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Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE
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A dark and hungry god arises
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Breathes fire too.
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>Katana folded and hammered over 1000 times
>Ochimusha folded and hammered over the kitchen counter
All as it should be
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You know what to do
Youko have avoided this. I won't wurm you again., this ain't ogre. If you don't stop wight now alp you are accomplishing is making it dragon.
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imagine going against the monster horde not to fight, but to get the wife you want.
What a ryu talking about?
Lamia jokes.
>join the chosen hero's party to defeat the Mamano lord
>encourage hero to go into an area you all are definitely not high enough level for
>walk into a very obvious ambush
>get cornered by General Lim and her elite succ squad
>bravely "sacrifice" yourself so hero and team can escape
>"don't worry guys I'll hold them off"
>be remembered as a selfless hero by your former party
>retire to civilian life with General Lim and succ squad
>father a platoon of little cadet succs
>going through an archived 2016 thread
>find some kobold daughteru thing
I haven't read it yet.
>Newfag discovering KDF
Oh boy. Oh heavens. Oh goodness gracious.
>walking around outside at night for whatever reason
>hear something shuffle above and look up
>see an owl there above you in the tree hooting down at you
>get nervous because you think at any moment now she will try swooping down to snatch you up, even if you bolted for it
>at the same time, she's also so very shy that she doesn't know how to approach and she's afraid she might botch things up too so she just sits there hooting and staring
>locking you both in an awkward situation
What would undead lamias be like?
I love big hooters
Post stories about cows
I was a city kid during my toddler/brat years and when my mom took me to the countryside I saw a cow for the first time in my life. I yelled and pointed at the cow "Look, what a big dog!"
You have no idea how happy i am to see someone still has this saved, the original drawing was lost when I moved
You dont happen to have the wendigo and the yeti too right?
Speaking of stories, is anubis.moe scraper off? It'd be a shame if it missed the last three stories.
I hear that hidden away deep in the Desert kingdom, there's a secret shrine to Hathor, goddess of gyaru cows.
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How many priestesses are there and how many are still single?
I seek the ultrasoft cow
That's a sheep
You seek the ultrasoft cow.
I see the ultrayandere hebi.
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>Casually approach a dog mamono
>Make direct eye contact
>Ask her 'Who's a good girl?'
>Repeat this question until she asks 'Is it me?'
>"...Is it?"
>Refuse to elaborate

We must rely on psychological warfare if we hope to stand a chance. This tactic will shatter the psyche of virtually any canine through inducement of existential shock.
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I mean soft as in meaty
this is a good example, but not quite there
Beware the rare tanpire.
Over 20 people per year die from being squished under cows like that
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i should find a girl that's statistically safer and friendly to humans, like a shark
There are many young cows still in need of a husband, but to get to them you must first pass one of the sacred trials. Only then will you be permitted access to the secret cow level. Failure will also get you access, but now we will know you're weak to cows and you will be (sexually) bullied relentlessly. Now pick your test!
>Trial 1: drink a gallon of milk (from the source)
>Trial 2: endure 1 hour of paizuri torture
>Trial 3: survive the nursing hadjob of doom
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The first trial should be easier than it sounds because it's the desert region and you should be thirsty after your journey there
Now we are getting there
This feels like a weird kind of mindbreak
The hard part is that you're supposed to stop after 1 gallon
>start drinking
>get stunlocked
>go over the amount
>carried off
>still stunlocked
maybe she got bit by a dhampir
Snek + cow
Hebi milk?
Okay okay, what about this.

>Yandere, tomboy shirohebi
>yandere shirohebi
i don't know, seems unlikely
Christ!....She's been out in the sun too long!
Just a regular Lamia is better than hebi or apophis
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>elf childhood friend you haven't seen in decades suddenly visits you in the retirement home and asks you to marry her
I just had an idea

>Shogcells at work!

Come on. You know you want to see it
bunyip is the cuddliest
I will shave the 'yip
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based comfydomfag
Fucked up that she'd last unicorn them like that, but the age linking means that the mana would probably boomerang your body to be like 25ish again, with like grey hair
What ideas would you give Miss 'Nubis? I would tell her that her peanut butter cookies are delicious and she should bring them to the office more often.
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>male:"sole male$" male:netorare$
>female:corruption$ female:transformation$ female:harem$
ms anubis should go on vacation
This anubutt needs walkies
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Can I bring my chesh in the office? The purring reduces worker's stress
After what happened last time? Absolutely not.
I'm not sure, my folders are completely unorganized. Do you have a description of what they were like?
My idea is that she takes off her clothes.
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It was a mistake, she won't do it again. The printer deserved it anyway
>Yandere possessive ancient artificial intelligence with the word love printed on all 387.41 million miles of magitech circuitry for you
Wendigo plowing through snow and a yeti saying NO
Wait that rhymed
Oh no
The Sahuagin are friendly fish folk. A Sahuagin would never attack and rape me. I will harbor cordial relations with a Sahuagin and trade shiny things with her in return for fish she's caught spearfishing in the river. It will merely be a mutually beneficial relationship. I will get along with the Sahuagin peacefully.
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Is this the droid you're looking for?
Gonna assfuck so many babies into so many cheshires.
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>a yeti saying NO
People have posted that one here before.
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Phrasing, for Gods sake.
You'll get along so well with Sahu that you'll be bending her over and lifting her tail and having sloppy fish sex before you know it. Aren't human relations with indigenous monster tribes just so special?
Yeah, don't worry about it so much--that's just a cheshire posting about what she WANTS to happen.
Meant for>>47228527
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They do such things, as seen here also
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very important
I see 1st child is clearly best girl, pumping iron like no tomorrow
>kobold daughteru
I remember a lot of daughterus and it was moving so far into the not 2d area that even the mge hardcore lolicons struggled to defend it.
What if anubis, instead of doing her normal thing, just made you fuck mummies all day to charge them up so they could in turn do their pyramid building slave labor.
why is the doggy so angry?
Black widow arachne with cute red bow tie.
Because you're a baka ecchi hentai
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Holy mother of moe, what a cutie.
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I love foxes
Idea: one workday of the week replaced with an opt-in Boardgame day. It would promote worker unity, exercise teamwork, and I could finally have an excuse to play Shikoku 1889 with Miss 'Nubis, i think she'll like the game since it's about trains and stock markets.
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wrong thread, disregard that you saw nothing
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>Ochimusha folded and hammered over the kitchen counter
In addition to being proud warriors and bodyguards, Ochimushas are surprisingly proficient at making breakfast and being molestestable like mere maids.
But have you considered whatever this thing is meant to be?
Some sort of loli breakfast machine.
Not really. I like hags.
Ochi maids deserve praise and tender care.
Dark mage's milk
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Consider this nature spirit.
Fennec foxes are also cute. Big ears so mofu i cant even believe
I wouldn't make one a full on maid, but they do come with some maid-like benefits.
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I am imagining dragons.
Elins are puffy creatures.
I am imagining dragons, but BETTER.
How radioactive.
You're only human, after all.
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Imagine being at dragons.
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They very much are.
I miss Tera so much
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At least we will always have the memories....
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More girls should wear garters and frilly panties.
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It needs to make a comeback for sure. Damn the romans for embracing pants like filthy gauls.
But how would sneks wear garters or panties at all?
In the very first episode of monster musume I think the lamia had hard plastic panties.
Wow, nothing sexier than that.
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They could figure it out. It wouldn't be difficult to ring their entire tail with custom made garters.
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The summer 2024 writing contest has been a great success. We've had 8 short stories from authors both returning and new. People took the theme of the jungle and ran with it. Each of the stories were entirely different takes on what the jungle is. I've enjoyed each that I've read, and I'm sure many others have too. I hope those that participated got something out of it, and even if you don't decide to continue writing I think it's great that you got involved anyway.
Read these if you haven't already:

https://archiveofourown.org/works/57029032 - Blue Wings on the ground and in the air - Hazeron/birdanon

https://archiveofourown.org/works/56734333 - Pretty on Paper - Dothog

https://archiveofourown.org/works/56496517 - The Jungle is a lush mistress - AnonBGreening

https://archiveofourown.org/works/57049720 - A Troll in Central Park - DogFaced

https://archiveofourown.org/works/56670091 - A child of Night Under the Sun - Alpanon

https://archiveofourown.org/works/56653354 - An ocelomeh fever - MysteryID

https://archiveofourown.org/works/57058372 - Roots - Magus

https://archiveofourown.org/works/57054583 - Found while Foraging - MomDomRomCom

While this isn't a traditional judged contest, I HIGHLY encourage people to leave some feedback on the stories they enjoyed either here or in comments.
Up for grabs for these 7 (excluding myself) is not two, but THREE yerb comms (the third kindly added by murloc). The winners have been randomly chosen.
Congratulations to Magus, MomDomRomCom and AnonBGreening!
The winners can either get in contact with me, or contact yerb directly on twitter.
Thanks again to our writefags, and to everyone who took time to read the submissions. Cheers.
Even a wurm will turn if you tell her that you wrote "Gullible" on the wall behind her.
>Magus' story
>Sorry, this work doesn't allow non-Archive users to comment
wtf magus
Yay for everyone! Cool to see the freshes of fresh kids get a win
Looks like a spinoff.
That's the default! I just learned that from posting my first story.
Thanks for hosting and congratulations to the winners!
Yeah, they changed the default setting for comments in April. It took me by surprise when I posted an earlier story too, so now I have to remember to set it back when I upload something new.
>the default is censorship
That's pretty cringe. I'm disappointed in ao3.
Don't confuse base bare gatekeeping with censorship
They were getting a lot of spam. They are still committed to their main goal of not allowing fanfiction to be censored.
Supposedly they had a problem with mass spam by bots at the time, but I haven't seen those under the stories I read.
Great job everyone! Can't wait to get reading. If anyone has feedback on the contest, please feel free to share!
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Pretty nice! Maybe one day I'll get around to writing something myself.
They're so small and squishy. I want to squeeze them.
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Save in the name of love!
I need your softest hags
How can you spoon a fox?
How is Wendy dealing with the summer heat?
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all the fat went to her tail
Be the little spoon, I guess
Doesn't look old enough,
Soft, but not a hag at all
If you want actually overweight women like this go for human girls, we've got a *ton* of those laying around.
But it says right there that she is 2017 years old!
P'orcer gangs
You're gonna give ms Haku a stroke...
I want a plump yeti though
Ms Haku is the one that needs to give me a stroke if you know what i'm saying ...
They don't exist, sorry.
My brother.
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still as flexible as a 100 year old
We need to go haggier
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The only thing stopping you is yourself.
>p'orcers that genuinely think that everything you do is amazing
I will lose to a Dragon and boost her ego.
THis one's just fat, we need to go older
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I will play hard to get with a demon and boost her ego.
It's like the only hag in existence except that loli hag from that doujin.
I dunno. A drawfag also made this for us.
I will play hard to get with a demon, but I'll also steal one of her pillowcases and buy a bottle of perfume so that I can scent a bodypillow and pretend I'm cuddling with her at night. I will do everything in my power to prevent her from finding out about this and if she ever does I will - transparently lying - deny it over and over again out of embarassment. The rest of the time I will act tsundere towards her.
old ladies erotic, ouhhhhhh
how do you even find a harem like this? join a knitting club?
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Well played. I tip my hat to you, fellow demon-bait. Demons love nothing more than turning a tsundere into a deredere.
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Working on a gal tiger. Couldn't do the muscles no matter how hard I tried. Gal Tiger. Galger. Gyarga
spoon her while her tail spoons you
it's the only way
I'm going to test that flexibility
>Couldn't do the muscles no matter how hard I tried.
No problem, I already love how she's turning out.
Looking good, though i don't think a too muscly body would fit her stylized proportions. Her meaty legs are very nice.
That's just a Hagville's bus stop
That demon has the face of a man.
I deserve to be hagged
The thread has a lot of fetish posters, anon.
Wow, cool.
AnonBG, well it was definitely a random draw as there are a lot of stories there better than mine.
I dont do Twatter or Discard, so again I'll put the commish details in the comments section. Yes, of course it'll be a Kiki, but after last thread, I'm thinking a Goth-Kiki.

Geez, if you dont even have the balls to comment on A03 under a fakename, it must be a pretty weak comment, so just put it up here as Anon.
I am one of them, but androgynous women isn't for me.
YOUR MOTHER has the face of man.
>he says as he posts on an Anonymous imageboard
Tigress > Gyarugress?
I wouldn't call it androgynous.
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I think the side-angle is throwing anon off. Demons are supposed to have sharp features. Pointy and catlike.
Nta, but she does gave a strong jawline - not so extreme as to be definitely a guy, but she looks more butch than most male elves.
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Thank you. I don't feel that way about any other monster, just demons; I don't know why they make me want to act like a brat.
Really now.
That blue bitch needs rape correction!
Would a yeti ever hug a man other than her husband?
Her son.
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>I don't know why they make me want to act like a brat
An instinctual need for gentle-femdom correction. The demon profile is just top-notch. It conveys so much power and control, but also gentleness and love. Sexy, powerful, and a hint of danger.
I love deems so much.
>you will never be hugged by yeti mom in front of all your friend embarrassing you
Merciless anubis bean kissing
Her friends. Her family. Her neighbors. The guy at the store who seemed a little sad.
Yetis are pure girls with no other thoughts than love and kindness.
This but sith. One paw from each, alternately.
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I've sent the details over to yerb. It'd be easier with some form of direct communication (even email).
I'd honestly be happy in a relationship with a monster girl that looks this old.
Thanks for organizing!
I don't need a maid, I will not hire a Kiki. I will tell the Maid Academy rep that keeps knocking on my door to go away and never come back. Maids are stupid, maids aren't sexy. I hate maids.
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First I've heard of it. I'll try to figure out how to turn it off.
You don't get much for turning it off.
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Black cat.
They're too old. What about monster JKs with big boobs, slutty underwear and miniskirts? And lewd brats acting suggestively and seducing an adult?
They're too young. What about old hags in JK outfits with their big tits and fat asses spilling out of their slutty underwear and miniskirts?
They behavior is too much. How about some pretty, young, good girls that actually deserve dick for once?
I love the mesugaki smile.
Smug little girls teaching old men a lesson is how monster girls are meant to be.
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The good girl lolis probably outnumber the very outwardly cheeky and horny ones, so they aren't by any means in short supply.
What would you do if a big Hellhound just came up to you and sniffed you, like she was doing a typical dog greeting, and then without any warning just leaned forward and licked you on the cheek?
Lick her cheek.
About the same thing I'd do if a danuki came up to me and asked if I wanted to sniff her and offered a free sample.
>top ten terrible pickup lines she learned from lurking the thread
I’d start crying and then give her a huge hug and never let go
I'd run.
Lick her 'cheeks', but not those cheeks... if you know what I mean.
(I mean lick her anus and ass cheeks)
Ask her what's her favourite type of meat. Oh no...
Fried cheshire.
We all know there are two distinct types of unbeatable monsters.
The ones with giant milkers
And the lolis
Thus it must be that the monster literally nobody can win against is a loli with big fat tits.
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Marune is the strongest.
The flat chest is a part of a loli's power, giving her tits is a nerf.
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I love fox hags
Explain then why big loli boobs soft hnngh milky
>Anon asks for a centaur girl to marry
>Anon gets a centaur girl
>It's a centaur from the Fallout 3, not a monster girl
Who else be rolling 1's when making deals with otherworldly powers?
That would be pretty unlucky. If you fall through the isekai portal try to freefall into generic dungeons and dragons or something.
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Soft pillows for sleeping on.
I feel like this is the type of answer girls like hellhounds and manticores would actually give. All with a look that makes you think she's genuinely serious and could very well be, but isn't actually.
Every year in MGC, there's a designated "Penis Inspection Day" where single mamono are trained to inspect the penises of single men. Married mamono are encouraged to continue this practice with their husbands.

This custom began when mamono made contact with our world and learned of penis inspection days that were held in primary and secondary schools.
That's gay. Vagina inspection day is far better.
It's only gay if balls are touching.
Hers are pretty big...
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Your answer is confusing the Lim in charge of the Penis Inspections.
I love lilim's big balls!
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Need strong, intelligent, and cute lim wife....
Yes those big balls of Dark matter they ride around on are quite impressive. I just wanna squish em.
Sure thing.
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Have you written your local congressmonster or monster of parliament? She's very excited to hear your thoughts on policy
I did, but every time I request 1 spider in every home, I get nothing in response.
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Where are the sith, lilim.

Why aren't you monsterizing the cat shelter.
We need witch hunt back. We have the torches!
I will spend the first year after portals plowing my Holstaur wife.
What kind of a coward does a furry but then makes her head human?
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I propose a bill a de-sith all the siths.

All the cu siths become kobolds, and all the cait siths become nekomatas.
In the toilet.
I think that's meant to be a cat suit or whatever this is. A leotard?
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beach wildlife has evolved strangely
Remember anons, human heroines were made to be corrupted into cuter, lewded monster girls.
I'm afraid this years budget just won't allow for deficit monster production; you know how the economy is. We could afford more lims though
Vampires are gay lol
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Biting people without permission is wrong
I wouldn't mind being hunted by a gay vampire. Though in that scenario I imagine I wouldn't be her preferred prey.
Yeah haha her BIG and DARK balls haha
In most setting I would be inclined to agree with you. Seducing either sex is useful for easily getting the blood you need survive. No point in limiting yourself to just half the population. Though with mge stuff that’s really just for corruption.
No permission is needed for those getting what they deserve.
I see.
Nobody wants lims! They want pictures! Pictures of spiders, man!
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You're getting pictures of lims and that's final
Can it be this Ushi?
did KC manage to revive his Patreon yet, or is it lost... forever?
He's on SubscribeStar now.
Just bite them back
It's a Subscribe Star now, but yeah, someone was saying he's getting it back up, if it's not already.
Vampires taste gross though
Gotta get those pngs going...
Nobody is holding a gun to your mentally ill head about supporting KC or not. I would tell you to not do it quietly so the people who enjoy the content can talk about it but you’re like a loose whore to a rocket pop.
Lies, there's a baph in his bedroom right now threatening him with DEATH if he doesn't give KC 5 bucks a month.
Wish I had a baphomet in my bedroom right now
Did this hit too close to home.
I wish I had a wisp stalking me while the baph threatens to kill me, whispering quietly to the baph "Do it! Do it! Do it!"
Fuck off shoggypoo
I'd lose to a fat assed loli wisp
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But that's illegal
what does this even mean, chat, translate pls of what blud's blabbering about?
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We have a Vtuber!
Wish I had a lolim in my bedroom right now
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I wish I had a Baph in my bedroom as well. We could play Might and Magic 6, get drunk and play tabletop games like Paranoia, and generally have a great time playing Bloody Mary in the bathroom. Then again, I also would like a Lilim. And a Pharaoh, and a Dragon....Life is suffering.
It hurts.
Chat are you seeing this right now she's totally raping me chat
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A bedroom Baphometh sounds like a good investment
That's still my favorite baph pic. There's just something so fun about a baph with mob face.
>3000 year old elf comes up to you
>"Hello fellow young person!""
>Does a peace sign
>"Instead of taking an L"
>"Take an elf!"
>Does a tiktok dance
Matting press
But my name isn't Matt!
I just love the mentality that monsters still have some of that monster mentality in them, and in Bapho chan's case it's her absolute need to scale up walls and buildings, possibly to get a drink of water from a caved in roof tile. It's so stupid and adorable. I wish someone would draw someone running up to a Baphomet and trigger her fainting response. This dude's pic:
Is my number one favorite though.
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If you want a good investment get a bedroom Danuki
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Miss sally is so cool
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it's got to be the desert bapho
This may seem random, but for any drawanons that still lurk in these threads, how did you get started drawing? I'd love to get good enough to make something like this: >>47231680
But I can't even draw a proper circle... I guess I'm just asking for resources.
vulva squish
How to draw the marvel way.
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I love baphomet (form: fat tits)
Miss Baph should've never learned Power Word: Tits.
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>asked nicely by a fat assed loli wisp to not oogle other girls
What's the point of having a yandere waifu if she's not UNRELENTLY toxic and psycho?
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>encouraging your wife to be even more yan
this has never backfired ever
the sex is pretty good, i bet
That's quite the large ass
CORRECT. It's important to encourage your wife.
More like criticize
Imagine your yan wife trying to tie you to a chair and you are just calling her out on her knotting skills

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