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Satori knows all the lewd thoughts going through your head at this moment.
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Well that isn't gonna help her at all.
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yandere satori knows if you have been unfaithful
Does getting raped by her evil cat count as being unfaithful?
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But she's the one who pushed Koishi on me

This reminds me of that mel gibson movie where he can read womens thoughts during sex

watching you take her sisters virginity is okay. It's just practice for the real thing.

This is like reading the comment section of a girls Instagram account.
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Satori is super cute but there doesn't seem to be much about her except for the mind reading thing.
Maybe if you only read Indian comments
How can she be so fucking incompetent? Most likely only good for fucking and humiliating
patchouli knowledge, refrain yourself, or I'll have remi cut your internet access.
Patchouli intellectually destroyed Satori in the manga though. There is a reason the mind reading detective needs her "cheat".
Im a Slowboy. how exactly did she do it? Touhou dialogue sometimes tend to be oblivion speech
she completely runs rings around her in the conversation and guesses what satori's thinking multiple times in a row to annoy her because satori is so reliant on her ability that she doesn't have any real conversation skills
I.E patchouli could work a conversation into making you reveal something, while satori would just pluck it from your head
Satori=Dumb and over reliant on her ability
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Patchy also has a much bigger tits and nice thicc thighs
fat wizard thread hijack
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Looks like the asthmatic fatty defense force is here.
What the fuck is cowper's fluid?
Try asking Google.
Satori is a nice girl. Without her we wouldn't have nuclear power.

Does she only know what I'm thinking right now or can she read ALL my lewd thoughts and knows I'm a lolicon?
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The one and only
Does she know I want to sex Koishi and her at the same time non-stop?
But where's the fun in that when I can just ask the professionals at /jp/?
I don't get it.
Does she know I knocked up her pets?
I made the mistake of looking at this picture for more than two seconds.
She does, Satori likes to watch from a hidden place
She could also read his mind.
Imagine Satorin calling you to her office, and she just spends 20 minutes staring at you while blushing and sweating with an indecent smile on her face, and she keeps her right hand under her desk the whole time.
Oh, she can even read memories of past events, then? Meaning she can live vicariously through you as you impregnate her stupid sexy pets...
Satori is definitely a cuck...
Satorin is the sexiest when wearing a randoseru
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>she can even read memories of past events, then?
Even if she can't, she can make you think about it by asking what you and Orin do when you two are alone.

True. Sexy 小五ロリ
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The satorin fully prepared to give judgment suddenly mindfucked by the twelve hours "nuclear fusion" you had with Utsuho.

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