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The Sex Fox!
Her socks must smell amazing.
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Why does the sex fox believe men lose their foreskin when they have sex for the first time?
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She is referring to how the hood has never been pulled back...
Or this little zorra is after your foreskin!
Did the tengu order this?
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Translate this, Ivan
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Made to be mercilessly killed.
by my weight over her during breeding
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all this rage, violence and defilement is, obviously, just pure jealously from "that other fox" fags
disgusting yiffers, full of headcanon...
I know that image is edited but i can't help but wonder,why the fuck do japs seem so obsessed with foreskins? I keep seeing this shit in many drawings,especially crappy femdom ones,about muh phimosis and other shit.Is that the result of losing the war against the Americans?
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I know this might shock you, but Japan is a sane country like 80% of the world that doesn't think taking a knife to their kids dicks is a good idea medically speaking. Alternatively, phimosis is seen as childish because if your foreskin isn't peeled it means you've never had sex... which if that's your point of confusion then I also don't truly understand it myself.
Anon you should probably look up what phimosis is before continuing
I don't know why some nips think Phimosis is a condition that proves you are a virgin. Like I'd read some doujin and the girl starts talking about phimosis and foreskin and I'm like "lolwut". It's not an isolated incident mind you, it seems to be a somewhat common belief
Japanese culture has had historically extremely poor sexual education which meshed badly with a bunch of people making a fictional porn industry. There's not really much more to it.
I think they want (or worse, actually think there already is) an equivalent for a male to a girl losing her hymen, so they've decided that only virgins have phimosis, and you lose it when you have sex
thus it makes sense for sex fox to tease you about it until you snap
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But enough talk... *touches fluffy tail*
Put on the Ran mask
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*improves your sex fox tenfold
Still not as good as the original.
9 out of 10 foxfuckers recommend!
I can't find that post in the archive.
Could be fake
"Yoo-hoo mister Hunter-san! I've come to visit you!" I heard a cry from outside my hut, opening the door, I could see it was clearly a fox youkai, undisguised and all.
Just my luck.
"Mister Hunter, do you remember the fox you let go from a trap a few days ago?"
I nodded. Of course I knew it was a youkai, what kind of fox doesn't bite or snarl at a human? A diseased one or a youkai, the ramifications of eating either will be one dead man.
"Well, that fox was me! See my leg?" She pointed to some bandages around her shin as proof. "I'm so grateful you decided to free me Mister Hunter and since I'm in your debt, you can ask me for anything, anything at all!" she proudly stated.
"I can't think of a thing and even if I could, I set those traps you know? It's not like you owe me squat." I told her.
She frowned at this. "Oh, don't be so apologetic! I blundered into your well set traps after all despite the signs you put up, if anything, I owe YOU for the lost time!"
"Be that as it may, I don't really want for anything." I ate well, made plenty of money off trading furs, was in good health, couldn't really ask for more.
"Really? You can't think of ANYTHING you'd like? No UNFULLFILLED desires in your heart?" She said, sticking out her chest, her tail swooshing behind her.
Well I could use a good hunting dog, but that's something you ask of a fox...
"Maybe warn me the next time Tengu are flying about? That'd be helpful." Didn't want to get caught up in their messes, I may not live on Youkai Mountain, but my hunting grounds where a tad close for comfort.
"Oh..." She said, here ears slumping before suddenly peaking back up again. "Oh of course Mister Hunter, I'll make sure you know right away if your in the way of any Tengu schemes, don't you worry one bit. Trusty Tsukasa will keep an eye on things for you!" She said with a thing smile and a wink before waving goodbye and prancing up the mountain.
I hope this doesn't become a pain in the ass, feels like it will.
What is the sex fox without sex?
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Would have worked better with an unnamed tubefox.
Tsukasa is all the sudden looking way more attractive!
Ran suddenly lost a lot of weight!
I REALLY dislike this image.
Can you not post it ever again please?
Fox the Sex
But why?
I'm pretty neutral about this image but I've seen it all over the place. Why is that?
I remember it had Tsukasa drawn in TD style (iirc), with the background from TD's 4th stage. Moreover, I found the post a long time ago, but it got removed a few years later. Is this some kind of Mandela effect?
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The quoted posts have too many numbers for /jp/ (posts here have 8 numbers not 9), so you must have seen it on /v/ or something, though /v/ would have had 400,000,000 many years ago, so maybe it was /vg/
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Fox thighs
hunter anon is wise to turn down the fox but I doubt she would let it go just like that
A nipple? On my family friendly board? I shall be pulling all advertising immediately.
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It is too late, the fox has taken over the advertisements.
poor hunter-san is too dumb to pick up on the signals from a fox right in front of his face! Maybe she needs to come back repeatedly and make sure he knows exactly what she wants?
>she needs to come back repeatedly and make sure he knows exactly what she wants?
The dumb fox isn't in any position to make demands, hunter-san would do well to shoe this pest away.
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she's going to give it her best shot and die trying!
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Oh no!
The fox has caught you
The fox is about to puke from nervousness
God, Reimu looks so eeotic with her hair down.
She's so erotic I can't spell straight. I can't think straight. I can't even think. I need her.
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>the fox doesn't know its all plan of her keikaku
Your bloodline has been seized for foxification
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
I mean, it's better than no bloodline.
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And that's a good thing! The rest of the world doesn't circumcise. Foreskin is good and natural and how it's supposed to be. Damn circumcised freaks...
She isn't talking about genital mutilation.
What if you just pulled her into a hug? Just had her sit on your lap and rocked her gently? What if you told her that you accept her? Maybe pat her head a bit

meandering kitsune

I refuse your budget Ran fleshlight
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So fast!
why some people seem to hate Tsukasa so much? she's just a silly little fox
They can't comprehend the idea of a youkai being immoral
Oh believe me, I can, that bitch is far from the only youkai I dont like.
I simply hate tsukasa specifically the most.
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I guess she's a character designed to be disliked. She's a slimy little manipulator that tries to pull 4D chess moves and play everyone. However this is charming because she sucks at it and everyone knows her gimmick. She's a little shit, and everyone knows she's a little shit, the player can see she's a little shit by bouncing between stages sowing discourse. It is known that every word out of this vulgar fox's mouth is a lie.
It's easy to put her in funny situations where she's way in over her head. This and her small stature makes her prime bully material.

Compared to her, Mamizou has none of those qualities and is instead just an unlikeable cunt because there is no payoff and nothing positive you can spin about her character. She's just not handled well in the printworks, and she appears too much for how she is now so much that she's a drag on whatever scene she's in.
t. ZUN's wife
Boob toob fox
long fox is long
Zorra entra a tu casa
Very soft fox
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strange one tailed Ran
Sex fox sex fox you're sex fox
I love Mamizou
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It's weird. She doesn't sound like Ran either
You can use duct tape and make the sobbing optional. Not a half bad onahole after that.
But then it's not fun anymore
Sex fox has canon black underwear
The fox of the socks
Cease the bullying! This pic has been posted twice now.
the sobbing is an integral part of the experience
next you'll say that I should stop her from trying to tell me that she isn't Ran and begging me to stop
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Poor Miss Tsukasa, and she spent the last week bragging about being irresistable to men to all of Megumu's subordinates and now they're all throwing her pitying looks or pointing in her direction before chuckling - or worse, telling her that "everyone has an off-day" and "not to worry about it".
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dont trust this smile
as cute and flowery as it is
there is a fox behind it
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translate this, weeb
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Chain by fate
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top right: "The pleasure of being cummed inside."
top middle: "The pleasure of being cummed inside."
top left: "The pleasure of being cummed inside."
top sfx: "cum"
bottom right: "The pleasure of being cummed inside."
bottom right sfx: "cum"
bottom middle: "The pleasure of being cummed inside."
bottom middle sfx: "cum"
bottom left: "The pleasure of being cummed inside."
He doesn't like having sex with Women
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Me too.
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despite being called the sex fox, there are few doujins featuring her. This is a travesty.
Silly fox, we're not the same species!
makes sense, that image is pure sex
What happens if it's posted for a third time?
Third Lunar War
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Fox have paper for you
I don't know what it is but I'll sign whatever she gives me
From what I can tell, she's trying to sell you a shady credit card.
Is this incentive?
A fic in which the fox gets sexed (by someone not of her species):
Hurt Fox is almost pitiable
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nice, thanks for sharing
I guess it is happening already >>47355308. I hope third time's a charm. How would Tsukasa fare during open war? Would she be pressed into service? Tried to flee? Profited from the chaos?
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I feel like Tsukasa is a coward at heart, I think she would at first try to profited from the conflict only for it get too chaotic and than try to run away.
In a danmaku battle?
Did reavski just came back just to make a sexfox fic?
I'd been running for awhile, dodging down alleyways, jumping over fences, even scaled a roof or two, but even still, my pursuer didn't relent.
Why did I go out at the dead of night in the first place? So stupid, whatever it was, I could've just waited until the morning couldn't I? That didn't matter now though, because I hit a dead-end alley and I saw a long shadow stretch over me, with two pointed ears atop it.
"Don't hurt me please! I'll give you anything you want!" I pleaded, turning around and covering my face.
"Oh, anything?" The voice said softly as it came closer "Even your life?" It breathed down my neck.
Fearfully, I lowered my arms to see my pursuer and found... a one tailed fox.
I sighed in relief.
"Hey! What are you getting so relaxed about?" She said, annoyed.
"Oh, well, I thought you were that one nine-tailed fox that buys tofu every once in a while. She seems scary, so I guess I'm kind of glad?"
The fox's eye twitched, annoyed. "One tailed tube foxes are scary enough! I'll show you I'll..." she began, but no matter how menacing of a presence she tried to put on, all the tension had already escaped from the situation and softly, the fox began to weep. "It's not fair... Fox Youkai work plenty hard, but the nine tails get all the credit, isn't my work valuable too? Can't I get something for my efforts?" She wept.
"Uh please don't cry, ah... I have some sweets at home if you promise to leave me be..." I offer.
"*hic*, maybe, sweets sound nice..." The Fox said.
After that I took her home and gave her some stuff I was saving and she thanked me and went on her way.
Thinking back on it, now the fox knows where I live, which is an uncomfortable thought. Had I been swindled? Eh, whatever, worse things have happened right?
this man will lose his legacy to the belly of a fox
What secret is she whispering in her ear?
Studies have shown that by 2060, the Gensokyo population will be 92% sexfox
There's no stopping it, just accept that your bloodline will be outfoxed
that sounds like too many foxes to sex. i'd be spending all day doing nothing but sexing foxes
Not if we put her down!
do NOT tsukasabuse
Remember to spay and neuter your foxes!
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she can be quite clingy
>day 2
WTF am I looking at?
how can you love foxes if you don't know aburaage
I thought that was her tongue or tentacle.
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depends on the amount of single men for the tubelets to marry.
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I love that artists stuff
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That's way too fast
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thats just because Tsukasa loves you so much! you should let her into your house and help her with her next sche- i mean business opportunity! just follow the instructions of your new lover and you will live the rest of your life in luxury!
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I wake up and saw a fox in my bed
Catch her before she runs!
Initiate brutal fox rape.
there are so many eromanga where a woman's nipples are orifices which can be penetrated by penises
thinking all virgin men have phimosis is mild in comparison
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Tsukasa's Flea Market is open!
That's an old German children's book.
"Trau keinem Fuchs
Auf grüner Heid
Und keinem Jud
bei seinem Eid"
Trust no Fox on a green heath
And no Jew on his oath.
So Tsukasa is a jewish fox? I knew it.
How much for the piggy?
I don't trust her as my roguelike shopkeeper
500 kon or 10 10gu coin or 100k chima coin.
Fox will stay
>10 10gu coin or 100k chima coin
Since when chima coin had so much worth? Was there redenomination I have missed?
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>Since when chima coin had so much worth?
Her currency is basically worth as much as toilet paper. If Gensokyou uses chima coin, her economy is currently in hyperinflation. Pic semi related.
Value went up when people found out that chima coin was chima backed; you can redeem 10k chima coin for 10 minutes of supervised time with chima.
Oh my god!
100 minutes with Chimata for a piggy... Also, is Tsukasa content with just watching?
Tsukasa greatly enjoys watching, occasionally correcting your form and encouraging Chimata and so forth. In fact, the whole setup is her idea.
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i have no interest in a useless fading goddess. i just wanted some privacy to see if these rumors about a sex fox are true.
imagine the look of confusion when you ask Chimata how much the fox costs
imagine the look of shock when you loudly say "free? thats great" and grab Tsukasa off the ground with zero effort
imagine the look of terror as you rip off her clothes
imagine the look of absent-minded pleasure on her as she is skewered on your dick
imagine the look of barely repressed arousal on Chimata as you thoroughly bounce Tsukasa on your hips
Tsukasa the onahole fox!
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This picture makes me think, Tsukasa is the epitome of a girl who knows she's cute.
She knows all she has to do is sit there and act cute and eventually you'll cave. People have resistances after all, but those are only resistances, eventually you'll cave because that's the universal law of cute things.
However if you reject her fully, maybe if you have another person on your mind or your really a dog person instead, then she'll absolutely throw a fit, because at that point it's no longer "resistance" but immunity and your rejection will be solid proof that even being cute and clever, there's some things she just can't have.
Woe be to a person who is outside a jealous persons reach.
>She knows all she has to do is sit there and act cute and eventually you'll cave. People have resistances after all, but those are only resistances, eventually you'll cave because that's the universal law of cute things.
That's only if you don't know she's a manipulative shithead
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dumb fox
she fits in a tube, she can get out of this...
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>That's only if you don't know she's a manipulative shithead
Some people just can't resist.
Does that look like a tube to you?
Why is tsukasa pure just incarnate
Ir's her little socks.
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sex scientists are baffled
Fox snuck in again...
It hard to resist foxes with their cuteness and sweet words
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I am not strong enough, so I must rely on another's strength.
There is only two that could oppose the devilish cuteness of the fox.
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Poor Tsukasa
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Moments before Ran crushes Tsukasa's tube like EVA-01 crushed EVA-03's entry plug...
image the view from the inside if she used it to pleasure herself
Is she ok?

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