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Sandar edition


Delisted thread:
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The protagonist of JAV.
post her current current form, coward
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I'd do anything to drink her sweet peachy juices
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Absolutely disgusting
only calm clerk can withstand and endure the vile flavour of hydrochloric acid and bile that this whore's saliva has
Oshikawa sirs this cover looks amazing ARE WE READY
I wonder if this is symbolic.
this series is so fkn kino... At this point i feel like Madonna are just the most creative when it comes to plot JAVs, be it reipu and non-reipu
Reminder if your javfu has fewer than 100 titles she's still pure.
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Come on, you can't beat Rocket when it comes to creativity.
Can someone please tell me the code of this porn or at least identify the actress?
top kek should have been specific that with plot i mean the serious/semi-serious stuff
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MIDV-806 has one of the best covers ever, how can that ugly fridge compete
Nagae/FA.Pro it is then.
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why are so many girls betraying S1 all of a sudden? first tsubomi, now nanaka
she took the S1 paycheck to get her teeth fixed, then stabs them in the back
epileptic sirs..
>never will there be "School Girls Jerking You Off While Showing You Their Pussies" for me

why even bother?

Thank you
is that an angy yuria
no, that's tsubasa hachino, she did something to her lips sadly
did she face off with dr kim and lost? many such cases
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was Madonna a good move for Yuri? Isn't she still a """""freelancer"""""?
Did she? It didn't strike me for once, perhaps because it goes well with her condiment.
>was Madonna a good move for Yuri?
id say it was, she has been in it for over 10 years, and given her strikingly beautiful looks this probably adds another 5 years onto her career, since she will definitely bring them good sales
>Isn't she still a """""freelancer"""""
not that i know of; pretty sure she is just an exclusive 1 release per month Madonna whore now
>filter to make her head smaller
sad, she's insanely hot and beautiful, dunno why she needs to use filters at all
Nice to see that Kudou Rara is back (DVMM-116). Hopefully there will be more videos in the future.
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Sir, watch your mouth.
>insanely hot and beautiful
Good taste.
damn my ratfu looks so amazing
>calls herself obaasan
bitch knows what I like
i would assume its the other way around. s1 probably has a minimum sales quota. they drop more girls than the other studios.
Why don't you sirs shill actually attractive ladies like this more often? Instead you spam every thread with the same average and below average looking whore.
Are you implying the insistent shilling of average looking miru isn't worse?
>actually attractive
You have shit taste.
Sir the customs of the village is to refrain from shit-talking others' favourites and post images/webms of those you wish to discuss.
Read my post again, numbnuts? I'm condemning the spam of average looking miru and saying that this bird is actually attractive. If you disagree that she's attractive then you're gay.
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Sir, I apologize. I actually did misread your post. Please don't take my family cow.
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the hardest working and most beautiful actress who actually loves her fans
>As Payment For Insulting Saar On 4Chinz, He Was Forced To Give Away His Wife(And Cow) As Payment. And She Endured 7 Days Of Repeated Insult Creampie In Her Womb.
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>Reminder if your javfu has fewer than 100 titles she's still pure.
who told you this??
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>Wife(And Cow)
What if they were one and the same, haha..
Wow, you can see the background warping around her as she moves.
That is what the title implies.
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I am now inspired on a hunt for more Yuri wearing things with cow prints.
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True-hags chad, I kneel
her breath must smell ancient
I find both hot for different scenarios, situations and mood
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Nothing that tickles my fancy but this cover is good
Is this the best thing WANZ has ever come up with? Timeless and guaranteed fap kino.
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The TRUE protagonist of JAV.
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mou gaman dekinai, sirs...
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miru is the paragon of jav
if you don't like her, you don't like jav
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The fallen hero of JAV.
It's a Korean trend, she's at high risk of Dr. Kimming in the future.

She's been with Madonna for a bit. Also probably, she's been on the game for a while so the chances of her ascending to top freelancer was slim. Might as well take more money for less work.
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the True Protagonist of JAV
Any sirs with clean copy VENU-696 without watermark? I wish to make webm of Yuri cleaning and I do not have that one from her earlier days. I do not have those paid multiaccount download things either
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Probably. AIKA putting on a dumb accent on WANZ-764 was peak
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The savior of JAV.
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The goblin of JAV.
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>The secret hotdog holders has escaped DAS into Wanz
All that rises must converge
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Her looking great on those outfits are wasted by having the worst premise ever. Why say NTR when all the sex is between the main pair?
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The cannibal of JAV.
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The Father of JAV
Yes. No doubt. For me, it's Hana Haruna, if anyone can have half as much as her then it's guaranteed WANZ kino.
>Hana Haruna,
I like her a lot but I can't believe I do not have WANZ-713 in my collection (yet), fuck
What a blunder. This series allows them to be natural and she's naturally very fun and charismatic.

Please, dont tell me they gonna puke that back...
i would fkn spontaneously combust if she held on to me like that
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In honor of the National BeFree Appreciators draft, which talent would you like to transfer into which studio?
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Nao titty bigger?
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Yeah what this guy said
>What a blunder.
No seeders. It's over.
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The anti-hero JAV.
time to buy real-debrid and download it off javguru or supjav saar
nao fkn fatter
who are the ones with most charisma that did this series? Off the top of my head I can think of Meguri and Alice Otsu
nao as a single mother... sounds like her future if she continues to be a cheap whore
Anri Okita
Yuria Yoshine with the the other two
It has come to my attention that there are sirs in this very village pronouncing JAV as "ja-f" instead of "Jay ei vee".
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>the other two
gopherfags... you're sure getting smug and arrogant even though your waifu is just a gorda chinlet marmot WHORE built for bellybullying
i pronounce it as "jah-vu"
Yuuri has been "augmented" for years without getting too close to bogdom. I still like her.
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I'm so deep in the Lifestyle, I now pronounce it "ēibui" in my head
I meant no offence. I just forgot the names of the other two even tho I enjoy them a lot. I have their faces and bodies in my mind but I just cannot recall without opening the video, and I cannot do that at this moment.
Iroha Natsume -> Madonna
Julia -> Madonna
Hikari Kisaki -> Madonna
reminder that The Doctor's Subordinate pronounces it "JA-VEE"
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This series has been here for so long with legendary casts, you can't only recommend 3 names...
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Ok which talent are you trading out Madonna, they don't have enough cap space for with their new additions
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Like Javelin or that show JAG
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Rio Kuriyama
Yuki Takeuchi
Kana Kusakabe

for the record, i actually like Yuki and Kana being at Madonna a LOT but wanted to make this fair by means of a difficult decision on my part rather than just picking randoms or girls i happen to not really enjoy like Rio (even though it's clear she's a very talented actress + great performer etc)
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>No Chitose
>short hair Hana
AAAAHHHHH! My cumptonite!
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ngl I just want Yuki to come back to Premium. I thought she was the perfect fit to their system
and i would agree with you, she's a far better fit at Premium
she was the perfect in-house (in-studio?) foil to Aipan. both oneesan-types, one's a tan fitness chick, the other's a sunny big sister next door approachably beautiful TV announcer
Gonna fap to pred366 again, thanks for the reminder
Tsantsa Stark
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Do you ever stop and think, damn I miss Rika Mari
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He did mention it though.
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Look, sirs, I fkn wholeheartedly apologise for wording the description that way when thinking of WAAA-328, on which we agree on is the most kino multi actress WANZ sugoi teku series entry, featuring Yuria Yoshine, Ai Sayama, and Chitose Yuki.

Forgive me, and let's drop this.
Nene Tanaka needs to do it.
WANZ-941 is the best multi actress entry wtf are you on.
Hasn't she?
nta but in no particular order
Hana Haruna
Chitose/Ai Sayama/Yuria Yoshine(but mostly chitose she brings giga-stacy energy)
Alice Otsu
Yui Hatano
Kashiwagi Kurumi(this was before she became Maria Nagai trust me on this one)
those are the ones I have downloaded, anyone have any good suggestions?
great suggestion to add to my folder; i think its just that 3 chubby whores with big gazonkers(one of which with great charisma) is just more striking. Especially when they seem to cast twink guy actors so they look even better
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Anri's if not only for this legendary gif?
>Chitose/Ai Sayama/Yuria Yoshine(but mostly chitose she brings giga-stacy energy)
I prefer Ai Sayama in that one. She's sweet and playful.
I actually had her typed up then deleted it cuz i didnt wanna put her above Hana Haruna, but then I forgot to re-add her
Wow thanks for ruining the illusion. How else am I suppose to fantasise and self-insert being picked up by my JAVfu when I visit Japan again and again as a skinny east Asian sir myself. Devastated.
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So many legendary names to pick from:
Yuu Kawakami
Ayumi Shinoda
Rino Kirishima
Aimi Yoshikawa
Shuri Atomi
Serina Hayakawa
Mari Rika
Ruka Kanae
Koharu Suzuki
Where can I find a full list of this "if you can endure the technique" series?
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Damn, forgot about Wakaba.
Girls who do porn -- but don't do anal-- are NOT "pornstars". If you do porn and have have vanilla sex on camera for money, you're just a regular chick whose sex videos are on the internet. I'm so sorry that I hold the title of "pornstar" to a modicum of professionalism. If I predict the weather for the next week and upload it to YouTube that doesn't make me a fuckin' meteorologist.
i dont call them pornstars i always refer to them as "JAV whores" and i use "whore" in the most loving way possible
tsundere-for-Yuria anon there being nurtured by Yuria
Which Dandy Yoshino work is your absolute favorite?
I. Hate. That. Smug. Chinlet!!!
The term "star" is a relic from the 90s when media was consolidated and "stars" or "idols" were created
Jenna Jameson was a porn star
Today, there are no "pornstars" and I cringe when someone refers to an onlythot as a "pornstar". What about them is "star"
They are porn actresses and for JAV, more commonly, JAV "models"/thread
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they are actresses
what is happening here? he is not even saying anything
She's disgusted by her brother but at the same time she got dicked so hard by him that her body craves for more
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How can you say that??? I thought we were past this.
Newhalfs getting railed while Hibiyan laughs at them is one of my favorite movie genres.
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>Ena and Kasumi
God I wish I where their boy toy
I need code, full context in text, a webm with sound including a minute before and after this clip, in addition to a trailer link, and of course a rapidgator link to a 1080p, non-watermarked source quality video of this to fully understand what is happening
This isn't JAV.
Why the fuck do I love seeing women sobbing about nothingburgers? They become so salty and full of saliva
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The role model of jav
why they so fkn upset
OPUD-202 traumatized me
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Fkn fishlet
You must be homosexual
Maki scat videos are some of her best works.
Sirs don’t like them.
The title is shocking, she's very energetic and all her performances are electrifying. Germans would say Dass Ist Gut
Just give me the fucking code, you fkn mirutard!
as a 3rd language german speaker it's "Das ist gut" since Dass would move ist to the end of the sentence
i thought you were implying its a Das! code but the watermark clearly says WANZ haha
I am going to fap to Oshikawa Yuri tonight and it's all your fault.
Half my fap are Yuma Asami ones because of this place, you’re not special.
Ok so I am an Oyakodon connoisseur and I have no idea what could be a bigger sign of the times, other than the girl you're posting JUST released an oyakodon that I am going to digest
i remember downloading aout 200 gb yuri oshikawa because of this madarchod that kept spamming webms of her cleaning, you are among comrades
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Interesting classification. Does this scale to people who do more extreme stuff or is it just a pass fail thing?

Is Javfu a part of the village lexicon?

In the age with cameras and audiences abundant, everybody is a star therefore nobody is a star.
Rude. What's wrong with being enthusiastic about watching Yuri and using hours to find the housework segments to make into webms?
please recommend me a jav code
the best one you have
>the best one you have
kek anon depending on the weather a different type of jav is the best one
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Embarrassing request.
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Lingerina-kino, if you weren't familiar with the series. First scene, she rides hard squatting, male POV, already recipe for kino. But as male actor taps her warning her he is about to cum, she holds his warning hand and instead speeds up and rides even harder and take nakadashi and she makes cum face. It's fucking awesome. I have rarely shared this, but I implore sirs to look this up. It's wonderful.
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Close-up Fish-eye lens + Empty Baby Stroller is a winning Maguro combination
lucky basterd
Just realised this fapkino has the stroller at the beginning, kek
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If he was really lucky it would’ve been a garrot ending.
what is a good jav where it goes from elegant and classy to lewd? Similar to SBNS-002 and NSPS-308
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That's the main thing that puts JAV above western porn for me. The understanding of the eroticism of implication
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>all this violence
vinegar keeps getting away with it
please don't spit on me
Remember that clip of vinegar Sumire bullying and old german man in the street kek
It LOOKS like Maguro but it's not, it's gravure. There's no sex at all in that video!
freshly made
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wtf... why is she in so many housekeeping contexts?
uff it's called "maid phenotype", dear
does she clean a lot?
It is very interesting to see that this phenomenon is not exclusive to her newer videos ie having more maturity to her looks. Some of her earliest videos already feature the >>47231076 mentioned maid theme video where there is lots of cleaning and cooking, and that webm just now is also from her earlier days. Perhaps it's her personal preference.
Cleaning, tidying, folding clothes away, cooking, serving drinks, taking nakadashi, you name it.
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>"maid phenotype"
i think that expression and choice of words has NEVER been said in human history KEK
ok now thats what i call a succubus
Have you ever seen someone think about cleaning WHILE cleaning?
you just know Yuri Oshikawa maintains the absolute highest level of hygiene in home and body. she is the zenith of cleanliness. she must smell incredible
>she is the zenith of cleanliness. she must smell incredible
kek I thought I was the only one who thought this and get extra turned on from it.
Her condiment is lemon...lemon pledge
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Any other essential /jav/ reaction images you could share, sir?
>momozono looks okay again without the shit-tier makeup she always puts on
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She doesn't look unpaid here wtf? Does she have a job again?
Did somebody say job? Can I have one?
I have returned from my goon shesh, I almost did not make it. I also think my chinpo broke. I have to rest and will speak with you sirs in a couple days

I cant tell to what I coomed as this would be too much text. It involves my whole 80TB collection. There was nothing i did not fap too. The golden bust was to last scene of STARS828
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a lot of those never even saw much usage or were really old/obscure at that point but still really capture that "sirposting on /jav/ vibe" when considered as a whole kek
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>mfw i know 95% of all those pictures
>Nozomi Ishihara
>Rank: !00(-45)
uuuhhhh Noz saars?
not to flex, but roughly 17 (without duplicates) of them are my contributions

do not worry sir, it was one of my edits
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i'll never be collage'd. i'll never be remembered. i'll never get laughs. i'll never get (you)s. I'll never fit in. i'll never create. i'll never categorize. i'll never conceptualize. i'll never imagine. i'll never kindly. i'll never enjoy.
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you will never go on a disney date
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she looks so flirty in the pic. gave me a different boner feel
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Don't worry saar, you can make your own lasting mark in the village. You just have to let the JAV flow through you...
Jav was a mistake...

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