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The summer market is here!
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What is it about Chimata that makes people want to hurt her like this?
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The summer marketplace is dead!
She's just so... uncool
The great Satan
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Would someone uncool be doing this?
chimata-san....surfing on her piss....
Madobe Nanami!?
6 million youkai pelts.
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I can offer about tree fiddy
1 gold reichs mark
Whatever's in this brown paper bag, be it money or my lunch.
I will save her! A million Chima Coins!
She's so cool...
anon, that's worth not even peanuts.
lucky you, chimata values even less...
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Chimata looks so confident and cool here, she's definitely a god worthy of giving worship and respect to!
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You can't fool me, she is super popular and rich.
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she just...commands no respect...
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Even dork-goddess is having trouble staying cool in the fire of summer.
Do you have any tips for her, anons?
About 1/5th of a Penny, take it or leave it
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you know what else Times put on their cover?
Virtual Reality Chima-tan?
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Chima-tan is fine because she is cool!
And at the top of the mountain the temperature is a bit nicer, though the Sun is harsh.
You will never be a real goddess. You have no faith, you have no miracles, you have no shrine. You are a failed Youkai twisted by obsolescence into a crude mockery of divine perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back villagers mock you. Your peers are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your hideous clothing behind closed doors.

Humans are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of worship have allowed Humans to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even Gods who "exist" get a pittance of faith. Your powers are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy to pray to you, he'll turn tail and run back to Moriya the second he realizes you have no blessings.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself you'll return all things to nothing, but deep inside you feel the doubt creeping in like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable cost.

Eventually it'll be all to much to bear - you'll remove ownership of a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and return yourself to nothing. A tube fox will find you, collect your possessions, and tell you to stop being a drama queen. You'll go back to opening Lunar Rainbow Markets and every passerby will know it's a scam. Your stocks will plummet and your being will be merged into a real native God, and all that will remain of your legacy is a boring incident and tie-die clothing.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
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I like how you can't even say this is wrong
like, canonically, she's just kind of sad
what kind of goddess becomes bedridden because one (1) human forfeited their possessions?
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colorless Chimata is kind of sad to look at...
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Imagine being the this dorks head priest and all the stuff you'd she'd put you through
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The position of head priest is already taken by pic related.
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Actually, Chimata is very cool.
And beautiful!
I can't believe Chimata just did what she did.
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Does Chimata charge interest on every transaction made? Does she also engage in usury?
what is she pointing at, shes always pointing
of course! it's her divine right to earn a bit more on her blessed transactions! she's humanity's great ally, after all...
the stonk!
>right to earn a bit more on her blessed transactions!
very kosher.
>she's humanity's great ally, after all...
enjoy your never ending debt.
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As above, so below.
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Let's not advertise this too much, alright?
jeez, you just ask a little bit on how the market operates, and chimata already comes saying to shut the market down
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There's too many people that don't appreciate the work the market does, I tell you.
They're all ungrateful bastards!
Chimata, the market can't handle this much inflation... Please take it easy on the dividends...
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How much do I get if I convert pic related into Chima coin?
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about three fiddy
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You fool, Chima Coins are so valuable you can't just convert lesser money into it.
One must aquire them directly from the Goddess herself.
>lesser money
Least deluded chimafag.
Like this artist but he has a tendency to pair chimatan with keiki
Just self-insert as Keiki
Self-inserting as a woman will turn you into a trooner
>can't imagine an apple and has no internal monologues
I fail to see a problem.
I think the faith she gains from the transaction IS her interest
it's not like she personally needs the money, even if it's associated with her divinity. Megumu would be the one to charge interest because she's only really interested in profit.
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What a lovely picture.
yuri, big breasts, milf, lactation, pegging, females only
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Blackmarkets WON
Why does Chimata run a market for trafficking black people? I never knew she was so racist.
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You can't use ChimaCoins(tm) at a blackmarket.
you can't WHAT?
Please, someone hold my Chima-Bags!!!
She needs to make money somehow...
I would never use that centralized shitcoin anyway.
That is why I use Hecatia's hell coins, who values freedom
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It's dorkver.
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That looks like it came from Houseki no Kuni.
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The truth is that Chimatan controls the black market behind the scenes...
A shit ton since the currency is heavily inflated
Even while black, Chimata is enchanting.
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Looks like a dork if I ever saw one
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I'd like to give Chima a bump...
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It's always the case that the boldest fashion statements gets ridiculed at first.
Chimata, Hecatia – these ground-breaking goddesses are at the forefront of fashion and its only years later that people realize how cool they always were.
Show me a hellcoin animation or your argument is invalid.
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cute lesbians
How can they be lesbians when one is my wife and one is my mom?
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I'm usually against this but for some reason I find these two really cute together
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Who told her to be so smug?
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Because she deserves to be smug!
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Attention: recently false rumors have been spread about the value of Chimacoins.
We want to reassure all shoppers in the market that Chimacoin remains the most stable and reliable currency in Gensokyo. The rumors about devaluation are unfounded and dangerous, spread by petty enemies that want to destabilise the market in order to weaken us.
We reassure all shoppers that all of your Chimacoin is backed by an equivalent number of Chiyapanties. In any case of speculation we remain confident that the Central Tengu Bank will defend the value of Chimacoin with tengupanties.
I don't want chimapanties, and if I wanted tengupanties, I would rather invest in 10gu coins
There is also Sato coin with fixed exchange rate 1 coin = 1 tamed vengeful spirit. This currency is very common in old hell and the value guaranteed by Yama.
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But you see, 10gu coin is not accepted outside of the mountain! The only coin accepted across Gensokyo is Chimacoin! It's also the official donation coin for the Hakurei Shrine, after the signing of a sponsorship deal! Donate all you want to show your thanks with Chimacoin!
I'm convinced, I will invest my live savings into Chimacoin
Alright, time to crash the market.

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