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Last >>47205702

Judgement and Responsibility Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
Reused OP
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This image is terrible
Terribly arousing.
Guess I'mn getting the lube and meth and going skinwalker hunting in the woods tonight.
that's just a dude with a beer belly cosplaying as her
look at those fucking man legs
if you get aroused by that you just have a beer belly fetish, you clearly like men
is there actually an event tied up to that notification?
I know there's another one where it says I should look out for a rainbow, but no idea if it's just flavor or actually tied to an event.
Isn't this Nue-related?
I thought it was Mystia-related. Always hear it near the bamboo forest.
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These guys are yuri simps
It's Nue-related, it's a reference to her different depictions throughout japanese mythology and inherent chimera-like nature.
I didn't know, its hard to keep track of all my 2hu images that were used for the OP
No, I just think that image is horribly drawn.
Might not even be drawn, one side of my brain tells me it's AI made.
I don't think it's AI, the artist has been active since 2014. If it looks like a man that's because the artist mostly draws gender bent touhous, so it probably is.
Its the shading, its not AI but it does have a similar degree of shading that AI really picked up on.
>If it looks like a man that's because the artist mostly draws gender bent touhous
kek, OP is a fag confirmed
Yeah. The text changes when you know her.
Don't know the threshold or remember if it changes more than once.
I have dishonored myself to the general, I pray that you can forgive my OP. I shall seek honor by spending the next few days Studying with Patchouli without sleeping with her as punishment.
Imagine her making that noise in bed
Just finished my first loop with an a-type summoner.
What's a fun class for a second playthrough?
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Still waiting for an answer so I can be sure I can go away without regrets and do other endings.
Man, I forgot how easy the regular Devil Children route is
There's no ending associated with Daimakyuu yet, so you can just do the dungeon for unlocks during a run of another route
Anon, I'm not asking if I got the ending of Daimakyuu, I'm asking if I did everything that could be done up to this point.
(On top of asking if the MT version was that big and empty, and what the fuck did the dev smoked to put that in the game)
>I'm asking if I did everything that could be done up to this point
Did you
>Unlock Minotaur for fusion
>Unlock Medusa for fusion
>Unlock Loki for fusion
>Unlock Hecate for fusion
>Unlock Set for fusion
>Get Yumiko
If yes to all of these, then yes, you did everything that's there to do in Daimakyuu.
I did yeah. Yumiko still hasn't joined but other than that, yeah. I old got the sword, took every unique equips, including the casino (that are uninheritable, thanks and fuck you dev).
So I guess I can move on, fuse the Tyrants, and to pound town.

Question though, is there any reasons why Loki went from level 40 to level 70 when he he joined?
Fuseable Loki is level 70
Game may have fucked up and "corrected" itself to make Loki have its regular level
Strange, but cool. It made it easier for me have him as my BBF bitch.
Loyalty maxed.
In other words, a Fall State for DS.
I'm fundamentally misunderstanding something about COMP.
I thought it was like, comp is my smartphone; limited storage but mobile, while my home server is unlimited storage but only usable outside of dungeons. So I got the software that lets you send demons to your home server and the one that limits your demons to 6 but doesn't take up COMP capacity. But now, whenever I fuse out in the field, the result appears to go to the home PC, and I can't summon them.

I got a Pixie and a Harpy, put them both in my party, fused them into Seiran, and could summon Seiran as usual.
Then I got a Zombie Girl and a Pixie, put them both in my party, fused them into Wriggle, but could not summon Wriggle.
Then I got a Zombie Girl and a Harpy, put NEITHER in my party (but still both clearly in COMP), fused them into Koakuma, and could not summon Koakuma.

You need to be at a Terminal to put Home Server demons into your party. If they get sent to the Home Server it means they aren't in your COMP
It's just a quirk of that 6slots program Anon.
If you're not using it then field fusions do go into COMP if they aren't redundant.
I haven't checked if it works normally without DDM, but they're a great combo for fusion fodder grinding.
Might be worth testing with an extra slot or two open for the fused.
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I am asking why my field fusions get sent to the home server automatically, inconsistently.
What does "redundant" mean? My party is only sunny+star+MC and the kogasa I just got.
>What does "redundant" mean?
You can't have two of the same demon in your COMP at the same time.
You could have a whole party of Pixies if you wanted and could store infinite in Home Server, but only one would fit in the COMP.
But I very clearly definitely did not have any other zombie girl OR pixie OR wriggle?!? I'm feeling immensely retarded right now.
plap sleigh simple as
>Might be worth testing with an extra slot or two open for the fused.
What I meant by this is that I think you'd need an extra slot for the new demon created by fusion.
So, if you have 6/6 demons in your comp, then fusion will go to Home Server.
But if you have 5/6 should work normally.
In the process of testing it real quick myself.
I'm 99% sure it's some fuckery with devil chamber. Either a bug or an otherwise no obvious quirk. My only 2 demons going into the dungeon were sunny & milk. This time, I caught a zombie girl, apsaras, and also a pixie (5 demons total). I can see very clearly the DDM gives me the option to send all 5 home. I tried once again fusing pixie and apsaras... And the resulting kogasa got sent to the home server. Even if it was counting kogasa before removing the pixie and apsaras that's still within the 6 demon limit. Genuinely infuriating
this is a reward you faggot.
Please don't insult my wife. Having to turn her down hurts me
When sex fox translation?
I think I figured it out.
It checks for empty slots but not the 6 from devil chamber.
So if you have all your COMP space being used by software then it sees no space for the fused and sends them to Home Server.
I still don't see the shrine quest, anons were talking about and I'm on day 4
It's in Requests not Events.
Just don't fuse in the field while you have ddm equipped. Personally I just use it as part of a dungeon clearing setup since I like running with humans.
Should clarify that I did test it.
As long as you do have space then even at 6/6 Devil Chamber the fused will go to COMP.
So they just straight up don't work together... Ugh, what a waste of macca. I was hoping to just do a whole bunch of fusing & grinding in the field, but I have to go to a place with a terminal after all, or somehow painstakingly make a shopping list.
Each takes 2 slots. So if you have Comp capacity 5 you can use both, fuse on field, and have 6 demons in COMP.
Just gotta expand your comp to accommodate your "needed" apps' capacity +1.
Waiting, anticipating, the new release when?
Isn't that in Requests? (Also is it called Shrine quest?)
I've been thinking about it, and so far here what people talked about when it come to fun classes.
Devil Hunter A, the other Devil Hunter type suck. But Devil Hunter is pretty much the best class so instead.
If you feel like being baby Demi-Fiend, meaning Adept Martial Artist+Boxer, try to get a dedicated Summoner first, or better yet, try to get import one from your current playthrough.
Avatar Tuner, max out Agi and Luck in human form for gun, and go to pound town in Avatar form accordingly.
Of course, you could also play a DS again and try to gain every Auto Skills for by Fall state, but I think that like me, you won't want to do it immediately if ever.
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I guess just DDM specifically is bugged. at no point have i had anything besides 5/8 comp according to the UI, and additionally at no point have I gone over the 6 demon limit for devil chamber EVEN IF the fused demon is counted before the components are removed (Sunny+Milk+Wriggle, Apsaras+ZombieGirl+Silky = 6). So it seems like DDM is just broken (& doesn't "recognize" devil chamber removing devils from the COMP count) and thinks I have 10/8 capacity (5 from apps, sunny+milk+wriggle, apsaras+zombiegirl) when I try to create Silky and so auto-sends it home. in which case, why did it let me recruit the apsaras and the zombiegirl in the first place? 5apps and sunny/milk/wringle would be 8/8.
For the first fusion, assuming DDM doesn't recognize Devil Chamber, I had 5app + Star/Sunny/ZombieGirl/Pixie = 9, and fusing the latter two brings it down to 8, preventing the auto-transfer. But I shouldn't have been able to get that Pixie then.
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>imagine Sakuya dedicated maid dialogues in EraMT
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I didn't see anything there either

Don't see it either
Wonder why the Velvet Room is locked behind having a Persona user be in a fall state
Isn't that just Subjugation of Unkown Demons? I don't remember A quest named Shrine Quest related to Touhou.
No fun allowed. Or to make sure that before you play with Personas, you know how to use Personas (which is dumb if you start as a Persina User)
>try to get import one from your current playthrough
Do you mean like getting a summoner human to a fall state then contracting them?
Not him but, the fuck?
Do you not immediately unlock the Velvet Room anymore starting as a Persona user?
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The only requirement is 150 reputation.
How do I stop my companions from using poison cure when NOONE IS POISONED

How do I get more Rep?
Yes you do, which is why I find it dumb. It's dumb e itehr say.
Yeah, like DeviColoMC, or anyone who is 3 or above if you don't have time or patience for it.

It's amusing how many quests I did, and how much I forgot their names.
>How do I get more Rep?
Complete Requests and clear Dungeons
Should be unlocked by default if MC is a Persona User.
Otherwise doing either Seven Sisters Academy, Tartarus Mission, or Deep Mist Studio.
My reading of the autotranslation on the JPwiki has me believing that the thing unlocked for fallen Persona users is the ability to change to Special Summoned Personas, the ones you make out of your demons.
And the Arena.
... right?
Colosseum reputation is its own thing
Right, thanks for correcting me.
In eraMegaten, what is better, absorb or reflect?
just kill them before they kill you
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The requests and dungeons seem to kick my butt, Any advice for weapons ,gear and part
Reflected shit can be absorbed so you might end up healing them, thus absorb is better between the two.
A lot of the early gear you can buy sucks ass, if you have item synthesis turned on there is a vest you can craft there that can help cover the weaknesses of things though. Also tetrajammer and similar null dying pieces are great once you find them.
Get a full team, for random encounters you'll want a team that has a wide variety of stuff, but for bosses you want a team that can all hyperfocus on one or two of the boss' weaknesses
As a summoner bullets are your friend, specially those that cause Shock (stops the enemy dead on its tracks for the turn, physical attacks are guaranteed to crit) and Charm (makes the demon hit itself, its allies, or do nothing).
Buffs and Debuffs are really useful, use them during boss fights as much as you can
I see, absorb is better then.
It's nice that i can change resist.
Always run a full party. Seriously, mag consumption has never been a problem so having a full team out and about makes 1 turning random encounters so much easier.
Run the dungeons you're over leveled for in order to get their yen and fame rewards.
If you've been running with the same crew for a bit use mag enhancement to bump up their stats and make autoing encounters go smoother.
Every time I try and run both the anonTw and Pedy's version it refuses to start
That's not a lot of information Anon...
I'm sorry I am a little tech illiterate but whenever I click on the exe absolutely nothing happens. Nothing even pops up in the task manager to run
Are you on x64 OS? Do you have dotNet installed?
Yea x64 and latest version of dotNet. Locale is set to Japanese. Im trying to run the latest version of both TWtheworld
Absorb is always beneficial whenever it is applicable. Reflect isn't any better than Null if the enemy has Null or Reflect to the element themselves and Reflect can be an active detriment if you're reflecting an attack that they can absorb.
Other Hunter types suck? I was having a lot of fun bustering demons as D Hunter.
I forgot that personas need to level up in MAG menu and I now have 19 strengthening available, but I don't remember how I do that. Do I have to enter a battle, win, and get the option? Or something else.
Velvet Room
Good to know.
Absorb. Reflect can be Absorbed.
There's a reason why I gave Absorb the color of gold and Reflect the color of shit.
The joy of their weird leveling up system.
I've done a clean reboot, still i click and nothing but that fucking circle. Nothing starts I even tried older versions nothing starts.
You sound brown and stupid so I don't think I wanna help you, sorry
They not only suck, but they suffer from the comparison from Devil Hunter Type A. I really believe most of them are unnecessary and should be cut off.
The Type B (Vergil) doesn't even have an All Attack,, where Type A (Dante) has Showtime. And I don't understand why it has Cut Off, where Dante has Law of the Hunt which is way more useful. What the heck.
Type F is interesting, but should have been it's own thing, and Type L has an argument of it to go away and stay: it's a fully customizable

Also why isn't there more gunpairs!
Nah just drunk. Sorry not brown
I understand, I'm in the middle of a battle now and a few team mates just died so that's why, But what about the team composisition?

What gear do you recommend and what is item synthesis? Any gear you recommend?
If you're talking about Random Requests (the one that pops up at the bottom and has 1-5 stars to indicate its 'difficulty'), you can 'refresh' the Random Request by either exiting the Request menu or selecting the Random Request, and then rejecting it.

If you want Reputation in a hurry early on and you think you might be able to handle it, keep refreshing Random Requests until a 5-star request pops up called something along the lines of 'A Suspicious Shadow'. Make sure it's the 5-star one, not a lower star one that has a similar name. That 5-star Random Requests consist of a lone Succubus, which is weak to Piercing, so easily taken care of with a bunch of humans with pistols by triggering DEVIL CO-OP off each other.

Not only that, I'm pretty sure Reflect can't Reflect a Reflected attack, so it's better to have Absorb, or at least Null, if you don't care about setting up your party properly beforehand.
>But what about the team composisition?
Physical attackers and tanks in the front, healers, de/buffers, magic attackers in the back
>I keep trying to recruit demons and they keep saying I don't have a place for them even though I left a party slot open
No seriously, this is annoying as hell
stupid question but do you have software taking up the slot?
Anon. They need comp space in order to join. Party slots aren't enough since in-lore they need to have a computer to be summoned from in order to not just be a wild demon.
I don't have any software

So how do I get more space?
So Absorb is definitely better than Reflect. And if i don't have enough MAG then i should choose Null.
Post full map screen or main menu screen with options, if you can. And what MC you are.
To get more space, you can spend macca to expand COMP size in Macca exchange. This is also where you can buy software, which will appear as the green rectangles in main screen next to COMP. You should buy DDM software btw, it'll send demons you successfully negotiated with to your home server which acts as a demon storage for demons you can't stuff inside your comp.
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I'm a summoner, I came back to the echo building in order to get a pixie so that I could fuse her with an Harpy and get an Angel like what was recommended to me a few days ago, I posted earlier in the thread

Now I'm stuck in a loop since I only have 2 macca and that's from my MC working in the restaurant. I'm on day 5 and I don't know how to get more macca
You get Macca from a mutlitude of sources. For example, you'll unlock an Arena exploration map that has a chest that'll always give you 200 Macca. Completing certain arena quest will reward macca. A cemetery exploration map that unlocks later on lets fight old bosses you defeated for Macca. Certain Maps just have chests that Macca, and I beleive training and selling demons gives you Macca.
I don't even know where to begin anon, like where is the Arena map?
Training and selling characters can get you a lot of macca especially for high tier characters or demons but that's a time investment. Your best bet is getting macca from chests or quests that reward it so make sure to explore your maps. For now just try going through maps and try to get a few more characters fallen so they can work in the Restaurant/Brothel for macca.
I meant it with the line you cropped out just above MAG which says "COMP Cap:"
The Colosseum
>Training and selling characters can get you a lot of macca especially for high tier characters or demons but that's a time investment. Your best bet is getting macca from chests or quests that reward it so make sure to explore your maps. For now just try going through maps and try to get a few more characters fallen so they can work in the Restaurant/Brothel for macca.
I've had most of these characters since Day 1 and not one has fallen yet even though their loyalty is sorta high but I admit I don't rape or hurt my girls.

oh, it says 8/8, I just thought that was demons I had with me at the time

I just got my hip kicked by a level 9 summoner and her level 9 team.
Macca is the slave training currency.
Your main source of macca is by sending selling trained characters. Other than that you can send people to work in brothel or restaurant or similar things that require training of some sort. There are a few pitiful amounts in chests and a rip-off exchange in Red Light District, but in general you have to play the other half of the game if you want Macca.
>oh, it says 8/8, I just thought that was demons I had with me at the time
Yes that is exactly that. If you get to max capacity it's a good place to come back and fuse to make more place.
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Other than Pixie and Zombie, which of these should I fuse
If i remember it right, you can get Ratatoskr and Nightmare in Harajuku so i guess them. Veil is a unique demon so you should think more about fusing her.
>If i remember it right, you can get Ratatoskr and Nightmare in Harajuku so i guess them.
So I should fuse them together right?

>Veil is a unique demon so you should think more about fusing her.
Fusing her with who anon?
Eramegaten's really not the type of game that needs best choices or extreme tryharding that some seem to push here. If you go around asking what to do for every choice, you'll enjoy it less.
My advice for fusing is whatever suits you.
I'm not asking for everything, I'm just trying to figure out what to do since I'm lost and never played a Shimigami tensai or persona game before. I'm fully aware I'm going to have to try again on Newgame+ but for now I just need some help since I keep getting beat up and rejected by everything
>I've had most of these characters since Day 1 and not one has fallen yet even though their loyalty is sorta high but I admit I don't rape or hurt my girls.
That's nothing strange. Though be careful if you don't have "Untrained fall" ON then no matter how high their loyalty gets they won't get a fall state. If it's turned on I think you need around 10k loyalty for it to trigger? Not sure. Either way play the game normally for now, scavenge what macca you can. Once you've got a few training tools you can consider raping some girls into affection or lust, once you start trying that remember to increase their stamina and willpower in the MAG enhancement menu for longer training sessions.
You can only get 1 Veil per playthrough. You should keep her.
>You can only get 1 Veil per playthrough. You should keep her.
Thanks anon

>That's nothing strange. Though be careful if you don't have "Untrained fall" ON then no matter how high their loyalty gets they won't get a fall state. If it's turned on I think you need around 10k loyalty for it to trigger?
I guess I'm half way there then
Also consider trying to push some other storylines that give you human characters. Some of the person users might serve you better than a regular low level demon.
I have quite a few humans and don't know who to use, that's why I was leveling some of those persona characters
Just having fun, anon. You need to be careful about not running out of cash.
I have cash and I don't spend much, because everything is so expensive, but I try to make payments to the shadow wizard money gang so that they don't kill me
Yeah, you don't really need to do that outside of your first payment (or to make sure the shop keeps selling relevant equipment). Your only going to get a "you're on the shit list fucko" event if you never do payments at all.
At least that's what I've read from thread knowledge.
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So what's the deal with Kofun Labyrinth here? I've got Kumiko and she's got the Love fallen state. Is there some hidden requirement I'm not fulfilling? She's a non combatant so I assumed she didn't need to be in my party as well. Or do I have to give her combat training until she can actually join my party, can you actually do that with non combatants?
Finally started a Run on the Tower of Confinement and for demons you can recruit marked as !, do I need to follow the original game's requirements? For example, do I need 13 strength to recruit Sebeks and the rest of the demons inside the tower?
There's >>47226645
But you should try to get or fuse any demons you don't have.
Try to get an Angel and level it up, it's an evolving demon, it will help you a lot.

Who's Kumiko again.

Err, no? I don't think so?
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>Who's Kumiko again.
This chick, I'll be honest I forgot where it was I picked her up since I continued a save I paused for a few months.
Game version? The last update changed something in that dungeon. If you can, try starting the game with debug mode exe and post what it outputs if you put in
in the debug window, that's the only thing that might trip it in up-to-date version
>Game Version?
Downloaded the eng-release a few days ago but run itself is way older so maybe that's related to the issue. As for the debug result I've never fiddler with the debug mode in megaten but this is what I got when I copy pasted it in.
>Found an illegal substituted(rename) sign [[キャラ:久美子]] during lexical analysis
And FINDCHARA_B(4599)?
That gets me a 0. I'm assuming that means the Kumiko I have and the one the Dungeon is checking for are different?
So do you know how to recruit Sebek?
Somehow. Chuck your save into https://wiki.eragames.rip/bugreport.php and I'll see what's wrong.
Akira in party should be enough for all the demons to join
Question, when's the last time you can recruit Akira
You can recruit Akira?
Just sent it in. Though I already did NG+ with a different ending yesterday since I couldn't figure out how to get into Kofun. Figured I'd ask just in case I missed something obvious. If it's an issue with the save being old could it also cause problems when inheriting characters?
He's the hooligan at the beginning, meet him with Tamaki Uchida. Her you get from request "Karukozaka High School Gym (2)"
I don't think so unless you're going into the loop with them... Then you might need to bring out Mr debug.
Well I didn't take Kumiko so that problem hopefully won't repeat in NG+. Thanks for the help.
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Waiting warmly for the egg-laying expansion to get released for TW.
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Birdbrother, our time will be soon
Debisama's MC waifu.

Akira is near the entrance of Tower of Confinement. Have Tamaki in your party and talk with him. Exit the dungeon and he will be recruited. Add him in your party to recruit those three demons.
>you're on the shit list fucko
I am not sure if that event is still in the game. I remember it had some fuckery with your carry over save during NG+ in older versions, like not making some endings harder to get?
Long story short: if you pay 10k during the first 10 days, you are ok.
Can i farm MAG in Isora zone?
Generally, you should recruit and fuse constantly to get stronger demons.
It is recommended to keep evolving demons, they will retain their skills and stat upgrades. There are not really a lot of those: Cool/Veil from Demikids, Chefei (can buy for 100 Macca in Roppongi), Angel, Petit Frost and Onkot have multiple evolutions. Special mention to Yuriko "I am actually Lilith", who is also a unique demon with evolution.
If you like a particular demon you can keep them and power them up with better skill cards and stat upgrades. You can even contact them for NG+ if you want. A lot of people contract starting Pixie or Lilith on their first playthrough.
You can farm it anywhere. MAG is not an issue in mid-/lategame except for MC, because the base cost of his stat upgrading is enourmously high by default. Isora zone is specifically for loyalty farming by abusing Co-op.
>Debisama's MC waifu
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The guy from Yahigashi
I see. I'm just curious to see if anyone uses Isora zone for MAG. That idea suddenly appears in my head.
Any fight which gives you not miniscule amount of exp would give you a lot of MAG.
Well, yeah, there might be an issue of demons/humans not getting that much MAG as MC after the fight but their stats are way cheaper to boost. I guess it is balanced in a way that additional MAG will be pumped into them by MC during training?

Apparently you can recruit her too, and in the original, the MC can't even get back to her.
You know I was gonna ask what's next to do after Amala and the Tower (and training Alex) but I guess I do have a lot of things left to do huh?
Still messed up Demikids though, the translated one.
If you haven't finished them yet the 20XX and night tale endings are pretty easy endings to get that won't end your loop (even if fiction wise I'm pretty sure the events of the 20XX endings really should be loop ending given that they're explicitly about breaking off of phantom society, killing their top enforcer, and joining the messian or gaeans for protection after killing a high ranking demon of the opposite side / going after both sides in order to make a break for it. )
That's it I'm fucking a fairy
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I'm kinda sorta trying to keep the Ex for last, since they don't have the 50 days limit.

The Chimera Project? About the red girl with white hair or Ayato? I always forget.

>night tale endings
Koshiro Jinno right? Yeah I'm planning on doing the Light version, then next playthrough the Dark version Fall and contract Surtr, then after the Neutral version (why does the Neutral version exist if you get nothing from it.
>Night Tale
It isn't a "Light or "Neutral" ending, but a "True" or "Normal" ending.
The normal ending is there for if you fail to meet the requirements of the other two endings.
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The Chimera Project's girl is Ain.
Technically Ain is 20XX, 20XX Debicolo is a spin off/prequel.
Same thing really, yeah it's True END, END, and 666-END, but that's not something you wanna do.

So it's her? Yeah haven't finished it yet.

Disgustingly suboptimized. Where is Invigorate (Large)?! Reeeeee.
But wow, good res beside the Light one...

now i'm confused
DeviColoMC has a storyline?
>DeviColoMC has a storyline?
Yeah, it's a fairly short series of events. She does have 3 individual endings too though.
What? Both wiki say nothing about it.
Hell, DeviColo won't even accept being in my team..
Ain my love
Devicoloko's route is unlocked via doing the arena. Rank S leads to an ending.
Ah the Arena ending right?
Does she join, or do you need to train her or did I fuck up somewhere?
You should get her after the rank E fight.
Yeah but she doesn't want to be in the team, that's why I'm asking if it's normal, if I screwed it up, of if I needed to train her.
The devil colloseum ending is just gotten by doing the whole s rank fights.
It doesn't really matter if you have her or not the ending is gotten by clearing the final arena fight which is three high level bosses in a row.
Please answer the question.
To get the game's ending? No. To get her individual ends? Yes.
>Does she join, or do you need to train her or did I fuck up somewhere?
Trying to fuck a fairy as a shota that have no idea what sex looks like is fucking cute
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It seems like you need a lot of MAGs to improve resist.
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Ain my beloved
She's hot.
I just realized.
Ain Soph Aur.
I like her genki generic attitude. It’s cute but I wish she had more versatility or something to make her different from say, Isabeau (who has summoner 3)
>Isabeau (who has summoner 3)
So salty IV isn't finished.
Are there notes for the IV plotline, or did the original creator abandon it?
Regular Pixies are much better than High Pixies in my opinion. Regular Pixie gets an amazingly good fallen ability that is especially powerful early on while High Pixie's is kind of whatever.
The real trick is evolving pixie to sylph instead of high pixie. Much better resistances, even if they aren't as good as salamander or undine.
High Pixie exists to carry people who are new to the game, it's basically a crutch
Apparently, the writer left a note saying "please finish it" and that's it.

Take note that you can also bring a Pixie with Megidolaon (that you made her learn naturally, without skill cards) to Dark Summoner-Chan for a reward.
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>please finish it
Aw man
Depending on how the "end" is, it might be easy to finish it.
mechanically it’s pretty easy-just do a few more events, a couple boss fights, and some good content with Isabeau and (You). The biggest hurdle however is finding someone who can finish it that is the problem
Don't forget the plot. I hven't seen the rest.
If it's a series of events, it should be "easy", after all, there's no dungeon.

>and some good content with Isabeau and (You)
Unironically could be the hardest part even if it's just a few lines.
how does the princess maker new game+ work?
shit's not showing up after reaching an ending
Yeah, it should be easy to code in the events. Plot is around I think the manga version of IV but don’t quote me on that-I’d need to redo the event. And for the that kind of content with Isebeau, guess it can be a few lines in the end. Just spitballing though
Ah the manga with White Flynn? Never read them, they just seemed weird. Darn it.

>And for the that kind of content with Isebeau, guess it can be a few lines in the end
Well in the original, (and EraMT) she does talk about The Rose of Versailles, and in Neutral even find and read the last volumes.
>reading manga with Isabeau
Cute! And like I said I think it just takes elements from the manga but not all of it
>Azel is literally just Azazel
>But they're treated as separate demons in eraMegaten
Yeah but iirc, the stakes are significantly different from what I know.
It could be a great way to make a Walter and Jonathan route though, since both mangas are about them.

Do we have Ancient of Days and Sanat?

Not the first time. We have two Demeter remember?
If we are going on the right path of making content, we could have at least 3 Lucifer. There are already are 3 Lucifer in the plot, plus one you can actually recruit.
>Do we have Ancient of Days and Sanat?
Nope, we don't.
>We have two Demeter remember?
I guess yeah.
>we could have at least 3 Lucifer
We should at least get Helel and Lucifer
Ancient of Days is in the game.
What the fuck, really? Where?
Probably not likely so far. MT was seemingly supposed to be MT/DeSu Lucifer. Amara is III Lucifer, and Baby Lucifer is... Baby Lucifer and a letdown from what I've seen.
And plotwise we also got Louisa.
If IV continue, we will PROBABLY get IV Lucifer.
So much Lucifer, it's an orgy of Lucifer.

Where? Why? Is it actually used? Since when is it in the files?
If it's a genuine thing already used, guess that'll be out forever, but if it's in the files, not used and just getting dust...
Fuck that bullshit.
Do Alex's requests which unlock after getting her to a love fall state.
I think it also has to be done before defeating Shekinah in the tower.
The completely forgot to mention that then. I assume you unlock it as a special fusion?
Nope. It's boss exclusive.
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Louisa is a thing? Does she have translated dialogue or no
>If it's a genuine thing already used, guess that'll be out forever
It's a boss so you can re-use it (Belial for example appears in both the Devil Children and Lily Flower routes and beating him in either unlocks him)
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Yup, unlocked it, almost missed it too.
Loved that you could say "Yeah duh you are from the future"

Did you really expected a barrier changing boss to be available? We can't get Braman, so obviously Shekinah is out too.

She just come to say hi you fucked up when Demeter SJR does Demeter SJR things.

Answer ALL the questions. Please. This is the sort of things were being vague is just annoying.
Eiki... sexo...
>Did you really expected a barrier changing boss to be available?
It's available in SMTIV
>Luciemon do something about it
I wish this was an option for hard hitting choices in other plot lines
>Alex is from the future because of Pluto
>in other words Blasted Tokyo
I see now why you wanted us to play it. I can't say I totally like it, but it's fine and way better than Lolkalas. And hey, if someone named Flynn in canon can join a japanese secret army, someone named Alex should too.

You are confusing it with Ancient of Days.
Ancient of Days is a bonus boss from IV's DLC. You can fuse it.
Shekinah is the new true final boss of SJR. You CANNOT fuse it.

I dunno what's funnier, the fact that you are saying it, or that by saying it, you flat tell her that know who she truly is and mock her on multiple fronts.
Given how bullshit the world of eramegaten is, it doesn’t take much of a genius for the player character to put 2 and 2 together for something simple like Louisa, especially if they already met Lucy via the Demifiend drop off. Ofc they’re gonna mock Lucifer for such a terrible disguise
I think everyone got Shekinah and Ancient of Days mixed up in this conversation. I know Shekinah is unfusable, I wanted to know if Ancient of Days (the boss of doing Alex's request) was fusable in eraMegaten.
It's like
>Your disguise is shit (even the narration say that her pose is wrong)
>If Demeter had an evil plan all along why didn't you do something about it
>Strong "Why can't you take this seriously" "Because that's what you want, and I'm not going to give it to you" vibes

>Ancient of Days is Alex's boss
Whelp guess that's out.

I was asking >>47229996
>Where? Why? Is it actually used? Since when is it in the files?
>If it's a genuine thing already used, guess that'll be out forever, but if it's in the files, not used and just getting dust...

Guess Anon was being annoyingly optuse. I can understand the wish of not spoiling, but you can also not spoil and answer the question.
>Guess Anon was being annoyingly optuse. I can understand the wish of not spoiling, but you can also not spoil and answer the question
No, I was just saying that one boss already being in one route doesn't mean you can't reuse it for another, and brought the example of Belial.
>try butt caress on tsukasa
>she drags me behind a tree and belittles me while letting me jerk off with her ass
fucking sexy sex fox
needs translation
And you could have been clearer and actually answered the question asked, you aren't helping anybody like that, you are only confusing people.
Also, the objective is adding new content, not reusing them. Sure, once or twice isn't the end of the world, but we shouldn't let that be an excuse. Work ethic and all that.
My favorite bit is where she tricks an ignorant shota MC to follow her to a love hotel.
Nah, my educated guess is, as a prequel, the name's a follow up from the hebrew letter theme from II (Aleph, Beth, Gimmel, Daleth, Zayin, plus Lamedh and Ayin), but we never had a confirmation since it's fron japanese only mobile game.
Oooooooooooh it would be even smarter!
How do you change other demons' alignments
Either by using Light/Dark/Law/Chaos Stones or by training
POnOs in vagOO
Also you can build alignment churches as shops in the sale/manage menu.
Not sure how worth it they are but getting them to pray/whore there changes alignment from what the in game guide says.
Anon, you're missing an O
What's EraRL about?
It's a roguelike
You lost me
Good things come to those who wait. I pray that one dude didn't die.
Feels like a roguelike that kind of sucks. Training isn't super cool either

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