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Previous thread: >>47189524

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
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Is Amaemi comparable to Amakano?
I like Oryou's art.
It's Sakuuta but moege.
>heroines actually resemble high school girls
it's completely different and for the better
Speaking of Amaemi apparently there is an append patch to this game but I couldn't find it anywhere. Anyone has link to Amaemi append patch?
A traitor shilling gookshit
why do 99% of plotge have h-scenes? what's the fucking point?
It's hot
More plot? Can't skip the relationship development.
If there's a hot girl I want to see her naked and fuck her.
Otherwise what's the point of adding girl characters?
Romance is intrinsically ingrained into the visual novel medium
What an odd thing to say
Unlike moege, a lot of plotge continue telling the story through H scenes.
You'd be surprised at the amount of lore and reveals they dump in some of the plotge between the moans.

And I prefer it this way actually.
Talking during sex > dirty talking during sex > moans and chupachupanuooooo
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Grimlock-sama love!
it's just a staple at this point and otaku can't handle change due to autism
just ctrl it, youre not missing anything
>what's the fucking point of h-scenes
Fucking tourists.
this is why i never got people complaining about eroge 'dying'. it's better for eroge to be a niche thing rather than attract r*tards like this.
I understand why the H content is there but 99% of the time I can't cum to them at all so it's more of a distraction to myself. I am a religious man who only wants to jerk off to my 2d wife's h scenes after all. She would be unhappy otherwise.
did you come from xitter?
not only retard but you can also say nigger and other words here no problem
to help you touch yourself at night
Are there any eroge where there's a blood related sister heroine among the cast, but instead of being okay with the idea of incestous relationship from the start, she slowly develops romantic feeling towards her brother throughout the common route? Or maybe even during her route.
same reason why 99% of plotge have moe heroines and heroine-focused routes with romance - it's a staple of non-nukige titles
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i thought it was nice enough, it's a lot heavier than amakano drama wise however so know what you're getting into
there's a pretty big focus on healing the protagonist via Discussions about the Nature of Art (or fat gyaru tiddies)
so sakuuta if it was good?
Is this user a bot? Why don’t they get banned for vote manipulation? https://vndb.org/u236735
i didn't think it had anything especially groundbreaking to say about art but that's going to be a personal thing more than anything. you'll definitely want to care on some level about art or the game's going to get very dull, it's not an art-flavored moege
also i haven't read sakuuta
That guy gives me an impression of a Chinese speed reader who's probably in for e-brownie points or some shit.
>say about art
What does it say about it?
Thank you.
Wasn't expecting it to be heavier than Amakano.
I'm into art I indulge in drawing, but I'm not really into its roots and history, so I hope it'll work for me.
So Amakano is your basic ama ama, Amanatsu is more comedic, and Amaemi has more drama. Azarashi got them all down, respect.
i guess it's more iyashikei than anything, the MC's a washed up alcoholic ex-artist with the art equivalent of PTSD and it's less about drama that is going to happen in the routes and more about drama that has already happened and how to move on from that

i honestly don't even remember, nothing particularly stuck out. it wasn't trite platitude shit which was nice, but there wasn't anything that stuck with me either
>the MC's a washed up alcoholic ex-artist with the art equivalent of PTSD and
Literally me except swap the artist part with shakaijin
Picked up
>the MC's a washed up alcoholic ex-artist with the art equivalent of PTSD
kek this is literally naoya
>it wasn't trite platitude
That's refreshing, I'm always scared when games deal with art in any way.
What's that?
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Unlike moege they dont turn into nukige after the first h-scene so there is still good plot to enjoy after the romance starts.
Finished reading a vn and now i feel empty, i miss her so much already....
That vn was amazing btw, i took around 80 screenshots, it was THAT good!
Would you share one of those screenshots?
This but after reading fujo-muke kamige
>80 screenshots, it was THAT good!
Tfw i had over 1.5k screenshots after finishing Dies...
Pretty much everything I read gets a couple hundred screenshots depending on the length
>, i took around 80 screenshots
Just around 80...?
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73 Actually. only done one route,but i can say for sure that this is a true kami.
I'm having this problem where i'm skeptical about reading the other routes, i picked my favorite heroine first you see.

This one is my current wallpaper.
>Unlike moege they dont turn into nukige after the first h-scene
that's how healthy relationships work though
>scatfetish-skin heroine
Cringe ,not reading it
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man i used to take a couple dozen screenshots of everything without fail and i could look back through the folders and basically revisit the entire game
these days even the stuff i enjoy barely gets a few

only the creme de la creme gets the shitty mspaint meme edits i will likely never post and are only funny to me
This is Aku no Onna Kanbu 2, right?
I was thinking about playing it, but never got to it.
Would you say the game is more femdom focused? Or is every heroine different when it comes to H scenes?
Looking at my screenshots, I seem to take 100-200 per game.
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There's a defeat ending for all the executives, and i think that's it about femdom, the rest is mc trying to reform the heroines, where he's the one taking the lead.
I actually only finish like 1 maybe 2 VNs per year I'm beginning to notice.
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Seeing stuff like this makes me sad,I'll never find an auto-otaku girl....
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And if I do, she's gonna be an impure slut who immediately wants to jiggle herself on OF for money the second she turns 18.
Yes i also use the numerical amount of screenshots i take during routes as basis to judge my enjoyment of the eroge...
Unexpectedly a very useful way to measure your enjoyment of a route.
Number of screenshots shows how much you gave a damn about it, so yeah. The one VN which inspired me to learn JP has over hundreds while unremarkable kuso I forget I had ever read them in the first place.
>that's how healthy relationships work though
I imagine finding out that you're sexually compatible with a person you love must feel incredible.
Post your エロゲ wallpaper
It feels really great when you're reading a vn and there are scenes where you have to be taking screenshots at every new line because they're that good
I'm pretty sexually compatible to my eroge wife by jerking off to her only. Good enough right
I took thousands of screenshots over the years but lost them all a while ago. Remember to make backups
study steady...
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I remember I took an ungodly amount of screenshot when reading Primal x Hearts 2 especially when Usagi is on screen, her interactions with the MC is always entertaining and they have chemistry right from the first scene when they met.
people that hate h-scenes genuinely can't get it up after one round,you need to step your game up if you can't do it at least five times per day.
more like eroge makers need to step up their game and try to make scenes at least a little more fappable
it's been literal months since the last time i have seen a scene that would make me actually hard
I'm pretty sure it's just fat "people". Getting a boner is literally cardiovascular health.
I can go for 10+ on a single day but only with something specific. Some people don't care to fap to everything and would rather have everything to the point.
True but having multiple scenes back to back is going to drain the majority of people who want to fap and is just plain boring for people who want to get on with the plot.
urge to dump my screenshots all over the thread
do it
Sometimes Im not in the mood to take screenies but still enjoy the VN itself, also if the VN has sprite viewer no screenies are taken because I only take screenies of the different sprites, especially naked and swimsuit variations.
Nothing like crying while repeatedly taking screenshots, the nakige experience is definitely funny.
What about that cute scene that was so cute it should be saved in a picture to be cherished for years to come?
>taking screenshots
I see not many here appreciate the fleeting nature of beauty.
hi Ren. Still looking for your nichijou?
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If only this game was consistently as cool as this. Hopefully the remake is better whenever I get around to it.
good one
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I haven't been paying too much attention, but now it feels surreal that Steam has so many eroge in the store.
Even more surreal is the fact that games like Monobeno and Maitetsu got through.
How did they do it?
An all-age Dungeon Travelers 2 got denied, but those two got approved.
It's very inconsistent. It's like they have a woman approving or denying gē based on whether she's having a period or some shit.
getting greenlit on steam is apparently a diceroll depending on if you get the right person or avoid the wrong one and since once you get rejected you can't try again you end up with the current mess
What ge would you want to replay after you got your memory wiped?
none because rereading something is better than reading
rewatching the screenshots is better than rereading
what is this
I liked it, very dreamy music on the afterword page, but damn, those buttons that link to dead pages are so sad...
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Something a bit scary.
Demonbane and do aru your first
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any of vivaldi's the four seasons but i'd need a wipe on all four
What does 日く mean?
Why do visual novel authors always keep their good stories for light novel medium? Tanaka with Jinrui, Kara no shojo author with bookworm, Kinugasa with youkoso jitsuryoku. All of their best work is the respective LN. Theres probably more I'm forgetting.
The original kizuato. Unfortunately, the first route was by far the best and it got subsequently worse with each route. Shizuku was so much better if you ask me.
>light novel
Light novels will never be as good.
idk bro ask >>47051163 and preferably stay there
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Biniku no Kaori.
Did you confuse Kazuki Miya and Suzuki Miya
Right, sorry, and here I was thinking for a while about how different kns and the LN were to be written by the same author.
Yeah i can't wait for the dead of eroge to arrive from americans just like i've always predicted
steam does not sell eroge. As for why certain all ages games like DT2 get banned: double standards.
funny how all those wegs still flood the place non stop in the meanwhile
Akagoei is still the best thing Kinugasa has written because despite retarded plot all his works have it's still the funniest shit he has written, his "mind games" in Youjitsu are trash.
>Shizuku was so much better if you ask me.
lol, game where the main mistery is the most predictable shit ever and with no characters worth a damn? denpa fans would love any shit, huh
>Kinugasa with youkoso jitsuryoku
even Ryuusei WA is better than that shit. haven't read his other VNs yet
White Album 2
>read Shizuku for one minute
>protagonist already outs himself as a faggot
>closes the window
This reads like a shitpost, so perhaps I'm wasting my time. Shizuku was a fun, short horror romp and the final ending is really strong. There's nothing wrong with it.
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Did someone say best Kinugasage?I think someone said best Kinugasage.
what the fuck this is the coolest room i ever seen
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Classic CG
actually cool
wow are they really going to just give threesome at the very start of the game?
I didn't realize how many games had "niizuma" in the title.
Speaking of Susuko, does the Nukitashi remaster pack have all the content already or do you still need the appends?
>steam ver
kys eop
Which is better between kamimaho and lupercalia ?
lupercalia's probably more consistently entertaining, kamimaho has some long stretches that aren't all that great even if both have really high emotional highs
it's not a clear winner though and if you like the writing style there's no reason not to read both
maybe not in a row, they're both fairly long with ladder structure routes and the drama will make it feel a lot longer
Interesting, I appreciate the help.
no worries
if you're looking for a place to start with lucle stuff i always shill for unmei yohou, even if it's rougher than his later stuff. it feels a lot more raw, in the good and the bad way
but you can't go wrong with either of those two either if you don't feel like taking a chance on earlier more amateurish stuff
I love these games man.
>An all-age Dungeon Travelers 2 got denied, but those two got approved.
They stripped all suggestive or risky nsfw sprites and cg. Dungeon travelers obviously didn't and just applied the game without changes. Idk why people keep bringing this up like it's a gotcha, it's really not hard to understand
G-senjou no maou?
Is this a pure nukige or a more standard common route -> heroine route ge?
Neither. No tomefure game has routes, they're pure harem.
The first tomefure is an odd duck, it's a comedy moege that takes a hard turn into an oddly endearing and introspective look at loneliness and depression before turning back into a comedy moege, for the first 40% of it. Then the last half is just almost nonstop porn that sometimes pauses for a comedy routine.
The second game is much closer to being a nukige and starts the h-scenes almost right off the bat, although it still has a ton of comedy (and the introspection is there, just less in focus).
While the vast majority of the franchise is big tiddy porn, there's too much time spent on the parts that aren't big tiddy porn for me to really call them 'just' nukige, even if they're mostly nukige.
I see, thanks.
Sounds fun.
And W is like a fandisk for both games, right?

Would appreciate if any anons remember more games that have this.
Yes, it has short after stories for both vns.
idk about kamimaho but lupercalia got some absolute banger music that alone makes reading it a blast
>soulless めちゃくちゃ instead of soulful 滅茶苦茶
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Any non-nukige where the main topic is ero of any kind?
Like Sonora's games about eroge store and eroge production:

Doesn't have to be strictly about otaku culture.
But I guess making a chara/moege about something like ero cosplay, gradols or AV without lots of sex is pretty difficult.
Obvisouly something like Nukitashi also works, but I'd prefer a more realistic setting. I don't mind if it's a comedy though.
I remember people mention Hamidashi Creative when talking about Sonora games. Is it similar in some way? The description makes it sound pretty 健全.
らくえん~あいかわらずなぼく。の場合~ is a well thought of game about an eroge studio based on the developer TerraLunar.
My nunge arrived!
you can tell that that poster is a tourist because they think that the full-width > is a meme and don't understand why it got used one time months ago
Why yes i like 30 volume stories going for 10 years that never end how could you tell?
>Why yes i like 30 volume stories going for 10 years
Nothing wrong with this unless the author is being forced to change his story for the sake of milking.
>never end
Plenty of them do end though.
>t. butthurt 反当て字派
>Doesn't make any money
Discontinued and forced to end its services prematurely
>Makes money
Forced to make a never ending story to keep making money, forced to end once its juice as run out
Same with manga except is way more blatant with LNs
Music (and to a lesser extent voice) is a very important aspect of a work's soul though. That's one of the main reasons why manga and LNs fall flat so hard compared to VNs and anime.
This depends on the publisher. Not everywhere is Jump level.
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>graduates high school
>about to become a soulless shakaijin or worse, a filthy neet
>gets accidentally summoned to fantasy isekai land
>they put him back in high school
there is no escape
you WILL seishun and you WILL like it
>and to a lesser extent voice
I'd say a good/popular seiyuu for your favorite character is both more likely to boost popularity and more likely to happen at all, compared to a memorable soundtrack.
Is Watanabe just making a nukige or will this have some twist?
what are your?
I'm wondering that too. Maybe the trial will hint at something like it did with Harukuru. But he did work on that one gyaru game last year that seemed like a standard moenukige.
has he ever done anything extraordinary outside of kuru titles
i liked kanzume but it feels like an honorary kuru title
is there some overarching plot? i only wanted to try it for red flat girl
in the interest of full disclosure i never did finish it (due to life stuff, not lack of interest) and there's definitely a bunch of things in there your average eroge reader may find offputting
but it's got his signature dick jokes and mystery revolving around obscure pseudo scifi bullshit
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He recycled some ideas from Soracha in Natsukumo
I haven't read any of these light novel counterparts, but I'd assume it's because pure text can focus more on structure and introspection of the content itself, whereas vns more emphasize the experience being had. Despite visual novels being a text-heavy medium, in comparison to actual books it's almost like how a film adaptation is to the original novel.
I got a bit arrogant with my japanese ability because I read through the most reknown and complex mystery vns without any real issues. But now that I've been reading a few shinhonkaku I'm getting a bit curb stomped.
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Do you actually like it when a game has marriage and pregnancy in the end?

I personally prefer when a route ends prior to these events.
I understand their importance and the sentiment. And while I think they can be heartwarming to read and to look at, something inside me prevents me from enjoying it too much.
Only if it's a traditional wedding.
I know a fag who literally recycled an entire route from his doujin days
The quintessential animewatcher/mangareader cope
Depends on the execution more than anything. I wish games would show more married life and what happens afterwards. Are there any like that?
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Where can I get 腐り姫? There's nothing on nyaa...
you must be blind
>I wish games would show more married life and what happens afterwards. Are there any like that?
TsukiKana's FD was extremely soulful.
Yeah, the usual NTRge plot
Different anon but thanks. I think the version on nyaa is the older cd one.
I got this from the Liar-Soft 詰め合わせ torrent on Nyaa, torrent that if you like Liar-soft and have the space.
>torrent that if you like Liar-soft
I only finished 3 VNs in the last year. I don't think I need to start downloading full sets of studios.
sigh 6 years still waiting for full release of an OP
Had a pain in my chest all day, i need to see her again.
just do weed bro. it's a painkiller and you will also get to talk to her lol
You're having a heart attack
I will replay her game over and over again for the rest of my life, and no i won't do weed i'll become a man worthy of her instead.
Same. I'll replay her game during winter
what if she likes dudes who blaze it 420
You have to go back.
what the fuck why mc is suddenly getting bullied by the main heroines..
This looks interesting. Thank you, anon.
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This is the first game I've encountered that requires Windows Me to run, even XP is too recent
Yes, of course. The victory is not complete otherwise. I only have a problem if the couple can't plausibly take care of themselves AND the baby, it's way too irresponsible for my goody-two-shoes self-insert.

Literally Niizuma LxC
Fandisks for certain bootUP! games
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the thought of sticking my hands through those electromagnetic coils she calls a hairdo is strangely erotic
What's your favorite Asapro game?
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i hate wedding dresses so no
only when they do some cool traditional-style shit
>i hate wedding dresses
I like how dorky but adorable some wedding dresses look in these games
>i hate wedding dresses so no
this reminds me of when some guy said that he hates virgin heroines just because he didnt like seeing blood during sex lol
How mentally retarded do you have to be to not understand his post?
Is it true that one of the girls (Kokoro, I believe?) has way more content in her route?
Does FD remedy that in some way?
that's valid
wtf can you not just destroy all my hopes and dreams like this
Solved by having pre-story virginity loss to protagonist.
not that guy but the last thing i read had a full screen bright red flash at the moment of entry and i could definitely live without that
was half expecting to hear a stock scream sound effect afterwards and find a severed head on the bed or something
it looks like period blood so yeah
I imagine there must be people who absolutely need to see blood during the first sex scene. Otherwise they get paranoid.
just add option to disable it like they do with hair recently
knowing what their audience wants, they could just put like 1 single line of internal monologue from the heroine and resolve all ambiguity if their artist doesnt want to do blood (or if they think people playing would rather not see blood), or just put documents of the setting as an omake with this kind of information
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>western website
Good to know this medium is full of faggots
>literal reddit
you're only obsessed with virgins because you could never get one irl.
I would bet it was an accident, I do it all the time I just notice it and correct it before posting
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Not even true, most LN series end with a shorter reading time than your average VN
same way I'm obsessed with chuunige because I can't be a chuunige protagonist in real life
The big difference here is that LNs are episodic while VNs (excluding exceptions) are one complete package, maybe with a fandisc.
>3dpd out of nowhere
>da capo
how do you even get into this franchise without losing your mind
not really, we just arent gay communist weirdos like you who are turned on by girls that have physical and emotional marks of other men
Marriage yes, pregnancy no. Pregnancy ero scenes are automatic skip no questions asked.
Marriage no, pregnancy yes. Pregnancy H-scenes are an instant rock hard boner. Bonus points for birth during anal.
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Any recommended route order??
Isn't this the game where the non-virgin heroine laughs at MC for being a virgin?
kek, based. serves those entitled moebuta incels well. any other vn with realistic women like this?
works the same way for me that I imagine myself being a terrorist on f-22 all the time but of course I can't be one lol
>any other vn with realistic women like this?
Lessons in love and nukitashi :)
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Not a moebuta so I don't project my insecurities in visual novels, if the heroine is cute virginity is secondary.
Even if it was a virgin i would never touch her irl, modern women are rotten which is why VN heroines look so beautiful when comparing them
Always check EGS for this stuff.
I honestly don't mind non-virgins if it's appropriate for the character/story but eroge have made me into something of a 処女独占厨 and now I find blood hot. Especially if it's harem or if you deflower girls other than the one whose route you're on and make them used goods.
Meidos? Are we being raided by Reddit?
For me it's gotta be virgin mom heroine
>Not a (...)buta
yes, you are a ブタ. because it's pigs that eat any slop on the ground. and having high standards ie. being a moe-bro is the opposite of being a ブタ.
All I hear is buhi~ buhi~
moebutas sure act high and mighty for consuming the worst slop in the medium lmao
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She's talking about me.
What a cruel thing to say, and with a smile on her face.
>I honestly don't mind non-virgins if it's appropriate for the character/story
understandable, though i would still skip hscenes because putting my dick in a hole that had other men's dicks and cum is pretty icky if you ask me
Not episodic, it's more often complete continuity divided into long story arcs similar to typical manga/anime
It's fine if the other men are just shotas though.
I need more cute girls laughing at me and calling me disgusting.
this, but specifically during h-scenes
>similar to typical manga/anime
And? Still inferior to VNs..
Depends on the genre.
As long as is better than their counterpart in anime manga light novels and all other manga otaku media im satisfied
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Don't care I like em all, not trying to tell you VNs aren't awesome just explaining to you the technical incorrectness of your post
Region block and I'm too poor to pay for a vpn.
Really? I used to be blocked from EGS but that ended a few years back, I assumed he did away with it altogether. You could always try to access with VPNGate & SoftEther.
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Here are the user-submitted read orders since you can't access the site
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Guys what was the name of that VN with the rough-looking but charming art that has like a German title and it's medieval fantasy?
this reminded me
german brothers, delight in the title of this vn
i wanna say ritterorden but i'm fairly sure i'm spelling it wrong
That's it, thank you
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They really nailed making this guy an absolute dick but in a cold, autistic way and not the usual pompous, arrogant way.
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Thinking of Saga Planets, how's Kisaragi Gold Star compared to Hatsuyuki Sakura?

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