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"Posponed" edition

Please read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guide

Fumo Information Website from a helpful anon - https://fumo.website/

Places to buy fumos and other plushes:

For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides (a bit dated)- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharing

Picture guide for acquiring fumos-

Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html
Gift Closet: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nuigurumi_costume/
Online Shop: http://giftshop.jz.shopserve.jp/

Fumo: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=ふもふも
Deka: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=でかふも

Fumo: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=フモフモ ふもふも&lang=en
Deka: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=デカフモ でかふも&lang=en

Tokyo Otaku Mode-

Solaris Japan-

Fumo: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=ふもふも+東方ぬいぐるみ
Deka: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=でかふも+東方ぬいぐるみ

Amiami- Amiami is currently the only place for non-jp people to buy Fumos during official sales, check Gifts twitter for sale dates
Fumos: https://www.amiami.com/eng/search/list/?s_keywords=touhou%20plush&s_sortkey=releasedated
Gift Closet: https://www.amiami.com/eng/search/list/?s_keywords=gift%20closet&s_sortkey=releasedated

Proxy and Forwarding services-

Do not buy from JP Figures. They are a scam.

Where can you get Fumos in Tokyo?
Akiba Hobby, AmiAmi, Lashinbang, and K-Books in Akihabara. Animate in Ikebukuro. Mandarake and Surugaya have multiple locations.

#/fumo/ irc available on irc.rizon.net

link to the op text: https://pastebin.com/jJsKV0QJ

Previous thread:
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with the beginning of a new thread i'd like to share this image with you.

despite knowing this is my bones, for some reason i didn't think about it. thank you for grounding me.
Cute librarians.
No worries, it happens.
Fumoxfumo was talking about making medium sized bootlegs on Twitter. Nothing guaranteed yet but lots of people are interested.
qrd on shipping for pre order on amiami.com? i live in canada, first time buyer.
whatever you select right now doesn't matter. when they send you your payment request in however many months they will ask you again with prices for each of them.

could be interesting to see custom mannaka from them. will have to watch and see what they do
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When are these going to show up on Buyee?
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amiami please i just want to fucking pay. i hit submit payment, you say processing, then you say that ca isn't defined. what do i need to do for you to let me pay
I just want to order my Hecatia fumo, amiami please hurry up
Choose EMS if you're unsure. The 1-3 weeks is wildly overstated, it will probably be more like 2 or 3 days. EMS = express mail, meaning it will be delivered by your country's postal service rather than a private carrier.
That's true unless your national postal service is known for their slowness and overall unreliability. The post in some parts of the world are simply taking it too easy!
considering that they are in LA and not japanese AmiAmi stores? probably a while
Small packet is usually the best compromise by far, almost as cheap as surface parcel and with a decent delivery time of around two weeks.
Feel free to choose whatever for now though, once you get the mail asking you to pay you'll also get the choice to change the shipping type, and all of them will have a price listed then.
ca means certificate authority, if it can't be found that means there's something wrong with the webpage. Try with another browser just in case, if that doesn't work you'll have to wait for them to fix it.
I preordered the Yuyuko! She will be my 5th fumo
Mom also made a new set of tiny socks and scarf, in a really cute purplepink colour, I think she will look really adorable with them!
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chat is that real?
holy shit
gooboo has gone berserk
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Yes, it's what fumos do when you're not looking, like in Toy Story
Where did you grab those pics from, anon?
They were posted on the gift twitter account.
Gotta love Okinas chair. Though i imagine that's gonna bump her price up a touch.
Here are the lostword varients too, though i think they're currently being sold at anime expo, so you might be able to find pics of them irl.
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I see. I always check the fumos on the catalog webpage (https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html?page=5), and the pictures are cleaner there, but it doesn't have the newer ones like hecatia so a few sample pics will always be there.
By the way, I'm working on a script which will create charts with the new style automatically so there won't be a need to edit the chart by hand every time, you'll just need to give it a folder with the pics and fill a list with their names.
Pic related is what it gives out for now with a test list, it still needs some work but it looks decent already.
Interesting stuff, thanks for the effort!
Ah, awesome! I'm not the chart anon for the record, just posting where they came from. Thanks for the work.
I need pictures of fumos in bed to help fall asleep.
first time buyer, is the pc 98 reimu likely to come back into stock? or was that a one time thing?
We've yet to see any alt-color/variants like her get rereleased yet, so who knows if that'll happen any time soon. I've been checking the listing on AmiAmi for the off chance any unsold extra stock gets put up, but that seems like a crapshoot at this point.
that's kind of a bummer. i could've bought it last year, just didn't know it was coming and stopped paying attention
Your best bet is to buy her from YJA, the current cheapest listing has a buyout price (no need to gamble by bidding) of 8800 yen, which isn't much more than the original 6050.
that's not even that badly scalped, i assume, but i would hate to buy it and then it magically restocks or they magically put out other ones in the near future since the 30th anniversary of the project is next year

i could also just wait till reitaisai and buy the normal design reimu, as i'm sure i'll restock then
Yeah, scalping (buying up all the stock to force people to buy from resellers at 2X the price or higher) isn't something that exists anymore, now that preorders have unlimited stock. Only regular resellers are left, with small margins and from which only people who've missed up on the preorder rounds end up buying.
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im so fucking jealous
i need those two to pair my v1 yukari
Great picture.
Shame for the tiny bits of dirt under he chin, but those can be edited out.
That's no dirt, Yukari is a mature lady and she forgot to thoroughly shave that day.
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Finally done with the script.
Now I need to fill in the txt with the list of filenames for each of the pics and their labels. It's gonna take some time, but it's the easier part.
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i tend to pixel peep my pics but i never even noticed, this is pretty a edited one too, i would've edited that out yeah

a bit nitpicky but will there ever be different versions listed of v1 reimu fumo? like the 2008 is way too different to the final v1 version of her, her mouth even is more similar to Kokoro's over the flat one like Ran does
Cute fuwas. Were they worth the buy?
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Behold! I present to you, for the first time ever, fumo-powered air conditioner!
free her!!!
My EMS package has been stuck at "Dispatch from outward office of exchange" status for 1.5 weeks now and I'm afraid they didn't put enough breathing holes in the box for the fumers to breathe for so long! So stressful!
are you on a chromium browser? if so, try firefox
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Okay, question time:

>How many and what fumos do you own?
>Favorite fumo design
>What fumo(s) do you want the most?

For me, it's
>1, Remi
>Suwako, Marisa and Kogasa
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That's a good point, I've also noticed there's a lot of variation between early and late V1s, to the point the latest ones are more similar to V1.5s than to early V1s (see early and late V1 alices on pic related).
The problem is there's no official way to distinguish them, so rather than making a separate section I'll add a note to the description of the V1 section (Classic).
>3 : koishi, black myon and V1.5 yukari
>The one and only inu sakuya
9, Tenshi Yukari Yuyuko Marisa Reimu Alice Eiki Marisa98 Reimu98
I've also got 5 more which are dupes or v1.5 versions of the above, and which I'm keeping in storage cause I want to sell them eventually
My favorite, style wise, is Tenshi. Her seven colored belt looks great, same goes for her boots and hat.
Yukari was the last fumo I really wanted to get, there are many more I'd be happy with but I feel like I've got too many already. I'll only make a final exception when mannaka Marisa comes out.
Yes, they are super qt
very soft too
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Do NOT let your Fumos be around guns
>3. Reimu, Sakuya, and Cirno
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>How many and what fumos do you own?
Uh...34. Plus a bunch of extras. I find as I get older I find myself more drawn to cutesy stuff, so I've kind of fallen for Fumos hard.
>Favorite fumo design
I'm not one to choose favorites, but it's probably between Hong and Kaguya. Something about the way they made their dresses in particular I really like.
>What fumo(s) do you want the most?
Parsee! I love her and I've been waiting for her to get a Fumo. I ordered two of her, one for the shelf, one to carry around!
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12, Udonge, Yuyuko, Flandre, Sakuya, Remi, PC98 Reimu, Suika, Suwako, Nitori, Miku, Luka, and Deka Sanae.
I like Nitori's design a lot. Pretty simple but very cute.
I really want a Kanako fumo.
Too many to count/list
UFO Marisa or Mokou (v1)
I want them to make a Kanako, it's been the dream for many years
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>How Many
1 (Saya) with an alt Reisen on pre-order
>Favourite Design
I'd probably have to choose Kokoro, but Suwako has a very good hat
>Want the most
Probably original Reisen, although that is one I know I could buy easily if I spend the money. For someone who doesn't have one yet, probably Wriggle. I think she deserves one already
> 5 - Flandre Scarlet, Patchouli Knowledge (Kourindou ver), Saya, Reimu Hakurei (pc-98), and Flandre Scarlet (Lost Word - E1)

>A tie between Suwako and Patchouli (I love the hats)

>All of them
...Realistically, I want to try and get the entire cast of EoSD and see where I go from there, even though I got more coming from pre-ordering.
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>4:Seija, Tanned Cirno, Renko, PC-98 Marisa
>Kisume, Yamame and Yuugi to complete SA cast
Still waiting for Koishi payment getting activated.
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1, Suika
>all these people naming their owned fumos
>no Satorin to be found
>no one mentions her as their favorite or most wanted either
why do you people hate the Satorin
She's koishi but worse.
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>>How many and what fumos do you own?
Tenshi, Yukari (v1.5 + Kourindou), Rumia, Remilia (v1.5), Sakuya (v1.5), Satori, Koishi, Suika, Reimu (v1.5 + LW + PC98), Marisa (v1.5, LW, PC98), Ran (v1.5), Reisen (v1 + PoFV), Kokoro, Kasen, Yuuka, Eiki, Nitori, Miko
>>Favorite fumo design
Yukari (Kourindou), Tenshi, Kokoro, Reimu (LW)
>>What fumo(s) do you want the most?
Okina, Okuu, Kogasa, Aya (Kourindou)
Not having her as a favorite doesn't mean we hate her, I would like to get her fumo too but I'm completely out of space.
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I think the clothes are ugly and unstylish, and I think her color scheme is quite lame and dumb, and I don't like her eye thing with the wire. Her entire design is a mess.
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>20: pc98 came after I took the picture, Saya is pre-ordered
>UFO Marisa
>I want them all, but I think realistically I'm done for now

I can assure you I give my deka Satorin plenty of hugs and thoughts of affirmation
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I love Satori! I had a Deka Satori along with a medium Satori and several other Fumos with me when I was in a homeless shelter for a month.
The legendary smiling Ran mofumofumo...
What if she was someone's sole deka or medium fumo?
Her, Sanae and Koishi will be with me soon :>
or your computer, they installed opera
Big sis Satori-sama looking over the herd
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I washed and fan-dried my Remi's dress and now it's starting to curl. How should I restore it back?
>flandre fag
i think you should tie a few cinder blocks to your ankles and then hang yourself from a three story balcony so that your body tears itself apart as you die you stupid fucking piece of shit
i named mine dahlia, namielle, and olivia. i have three satoris
This is my first time ordering from AmiAmi and I think I need some help, how am I going to pay? I know I am going to receive an email but from whom? from AmiAmi? And when is this going to happen? I made the order 2024/06/10 but it still says calculating shipping fees. I am asking because yesterday I randomly received an email from USPS saying they couldn't track my location even though I have never ordered from them, the thing is I am from Peru, and based on a quick Google search USPS does not deliver to my country, did this happen because I choose Air Small Packet (Registered) as the shipping method? Please, someone help me. I want the cute Nue fumo.
It says on the store page of the item you bought when it will be released. You will get a payment request email from Amiami around that time.

It will be from e_support@amiami.com and have a subject of "AmiAmi: Payment Request (order number here)".

I wouldn't expect to get anything from amiami until the month of release. Their shipping page shows that all shipping methods aside from SAL are available for Peru so I wouldn't worry very much. You'd pay by Paypal probably.

>Credit card payment is not available for Peru, Vietnam, or Ukraine. Please select PayPal if you are in these countries.
FromJapan is the best proxy service there is. Their packaging is the best AND shipping costs are pre-calculated. They even have a "cancel membership" button. On the other hand, Zenmarket is Jewish and has "credit" (WTFucking Jewish) and they fearmonger their shipping (WTF I likely paid more than I could have). The ZM shills on here definitely work there. Never go near Buyee.
Call me a OneMap shill, but there is no better proxy out there.
>inb4 never tried forwarding
saying all this for the archivebros
BTW when they say EMS is 1-3 weeks that is being very, very conservative, it's really like 1-3 days.
>ZM shills
I don't think I've ever seen anyone recommending it here besides me, and only as a better alternative for the (terrible) buyee.
FromJapan is definitely the best choice of the three, it's always been my first recommendation.
What is wrong with Buyee?
Current collection. The dolls on the edges are custom made things the wife had done. Far right is literally a "Ram" based off something an AI spat out (Ram horns on a Ram) which looked cute. One more Fumo is coming, then the cabinet is full, and the agreement was... if it doesn't fit in the cabinet, we don't buy it.
(Tada! Another cabinet!)
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Forgot pic
I'd first try ironing it on a really low temperature, but that's easy for me to say as Im not the one to own the thing and won't suffer the consequences if I destroy it
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Besides having the highest service costs for no reason besides being the most popular and the "official" proxy for YJA, their order consolidation service is often terrible (see pic) and can end up making you pay almost twice as much for shipping than what's actually needed. Also, listings are sometimes blocked for no reason, or just because the item has "damaged" as condition.
I do use their webpage when I'm searching for stuff, though, it's the cleanest and most efficient one (probably because of their partnership with YJA), but I buy anything I'm interested in by copying the listing ID into FromJapan (best overall) or ZenMarket (best packing efficiency thus cheaper shipping costs for non fragile stuff).
Wow, your wife does very nice work. Nicely done! I particularly like the eyebags on the Ram there, it’s a neat touch.
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>You know the Pringles chip? The one that pops when you open the can?

>The flavor carries those crunchy chips far, far from where they were stacked. What if one of them ends up in a place where snacks are rare and bland? If you can imagine how that lone chip will feel... then you might be able to understand me.

>That chip is still a tasty treat. If it does its best, it can turn even the dullest snack time into a feast.

>Maybe that little chip will decide to thrive. Maybe it will decide to inspire and multiply so that it can turn the whole snack time into a celebration of Pringles.

>What do you think can give it the strength to do so?

>All it needs... is to be enjoyed by just one person in that whole snack time. All it needs is to be told how delicious Pringles are.
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The Rumias demanded quite the payment to tripsit me the other night, only my finest milled reales from the mines of Mexico
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Family portrait
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>Death Burger Rumia
Based. Love my cute 'lil gal.
Extremely cute hinaichigo, anon

Rumia has learned that you can give metal to the humans in exchange for raw meat and they don't seem to get mad. But fresh is always best.
Hats off to your wife! They look so soft and huggable!
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It's finally done. I've truly poured my soul into this, even with the help of a script it's taken like a dozen hours to prepare the pictures, the list with all the names and numbers and polish the script to make everything look good.
Feel free to make suggestions, everything is customizable, from the colors to the spacing.
I'll make the script more user friendly in a couple days and post it, so that anyone can keep the chart updated.
>How many
4 . 1 Bootleg , a v1 and 2 modern ones
>favorite fumo design
as in face? Chen or Orin. If overall design, probably kogasa or kourin Yukari
>Fumo want the most
Okina, Ran. Eventually Byakuren
Chart-anon this is truly amazing! Thank you for all the hard work <3
Only thing I'd recommend is to sort them how they are in the normal charts for all of them. So Reimu first, then Marisa, etc.
Reason I say that is the 1.5 category just stands out since Reimu is way down there.
Otherwise it looks good and I assume makes it easy to add to.
Nice work. It'd missing the Aya nendoroid plus though. https://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/2997/Nendoroid+Plus+Plushie+Series+16+Aya+Syameimaru.html
Excellent and infomative chart, very based!
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Thanks, though I'm not the usual chart anon, just someone who wanted to help him make the charts more easily and in a format which wouldn't have so much empty space in it. Once I'll have posted the script to make them, I'll let him keep them updated like he's done so far.

The current order puts maximum priority on the release order, but I think you're right and we can make an exception by placing the fumos on the first two rows in the same order as on the classic section. The series number on the corner will take care of telling people they've actually been released later, anyway.

Oh right, thanks. I had even downloaded her picture but forgot to add her to the list.

Glad you appreciate.

Here's a V2 version, it's got a changelog on the top left.

And in case someone's curious, here's how the current fumo list looks like.
It uses the filenames from the pictures you get by downloading this page, which means only a small portion had to be downloaded separately (namely the dekas up to 5, inu sakuya, the nendo plus and the unreleased fumos):
Good work anon. What did you write the script itself in?
Here it is, it's python
And here's the settings file if you want to give it a try, you can surely figure out the filenames needed for this and the list file

I'm planning in wrapping it in a batchfile script (like I've done with another tool of mine, 4cc-related) which will make it usable by the laymen. It'll check if python is installed and open the download page, then it'll check if pillow is installed and run pip to install it automatically.
Forgot to say, I'm also considering turning it into an exe with PyOxidizer, although it would make it less trustworthy.
Guess I could do that and include the clean py file in the zip for people who prefer to know the source of what they're running.
Very nicely done Anon, I appreciate the work you put into making this!
the sleep fox.
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it's time to wake up
>how many
2 originals (mari + reimu pc98), 3 bootlegs (2x lily white, 1x lily black)
>fav design
got to be momiji ever since I saw pic related (mischievous creature with the tomat)
>want the most
okina because she comes with a fucking chair
tempted to buy one of the yakumo fumos, already have yukari (albiet it's the kourindou version) but dunno.
>lilly fumo
where did you get her?
cirno abuse
>where did you get her?
I got my girls from the usual place, the FumoxFumo store. I've always used their AliExpress page, but apparently they've got an Amazon one now too.
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made parsee a video
i'll look into that then
>how many?
40 standard (39 and 1 dupe)
5 mannaka
1 deka
9 minis
1 nendoroid plus
3 random doujin plush
2 funi (1 regular, 1 small)
5 bikku/daru
2 nuimaru
2 movic mascot
3 sukus

i think thats all of them?

if we are talking about just fumos it is suwako. if extended to all plushes i own, it would be inufuto, if all touhou plushes ever, my current fav would be the letty made by nuikobo

>want the most?
chen (though i already have her on order)
>1 Suwako, 1 Rumia
>Sakuya, Marisa, Suika because I love her but her fumo looks kind of weird/off
>>How many and what fumos do you own?
0 for now, I have Kasen and Yukari preordered.
>>Favorite fumo design
Don't have one yet
>>What fumo(s) do you want the most?
I'm so jealous of your Paru-chan Anon. The wait for her AmiAmi release will be so hard.
Mind explaining the framed Enel panel though? lmao
Anon, a simple "Meant for >>xxxxxxxx" is usually sufficient
Shush. Shush. You saw nothing! The delete button is there, I'm gonna use it!
believe in the november release date anon! you can pass the time reflecting on yourself or picking up a hobby, cuz i love him and i think he's goofy, also nice triple slip post combo chain
also i legit forgot he was there when i was recording
Dammit, nono, you didn't have to acknowledge it too..It was embarrassing enough with that other Anon, dammit...
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at least you didn't accidentally make a new thread in the process and could never live that shame down, that'd be awful
well, fuck me i guess. thought i preodered them last night but the preorder didn't go through? granted i was most likely gonna cancel anyway but still disappointed as hell (everything was apparently stuck in the cart).
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mannaka patchy get
the Enel is great with this lmfao
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That's some nice books you got there, Patchy
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Whats the current good store to buy bootlegs?

Back then lolitacos store used to be the only good one, as fumoxfumo was always hit or miss, plus theirs are the most expensive ones
I hope more fumos get props like Kogasa and Okina
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cope from loser poser
sleepy thread~
is it bad to buy a reimu without getting her a marisa for company? will she get lonely?

buy Sanae instead
yes, but a yukarin can keep her company as well.
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watch out so she doesn't fall in love with you reimus tend to be like that
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g-guys is she supposed to be doing this?
Kitsune Intelligence Agency (KIA)
I've been thinking exactly the same. I want to buy both at the same time, it just doesn't feel right to just get one of them.
this is pc 98 reimu, her only option is pc 98 marisa
mima fumo wen
sometimes family is a girl, her friend, her friend's ghost yokai mom, her yokai turtle that can fly, and some random yokai who plays with dolls all the time

if ZUN had any soul left he'd do more pc 98 fumos for the 30th anniversary next year
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Right after she comes out in lost word, like reimu98 and marisa98 did.
Nevermind, just checked out of curiousity and she's already out in that game. Just a matter of time then.
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Official Mima and Shinki fumos would probably sell like hotcakes.
I do wonder how/if they'd do Mima's ghost tail...
Dont grill the moo
Been out for a drive lately with bootleg Marisa, anon?
Really? I think my Reimu hates me after buying more Fumos
had to surgically remove beard hairs from merry's face with tweezers today
AmiAmi is taking forever to put out the Koishi payment
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is air small packet bad? I recently ordered with that (registered) an I'm a bit scared.
>hotcake mix
at least they had good taste
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It's fine. You'll be fine. The only one to really worry about is SAL, and that just takes time.
Dayum that's a lot of fumofumo. Mind sharing a photo of the whole clan?
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She don't look impressed
why would you even do this you pathetic madman excuse of a retard
To get reactions like yours out of it, and laugh at them.
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She is Chinese
Where did you go on your drive?
i found out about cumming on fumos recently and thought it was stupid so i went to the sub and saw it was locked, out of curiosity i found a comp vid and started getting really pent up over it. i tried to ignore it but i gave in and shot my load to it in under a few minutes, and now ive been trying to find more videos and staring at my flandre and satori, last time i came i put my phone down to stare at them across the room when i finished. im fighting the urge to do it to them...
this nigga down bad
good night sweet princess
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Took my Reimu to Ireland this weekend.
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We visited Dublinia
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Looks good! Have you taken a picture with waterfall behind Reimu? I think it would look cool.
A medieval beggar asking for donations for his fumo also looks funny.
You're a piece of shit if you violate them. Condition yourself to not get turned on by this shit. Like hitting yourself.
i have a cirno in the mail soon, will she freeze my cock if i try?
leave him alone?
Still waiting for the payment request.....
Gas station after work.
Do you often take your fumo with you on a drive?
It always happens with stuff that gets popular, I remember spergs doing the same thing to amiibos. But no one of these pussies have the balls to destroy a deka fumo lmao
Do you sleep with your fumo? I interchange between my bootlegs. I keep the authentic ones on my shelf to watch over me.
Nah, dont want to get them dirty
I sleep on the floor and let Alice have the bed to herself
they're too dense and uncomfy and i don't want to get them dirty.
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Greetings, anons. I own but one Fumo (name is Blu-Rei Disc) but she is well loved and in good company
Where is my Sanae+Komeiji sisters, AmiAmi?
I admit hugging them is hard so I just lean them on my stomach or chest when I sleep on my side. I have a nesoberi that I hug anyway.
I plan to get some cleaning done with my bootlegs soon.
I do. They do get a bit dirty after a few months but I just clean them and they're back to new.
Hugging them while sleeping is something I only do with my V1 fumos though.
No, but I prepare the bed and then put my fumos in there while I go out
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Based. I took Cirno on out on a night drive
>take cirno fumo on drive
>see sign that says icy road ahead
>freezes the road
>driver crashes and dies
dum baka
Driving with fumos is so comfy. Do you often take her out for a drive? Where do you go?
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Blu-Rei Disc is helping me build the RG Strike Freedom Gundam
Tell me some comfy stories about your fumos and your times with them.
Why is he blue?
Greetings Blu-Rei Disc welcome to the community
she's the Lost World version. I've never played Lost World but I liked the blue and it gave me the opportunity to give her a funny name
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The fruits of her labor

Next we'll be doing the weapons and backpack, then panel lines and decals.
Bootleg Shion. This time with no communist propaganda.
Sometimes, yeah.
I take one to work or errands, but I leave them in the car as I don't want the others to see - even though I like to put her on top of the dashboard for passersby to see.
It's a weird thing with me, I don't want them to be noticed with me but at the same time, I do want them to be noticed? Figured it's an insecure thing.
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no way
oh man I guess I should get one
Huh, I wasn't expecting them to start re-releasing mannakas so soon
It was my first time taking one of my fumos out on a night drive actually. I drove a bit more cautiously with her in the car. Typically I drive around my town and on new roads and routes too
Guys is amazon.jp still a good place to buy fumos?
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Never tried it, but I'd expect it to be like ebay, full of listings from professional resellers with inflated prices. YJA through a proxy is your best bet.

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