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Would you play with her?
That depends, is she willing to make bets?
absolutely, as long as she doesn't kill me
what are those things coming out of her back supposed to be? antlers? but on her back? why are there crystals hanging from them
I would play in bed with her.
You know how Raziel got his wing bones torn out and was left with loose flaps of skin to carry him safely off of high edifices?

Flan had the opposite happen.
I really need to make a Legacy of Remilia parody. It's perfect too since Remi has some control over fate (it's confirmed in the game manual iirc).
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Let's play kisses on the butt
Let's play doctor! I think Dr Flanflan should give me an appendectomy!
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I want to hold flan-chan hand and go on an adventure!
Only if she lets me lick certain part of her body!
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would I?
those being her wing bones is actually way more grisly than i thought it was going to be - i legitimately thought they were just back-antlers or something
furan-chan please be gentle~
>destroys your chances of winning
I would remind her that she is several centuries old and ask her if she would rather do something more appropriate for her age.
happy flan day
What do you think her Zodiac ,western and eastern, is?
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whatever is least compatible with you
building block castles with flandre-sama
The only Flandre I'm interested in is the one from TERA.
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Flan-chan wants to ask you something
Well go ahead, spit it out.
I don't have all day.
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it's been almost 7 hours, c'mon flan-chan
Nobody likes Flan, that's why she got imprisoned in the basement and forgotten about for nearly 500 years
she forgot
what a baka
I stare at her dead silent until she remembers.
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But you remembered her, mr. anon
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“Hey anon can you scratch my back?”
I want Flan-chan to kill me.
I want Flan to kill you too. So that you'd finally stop posting.
I'm sorry Flan-chan, i can only lick it.
if I tried, there would probably be so much dirt built up on my fingers that it'd be very disgusting
>So that you'd finally stop posting.
But that was my first post in this thread...
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Flan knows it, you like to look at naughty pictures on this thing, don't you?
"Yes, and?"
I've been grinding japanese for a year now
All so that I could read Flan embarrassing me about my usage of my phone
It has been worth it
Normally, Flan doesn't much as cross my mind, but for no reason whatsoever I made some porn of her the other day.
You could say it's FlaNTR.
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But it's not the first time you post about a 2hu, Flan or any other, killing you.
You're clearly suicidal so just pull the trigger already and spare us your bitching. Flan would hate a coward...
my lungs
You should give up smoking,
>posted before uploaded to pixiv
I guess you really must be the guy that made those then.
Good stuff, already fapped to the first one a few times over the past couple of days.
I'm going to play paizuri with her
Flan stealing her sis' husband is top 1 ero plots for her. Nice job.
how, shes flat like her sister
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yea her sister is so flat
im glad flan got slightly bigger titties
I’m going to show Flandre how to play hold em and five card poker!
Were you into NTR before you started generating AI-images or did the fetish appear after?
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I want to play D&D with flan-chan!
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>But it's not the first time you post about a 2hu, Flan or any other, killing you.
It is the first time this year.
>just pull the trigger already
That's rude.
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Sleeping with flan-chan must feel nice
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I wonder if flan would let me brush her hair
if you read some of his older smut you can kind of see the seed already there in some of them, even if it might not have been consciously
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>I made some porn
>I made
I'm curious if NTR is a cause or an effect of artistic freedom.
It's a consequence
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I want flan-chan to bite me
NTR as in netori or netorare?
Lemme guess, next spam post will be the "am I pretty" picture from 23&me?
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I wonder if flan-chan would let me rub her pointy ears
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I really really really want to hug flan-chan and run my fingers through her fluffy hair and feel her wings wrap around me
Please don't bend Flandre wings.
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Would you rather flan-chan to be your friend, wife, little sister, mother or daughter?
My sister-in-law that I sneak treats to when the maids aren't looking.
All of the above.
Best friend, lover if possible
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I believe the kids would say "fuck buddies"
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Rent free
you know it to be true, cope
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I want flan-chan to show me her fangs!
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Pink flan-chan??!!!
Friend would be nice. Sounds like it would be fun to be friends with someone as long lived as she is. Maybe her sister is a better choice for such interactions but it would be interesting to hear what kind of insights such a being would have.
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Befriending flan-chan seems nice I believe that shes a genuinely good girl you just have to get to know her and understand her
Incest sex with Flan onee-chan.
she would tell you how her sister ignores her
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Me and Flan-chan!
Me as Flan!
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You look a bit weird, anon.
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I always imagined flan-chan to be able to express herself with her wings, for example when shes sad her wings turn blue and pulsate slowly while keeping them down, when shes angry her wings turn red and glow very bright and she spread them out, and when she’s happy or excited her wings change colors rapidly and she starts flapping them, she also makes noises as well to accompany it.
Playing with Flan-chan!
optimized to make Flan-chan orgasm over and over and over
Are we playing Hide the Sausage?
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I wonder how affectionate flan-chan is
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Flan wants to go to the beach
but she vampire!
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She put on sunscreen!
This genre of Okina being a mother to Flandre is something I adore.
I hate Okina so I dislike it a lot
Why do you hate her?
my lungs
I don't think mother is quite the right word for it.
You misspelled molester.
old hags prey on the young to steal their youth and good looks
This doesn't look like a mother-daughter relationship anon
Flan-chan has been a very bad girl.
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No flan-chan is a sweet and nice girl shes not evil at all!
Flan-chan is a lewd girl!
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No flan-chan is a innocent child she has no sense of depravity at all!
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Taking Flan out on a playdate!
bruh i hate this crackshit, even worse than mariflan and just as absurd.
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Flan-chan is such a silly girl!
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Come on anon let’s play together!
I can get behind this.
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W-Why is she looking at me with lust?
You're insufferable. You have both a giantfag and a footnigger thread, and you keep posting your rancid shit outside of these.
you gotta grow up
eat shit you massive loser. oh wait, you'd probably be into that.
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Flan tummy!
Flan's _unny!
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Flan-chan goes to school!
what did she learn?
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hnnnggg dem hips
it was self-study, so she just doodled stuff all around.
It's been like 200 years and she hasn't graduated yet?
she stupid
no, you stupid
It's okay she's rich, she doesn't need to be smart.
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Remi is rich, Flan only exists
Remilia is saving Flan to marry off to another aristocratic vampire family...
I wish himepuchitei did more Furan-chan doujinshi
Flan-chan is, indeed, sugoi.
She just keeps preying on shotas instead of studying
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Flan is a stinky NEET...
Hot damn! Flan is no little girl!
I like that one. She looks a little bigger.
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Flan found you!
Sign of the cross into power of Christ combo.
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Dont be afraid she just wants to play!
Can I play "spot the jew in New York" with Flan? What about "spot the black guy at the NBA game?"
She's good at that part-she even has a book about 10 of them having accidents!
(Is Flan "our girl"?)
Flan knows 6 million is highly improbable. She knows because she tried.
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I wonder how flan-chan would react if I poked her cheeks!
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I want to feed flan lots of sweets!
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Flan is such a cute and silly little vampire
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Please keep your lewdpire away from my daughter, thank you
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Too late flan-chan is going to play with her now!
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Flan-chan deserves lots of tummy kisses!
She wouldn't betray her girlfriend
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She's old so time doesn't mean much as much for her compared to us whippersnappers
I like to believe that this is not a loop, Flandre just danced to the same song for an hour straight
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I want to sleep with flan-chan!
The lewdest girl
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She'd kill me, so yes.
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Would you trust flan-chan with a firearm?
her feet smell is more dangerous

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