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This is one of the most disgusting images ever posted on the jay. I know that you think that because it's fine because it's just a drawing, but this kind of bullying is simply cruel. This is actually repulsive.
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Guten Morgen.
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somebody teach me how to tiny speak, pretty please
ᴸᵒʷᵉʳ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵛᵒᶦᶜᵉ
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just use the [ ] for the sjis. like the spoiler.
          ,. '"´  ̄ ̄`ヽ____
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      ゝ,.ヘ   ' , .[二二二l'二二二二]
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  ,'´ `ソ     \  ` ーっ, | Oh No !
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use sjis for your ascii

I give up. I'm going to commit sudoku.[/sjs]
doggy play gaem
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Ruthless killer
gyate gyate haragyate harasogyate bojisowaka
I wanna do this with a yurianon
the sex touhou
that's all of them
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Teach me how to control my volume, Kyouko!
I'm a very loud person, and it sometimes causes embarrassments.
dumb ghost will regret possessing her
because i will exorcise her old style
| ,.ン'"´  ̄ ̄`ヽ__
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| ゝ,.ヘ ' ,.['二'l'二二二二'l]
| / ∧, ヽ !. | Welcome |
| ,'``ソ \ ` ーっ| Back! |
| '、. / / ,ゝ、,__ノ--、t,-,ァ--┘
| / , ヽ ̄`\
| Tewi-chan!
use tags [sji s] <art goes here> [/sjis] (remove the blank space inside the first tag)
Like this
Benis :D
but what's the tag for tiny speak?
Shift JIZZ
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there's no tag for tiny speak
you have to use a website like capitalizemytitle.com/tiny-text-generator/
ᵗʰᵃⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘ ᵏʸᵒᵘᵏᵒ, ⁱᵗ ʷᵒʳᵏˢ﹗
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ⁱ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵃ ᵖʳᵒᵖᵉʳ ᵗᵃᵍ
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Kyouko-chan is LOUD and always will be and that is good
Imagine how 𝗟𝗢𝗨𝗗 she must be to cause visual distoritons.
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Do you think she would enjoy headpats or ear rubs more? This is important to know.
Fair. But which order now? I’m thinking headpats then going for ear rubs.
Alright geez. If I didn’t know any better I’d swear this is Kyouko herself posting.
w-what is the meaning of this?!
After having done their duty, Kyouko's wings return to heaven where they belong.
But don't worry, if our world is ever threatened by evil again, they will return.
Disgusting. Do not defame my wife like this
she looks cute, what's wrong in that pic?
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Remember this?
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Oh yeah, an anon even made a website in remembrance. Lemme see if I saved it...
Ah, here it is https://kasodani-kyouko.neocities.org/
Another outbreak has happened in the Michael thread.
That's really cool and subtle.
I wonder if there have been other outbreaks that never got noticed, or that stayed in a containment thread and never got shared outside??
Futo got one
Kyouko cute
Without a doubt. I just want to rub her soft ears and tell her to keep up the good work.
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Futo got two recently actually.
There was the box of Futo and in an earlier thread Futo staring at you
neat. could you link those threads?
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How are you guys sleeping. I just woke up from twelve hours of sleep.
a good sleep is good for your health, but dont overdo it or you're gonna slow down your metabolism and turn yourself into a cat.
I really needed it. I normally sleep too little... my left eye has been twitching these past days from lack of sleep
Seconding this. I completely missed them.
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Tiny Futo in your screen:

Box of Futo:

You can find photos of how the threads looked in both threads.
Kyouko needs her rest. Kyouko also seems to suffer from eye strain. Take breaks away from the screen, also eye drops (moisturizing ones)
Thanks for digging through the archives for us. This is neat!
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the kyouko scenes in this get me all hot and bothered, is this normal?
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2 for 1 special
lewd dog
The precious good morning pupper
Every fucking day. Every single fucking day when i come home this little bitch just sits there and gives me this stupid look on her face. What should i do about her? Ideas?
good morning brother
what she needs is a rape correction.
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I think there's something wrong with that dog's ears....
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Hebrew yamabiko!
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wrong YAHOOO
You're a good doggo
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ⰽⰻⱁⰽⱁ ⰽⰰⱀ ⱄⱂⰻⰽ ⰴⰰ ⱇⱁⱃⰱⰻⰴⱆⱀ ⰾⰰⱀⰳⰲⰻⰼ
The Kyok is cute
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Thread seems to be autosaged... oyasumi I guess
Marisa looks so fucking cool!
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rape and mating press
Super adorable
Sleepy sleepy....
what is she sitting on
touhou kyouko sit on deck
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Summer yamabiko
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loud = funny (and cute)
Sexual harassment by children!
Two of them
Why does she dye her hair?
Tiny Kyouko, the most evil being!
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Every time she says something racist, her voice gets louder!
She speaks a forbidden language, indeed.
Based Kyouko.

Yes, she speaks the language of racial slurs and political incorrectness that was forbidden by (((them))), for she speaks truth.
Oh God, she speaks Witcher!

Kek, I can hear it now, "BEEP BOOP BOOP BEEP", like in that Spongebob episode.
I've been getting horrible sleep of 2 - 5 hours constantly as I'm way too awake
sexy kyok
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What language is this? Looks like some kind of Native American/African script.
That's Glagolitic script, a predecessor to the Cyrillic script used for writing Slavic languages. Recently, the script has also become known for its usage to represent the languages of the Witcher series. The actual words, however, are just English words transliterated to the Glagolitic symbols with the closest matching sounds.
Thanks chatgpt.
Well, fuck me for trying to explain something in a concise way, I guess.
You should have shouted it at the top of your lungs so Kyouko-chan could echo it.
i can see some gyaru, goin on: "that's so glagolitic".
Sumireko: "That's Glago-LIT!"
Adorable and sexy at the same time, a very talented doggo.
Fluffy yamabiko
gya gya gya
i want to be beaten up and yelled at by kyouko-chan
I want to give Kyouko hugs and headpats
kyök :D
she's so cute!
Good Morning!!!!
That's her toothbrush
cool kyok
The ultimate morning rescue!
Girls are keeping cool during the Summer!
i can do what nue is doing to her as well haha
She's a good girl!
Love Baek's art
I just gave birth 3 months ago, but sure
And just like that AQ was resurrected from the dead
Extremely scary doggly yamabiko creature
owari da
Don't be fooled! This girl is a lure.
Why do you think Hijiri always has her sweeping the steps? It's because she wants you to see her first thing if you ever visit the temple. "Wow, what a cute thing, wait, that's a Youkai? Maybe I was wrong about them..." is exactly what a victim of this cruel scheme is supposed to think.
Of course, by the time you've entered the temple, it's far too late for you.
t. futo
too late for the afternoon tea?
No, otherwise you'd hear me speaking in strange tongue's like 'thouest' and 'thee', Futo is also a lure, but of a different kind. One must be every vigilant.
More like too late to avoid being USED and sucked dry of your FAITH before you're chopped up and EATEN.
If you want to learn Buddhists teachings, rent a book instead! Just make sure it's not a Tengu-laced piece of propaganda, they're also out to sway others from the true path.
Can I just give her a quick but none to patronizing headpat? Maybe ear rubs if I’m feeling bold? She seems nice enough in and of herself.
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She’s adorable when she’s angy.
Did the medicine merchant forget to bring your pills again?
Not even Sanny can resist Kyok's cuteness!
Musical yamabiko
Who would have guessed that Sanny would fall for fluffy dog ears? Er, wait, that was kinda obvious.
one dog band
Absolutely not! Do not touch the dog-like thing, do not talk to her, don't even approach her! She's a trap Anon! The only winning move is not to play.
Pfft, please. Everyone knows that those medicines are distributed by YOUKAI rabbits who are controlled by people from the moon!
Yeah, cause the Moriyan's and the Mouyren's are in cahoots of course. Trying to rob me of my hard-earned coin and faith! Don't trust either of them!
If she’s a trap then I kind of want to fall for it and her. Kyouko is just too adorable to resist. I WILL headpat the silly sweep mountain dog.
Which programming language you use, Kyouko?
w-wakaranai... this is too /g/ for me...
Shell, merely because `echo` is a commonly used command that ONLY barks back what you give it and nothing else.
Not a thing.
When you type `echo $var` and it returns the value assigned to `var` in the environment that's not `echo` doing it, it's actually the shell substituting the variable's value and THEN echo repeats back the value of var to stdout, or whatever other stream you redirect output to.

To reiterate, echo does nothing but bark back what you give it. I am calling a Kyouko a simpleton, which is fitting because she is an empty brained pawn of the buddhists!
Actually, I just came up with a great idea for a doujinshi. Some villager would become a little friendly with Kyouko and then halfway through she yells to loudly in his ears, causing him to become deaf. For the rest of the comic they're speech bubbles, but now words in them because the character has lost the ability to hear! Making Kyouko cry!
>nothing else
echo always returns true or 0.
Kyouko-chan is good with conputers!
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Kyouko is GAMING
what games? she cant skip work for them! so they must be some easy peasy arcade stuff... maybe some music game... bemanibiko!
Actually, Kyouko can pull of lunatic 1cc with ease. For spellcards' users, schmups are just an exercise.
eeeh, how come kyouko is so good with vidya and konputer stuff? she's gonna make all the other fluffytails 2hou look like a bunch of cavemen.
She is trendsetter among young youkai, you know? Of course she knows how to handle electronics, not like those old wolves.
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It keeps happening!!
dumb dog
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You make this joke and out of the two foxes you choose the one who ISN'T a computer
I'm sick of Nue's shit.
Hugs from Kyouko!
arigatou kyouko-chan
kyouko pop
those kinds of references are forbidden
The trauma...
These girls are ready for business!
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sleepy girls...
Sweep dog ready for some sweeping action
But then you open the gate between them and...
typical dumb doggu behaviour
They're gonna kiss
Imagine the smell
2hu doggly girls are so cute
Hijirin gives her too many treats...

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