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The only good thing about Touhou 19
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What about this one?
What, obnoxious poofters got a new flavour of the month hyperfixation?
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she's great
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No this is
Don't post my older sister online thx
Full circle yuri ntr.
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Your sister smells dude
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Excuse me, aren't you forgetting someone?
which one is futa?
All touhous is futa.
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playable ran
only ran could satisfy yuuma's insatiable appetite for semen
since she left yuuma's been unbearably pent up
What's having Chiya-chan as your older sister like?
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That Ran got any new content at all is a miracle, and officially playable to boot. Though despite Danmakufu's jank I prefer how she plays in Youkai Kori Kassen: shot type one is fun and plays like PCB Sakuya, and type two is basically just how she plays in UDoALG down to the identical focus gimmick but she has Ultimate Buddhist as a bomb. On the otherhand UDoALG has it handily beat on spritework and her danmaku being paper shikigami is fitting. Wish she still kept the spinning gimmick.

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