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I love Towa!
Checkout her latest covers!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRtOWI6Lut0 「White Noise」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bkICbOt1ck 「Unknown Mother Goose」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p54QSYd7-c 「Ghost Rule」
Noah >>>> Washed up loser Aqua
migger is elite streamer
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I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

Miko Super Mario Bros. challenge now! https://youtu.be/PXZp0xWWyZY
2 hours concentration period is over
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What if we sell Towa on the black market
mio's pancreas exploded
shion pretends to be depressed
oh...he was about to do meteor attack
this but unironically
Pekora can see it... Radahn's defeat...
akupeko love...?
damn that is so close
AkuPeko love!
Aqua's obsessed
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It's been ???? since shion last streaming....
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Why does Okayu keep making FWMC references now
I thought she was a Shrimp?
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I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!
Who's gonna buy her?
I've actually started to dislike Fubuki. A-chan quitting made me see her as super fake.
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I think we all must face the fact that shion is never coming back
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almondo almondo
Really? It took you this long to realize?????????
lol miko
how did that hit her?
nice hitbox from
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Shion will come back!!
she will come back to secure her money and disappear like usual
Fuck you lamy
I doubt she'll ever come back for anything more than a brief appearance on someone else's stream at this point
Shion will come
from penis
cat love
yeah (mine)
This is it, Pekora will defeat it in 30 minutes max.
if pekora know the right way to avoid that beam attack she might win this
yeah, dog's
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If she learns how to roll forward-right instead of straight right for the combo that ends in the slam then she wins.
nice miko!!
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pekora can't outheal the damage
3 toires damn hime
hope haachama plays all the games from her steam sale stream
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Thats really unfortunate timing to poise break…
duuuuuuuuuumb bbbbbeber
botan gomi...
It's insane how popular he is
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Astro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPYJIe1sODg
Taking it easy, next stream on Thursday with SMOK.
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How the hell did that work
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these streets don't seem so safe..
Hime is a genius
Pekora somehow beat Fatalis solo and is yet is not capable of beating King Consort Radahn
Honestly she could easily do it if she slapped a great shield on, but I guess she doesn't want to
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I will destroy the Riot servers
This is the story of Pekora and her greatsword.
pekoras brain can't do this anymore...
you can get jambalaya at the konbini?

i dont think she doesnt want to but she just doesnt know
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this is the run!!
You can get Onigirya too!
Someone should send Pekora this video
Cringe, computer search sl1 no hit radahn clears and post in the thread.
Fatalis solo is less bullshit than this. You literally can just bait certain attack with positioning.
If you don't realize, that's unironically way tougher than what she's doing. There's a lot of very, very, very precise things happening in that video.
that one seems a lot more reasonable to me.
also where are the gravure mags and manga..
pekora hates the gay...
Korone love
Wishing her マミー well
>but she just doesnt know
Are you stupid or something? She has a constant chat stream including an extra high concentration of grey fromtourists spamming advice so she's definitely aware of shields, and she's attached to the Greatsword and likes a proper story ending of sticking with her partner at the end. She even switched out her weapon to Greatsword for messmer because she thought he might be the final boss.
Eh, it took me a few tries to get him while Fatty took me a whole weekend.
Although I don't have autism and use spirit ashes so
Oneechan is too rough with hime
how many times peko died
>Although I don't have autism and use spirit ashes so
why even open your mouth as though you have an opinion worth sharing
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imagine using anything but your stench
but that doesnt mean she will read chat all the time right? right now she fully focus on defeating radahn
>messmer because she thought he might be the final boss
You know that is bullshit because Pekora herself found an entire new area right before she fought him. She switched to greatsword almost immediately because she know she is too shit to use anything else.
She was even trying witht he other weapon she found on him before then too so idk where he pulled that from
Pekora hit the 3 hours mark
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>Messmer fight is probably more annoying because he kept saying the same line when I lose
She finally did that combo mostly right.
hey man!!
she's not wrong
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agent shishiron!!
damn haachama smashed that thief's head in. also that cone guy wasn't doing anything wrong.. you've become too violent, haachama..
Pekkers is pissed and wants to go to bed. a hag has to sleep early
Noel had a collab planned for tomorrow but it got delayed because it was too sudden.
migger is tired too
Hey Miko!
fuck she miss the flask
>collab planned
>delayed because it was too sudden
This run…I can feel it in my bones…
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finally... after 325 years..
Damn, is it 2022?
death: 120
https://x.com/sakura_aoi_main/status/1807776451489656973 LOL
>is not daijoubu at all
damn she rolled right into that attack
what is it?
Mario bros is impossible
pekor is getting worn down mentally
I saw that and it makes me hopeful
wonder who she'll team with
how many Sakura Aois are there
I don't understand why Noel is so insistent on making the archive for this members only
some nijis would be nice and funny
will nijis pull out at the least second?
teasing and membership bait since a lot of normalfags got wind of the outfit
holy shit that guy was massive. what an absolute unit. also shit hitbox.
she has no problems showing it off when people ask her to, as it's quite rare that someone asks her to show it off
120 dollaridoos
The puzzle isn't that hard hime
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the absolute state of gray shits
They don't have a problem with Tsuna. They wouldn't have a problem with someone they actually interacted with.
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No clue who that is, but thanks for sharing
Was that on Noel?
what this
nenechi a shit
try opening the link you retard
I kinda want to reply Towa
Selen rainbow club and Yotto budget? What does that mean?
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Nintendo controllers are shit
For the people saying it took Noel 2 years to get an outfit, she had it since February but "didn't find the timing to reveal it"
I wonder if she was worried it was too soon after the Canan nun stream
nice run miko
now do perfect stage 3
Hime should get drunk more often
It's broccoli retard
wild ass game man. some guy just walks into the backroom and starts watching porn.
Broccolami Browa
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>being an unironic tourist
What would Kanade sound like when she orgasms
cockfile > catbox
It's over for Akutan...
weird looking nenechi
wdym she got her OL outfit not that long ago
I'm retarded, but not that retarded
Kanade doesn't know what an orgasm is
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Go Miko go Miko go Miko go Miko!!!
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>all modern controllers are shit
The schoolgirl outfit was 2 years ago, OL was just accessories to make it look like that
Miko dum dum...
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Kek hime
Turbodykes get hung up over the weirdest shit.
niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice migger!!
If only Ranni is on Pekora back buffing her…Worst wife ever.
wtf 2 aquas??
they still need 170k subs...
we need to go back to n64.
Let's go Miko!
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she is not beating radahn today
It's Subaru's birthday? Why didn't she do a countdown stream?
miko is doing pretty good this run
What is she up to now?
broccoli just got smacked in the head
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This but Watame.
was this game one of the ones Haachama found on the steam sales stream?
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why are Narutofags like this
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niiiiiiiiice miko 5-1 reached
yeah. pretty nice how fast she got permission to play it.
Just released recently so probably
>superchat autism again
Just stop reading them Noel
New record?
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5 hours peko
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https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120139845 dozo
for this stream yes
idk about her previous streams records
Kys faker
thank you
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>coin machine inside the toilet
That's disgusting
Miko ganbareeeee!
Noel is too kind
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nice try miko
That was close Miko...
>he doesn't care enough about me to give me money
Noel pls stop this already
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So Raden went on a trip to Kaminoseki in Yamaguchi and saw a Local Vtuber? Well that Vtuber found out!
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bebber ending
Don't think Pekora is getting this one without changing her approach
This hag is far too cute
Subaru is not doing a 3D live tomorrow?
Ojou doko...?
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Happy duck day! almost forgot because no countdown
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Is she still seething about membership gift kek
Well good luck next time Miko, here's a better idea just stop doing this SMB challenge, you already beat the game before anyway
A guy that bragged he's been member for 18 months with only gifts, it's making her consider turning off gifts if she can
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Nah she just need to get one lucky run, pretty much how she managed to beat most of the boss
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i need more mi and chi pictures
Noel's superchat readings are the most entertaining, always has some drama
how is that possible i've only received a gift once
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Oh yea it is too
Who knows? Maybe he's lying but it affected her.
i was about to write this is the run
pekochan definitely tired...
Pekora is going to hit 4 hours soon
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>enters room with the Meteoric Greatsword she was using for the entire area
>thought from the trailers that he's the final boss and immediately wishes she had her true Greatsword with her because of it
>sandbags the fight and spends most of it watching his moves and regretting that she switched her build away from the Greatsword
>switches to the Greatsword after her first death to make it a special fight
She didn't "use greatsword for the entire new area because it was too hard" and she didn't "try with her other weapon".

Shut the fuck up niggers.
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It will never be the run
That's mostly water hime you should fill it up
Mikokami blessing
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Tipsy hime is kind of a genius
happy birthday shuba
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peko's mental...
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Omedetou shubau
Miko my beloved
this is the run
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nice try peko
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I'm going to get something to drink so now it will be the run
She hasn't gotten a bleed proc in like 10 tries. She is actively nerfing herself with that infusion right now
nice nipples
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Miko ended! Otsu35~
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Also new shorts from Raden Nihon sake report. I was sure this was with Ririka a moment ago but now I'm not because if the background. Need to double check the last few Ririka drinking streams.
>finally switching to heavy affinity
Fucking finally, took too fucking long
otsumiko fags!
kek now Noel is talking about the youtuber twitter follow drama, she's going all out today
this is the run!!
It’s over for Radahn. i give Pekora 5 more minutes.
Is she stacking up elemental resistances? She's taking so much holy damage
is she okay or what?
whatever happened to kizuna ai's return?
slightly late otsumiko~
>twitter DMs are handled by managers
Who can believe that after Rushia?
Just shitting on the schizos but I think it's always better to just ignore it.
Can you add elemental damage to weapons with heavy affinity?
She is already using the braid talisman that give her like 20% holy resist.
Time to end this shitty game hime
probably started because of rushia (might be also talent's choice)
They are probably handled by managers because of that
You can with greases and buffing incantation as long as the weapon is buffable
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Neat, she could get some black flame stuff to do % based additional damage as well I guess
There's the pearldrake talisman for an additional 11%, not sure if she was using it since I always tab out when she dies and always miss her menuing
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Give her the rock in the head hime
>heavy affinity
>learnt to block
This is it, Pekora is nearing the end
I don't think you can use that with the braid. The braid is effectively pearldrake +3
She faced the wrong direction so there's still some work to be done
What tears is she using on her flask?
She's a few good dodges and lucky hits away from winning
wish i have friends
Noel is starting a diet
So she's retarded?
I don’t think resistance that much of a game changer, getting full scadu blessing is better for damage negation in the dlc. They even buffed the final blessing in the recent patch iirc.
That cow need it
is she grass fed or grain fed
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Time to have some kids
how are you even supposed to dodge that?
How do you even dodge this move? I killed this boss with a spell I only found out was actually broken after killing him and didn't even see this move
100% grain
kek i woke up from my nap and peko is still here
I dashed backwards and then jumped for that.
Noel has decided she won't do the diet anymore
If you run forwards or backwards through it you will at most get hit 2 times which is survivable
That cow need to make her ass fatter
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this is the run!!
holy shit
>finally realized how OP guard is
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Now if only she would also try the deflection tear this fight would be over in an instant
Pekora barely fought any wickerman, doubt she even have it
Rather than the talisman she should drop turtle for weight load talisman and equip heavier armor. But she can finish it with this so no need.
lol he just decided to not go down
It's the first one and pretty sure she killed at least that one
it drops from first one, she fought him i think
she poise broke him during the transition so it got cancelled
I can feel it, Radahn’s end is near…
She's done that before and it let her poise break him again after the phase change.
is it though...
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Sorry mrs kitty but you have to be put down
the run
greed... heal you had no stamina...
Watch your stamina Peko…
Got greedy, but these attempts are getting pretty good
5 more minutes
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Nvm pet acquired
These horizontal rolls are getting clipped every time
ok this is it
>sips flask
>stands there expecting to tank all the hits
thats my dumb bunny right there
Well that answers the question I was just about to ask about using a tear to tank the meteor...
>she thought she could tank it with bubble tear
stellar stellar
Baka hime
why anon why
>almost had it
>then fucked up in a dumb way and did way worse
the run is coming, it's the final part of the arc
peko status?
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this is it!!
Aqua is Pekora's miquella
Not managing her stamina very well
Pekora... start fucking dodging the grab... it's free damage
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hecking begola
her heart was stolen...
Pekora lost to the power bottom...
pekopiss time
who is the marika of hololive
>pekopiss now
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I kneel
Wanted to read the superchat Noel is reading but the stream is not on hololyzer
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>numberfag gets no (You)s
>samefags instead
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*pisses out all her memory of the fight*
its time
starting to feel like this may be.... the run....
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damn, that was close.
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Oyasumi hime
she's been fighting with this weapon for so long... how does she still not know her range...
>still had 6 flasks, had plenty of time to top up her hp bar
>went for a panic r1 instead since she saw his hp super low
Pe........ the fucking GREED...
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me at the top
Pekora learned the hard way
This is the run for sure
Pekora doesn't use standard attacks that's why she missed.
sleep tight luner
the fact that she got so close is making her play worse, now she's just trying to gorilla her way through
she misses with giant's hunt too...
Oh no the blunder earlier is starting to affect her mentally
>Pekora is blocking
She did not beat the tv game.
That was a weird pattern
if i were her i would just stream once a week just to pay the bills
Why didn't she say anything about A-chan?
management can fell ate themselves
Her mum is such a bitch
She's been busy worrying about her mom, rather than pretending to care about a manager leaving.
now she go back to being bad
Noel really hates those twitter sluts (bots?)
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We are blessed with the dog's words
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This isn't the run
A-chan built Hololive. Without her Korone would be living on the streets
anon please...
achan literally feed her useless daughter
holyy shit pekora stop getting grabbed...
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Fuck Friend
pekoslut loves getting grabbed
They made Ayame into a slut?
Pekora has hit 5 hours, officially this is her hardest boss yet for ER
heckin runnerino
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Yeah, me
Yeah and without Korone's mother she would not exist at all you fucking retard.
She should just block the last laser coming from the ground considering she barely can even dodge it
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ignore the ragebaiter
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Korone's mother is old a waste of oxygen and resources
this is the runnerino
Why are A-chantomos like this?
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now I can go pee
SHE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!
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strong rabbit
She did it... she beat the game. I kneel Peko
pachi pachi pachi pachi
DEATH: 173
radahn is gay?
fuck this game
give me membership nousaggers
Peekora is retarded and still beat this boss while handicapping herself, what's other people's excuse?
he got raped by miquella
chinese people can't clear the game without guides
Go talk to ojichan peko
god mode is fun
Wait, why did they die?
Weird duo
Sir Ansbach my beloved
Canonically they fought with you
They were supposed to be fighting together with you
im using a dex build
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Get fucked idiot, imagine thinking this DLC is too hard and getting obliterated by Pekora.
Sir Ansbach-san...
More like Miquella is gay for Radahn and Radahn just answered his prayer
Absolutely based grudgeposter
Miquella can mind control you into loving him
Lord sir Ansbach-san sensei...
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Incredibly based.
i hate miquella
das gey
>Radahn just answered his prayer
Radahn went "no way fag" so hard, he refused to die to AIDS nuke.
Pekotyan will create a kind world with her blue doll wife in Miquella's stead
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Tonight I will jerk off to Pekora to commemorate her win over the last dlc boss!
>I want to make a gentler world
pekotyan is so ugly...
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This is your new god
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holy based
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Trina my beloved…
but peko dont have good lewds

that ugly pekora
greatsword antis are fuming
Greatsword fan channel
Pekotyan wants even more DLC...
and /v/ can't stop complaining about how they can't clear this dlc...
>dlc about mogh revenge
come on miyazaki
Too stupid to use it...
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I hate this picture
>Shilling chinese junk
Cover just can't say to fat stacks of yuan
Mohg and Morgott are too based for Land Between
Now play Bloodborne Peko
graduate sora chink
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Greatsword really is the strongest
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what now nousagis
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Too many pregnancies lately, what's going on?
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it's over...... no.......
Who is we dude? You are out of your bloody mind if you think those girls want you as a fan. Incels are schizophrenics, they are the worst thing you can have as fans. Is just like K-pop stans, they act like loyal fans, and then eat you alive the first time you don't live to their expectations. Why keep yourself a prisoner to mentally ill people? Walking on eggshells is stressful as hell. And the reward is not worth it. Moreover, schizophrenics keep normies and chill fans away. Hololive lost quite a massive chunk of fans to NijiEN, especially because of this idea that Holofans are creepy idol fans that are toxic and not welcoming. Even the JP Holo had this issue for years, that why they are tying units such as ReGloss to bring in non-idol fans and Niji Fans. Smart Holomembers realized early that is better to do away with the schizophrenic early and build a more mentally sane audience. That's why Suisei is ahead of Mori in the race for mainstream acknowledgment. Suisei did away with unicorns and schizo's early, and she is prospering as a result, not only attracting lots of women in her fandom, but also many normies. Cali was stuck with schizos in the first years, and didn't know how to deal with it, and now she is struggling to rebuild her audience. Towa, Laplus, Sora, Aki, Fubuki, Subaru - all realized the benefit of filtering unicorns, and they are prosper as a result. Moreover, they expanded their opportunities and feel bigger than they are. I mean, I watch and follow Hololive, but I'd be damned if I know anything about Kanata since Coco left. She is almost invisible, living in her isolated bubble. At the same time, I don't use Twitch, yet I still know a lot more about what Laplus is up too.
Is Pekora the first holo to clear the dlc?
not reading that
pekora can finally start playing a good fromsoft game now that the trash is out of the way
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holy shit lmao >>>/v/681396524
Going to go watch FRA v BEL.
First Holo and first Rabbit to beat the dlc.
Why would they graduate her when they're the ones that gave her the sponsorship?
one shot on goal in the first 45. have fun!
I think so, Noel might do it as well
>Ask a lot of people
>Cut out everyone that doesn't support your narrative
Many such cases
Sadly I am used to this kind of performance from my own team.
Imagine Towa
Tachikawa doesn't have to imagine
with Tachi?
You don't have to imagine that
Towa is prosper as a result
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*cums again*
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Large unga bungas
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now what
You got it already
Go to jail for pedophilia
love them
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Bloody Sar
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She's an actual AI now
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Any of the new Nijis worth watching?
kek nice timing
furry one is really popular
They aren't hololive so probably not
I saw, I'll check her out
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watch akua archive and 2h from Pekora's elden ring since i missed the start and the final kill
You've been replaced, greatly.
Towa replaced my bodily fluid
With horse semen
The best way to enjoy Hololive is to treat the Holos the same way you'd treat prostitutes
Azki has had men in her streams before and is a married woman ffs vt is newfag central
did aqua mention why her watchalong cancel?
Tell em larptomo
Management hate, permission hate.
The first part of the watchalong is privated and will never come back agai, of course part 2 never too.
Why was Kanade's SMB privated? It must be at the first hour or so but I was super drunk and can't remember.
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Anyone else miserable all the time?
I fucking hate permissions
What kind of permissions do you need to have for a watchalong?
Not after Aqua started streaming daily.
why is management so fucking useless
I've been happy everyday since I met hololive
Every schizoposter
i watch topw
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fuck i just plan to watch it after peko ER
sora next
Aqua breaking up with her boyfriend is the best thing to happen to Hololive maybe they should ban them from having boyfriends
watch it cry playing platform 8
Why did she dump Towa for Pekora
Towa would never allow that to happen
I think it's safe to say Towa owes me
Towa, my poor Towa...
Can I fuck that thing
Towa is a pure virgin lesbian saint
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Towa changed her steam name
To towa<3tachi?
Did she misspell her name again?
>RBC got sick
>Ayame steals her clothes
Why is Ojou like this?
Towa is only one of those things
Too bad she didn't unfriend Marine to cover her tracks
Towa is many things
all lesbians are virgins so she has to be at least 2
How is it management's fault that Aqua didn't check permissions?
Are you retarded?
Roboco has been turned to scrap and Ayame is absorbing her FPS skills
The fact they feel the need to get perms for a watchalong in which they show absolutely no part of the media is retarded.
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how do you think the talents get their permissions
And they shouldn't. There's literally no copyright infringement.
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Her hair is wet because she just received a little golden shower
She's just a Towa
All Towas are pure virgin lesbian saints
First they made Noel a shotacon, and now they make her lust after Subaru, when she has made it very clear that the shotacon thing is just a bit, and Subaru is her idol oshi, not the target of her lust.
>nip superchatted 26m yen
I'm proud of Ojou
She was at disney with a a boy.
Imagine having less stream hours than someone whose pancreas exploded
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belongs to?
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I miss deso
If you remove every Towa stream where she collabed with Tachi she will have less hours than Mio.
Based Ojou
was it me?
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Curious how the most successful regloss are the ones who stream the least
pekora has been slacking
None of them are tolerable in any significant quantities
Sakamata always has more hours than expected even though she takes 4 days off a week
One Sakamata stream is always 4-5 hours + because of her superchating zatsudans.
all regloss whores are boring
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Watame carry
based sheep carrying all of gen4 on her back
Luna actually streamed more
luna is a honorary sheep
I'm bored. VCR when?
chatty orca
Ask Botan
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cat has been very strong on those streaming hours this year
Does Botan like RDR2?
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Idk but she like penis
This is fake, Towa doesn't wear panties
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1st July
I forgot
I don't think that's particularly true
Towa pant
3:20 AM
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
it's july 2 dumbass
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Raden would have been streaming more if it wasn't for all the recordings, dance lesson, writing a column and voice training she's been doing. Not to mention her content is the most time intensive in prep time that she has to read a lot of those listeners response and choose from them. The last marshmallow for instance had 3k responses. Much more prep time compared to request permission to play a game and play it for a few days.
The fuck is Koyo's problem?
I didn't realize Matsuri has been streaming so little recently.
I guess she's more focused on her idol agency thing?
Oh it's such a shame.
Streaming for ~4 hours per day should be the norm.
quality > quantity
Streaming a lot is the only way for her boring ass to be relevant
Yeah she's seemed kind of bored of streaming for the past while. She had a slight burst with Bunny Garden but that was it.
Towa owes me money
crippling depression and loneliness
Hopefully that leads to graduation, she can focus on the 3dpd garbage all she likes.
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Why would you want that?
To not have Matsuri in hololive anymore
ok but >>47222654
I opened Reine's final Persona 3 stream just now and literally the first thing I hear is her saying "What if I pee on his head it's going to be like a <garbled indo word>"
What the fuck happened to this woman, she used to be super prim and proper
Because she's a bad person and a bad influence.
She's doing the management for that? So that's why her account was being used as the dm for their group.
She went on a fuckfest vacation to the maldives with the chicken
No she's not. And she has basically no influence on Hololive whatsoever.
She's both the agency's "owner" and the leader for that idol unit, yes.
Totally no conflicting interests at all there, no sir.
would (you) take a golden shower by a cocky peacock?
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July 2nd.
Matsuri is one of the kindest girls out there
I mean she IS the most famous and popular one out of those girls so it makes perfect sense that she's the Center and gets the most performances and so on.
I wish Peko was my oshi
Yeah, that's why everyone who interacts with her distances themselves pretty fast and she hasn't managed to make any lasting friends in hololive. The only people she interacts with any regularity with are her genmates, who are simply too polite to push her away.
This but Kanata
Matsuri JAV doko
shes the owner? omg she kisses the talent on stage.. now you wonder what she does behind the stage..
Zcup is better than her in every category.
I still don't get why she left her old job to be a nobody.
Step 1 in the Matsuri social interaction rehabilitation program
Don't grope everyone you meet
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Kanata is the other way around, she distances herself because she'd rather doompost on roommate about how she's worthless and unlovable.
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choose your water slut
Well yeah, as far as talent and potential goes she's not exactly the cream of the crop.
She just has the most reach and is in a position of power as the owner, I'll be very surprised if this project is successful long term.
Why is Ojou's so tiny?
I'll pay extra to get Nene, Ayame, and Ina
>Ayame has the widest opening
>Ina's is tight as fuck
>Kobo is an explosive shit
>Marine's promo shot is full of dudes
what did they mean by this
What's the gimmick in each one of these?
Why is Oujo's slide so wide.....
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kuroe would be perfect for this... cover is retarded
so you can play hers with all your friends..
The only Holo I'd let pee on my face and in my mouth is Pekora.
Okayun and Matsuri can pee on my stomach and penis tho
Vtubers blogging their daily life on X is more interesting than their streams
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For me it's Okayu.
They make it wet and you slide down it
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Is there any way I can see Miko's mw2 streams again before I die?
Go find some japanese 35p archivist
You should have archived it when you had the chance
i miss haachama posting her meals and workouts and how others responded to that..
>japanese archivist
Is there even such a thing?
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I do my reps but I have no idea where to go on the japanese internet
What? Was the Nico doxx real?
>( ´-` ).。oO(自分だけが被害を受けるならまだいいけど…家族や身近な人を巻き込んだり迷惑をかけるのだけは絶対に避けたい…)
I've never found one, it's always gaijins, especially chinks, that archive stuff
For most holos I only follow their sub accounts because I don't care about their streams
That bowl is too full and too wet
Canan tweet.
Just like Haachama!
What got leaked in the dox?
Her humongous mammaries, it was pretty damning
What is it with you people posting shit without any real context? Is it some flex about forbidden knowledge?
i need the weight loss progress and the breakdowns with it..
what did reine mean by this...?
Can't believe Canan was raped...
Whenever there's no context I always assume it's about Towa
You can have a link if you want.
if it was macaroni it would have been a good dish..
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She posted about her workout around summer 2022 I think.
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Thank you anon, now I can die in peace
So it's pretty guaranteed she has already relapsed
Reine still believes he will come back lmao
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A cute boy, but Suityan would never be that sloppy
She's still pretty slim I'd say, but she put on some weight after being hospitalized.
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It's even got the hololive gamers unrailed collab
She's just posting a random woman because of her self esteem issues
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It's fashion.
I will watch Korosan pepsiman again, thanks bro.
yeah i know, i meant i need her to start posting it again.
Accounts details for her NND account the site was hacked
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is finally here~ (* >ω<)
I'm still waiting for my Okayu merch. Oh well...
Noel should start doing facecam streams if she gets doxed
>Lui surpassed Matsuri on Sukikira
Matsuri can't any new hate if she doesn't stream
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speaking of sukikira how did sakamatard climb so high?
Those slippers look awesome
It's more of a case of others (koyori, marine) falling down around her
Looking at the top 2 I don't think virginity is taken into consideration
Why Koyori down? Baseball?
what do the slippers smell like
Male collabs probably
what holo has the smelliest pee
is a bad voice really that much of a debuff?
i think it's fine
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Hime concentrates her urine the longest.
No she was fine for two years but her "artist" switch rubbed people the wrong way.
Right now they're comparing her to Azki and the new EN that sings good saying they're better artists.
was she fine?
i feel like she's been in the bottom tier most of her career
No roommate or boyfriend, but also acknowledging the homos like some random males they are
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NNDbros...we lost...
What went wrong?
sukikira seems like a den of gossiping jealous women
Well ignored at least, not actively disliked like now
It pretty much is
Smash Lamy's head with a rock
Why was Kanade's Mario stream cut?
No facecam, but the kind of half-facecam that shows her mouth when she licks them ears. I don't want to see the whole face because she's probably not very attractive
It can't be worse than Choco at least.
Childish bodies
Sure, but just because someone is worse doesn't mean you're good.
Reine is crying...
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Where are her nipples
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What about it?
Not visible from that angle
It was leaked today since they didn't pay the breachers the ransom. Japs are digging through the stuff so we'll see the extent of the damage in the coming days.
It would be pretty bad if Canan's information is there because that would put Marine and Lamy in the crossfire and to a lighter extent Pekora too since she lives close.
shaves on stream
Damn. The whole Nico situation seams so bleak.
At the very least this will be the death knell for NND. I can't imagine anyone taking the risk and going there after this.
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>scrims with her team for 9 hours
>immediately starts playing solo after everyone else goes to bed
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so true sis
Good riddance, that site hasn't been upgraded since 2007
What a schizo. Not like the guy burned the original and replaced it with AI
same man. started seeing nips tweeting about it though, so hopefully soon.
Yes, we're in this together now.
Can't watch her after learning she stinks
She's a gamer, it comes with the territory
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Hiding Neko
birthday merch? I hope they send u soon!
Smell like polyester (It's not edible!)
Why are aquatomo just as retarded as their oshi?
Reine self inserts as Mitsuro as the super rich oujousan that wants to do something of herself even though she was born with more money than she could ever spend in a lifetime
Who the fuck is that?
*Tarzan yell*
She's the daughter of a multimedia mogul
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Reine is starting to pick up on door-kun dying....
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whats with this girl and cat
Lame whorey
why is tw touching her feet
tits too massive for her small body
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The Peecock is crying...
They're sticky
Roboco is being replaced...
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If I were a vtuber I would exclusively stream early in the morning and then fuck off for the day. I don't get why the night slot is so popular.
lmao penaldo
funny aside, its pretty cool and allows vtubers to walk around conventions
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fbk got that miner soul
I always wonder why their bodies are so different when they are twins.
they eat from the same bowl and one eats faster
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Nature vs nurture.
Anthony fucks one more than the other, meaning she burns more calories
>lived with each other every single day for over 3 decades
>literally always work together
>play a LOT of yuri eroge/nukige
>strange fixation on siscon
>only like anime if it has "cute girls" in it
>bought each other matching rings
>mentioned being "married from birth" at least twice
>during MGS, when Liquid said, "Family can't mate with family," Fuwawa quickly turned to Mococo, who was completely deadpan and silent.
>never had boyfriends before despite being over 30, have always said they, "don't have any plans to date."
>Mococo shyly explains how sitting on Fuwawa's lap "sorta works, " "sometimes,"
>"It sure seems like Suri [doggie of the day] knows how to get away with being babied... like Moco-chan"
>"She has very pretty eyes, sort of like Mocochans eyes!"
>Fuwawa invades Mococo's bed, and Mococo lets her hug her, absolutely no reciprocation, never!
>Mococo is always the small spoon - it's the law
>Confirmed that they cuddle when "It's cold."
>Fuwawa "tried" to touch Mococo's belly button the other day
>"FUWAMOCO are NEVER divorcing!"
>Fuwawa always mentions Mococo being her "other half"
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Why didn't anyone tell me Ru was streaming?
penaldo won
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so what can i expect with this capcom shit?
>paw mark on her face
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ぼくはー (こよりだよー!) せーの!(こんこよでーす!) はい! ハッシュタグ #こより実験中
にしたよー! (おっけー!) こよは!ずのうです!ずのー! どうですか?(はい!) (やったー!)
#こよりすけっち (てれん!) (はい!) ほえ~、せーの!

はい!はい!はい!はい! 研究者らしい、試験管! はい!はい!はい!はい!
(わぁ~!) 緑の、試験管! はい!はい!はい!はい! #こよりの助手くん ファンネーム!
はい!はい!はい!はい! (はうあ~!)  ヘルプー! はい!はい!はい!はい!
(おぁ~) こんてぃにゅー はい!はい!はい!はい! 頭脳なんでね (見えたー!)
はい!はい!はい!はい! かわいいでーす! (ドヤァ) はい!はい!はい!はい!
おっけー! こんこよでーす!

わぁ~~~~~~~~ やったー!間に合ったー! マヨネーズは、飲み物です。
ちなみに麩菓子は空気です。 はい! お肉―! 試験管! 冷凍うどんは常備しています。
どうですか~ (ふぁ~) (やったー!) 証明完了 QED

はい!はい!はい!はい! コックだろコック、対ありでした! はい!はい!はい!はい!
ズリの実はポフィンを作れる。 はい!はい!はい!はい! 大丈夫かな?(むりむりむりむり!)
はい!はい!はい!はい! どやぁー 出来ませんね! はい!はい!はい!はい!
思ってまーす(わぁー!) はい!はい!はい!はい! フワフワのホログラム。(おへそー!)
はい!はい!はい!はい! わー アイムコヨーテ (オッケー) はい!はい!はい!はい!

わぁ~~~~~~~~ やったー!間に合ったー! マヨネーズは、飲み物です。
ちなみに麩菓子は空気です。 はい! お肉―! 試験管! 冷凍うどんは常備しています。
どうですか~ (ふぁ~) (やったー!) 私の戦闘力は54万だ。

はい!はい!はい!はい! 好きなお寿司は中トロです! はい!はい!はい!はい!
大腸包小腸だよ~ はい!はい!はい!はい! タケノコ派です(キノコも好き!)
はい!はい!はい!はい! わぁー 100-50-50 はい!はい!はい!はい!
シャンプーは、飲み物ではありません! はい!はい!はい!はい! とんこつラーメンです!(ニャ!)
はい!はい!はい!はい! 尻尾モフっていい?だめです! はい!はい!はい!はい!

みぎでーーーーす やったー!間に合ったー! マヨネーズは、飲み物です。
ちなみに麩菓子は空気です。 はい! お肉―! 試験管! 冷凍うどんは常備しています。
どうですか~ (ふぁ~) (やったー!) せーの!こんこよー!
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Gigi just said management makes them prepare a notepad with talking points and tangents ahead of every stream (kind of like a loose script) they can rely on if they ever don't know what to talk about and if they run through their entire prepared talking points they are supposed to end their stream within the next 15 minutes
Wonder if the JP side does that too or if it's specific to Gigi/ maybe EN in general?
Kinda interesting, you don't often get looks on the "backstage" like that.
is it just me or is kanata's voice really ugly
especially when she goes KA NA TO SO
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JPfags in 2020:
>"If HoloEN really happens we will get woke and pro-LGBT activists and they will ruin Hololive forever."
Meanwhile HoloJP:
Talk about the stream.
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For me, it's Toru's stinkiness
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I thought you guys were joking about the freaks coming here to repost their bait...
For the newfags I can see it but there is no way that is the case for those who have been around.
she's shilling stuff. i'm watching both koyori and ririka and honestly i'm wondering if capcom even has any games they could announce that i'd actually buy.
Wait until you find out that they actually get paid in gift cards
EN continues to be the real Hololive
It should've been obvious with how they call the main branch.
They will announce Dino Crisis remake
is that one of the arcade shooters? i actually can't remember..
Hololive will always be only pro L
pro loser
>First details on the recently revealed Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster will be announced. Capcom will also be sharing more news on Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess, which launches on July 19, and RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard for iPhone/iPad/Mac.
That's all.
I thought that Choco's roommate had a 10/10 face
Anyone got Noel singing that bling bang boom shit?
Only Laplus's nepo hires can save Hololive
it got leaked in one of Kson's recent videos
The arcade shooter was time crisis.
Never thought I would remember that game...
give me a haachama nepo gen instead.
this isn't real right
That won't be much different
i remember that one. i think there's a dinosaur one where you're in a jeep, but maybe that's a jurassic park game..
Obviously not. If it was real you'd have seen it a million times before.
Haachama is not a dirty hooker like laputyan
Come she already went away you don't have to bring her up again
File deleted.
She is the same as Lapu, she just doesn't show it
I want to kiss Ririka in the mouth
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less fps focused.
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It used to get posted all the time
this happy face got groomed into being a bipolar camwhore
Delete this, top left is from when she was in elementary school. You can't post 3D lolis on 4chan.
she doesn't have the body of a child
Not showing it is the whole point. She cares enough for her fans that stuck with her to not detail her romantic aspirations.
me on the left
She is happier now.
*you're happier now
for someone with that face it'd be god's bless to gain so much attention
Remember when yuckymen used to post JAV codes
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Why no one told me that Kobo did a Genshin Impact stream?
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3P with me when?
Now that HoloJP is dead what do we do?
they have Genshin perms now?
Okayu keeps talking about Shion
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bilibili exclusive
Which holo do you want to see do bilibili exclusive streams
All of them
When are we going to get a holo that's intelligent, nihilistic, and has a wicked sense of humor?
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Pick one
Karubi holo when?
Ririka holo when? She'd save dead hours.
Purple smoka Holo when?
just the best
lesbian tits cant lactate thoughever
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The absolute best
Too big
oh baby yes
perfect size
Tits that big should be cut off for the sake of life quality
Noel would have done this if she wasn't making all her money from showing her tumors
They look like they copulate with goblins.
Someday, a cute Japanese woman is going to save me.
I just want more holos to play hoyo games
File deleted.
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Boobs shouldn't go bigger than that. And I already find this almost too big.
We hate Laplus here
We love Lapu here
I hate myself
agree to disagree
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You're alone
Ok larptomo
we simply don't care about laplus here
Burger hours once again confirmed for homo hours. Also my nigga have you never seen actual XXL-sized tits?
We hate her, actually
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Laplus a cute
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Hello, is this anon?
Could you send me all of your pictures of my friend's tiny penis?
i miss old friends green eyes
kanaken terraria when?
all twelve viewers were riveted
Next thread
Friend does not have a penis she is a girl
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*cums on Ayame's feet*
This is what Noel deserves
*sucks on Ojou's cum-covered toes*
I agree idk much about noel and I know she's made money of them tits but I bet if you asked her she would like them a bit smaller too
Proudly based.
Bilibili exclusive Mahjong Souls tourney next month
Imagine wanting to chop off a part of your body because it's "too big".
if only
Ririka will save us
My brain is too big, maybe I should chop off part of it...
But who will save Towa?
No one will save Towa. He hasn't earned it.
Check sukikira now
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*slaps belly*
What will the duck do for her birthday?
we hate akusui here
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Is this the future of vtubing? Chuubas controlling robots with human skin to look like real anime girls?
Can't wait for hololive official sexbots
I think Aqua and Pekora should stop flirting and just go on a mountain date
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This is just Korone's tree.
We still haven't even gotten official tengas yet.
Why does the brown dressed woman have such large tits? And why is the black dressed woman so attractive?
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>No save
Finally, a real gamer
I've been watching Gigi past hour and I'm starting to really like her..
Riri sugoi
but all of Pekora's playthroughs are savestate-less
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That new EN brat.
Quite literally is tho.
This girl is addicted.
>a chan’s last piece of Hololive media was a group shot of everyone in Hololive
She was too good for yagoopiss
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Love me holos
Meru deserved a graduation
Cover are assholes
ReGLOSS is Hololive
Please remove Laplus from this
why isn't she streaming it
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trying to farm runes
Imagine all of them having to share one toilet
Achan acknowledged Mel, so Mel should've been here.
Shion will never be Hololive
Japanese management made her post this image
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Forgot to post
Honestly 4 pages each week is kind of annoying feels like something a gag only comic is supposed to do
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Yeah it gets buried easily in my feed.
Rikotan love.
Actual whore leech
how can a girl this pretty be lesbian
Excellent post
she should stream it
she's a hag isn't she
Merely 30 I believe.
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Where the fuck is Rica's l2d
If you could rape any hololive member who would it be?
oh shit a merutomo
She talked about it like two months ago, but it somehow never happened
Towa is too willing
Umami holo when?
not anymore
Towa will never have sex
jimmy 3d someday
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Kanade is too far behind....
I agree.
Thinkeng of deso
Just Noel, and with a hammer.
New doxxes when
Have you ever felt touching boobs? Specially big boobs?
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Banchou can carry her
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NND just doxxed noel yesterday
I've done it but using the old trick of rubbing them using my elbow
I went to a strip club once yes
In the beginning it's suggested that Towa is the villain, but then halfway through the movie it's revealed that Luna was the antagonist all along.
Thanks, now I have to masturbate.
This post
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Are you actually allowed to touch boobs in a strip club? Like really fondle them?
nice find taso
Anon show us more of your hecking bocchi but real. Anon the Bocchi!
hate taso
love deso
simple as
In b4 manboobs.
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punitaso should lay off the ebi for a while
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Yes in Canadian ones.
steroid for taso
What holo is this
You can even have sex with the girls.
Is her 3D delayed again? Seems like she can never get a 3D exactly on her birthday
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That's disgusting please never post that again
2005 Shion
Ummmm she's like, 3 years old at that year...
3Ds are usually on anniversaries only for Subaru, though I'm not sure how she'll do it going forward with the new system. Last time I remember her talking about was just that she'll figure it out somehow.
Just call em like I see em.
who the fuck is Rajeesh
Hinano's lover
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Literally me
Hinaano is single
Reminder that Hinano (and of course, Bocchi) is ontopic
Well they're only sex friends but hinano caught feelings
Imagine waking up next to Towa
My hecking bocchers!
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That bitch is so fucking fat
Bocchi suki suki daisuki!!
That's disgusting, stop posting
Towa wouldn't allow it
How come everyone cums at the thought of Towa then
They illegally cum and get sued by Cover
Hinano just loves them. Their small brown bodies turn her on when they're gyrating on top of her.
Nobody cares about your race, you disgusting street shitter piece of shit, you're worse than chinese and SEA combined
There's already Holos from England
Is Ririka a skilled Mario player?
Ririka is only skilled at sucking cocks
Hinano loves Indian men tho. She's actually going to India to help improve Japanese Indian relationships.
Ririka sucks
Hinano sucks. Indian penis.
High quality posts today
lunaito fucking sucks
Sucks what?
Isn't the average size in India even smaller than Japan? She must be skilled if she can work with that
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Is that Yuffie?
She just prefers the smell
Minato Aqua gaming haishin
It's her birthday today.
I remember someone mentioned that they get 2 3D slots per year, and they need to make months long reservation and for good reason if they want to do more
My hard......pacifier.
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It's been 1401 days since Mano Aloe "graduated" from Hololive

I'm always going to love her

Add Mel
Remove Laplus
Pekora in Korone's place
Korone in Laplus' place
Mel in Pekora's place
Swap Matsuri with Hachama
What else does she do?
In hinano's pussy by 2020...
Free rimjobs for them after they use they use the toilet (Shibuya)
I used to like Hinano but these revelations male me think of her differently...
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Thoughts on my gf?
You best have a good reason to be splitting up Okakoro
Gonna pay some chinks to draw pajeets fucking hinano
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That has been the case until recently, yes. Now it's one personal 3D and one gen 3D anniversary, with cover pushing holos to use the personal one on birthdays. Hence my questioning on how Subaru will adapt.
Subaru has forsaken her human rights, no 3D for her.
holo cover when?
The fuck
she's exactly Aqua
Human rights.
Your girlfriend fucks guitars
Well, time to watch Mori I guess...
I don't care, Bocchi-chan can do whatever she wants with my ibanez
What’s with Suisei and swimsuits again?
Is Bocchi even worth watching? I feel like I'm being gaslighted.
fuck kadokawa
they deserve all this hack thing
WTF i love mori now????
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I hope new Subaru actually has kemomimi
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your oshi's data will be leaked
If you want to become a femboy maybe it's worth
It's one of the best current day anime, which isn't much but it is what it is.
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what the fuck is this model?
Are they taking pride in being scumbags? I'm not surprised.
they want money and kadokawa is the best company to get fucked with lmao

imagine having shit security
well has it been released
Any minute now.
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She'll likely just stream at her usual timeslot.
nenechi a shit
hopefully this shitshow will force japan to finally update its tech infrastructure
How do I buy stuff online from c104
that language is traditional chinese
which holo is this
I hate Nene so bad
its a joke
>We are offering our help to make Kadokawa 's network better
Wow, truly a bunch of good Samaritans there
Towa is balding...
You're a fake otaku and don't belong here.
Holos for this feel?
maybe NND will finally die for good
I miss Shiontan's lolimanko
Unironically Matsuri
Pray the artist puts it on melonbooks or pray for a seller on mercari.
Sex through Pekora
the hackers probably negotiated with kadokawa privately but ignored
honestly it's all kadokawa's fault for having bad security to begin with
I hope they hacked Towa
what feel
Companies pay big money for security penetration testing. Seems like kadokawa hasn't invested enough money on it so they got fucked by actual ransom hackers.
The feeling of being cummed inside
I agree with that, but literal criminals saying "we're actually the good guys here" pisses me off
Towa is a hack
what a bunch of assholes.

it says right there Kadokawa's offer was too low.
Where's the raibu
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in my opinion they are the good guys because they exposed kadokawa's gross misconduct towards user data security
>it says right there Kadokawa's offer was too low.
proves the point that kadokawa values user data too low, now they are getting their ass handled
Is that chammers
>their admins knew 3 days beforehand they've been hacked
Yeah this is all on KADOKAWA.
rape hoshikawa in the ass
Umm yes they are the good guys...
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any new rrats?
>they are the good guys
Almost certainly working in some capacity for the Russian government. They damage the people who face identity theft much worse than the companies they "help."
Retards like you are why the world is how it is.
Could you guys stop cumming inside holos...
I've worked for a japanese company before. They have have no clue that firewalls exist.
I would like to see EMA again
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Futboll just ended so I saw Shiori >>>>karaoke stream
And my god, it's beautiful, come listen with me friends https://youtu.be/WDBp2BmRmq0
Will the NND leak affect my oshi in any way?
The pleasure of being twummed inside
that's literally impossible
Well that's impossible
>They damage the people who face identity theft much worse than the companies they "help."
Companies who hold the data are still largely responsible.
Unless there'll be some gigakino team this will be the first apex saikyou I skip
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this is too bright I can't see anything
Maybe they'll fight over who gets leech Lap
I bet Hinano and Astel are a thing
pretty based ngl
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They can't be on the same team obviously, just some collabs would be nice
Sora Aqua Suisei?
sex with #emawin members
No. This is victim blaming.
do we love or hate bochi here
>Retards like you are the reason why companies get away with having bad security.
Prevention is always the best solution. You think these guys are bad? There are worse people who do the hacking but not even tell anyone what they do with the information they get.
Raibus have gotten rare these days. It's a shame because I'm sure that Shuba would do pretty well.
Companies are entirely different thing compared to individuals so "victim blaming" argument doesn't work here.
depends on how deep her ties to Kadokawa are
I wonder if anycolor will forbid nijis from joining not Chiichan's team
If they really wanted money why not go after the biggest companies like google or amazon?
Shiori's singing is undoubtedly the worst in all of Hololive.
because amazon and google have much better security
its because they are probably harder to hack?
Towa and Kuzuha worth same points, point frauds are in already
as bright as her!
Should Towa be worth more? She won more tournaments than Tokyo ghoul
Chichan is gone anon...
You can't prevent this. Every single system is one human error away from this. You don't actually understand shit. It's am inherent flaw in ERP systems that scum abuse. Instead of going after the scum (Russian government and probably Americans know all these people's real names and addresses) the burden is put on companies to spend even more on security when it all is useless if someone leaves a sticky note with admin password in the open.
What does erotic role playing have to do with anything?
>thinks hackers are injecting lines of code instead of just social engineering
>the people who lost their job in the company aren't victims
You hate anyone or anything that accomplishes something because it reminds you that you wasted your life.
Erp is present every second of our lives
UUOOOOOO I want to be Bocchers so bad bros.
She's back and has boobs now
Don't trust the hoe
Never trust the hoe

Riveting lyrics Shiori
You will never be Bocchers
You have never worked in a company to know how much companies spend so much money against social engineering. They spam you with so much "trainings against spam emails" it gets so annoying.
>has boobs now
Actual gaylords I hope they die
Unsurprising for a turbodyke.
She can't have her Korean boys carry her this time though
>he thinks companies don't spend money training employees against social engineering
Lmao you're the one who's projecting, knowing you're the one who brought up life first.
I wonder why, and why it doesn't work? You're a retard that thinks these people were looking at command prompts when a Russian hooker just had access to a businessman's phone for 5 minutes.
Remember when girls automatically got minus points for being women? They should bring that back.
How would you know?
I just started working at accenture and I get a ton of courses about social engineering every month
which holo will develop boobs when she grows up
The company I work for sends fake spam every few weeks and they reward employees who correctly mark them as spam
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Shiori singing ''Oops I did it again'' takes me back to 90's and watching Britney on MTV when she was 16.. Fuck.. I hate the passage of time so much.
Are these paid dancers?
They don't even have their own software, it's all run on Oracle or whatever service. If they hacked the service a lot more than one company would be in trouble.
Thinking it's a security issue in the actual software. NEET retards.
All of them
lesbians can make this kind of jokes because they dont understand straight sex and are not sensitive about it
There's an entire market for zero-day exploits and even CIA and NSA pays money for them so if you think it's only the russians then you're stupid.
Based sex haver
Long hair Subaru is pure.
matsuritomos will defend this
>muh russians
It's a Russian group in this case though.
Don't think so, their movements seem consistent with their live 3Ds
I want shion sister...
Will Towa ask Aqua to join her team?
that's reserved for raito
>calling theives and scammers good
Aren't you just niggers?
only if she gets suisei first
I see 5 whores
>sweet meido
Is that so?
ojou and aqutan are pure
these hackers are good people in my eyes

kadokawa deserves all this for fucking up kemono friends
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I love you, onion.
when you say someones a whore you're supposed to be able to buy them
Did zoomer lapslut ever touch niconico?
I need her coordinates now, where did the russians post the leak
Ayabo chocoball
They posted it in 5ch but be careful. I got it downloading right now on my VM
post towa coordinates, my drone missile launcher needs it
She smells like strawberry, probably also tastes like one
Don't look behind you, anon...
Ok I change my mind. Fuck these loser hacker.
time to fly to japan
I wonder if akwa milk is just as tasty
fucking over retarded multimillion companies is incredible based and nogs are incapable of doing that for variety of reasons.
Canan's name and address was likely leaked
Got my Aqua jacket and slippers :)
what was edgy about it?
I'm grabbing my brick
*shits in Fauna's mouth*
Holos should play Fortnite
same I should probably unpack the box soon
kek based
I only trust Towaleaks
Gura, Mumei and someone played it year or two ago.
Roboco used to play it a lot 3+ years ago.
And I think one ID played it some weeks ago.
black myth holo when
Why was this post deleted? >>47225079
I said Holos
*ransomwares anons fishing village*
That game is still around?
And I gave you holos.
Please don't do that, we have only the one computer...
Rooboco is in the post...
that's just based
RBC is an indie
14.273009770297437, 121.06483354095977
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Where are the Marine leaks?
Say goodbye to dial up. It's AOL for you.
In my mouth
Her information was probably pruned since it's been 8 years since she was there
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my bocchi my poor bocchi....
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My 2008 niconico douga account..
These shitheads even included the data of highschool students because one highschool is connected to Kadokawa like wtf.
>ALL DATA will be released on July 1st
Heroes. The good guys. It's not their fault.
But likes are private...
But it wasn't Noel making that joke.
It's because KADOKAWA tried to downplay it because they said "The highschool data was in a separate network and wasn't included in the breach"
That anon is Noel
Now I want some Towa mami beef
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Emo nerd
Towa will never be a mami, only a papi
Had it coming for being the mascot of that whore
>girls stalkers know everything about her
>multi billion dollar company will shrug it off
>some slavs get to play Robin hood while blackmailing millions of Japanese people
Based based I fucking hate Japan
yeah fuck japan honestly
their tech infra is way behind im honestly not surprised
Should just become a province of China
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Shiori's japanese singing is something else..
Why are russcels like this
we need to chose our hacker name bros
Didn't fucking ask enshart
my akwa my akwa my akwa...
Fuck and suck, formerly Sneed's
I work at a japanese company right now and a week ago the company CEO released a statement warning us about social engineering shit and the statement made it sound like Kadokawa was an industry leader yet they got fucked. I think the situation is pretty dire.
I have downloaded the nnd leaks and have located pekora's house, I will proceed to the location and will mating press pekomama until successfull fertilization has been achieved
what if someone kills noel while doing asmr
Time since the last stream on their own channel
Sora: Yesterday
Roboco: 5 days ago (collab), or 7 days ago (solo)
Suisei: 6 days ago (and no stream for 2 more weeks)
Miko: Yesterday
Azki: Yesterday
Fubuki: 3 days ago
Haachama: Yesterday
Aki: Yesterday
Matsuri: 3 days ago
Aqua: Yesterday
Shion yo: 6 months ago yo (2023/12/22)
Ayame: last month (2024/05/24)
Choco: Yesterday
Subaru: Yesterday
Mio: Yesterday
Okayu: Yesterday
Korone: 6 days ago
Pekora: Yesterday
Marine: 4 days ago
Flare: over 2 weeks ago (2024/06/11)
Noel: Yesterday
Towa: Yesterday
taso: yesterday
Luna: Yesterday
Watame: Yesterday
Lamy: Yesterday
Botan: Yesterday
Nene: Yesterday
Polka: Today
Laplus: Yesterday
Koyori: Today
Lui: Yesterday
Sakamata: Yesterday
Iroha: Yesterday
Ao: Yesterday
deso: yesterday
Ririka: Today
Raden: Yesterday
Hajime: Yesterday
What is anon trying to convey with this post?
Zion dokoooo???
Graduate everyone who hasn't steamed since 2024/05/24
>managing to get terabytes worth of data encrypted in time
>even after getting detected
Yeah kadokawa is stupid
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Did Flare go back to Hokkaido to play Splatoon with her boyfriend again?
A-chan leaves Cover
A-chan flee the country
I triangulated taso's location to claim her hymen but there was nothing to be conquered down there.
irys is a female, newfag
imagine being a shicucko
Hololive fifa14 tournament when?
Imagine being a cuck
>thinks its the russian governemnt
It's the cloud computing jew who hired these hackers, probably amazon or microsoft
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>Hack proof Xiaomi router
Thanks Sora
how do we save sora
why no pred icon for noah
idk just a hobby I guess
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so how fuked is kadokawa now? and how much is deserved?

Will I get banned for posting japmoot's salary?
Sora will never be a member of Marine's clique.
>2mil a year
that's nothing to him anymore honestly
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does he donates it to his beloved janitors?
janny janny salary ¥0
oh my god hopefully fantia, dlsite, and fanbox have good security

i'd be fucked
I am a cute student
I see choco’s entry.. give me her coords I go marry her now..
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Finally something burger
They said credit card info has not been compromised
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>the number of times an NG word was used in a single day
fuck fuck
>unko #19
Does your oshi get a higher CCV than him?
>They said
I thought bank accounts were.
holy FUCK
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Not another holocaust...
110-chan is in the list.....
It's so over
kodokawa is fucked huh
don't care about literal whos
ping me when holos info is out
my wife tyoko is being ultra needy
never skimp on your information security budger
never piss off your system administrators (:
Give me Rinko's adress, I'll go rape Kumiko
unironically this
5ch says they found Noels full name but are scared of posting it.
you will know pain noerufag
they got my niconico account......................
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How do we save people from Sora's tyrannical rule?
is my poor n*z*m* in the leaks?
probably hundreds of ppl on their way to rape tentei now.. and shes prob still sleebing
where can i find this site?
never wouldve happened if they hired sir ranjeet
whores are sweating bullets right now
>リゼ・ヘルエスタ 50万
Since she knew how to use other girls' for her images, I wouldn't be surprised if she used a different name and address for her credentials.
i dont wana get banned for doxing nuh uh
just post a mega for dolphin porn
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Rapey rapey Usagoros
Damn, that's like 3 cents for a salary...
heimin status?
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their oshi get paid below minimum wage
falseflagging as always
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i badly need lapslut coordinates NOW NOW NOW
i want to see miko, peko, aqua, flare, and noel
Why the fuck japs gave all their fucking info (like addresses and real names) to niconico?
that's my daughter, degenerate
She's afraid
No delivery today.
Holy yab...
shouldn't have let your daughter sell her body
Your oshi is shittting bricks right now
is watame safe?
nobody is fucking safe
Kanade is a gook so she is safe.
I'm already contacting the Russians in hope of getting Korosan's contact info.
built for sex
The russian hackers are kenzoku trying to distract you from her latest yab
>pekora's familly got doxxed
Is Hololive fucked? Full real names means that we can search their names on Japan's marriage registry
*laughing stop*
entire japanese vtubing industry's fucked
2huchads won
Holos have enough money to move, but the indies...
let it burn
scorched earth
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It's over
yeah miko had a child and will finally have proof
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I don't give a shit about the holos, just give me Rurudo's address
yes it is
find a new hobby
the people knocking on their front door will help them move don't worry
laplus gangbang soon
Shien has a gf, anon.
>big happening
>thread still slow
dead fad
dead country
Hopefully the hymen exams results are part of the leak
Yeah, me
all because kadokawa cut their security budget and some russians needing money
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cover needs to protect my oshi NOW until I arrive in Japan
There was the Haachama thin a while ago and nothing happened. But this is on a a different scale.
make sure to leak plaplus sex tape
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Don't leave me Shiori.. your singing unironically was pure soul for the past two hours.
kazama and roberu are married...
maybe they shud all lay low and sleepover in the studio for the nxt few days
pekora's real name is 110 Chan
>pekomama had 110 kids
I'll supervise them.
It's too fucking slow I can't check anything
Hahahahahahahaha it's over for Marine and ichimorons.
She's related to Jackie Chan?
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Why did A-chan spend years learning fluent English and computer hacking skills only to destroy what she helped build and put her former coworkers in danger? Plausible deniability for insider trading?
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Rushia avenged
There's probably some feud going on with Sora.
mikochi's jav was real
This but pekoleech and her husband jun
>why do people hone their skills
not everyone is a lazy fuck like you anon

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