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Did KKHTA kickstart the whole "Grimsokyo" trend?
no, touhou lore and canon did.
No, it just made grimshitters that much more insufferable, but fortunately gave us proof beyond reasonable doubt that they're tertiaries.
Kaguya doesn't deserve this.
Next question please
Never seen KKHTA. Never will. But I love the artstyle.
No, grimsokyo is canon, cutesokyofags btfo
I wouldn't say it started the whole thing but it definitely enhanced it
KKHTA artstyle is sexually attractive.
all I know is that I want sex with KKHTA Rei'sen
Yes. I will not elaborate or provide proof.
No, what people mean when they say "Grimsokyo" is a completely different thing from KKHTA.
KKHTA is a Touhou fanwork that happens to be edgy, but it's not "Grimsokyo".
Are KKHTAfags retarded?
Less retarded than grimfags.
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These were my extended thoughts.
To give a positive answer now: while there were always traces about this or that character in the games (say, Yukari's abductions in PCB, which however had the Prologue that, alongside man-eating youkai, still showed that humans could defend themselves), I feel the germs of a systematic view of Gensokyo as an oppressive place for some fans ultimately bloomed with FS (and to a lesser extent WaHH: Yukari's spies and her "food" from the Outside World), with its heavy focus on the real nature of human-youkai relationships in Gensokyo and the infamous Fortune Teller chapter.
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KKHTA is a kino and nectar masterpiece and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
Fitting that story centered around Koishi made a group of retard tertiaries even more insufferable

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