchalong is also gone, so guess that archive is gonna get privated soon too.
I know what happened but I'm not telling.
kek she doesnt want to fight radahn
There's always been a "story" it's just vaguely told to not be overbearing except sometimes like in sekiro
First dlc in ds1 has the mushroom lady info dump a bunch of shit to you
She pissed in her towel so she has nothing to use for her tears when finishing Angel Beats which led her to just change what she will stream.
We're discussing Pekora's ER stream yes
at least pekora tries to understand the lore and gets corrected by the nousagis
Leda is a crazy bitch off with her
I don't see any mention of "Pekora" in your post
I hope she picks Ansbroch
Side with Mohg follower Peko
Trina told you to kill miquella lol words won't help
It makes sense it just comes out of left field
The post I was replying to did.
>she doesn't have her tits out
Should have kept Giant Hunt equipped, it would never betray her.
kek she forgot to change to giant hunt
i just feel bad for malenia
ER isn't Dark Souls
Shaken not stirred
Aqua and Towa xancellingbstreams at the same time is totally not sus www
everyone is gone...
>Pekora will stream over AZKi's live
>to not be overbearing
to trick pretentious gaymers that they can actually follow lore when all they do is binge watch Vaatividya's videos on the mostly repetitive and mediocre lore
I thought Miquella want to be the new god because he want to cure both Malenia and his own curse or something
Please include a Holomem in your post
>quarterly I hate lewds on my main
Most of the story is easy to pick up it's really your own fault missing things
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wtf is management's problem with Angel Beats now? These faggots are just looking for a fight
Suisei status??
twitch love
youtube hate
seething about swimsuit fanart again
Umm... Aqua just cancelled her Angel Beats stream. She's streaming something else
Towa will finally introduce her new boyfriend Tachkawa to her fellow sluts
imagine if pekora easily beat radahn
yeah her date with towa
Not the fatfuck again…
pekora hate fat people
getting filtered touristchama?
Koyori dead.
You need to help him identify who's stream is being discussed
I love this song, probably her best song for me
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Baffling post
She's going to die instantly in phase 2 for a day then come back with the fingerprint shield + fuckoff bleed club and one shot him.
i wonder if those npc are miquella followers or something
Hime has reverted back to being a child
tachikawa has a long time girlfriend btw. I suggest putting down your doujins and stop being a faghot
He broke up with her last month. He talked about it in a stream a couple days a go.
I do not like this fnaf arc
based tachikawatomo
Remember when Towa was passionate about dancing? So why the fuck is she an FPS slut now?? Where is all the dancing????
They can't save you hime
panic pekora also cute
Pekroa will fucking destroy radahn..
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Sweet, after this Aqua is going to do drunk Mario64 and then AltF42. Looking forward to it.
better use your rune pekora
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It's time!
for me its
azki 3d autistic live starting
you almost at the final boss pekora, of course the enemies will be stronger
oh shit we have 3D live
To dance on dicks
pizza pasta hon hon hon el dios mio baguette
Radahn is bs Pekora might rage
>pastatuber has more viewers than azki 3d live
aiiiiiiieeeeeee the males have faces
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Let's go AZKi!
too eroi warning
when he gets the battle shonen character moveset in part 2 it's pretty funny
wow she has two husbands all along
Pekora gives no fucks, she's going to change her build and abuse the chicken leg
She's been a FPS slut all the time, but I wouldn't really mind if she went back to her idol days.
So these 3 dude are the divine lion divided into 3?
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Ayy again
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I love AZKi's huge milkers.
fuck that actually a cool move
the pianist is called ITOI...
AZKi is so good
Pianist sex
Giant Cheese will prevail
She's getting obsessed with Pekora just like she did with aceu, Faker and Daigo. She just can't get away with her metaslave mindset.
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Supreme tastes, Aseta Hanamidori for me.
Time for Ieda gank squad
literally whos?
my sides
azki is good
I thought Thiollier died
you don't know even Daigo? why are you in /jp/ then?
This fight is pure kino
>Pink EN is going to start streaming Elden Ring
Well then...
There's nothing wrong with silkworms
pekora lost against the human NPC...
Someone tell it that we don't watch EN here even if she's le italian towa
old man you fucking late kek. enough with your monologue
Worked on the 2024 version of Inochi
Honestly this fight is just ass without summoning. I was autistic and wanted to solo it and it eventually resulted in just running around heavy attacking. NPC ganks are really cancer.
incredible, iroha loves azkichi more than ff14
why did she bring Nayuta's musicians? how is this allowed
Nice scream
Thiollier is a Tarnished given life by Grace, just like the protagonist, he keeps reviving.
He spends all day every day falling into Eternal Slumber at St Trina's, doing the run back, and fall asleep again.
I wanted to ask if she's not in cover's studio cause it doesn't look high quality enough
and yeah she isn't
>*This is not a birthday live. (Due to various circumstances, the birth live will be postponed to autumn!) *This will be a 3D live performance at an external studio.
Funny how nobody talked about this Luna stream but if she's streaming Elden Ring or DragonBall there's always at least 5 people talking about it
AZKi is 18 yrs old today!
Pekora…you are the one that make Moore choose that side..
princess azuki
>en homos had a pole dancing 3d last month
wow I fucking hate management
They really built the studio for nothing, huh?
But I've been talking about it since she started?
it's really nice to see a game from the steam sales stream.
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Homolords continue to dab on us...
She's wanted to kill Freyja for that sword since day 1.
Anon demands you sign off with whose stream you are talking about so he can understand.
kek thats some shit guitar playing
studio is big now yet they still have problem with 3D live
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Normal reaction

Pathological liar reaction
Schizo reaction
Does Iroha play FF with her main account or did she make a new account for Hololive?
Artists status = Educated
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very nice
>Broke up with long term GF for a whore who will jump for the next pro in the next popular game
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what do you think?
So Leda was a menhera all along?
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It's time for your hourly edge babe
Way too fucking big
Time to die hime
>treating dogs like live in male partners
why are Yukimins like this
Why is she looking at me like that?
Post kenmo variants retard
I don't know that's why I asked...
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time to fuck miquella
Can someone post examples of those Suisei micro bikini art so I know what to avoid?
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>about to start Radahn
Welcome to the next 20 hours of Pekora content
Ansbach is my favorite character in the DLC
but the question is towa?
Why is Mohg follower so based?
pekora loves ojisan
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Lamy has a boyfriend
Ansbach is a fucking legend
pekora will beat radahn under 1 hour
correct size for once
Pekora is about to get forcefully raped by radahn on stream she aint giant hunting her way through this
yeah me
Impressive tracking for the guitar playing movement
Why are the models so low poly though
>slutty orc barks at you
>blue whore hides her bf dog
pretty standard setlist so far, which isn't a bad thing
peko will beat radahn in one hour
i give it 30 minutes until chat tells her to use a great shield
Too much build up to that scare she didn't even get scared
Jesus christ hime
Sakamata's disgusting body odor
Obviously they're their own scrub models, not Hololive models.
Miko's POV
radahn is fucking cool
What's nene's problem?
She married Towa
that was nice azki
I completely missed this new schizo arc.
Did she lie about having a dog or something?
Pekora does so much fucking damage lol
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First phase Radahn is based
The second one though
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makes sense
what skibidi is pekora at?
mass tag this in that prude slut's art tag
I mean yeah Holos are ecelebs
Whore whore whore
God she's so flat...
15 unless I missed her upgrade it a second time this stream
watching peko stream muted while listening to azuki
Yeah I give this fight 30 minutes to be finished
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do you think juicy dyes the pubes too
Peko... you haven't seen shit yet
if mhog was a caster why is his body so ripped also why is he brown
if it weren't for pekoleech overlapping AZKi would've already gotten 70k viewers right now
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what's wrong anon? try not to be jealous of the duck and lion
Mohg body
Radahn soul
Miquella bussy
Shuba will get fatter
Does Mohg's body have a feminine penis?
Fuck friend
I often wonder if AZKi had to work to make her voice so pretty or if it was just naturally this way from the start. Like, AZKi's voice is only slightly higher than the former-OL inside her, so that's all the affectation she seems to be putting on it.
I guess I need to make the effort to look as far back into her 15-year history as I can to really judge it for myself.
can you stagger this radahn?
people don't really want to see guitar dudes
Yeah, it's actually not that hard to
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>Radahn gets to impregnate this
yes, took me three jump attacks with dual collosall weapons
You can only poise break him
I'm not a nayuta expert to answer your question, but usually it's both, she has a nice voice and worked on it
I do schizo
Surely they can do better than 3 fixed camera angles for this live?
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i love this song
Sir, Mohg is innocent and is actually straight.
and despite all that effort Suisei is still better
death: 10
cant wait for phase 2 since everyone call it bullshit
Did you not see the zooms? Production is working their asses off to find something interesting to do.
god I hope it will all go to her ass
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>cancels mengen because she's "too sick to stream"
>boots up games on steam with her friends and tries to hide it
He's in the kitchen it's already over hime
Nobody asked suishart
Take your phone out and hold the flash in your face as she's doing phase 1, that's phase 2.
well now maybe you realize how good we are having it with cover's new studio?
Wouldn’t be better to just use another account?
nobody cares kenzocuck learn to read the room azki's singing
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There's nothing gay about being attracted to this
Bro really replied to himself thinking anyone gives a shit
Miquella is a guy???????
Surprised he didn't bleed yet
Will Pekora's stream survive Radahn's special?
You mean the massive studio complex that has created zero increase in 3D content?
This is why Shion got depressed. Antis keep on stalking their private lives too much.
not that much when they keepnon prioritizing sidebranch and homos instead of the holos
It's okay Towa I forgive you
Sorry you had to find out you were gay this way, anon...
based tachitomo
Why would it matter if they didn't lie constantly? It's only a problem if they lie and then get caught.
damn pekora is learning fast as if she watched someone on twitch doing this fight
>Jeremy made his whore mother cry again
So that is why little Wong is so upset today...
let the bullshit beginn
She got “depressed” because she figured out people will stay give her money while she fucks raito or any other e-celeb so why even bother putting effort?
I still can't believe Aqua chooses to be friends with someone this pathetic
What's the big deal? Let her play with Tachi
Pekora's first reaction being "I CANT SEE" is hilarious
She's gonna get so fucking upset
Rannikeks???Where is she?
Are you the same guy who thought Aqua already played the game in a different account?
A caustic live
ah now i see what you mean
why towa is such a bitch?
What's wrong with her?
>has fans like you
>avoids streaming so she doesn't have to interact with them
not really surprising
your Aqua gave up her virginity to her eboyfriend when she was 15 lol
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Towa is a whore
Pekora please just buff yourself, it going to make this fight a lot easier…
your oshi?
my oshi?
virgin saint
mio's pancreas exploded
shion pretends to be depressed
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Damn that was a great scream
Pretty cool
I shit you not I was watching a western SF6 streamer and I saw normies in chat saying “tachikawa is eating good” in reference to this.
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Towa does what she wants
you can't spell Bibbidi Bobbidi Boowa without bibi or towa
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No buff can save her if she keeps getting hit by everything
ranni where the fuck are you
this ain't that type of horage...
>has a high paying holo job
>still gets a dayjob
why is the oni retarded
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I like this artist
Then don't lie?
why is the vtourist having a meltdown over towa of all holos?
This DLC is fucking bullshit, thank God wemod exists.
More damage=faster down=faster clear
Pekora strat has always been bruteforcing
just like Lamy.
The only bullshit part is the clone attack of the second phase, the first phase is piss easy and she's just not learning at all
man this live is great
death: 20
she will stuck at phase 1 for a while
he's trying the "holo=whore" gotcha when everybody knows towa is the prime whore and kenzocucks love that
just let it be
it's getting desperate
pachi pachi pachi pachi
How does it feel to be worse at videogames than anime women?
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One map, one cup
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Fubu Imouto faction: Okayu, Mio
Fubu Oneechan faction: Subaru
Sounds like a song from Aria
Feels good
I beat this boss in 1 attempt
Only /vt/ dislikes when Holos lie to us to get railed by male ecelebs
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what the fuck with those attacks
Miquella ASmr kek
LGBT boss
pekora hates the gays
Gacha merch again...
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Lucky hime
Isn't Guess trademarked when it comes to clothing?
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The woman blessed by guess
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more hoodies
Guess parka hoodie, ideal for stalking holos
pregora instant loss...
I still think AZKi linking her whole identity so strongly to Geoguessr like this is a mistake
kek she doesnt has time to dodge
towa towa towa
towa towa towa

towa towa towa
towa towa towa
towa towa towa
towa towa towa


towa towa towa
towa towa towa
towa towa towa
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>no holos
What happened?
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i was gifted a sex membership by pioneers
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Hime being extremely rude and demanding of Lunaito and the game
Shaka is right there
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I thought this was by Yukiharu at first.
Momoshiki is in demand.
Now this boss is too hard er babs
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>strongest From boss
Friede and Midir are still worse.
At the end of the day Radahn only has 1 hp bar.
Yeah yeah I know but, Midir might as well have 5 fucking health bars jesus christ
Man AZKi 1.0 was unironic god tier design
only valo holo is ayame and she's mia
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Achan was fired
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Miko soon!
How to do this
Friede for sure but not midir and Pekora did neither.
>There's holo stream? I don't care I will talk about Penis instead.
This is your life now, be ashamed.
I guarantee you if you've fought radahn properly then go back and fight either of them you'll feel like they're moving in slow motion
Hell friede has barely any hyperarmor from what I remember so she's a complete cake walk
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Guess who's the biggest KEK
at least she understand what to do in phase 1
There it is
finally botan horage
Pekora will probably beat this earlier than expected, just a couple lucky hits with Giant Hunt and the second phase will die
Even more SMB.
Yeah she can do this, phase 2 is 90% the same as phase 1 but just more punishing.
>hears noise
Back to the hole
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Phase 1 is nothing, he's way slower.
Obviously, but the player also has way more tools in ER compared to DS3.
any 3rd phase after this? Am I safe to go take a nap and come back 3 hours later?
he is desperate to laugh in holos because his sidebranch oshi has been sucking cocks since day 1
it's really funny
Piss out all the alcohol hime
Not particularly horrifying, more like a Metroidvania with horror elements desu
DS3 is easy mode compared to this shit - facts
kenzocucks keep losing rumao
I fucking hate this DLC.
I swear if the base game weren't GOTD candidate the reviews for this DLC would be mostly negative.
No 3rd but it's a gamble when she'll get it due to giant hunt / bleed
like this

kenzobro your english reps
just summon, bro
stop being a bitch
but she said it's souls-roguelike (as if this really means anything)
death: 30
surely this will not be as bad as messmer
pachi pachi pachi pachi
great live
>Join this channel from your computer or Android app to get access to members-only content like this video.
nyahello miko miko miko miko miko miko miko!!!!!!!!
Ive never used it, is giant hunt that good?
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Amazing live Azukichi great job
A-chan is already locked out of her own account...
your gifted membership?
>noooo you have to follow the reddit guides, bro
Souls level design is really just a 3D Metroidvania
Are we all speaking Mandarin yet
Why did she wait until Achan can no longer reply?
>want to heal
>still going for the attack
this year I guarantee it
Summons make it harder they just die in phase 1 and inflate his hp
Giant hunt / (Savage) Lion claw are both the best stagger inducing aow that you can slap on most weapons
Miko started! Nyahallo~ https://youtu.be/PXZp0xWWyZY
then man up and stop fucking crying?
Stunlocks small/medium humanoid enemies in an absolutely broken manner, does a lot of stagger damage, decent bleed proc, relatively quick to use, not high in FP consumption.
Skill issues, the dlc is better than the base game
>"Someone is better than me? No, they must have watched the fight before"
Always funny. Plus it barely matters if you watch someone do the fight since you have to execute yourself. Delays in particular are something you can't just know about, have to get the actual feeling in.
it really is a gamble
I mean mimic tear obviously
Spirit ash summons don't, a mimic tear is more invaluable then 99% of the multiplayer summon "help" out there.
Maybe she's like those who send spachas at the end of the stream because she has anxiety and doesn't want to hear the reply...
Screaming at the leaves hime...
No lol it has 4 good fights then a bunch of garbage
another kimetsu no yaiba movie?
suuupa mario brazzaaarzu
Miko you can't do this challenge just give up it's too hard for you
Didn't know I'm in /v/ right now along with my elden ring bros!
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>Everyone is getting sololive
And then there is this bitch
>Kamito, Beni, Nose
This is my team
I love it when holos get jumpscared by objects
And thank fuck for that. The less interaction with these streamer circlejerks the better.
aim for 6-4 at least!
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I've always loved how cool she is in this MV. I wasn't cool AZKi back.
three in fact
popular game attracts /v/ despite them being contrarians
Believe in Mikochi
All the main bosses and most of the big optional ones were great, the only really dogshit one was the putrescent knight
gonna have a lot of lessons this month...
why does this even exist
the attacks are so hard to see
yeah those light beam on the ground pretty annoying
Why are there so many fanarts of Towa and this guy already, Jesus kenzocucks really are unironic cucks
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why are you acting as if you bitches didn't start crying about ER instead of discussing streams? retards
>No lol it has 4 good fights then a bunch of garbage
But enough about the base game
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Miko can do anything, do not doubt her.
fair enough
hopefully it's for her sololive not holosummer
believe in bebber
weird way to do a handjob
surely it's gotta be a joke
Messmer is the only great one
Renalla, Midra and Bayle are good
Rest are shit
Guttural hime screams my beloved
>the only really dogshit one was the putrescent knight
it was fine too? pretty easy fight
nip's way of deflecting compliment is so retarded
Pekora gomi talisman…
I disagree. Hololive is losing relevance not having representatives in these events
If you use summon, you didn't beat the game
Might as well cheated
Towa went through her fanart tag and left that one as the last retweet on purpose
she was sleebing

even her voice training teacher said that she's too anxious
Holosummer is cancelled this year.
Ganbare Miko!
why would you lie?
This is Towa's phone wallpaper btw
Hololive is not esport org
Cover should create an esport gen to participate in these events.
I'm glad Towa found a boyfriend.
I said that it was dogshit, not that it was hard
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Otsumachi!! Fun doom stream today
https://a.cockfile.com/KASusv.mp4 my favorite part of the stream
This is my phone wallpaper btw
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True, and VSPO is getting more popular because of that.
Everyone who still watches hololive at this point are too stubborn to recognize the falling empire.
Hime screamed louder than it did
Honestly that would be a more coherent move than whatever the hell Regloss are meant to be.
This is Bibi's wallpaper btw
what the fuck
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>Miquella summoned the soul of Radahn
He didn't become god. He didn't grow, he didn't improve. He took a shortcut and gained nothing.
>Losing relevance
>The top vtubing company by far
Yeah no. Nobody cares about your normalfag circlejerk.
>Cover should create an esport gen to participate in these events.
that's Towa and her VSPO bitches
this is the run miko
pekochan love radahn back
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she usually retweets art in chronological order but skipped it so that it would be her last retweet
NTR holo...
of course it would be
pair that with hlztl and you get tone of exposure and views from esport crowd
and obviously cover won't do that cause it was the most logical decision
They could be the top live streaming company as well
Please bring me to your timeline bro...
>do you think you are cool, you are cool
Netori not netorare
ah, miko's not getting all the coins in 1-3
AZKi is pure virgin lesbian saint
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Saying Towa out loud is actually therapeutic

You guys should try it sometime
what the hell is wrong with her overseas fans
pretty nice
the set up before was better for her
Come on Miko!
Face it, VSPO is seeing exponential growth while Hololive is stagnant. We need that crowd.
You sound like a shareholder that sees only profit but has no regard for fan cohesion. People who watch esports and these streamer circlejerks are not compatible with the overall fanbase that Hololive has. Primarily since they want different things.
the last part just came out on its own
pekochan please heal...
dumb bebber
not a good start...
Face it, TOWA is seeing exponential growth while Towa is stagnant. We need that towa.
Pekora is so close
Miko noooo
>dodge non-stop attack for 20 seconds
>gets greedy and stop dodging to attack within 2 sec timeframe
Patience is the key.
and this is a FACT
It's the opposite. Nip kenzokus like this ship and even encourage it when chatting in Towa's stream or when posting on twitter. The only place that doesn't like this ship is Towa's thread in /vt/, surprisingly enough.
You sound like a towaholder that sees only bibi but has no regard for twap cohesion. People who watch twi and these towa circlejerks are not compatible with the overall fanbase that Towalive has. Primarily since they want different things.
Really? I mean, for these popular looter shooters, we still have Towa.

Otherwise the other girls who are active with ecelebs are the fighting game ones
Towa it, TOWA is seeing exponential Towa while Towa is stagnant. We Towa that Towa.
I'm shorting towa
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Yeah, her ass.
Nice try Miko
There's no exponential grows tho?
Hololive already has plenty of members comfortably in that scene. They just haven't been active in these events recently for some reason
>getting more popular
>begs in hololive thread
i like water levels in mario
but vt saved towa
look at all the kenzocucks doing damage control by posting nonsense kek
she can outdps him if she'll learn what attacks she can ignore
Pekora's only chance is to overshoot the phase threshold by a lot and stagger him twice in phase 2
>burst to flames
squid my beloathed...
haven't heard that name in years
thanks Botan, and there she goes up in flames
Wow, turns out that those that understand Japanese knows what's actually happening and /vt/ EOPs feel the opposite.
pekora said all that?
She's going to brute force this as usual
miko is gayming
I don't think she'll be able to stagger him 2nd time in p2
Yeah they know they're fucking
Miko's ngmi...
The last time I heard of it was when someone posted Koyori's rm's tweet searching for Sora on it.
i wonder if there is equipment that increase your chance for stagger?
I mean, that's literally how Towaposting was born
Go Miko go Miko go Miko go Miko go Miko go Miko go!
dunning kruger
many such cases
that's such a quick surrender
Only weapons and aow affect enemy poise/stagger
>breaks poise
>gets into cutscene
that just sucks
Her damage is insane my charged heavy attacks did 1/3 of what she does with one L2
From the top of my head it’s really just Aki, Botan, Korone and Towa.
Wow, you guys really love discussing Towa huh.
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It maybe take many hours, but all Miko doubters will be proved wrong.
That still doesn't make that particular fanbase compatible with Hololive overall. There is a reason Horizontal was a complete flop and met with scorn.
Not to mention that the esports fanbase doesn't watch regular content.
TowaxTachi is our OTP
death: 50
yeah that light come after the attack really is annoying
all people complaining about chatposting and talking about the game in hololive thread silently disappeared when 35p started to chatpost and talk about the game
lol miko
instantly exited... miko's too retarded
Smart hime
stop noticing things!
We just hate Lapwhore
schizo fears 35p
thank us
>twinktomo sandbagging kenzotards
bloons td6 holo when?
Is there a nip translation?
Being an escort counts as a day job?
Sukikira isn't even talking about this. Instead they are talking about how Tachi broke up with his girlfriend for Towa and theorizing about her Vsai team
Holizontal was a flop because it featured the homos instead of recognized esports ecelebs
sure twinktomo
Miko bebber...
Pekora will rage
Good job, maybe now you can notice that sukikira is useless since it doesn't find anything new but is just a place where people dump stuff from other websites.
Pekora will age
she is able to dodge more now in the 2nd phase
35GODS rule these threads and schizos fear 35GODS
I have Italian Towa now
Pekora is going to have to overcome her greatest challenge and improve herself as a Gamer to beat this fight.
She's going to have to learn how to roll to the left.
what is miquella even do when he grab you?
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Checking in on hime's stream every 10 min and she's always in the closet...
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Based 35GODS saving the thread
nice, coop collab would be cool
2nd time turns you gay
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I had to give it a look and looks like he still has it in him
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This is her hole it was made for her
>She's going to have to learn how to roll to the left.
is that how you supposed to dodge that light attack?
It would have flopped regardless if it was homos or e-celebs. I know you love e-celebs but you have to realize that the overwhelming majority of Hololive doesn't.
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niiiiiiiiiiice miko
4-1 in first try!
let's gooo
nice dlc, fromsoft bros
the second one is an instant kill
I'm a 35P and I don't even chatpost I only post something unrelated to the stream like Miko bebber... because I don't understand Japanese, but I am watching Miko though
Not really. As long as you roll forward you'll dodge most of the beams, her issue right now is rolling to the side or back.
Surprise, the biggest schizos are always 35p
turns you into finding towa attractive
Miko let's gooooo
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Bye bye Azukichi~
The First Take is premiering a literal who filipino boy group
>shitposting about towa and e-celeb stops
>shitposting about 35p appears
it's LOVE
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Go back to your pigsty(vt), ENshart.
>chatposting about pekora's stream stops
>stupid seething about chatposting stops
Slap the lunaitos hime
i hope chats mention that to her
the positioning is weird when it goes into the second phase, like sometimes she gets teleported with him and sometimes not
It would have disinterested maybe a few people but it would also open up Hololive to a wider audience. You underestimate how much more popular the larger live streaming scene is.
nice try cuckfaggy why dont you talk about pecora's stream instead?
4-2 with 2 lives is not good...
loooool dumb bebber
kenzokus won once again
If you phase during a riposte it doesn't move you to the spot it's supposed to.
It's over for Miko...
jugemu's her natural enemy...
damn i dont want to imagine she will choke like she did with messmer
if he phase transitioning after stagger he'll be far away for whatever reason
No way that's just the tutorial
i see peko rolls mostly to right, i roll to left most of time
already forgot to take the 1up... sloppy
>anon just realized the first take is mainly paid for if you want
>mikos stream is so boring he would rather argue about imaginary fanbases
>even pokemon can remember 4 things
damn chat, what the fuck
Has Pekora survived more than 5 seconds of Phase 2 yet?
death: 60
come on pekochan
she never had any problems with this attack and now she died like 4 times in a row to it
pekoleech stream is so boring that's why it's getting less viewers than Miko's fun and great stream lmao
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Yes but she hasn't done much damage
Who will beat Radahn faster Biboo with her Vergil katana larp or GREAT SWORD USADA?
>posts seething about 35P stops
>chatposting about pekora's stream starts
Do you expect people to sit in these threads 24/7?
No this fight is just bullshit and she's getting frustrated.
We love 35P and nousagis here
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How many hours until Pekora gives in and uses a shield?
Try again Miko!
cant wait for miko to talk about suisei for 40 minutes, such interesting talk topics
not she's a boring bitch
pekora's build is much stronger
it doesn't know that most people only comes here to talk about stream and fuck off soon after because we don't wanna mingle with lesser humans
pekora you can't miss that now...
Safe to say, Towa won
peko should use that talisman that boost flask healing, its perfect for trading
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Yeah about that pekora... Radahn is under miquella's spell so he doesn't exactly have any choice...
more cuckfaggy headcanon, go watch your boring leech pekoleech
kek pekora is angry now
>kakkoii sake
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>lesser humans
nice try pekora
Pekora's build is ten times better for this than Bijou's low defense Katana memery.
All Pekora would need to do to embrace easy mode is throw on the Fingerprint Shield and she'd kill him in under 10 attempts.
Which niji is this
Samefaging won't make your whore mother love you Jeremy Wong...
i thought she already beat him this morning
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blogpost, dont open apparently my niece's middle school is gonna close and then merge with another school nearby, so she wont get any underclassmen.
this is because there are not enough kids there.....
sorry for blogposting during prime time, but this is just so sad.
blogpost ended.
There's no hope for Miko...
...I saw that from miles away
its joever for bebber
Based Chinese depopulation
Should have followed abe's teachings
alcohol pollutes minds, kids
It's better than any of the schizoposting and fanbase wars
It's mikover...
Nah, she did the gank fight and got to the Grace before Radahn but hasn't actually entered the Fog Gate or seen the fight at all yet.
She's still blind and doesn't know what is coming up else she would have at least taken a peek.
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>10 pm jst
It's awake
it's over. first try is the best.
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Aaaahhhh Miko noooo
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stop talking nonsense pekora
there's 1 life left tho
time for perfect stage 3
Do your best Miko
is this real?
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this is it miko
Noel will NEVER beat Radahn.
6 more for 1 up
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Fucking jumpscare
Do yukimin really?
Noel isn't playing this garbage anymore
life getto
>Stagger right as the phase transition happens
Pekora got cheated...
Come on Miko! this is the run!
One of the best weapons to cheese him is a big mace
It might take some time but the unga bunga is unstoppable
did peko got her heart stolen?
i love when she is angry
too easy for Pekora
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That was about as Pekora as a run has ever been.
pekotyan is so cool...
Pekora is starting to get annoyed.
Can't wait for the depression arc when she still hasn't made any progress in 5 hours.

Depends on whether the Bloodfiend Arm qualifies as a mace in her eyes.
That thing shreds him since it's bugged and has multi-Bleed applications every R2 right now.
kusotaiming again.
Is she going through a menhera episode again?
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Watch Aqua !!
If you didn't summon Ansbach and Thollier against Radahn you did not beat him.
They deal single digit damage but buff his HP by like 2x lmao
Fucking HEAL dumb rabbit
death: 70
we may hit 100 death
miko uma
I mean their oshi doesn't put out anymore since the start of the year
why is she better at dodging bowser with big mario
She's hitting 100 deaths she still hasn't learned anything for p2
pekora starts p2 with 11 flasks. She unironically can trade with 1 hit for 1 flask him and win
cute dumb pekora freaking out at phase 2
dumb bunny
jugemu you fuck...
1 more hour
Pekora stream starting.
That would be true if it wasn't doing all her health with that trade
1 up
gone with the wind...
Imagine typing this as shionfag or ayamecuck
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Nice dodge rolls Botan...
Classic Akuters practicing pre-stream, even for a horror game
>implying they still exist in this day and age
delicious pekopiss
Akwacrew real quiet right now
Fire Giant broke the gamer meido
Okayu Stardew Valley.
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that was close miko
I'm sorry Lamy got a boyfriend bro
are you japanese
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4C_Y6B8Sc0 boobs
Miko cute!
Then who is the guy replying to my post?
Has Pekora been seduced by Miquella's bussy and gotten the gesture yet?
That was a very good trade right now
Miko's losing focus...
that is her best run so far
Miko play GTA San Andreas onegai...
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there's no hiding in this place
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Time for 200 hours of comfy cade!
nice water level clear without losing flower
Soul Calibur?
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If Pekora can't win before 200 deaths, she should quit streaming and go marry some brown nousagi.
If you get grabbed by Radahn in Phase 2 twice you get your "Heart Taken" by Miquella.
Has a unique death animation and you unlock a special gesture for it.
what pekora moaning about
Miko your reaction timing reps...
I want to see the old SMOK farm...
How is it? It looks interesting but I'm watching hime. Reminds me of Clock Tower.
I hope it won't be that long, Factorio already was too much.
I believe in you Miko
The himepee must flow
I don't
I wish there would actually be a good new SoS game, Okayun dropped it after only a few streams.
Aqua isnot the smartest...
comfy stream
his attacks truly sucks
If it took you this long to figure it out I have bad news for you...
that really is bullshit
Based ojou
Comfy = Boring
pekor... this fight is 100% going to be another messmer
Send your info to Polka please.
i always got hit when dodging meteorites yet peko dodges them almost every time
it does have some similarities with clock tower but the combat makes it feel different
it's quite bland so far
death: 80
Poluna horror collab would be amazing
Miko is going to make it
are you a woman?
Why is Aqua calling for Pekora?
Pekora is going to be the king of miqella
usagi robot
pekora will fuck miquellas bussy
don't cry lmao
cute lap pic
did you know you can jump them?
miko is not gonna make it...
canan is showing her tits on youtube right now...
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She's so focused at clearing phase 1 quickly rather than cleanly. She's actually good enough to do it with no hits but is impatient. Not that it matters too much as she tanks everything in phase 2 anyway.
i could dodge almost every of radahn attacks except for this one... after a while i just sipped flask and tanked damage
no..good to know
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fuck she miss the stagger
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Here it is
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my heart...
miquella is a slut
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from software tv games suck
To be honest it's probably the better option.
She's not once actually run out of heals in Phase 2 yet, she always gets fucked before she even has the chance to heal.
Those couple flasks she spends in the first part don't really matter over just getting more attempts at Phase 2 for her.
11 fucking flasks just HEAL
man she has so much healing every time
she really should just stop being so aggressive
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>phase 2 and 11 flasks
once pekora adapts to phase 2 she can probably beat it in about 30 minutes
Jesas Miko
oh she finally realise the right way to dodge
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Me on the left
Miko pls..
The Italian Hag just asked Biboo to do a Skibidi Toilet watchalong marathon stream and she said yes....
getting stuck going combat when the combat is intentionally clunky feels like a bad design from the game Botan is playing
he would be that tall too if he wore a pair of what are those
Me on the right
Miko is going to do it
I suppose combat would take away the helplessness that makes a horror game. I wish there was a revival of sidescrolling horrors like CT and the twilight syndrome series.
Nobody cares, ENshart.
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holy shit
pekora is SO GREEDY
thats my bunny
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She's not a hag. Pink Panther is in her early 20s, she's just a Towa-type.
the combat is so bad that you are better off not doing it
at least so far
she's angry now
oh she's mad
extra cute daipans
i wish i was the table
Pekora is so slow to heal
timings in elden ring are very tight and she spends like a second after every combo waiting to heal
just heal holy shit
it's not greed it's strategic thinking
lol radahn just walking to her
>Pekora is so slow
that's all you needed to say
There's no way. She sounds like she's at least 60
death: 90
Make the hand that grabs her normal color before posting.
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ive been following this artist, she got potential.
Draw for yourself then.
Hime's finally at the slurring stage
I am predicting she'll win by ~165 deaths.
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you need to delay last roll pekora...
angry bebber
>aqua pretending she hasn't played this game
>while doing speedrun strats
Aqua just shids and fards all day
how tf do you speed run a game with a fixed timer
youtube it
finally miko
I think Pekora should use a different weapon, then she'll finally win.
I think dexfags should shut the fuck up and let Pekora play the game however she wants.
yeah, fuck you jugemu
so this is FNAF's whole gameplay
this is shit
No she just need to add a shield on her right armament and poke him on 2nd phase.
we could be watching angel beats instead...
I just hate the greatsword
Dont pretend like you've never fucking seen fnaf gameplay dude
What kind of coma did you wake up from
are we at 100 deaths
Fuck off oneechan
did she mention why we aren't?
not him, but I had never seen fnaf gameplay until about 2-3 weeks ago
I haven't, just like I have never watched any Star Wars or Game of Thrones
not yet, probably explain when we get to supacha reading
Okayu is just the perfect holo.
lmao pektard
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that timing is so cool
nice sip peko
I just now fapped to something atrocious appalling abominable heinous dreadful ghastly monstrous egregious inexcusable unthinkable deplorable disgraceful scandalous despicable reprehensible shocking nefarious villainous odious contemptible and unredeemable
blogpost ended.
Too late imagetard.
It's over...
you can just say towa next time
Don't think I've ever jacked off to towa
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Go Miko go Miko go Miko go Miko go Miko go
I haven't. Why would I have when I never watched pewdiepie or other equivalents
he really gives no time to breath
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ah so there's the souls like leveling up
dumb bebber
The whore of VSPO
Towa is an overused joke
death: 100
we hit the 100 death
miko doing good...
Usada Pekora is the pure illustrous saint of hololive.

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