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What are your thoughts and opinions on this Neetori?
Ntr jew midget with huge boobs in black tanktop
more like NiToRi
Sworn friend didn't deserve to be treated like that. She stomped all over his love for momentary pleasure. He'll probably be traumatized for the rest of his life.
Don't turn your back to her.
All who slander Nitori with infidelity are cursed, but all who repent of their cursed thoughts will be freed from their masturbation addiction spiral.
As for my thoughts on OP's image, I would like to know why my sworn friend is so cheeky about the grass she is holding.
She's not anything like as unfaithful as H*t*t*.
Why on earth would Hatate be unfaithful? She doesn't even leave her room.
Kappa kappa Nitoriii~
My future wife...
Your future wife is my current paizuri slave, dude.
Free her at once, you sick bastard!
Her boobs are NOT for slavery!
She is the lyricist.
I am the audience.
File: NI.jpg (81 KB, 1024x576)
81 KB
Quit blocking my view of Hina, nerd

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